Hi ladies!
Well, no BD last night...Mike hurt his knee somehow..I wanted to make fun of him since he is about to turn 40 in October, lol..but..oh well. We gave it a good shot this month overall. We shall see. With confusing ovulation stuff (very neg last night) I really have no idea if I am really 2dpo, since FF recalculated after my second positive test Saturday, when first was Thursday..and negatives in between...so uh, either 2DPO or 4DPO I guess...I am so pissed we didn't get BD in the day of or after first positive test. That makes me feel out. And we only BDed the morning of second positive test..which was a lot more positive...but, even though i had no fertility signs yesterday, would have been good to just in case. Oh well.
I guess it just means Dr appt if not...and maybe she will put me on something that will help a lot. We were doing so good with every other day in the beginning. Why my frickin ovulation took so long, god knows...I would hate for next month to start a little bit later and then miss it..but maybe we should start a little later. OB's website suggests every other day for 3 days - like around CD 12, 14 and 16.
I don't really feel any symptoms, other than some really low pressure feeling, and was peeing a lot yesterday..not as much today....not knowing how many dpo I am is annoying as hell.
Trying to get my stupid pain dr's office to call me back so I can schedule procedure for Thursday, whether I am insurance approved or not...last said she would call by the end of the day...Texted the Director for the 2nd time - he never responded last Thursday night. Might have my mom try to call. If i AM pregnant, would be nice to have this done, cause I can't get it once I know that I am. Grr.
Ah!! So I started writing this a few hours ago and got busy with work - I ended up scheduling the RFA (nerve ablation) for Thursday at 3 - I called my insurance, and they weren't much help, but said I could send in appeals as well. So I am staying late here to write up complaints about my foot and why I need this procedure. My mom is going to help me pay for it out of pocket if they do not approve it. PRAYING they approve it by Thursday!!!