Thank you!!

Lol I was definitely trying to portray to them that I am a real person, not just a name and ID number, etc. In my long letter, which I wish I saved, but mailed everything after I faxed a million times - I wrote like, every detail of my pain...and that I tried to kill myself even because it was so bad. If they pull up how much they spent on that ICU stay, they should see that this few thousand dollars is way worth spending. It is just stupid for them not to! I didn't have any of my hospital papers on hand, but I told them to look at the 20-30 times (literally) I have been to the ER in the past year for my foot. That is expensive! And also mentioned that I pay $700 a month for their damn insurance, which is 1/3 of my paycheck, and have the option through work for Kaiser at $500 less than what I pay now, but still stick with them. FXed someone there has a heart!
And definitely glad I got the key!! It is for sure a step in the right direction! Has anyone made key copies lately? At home depot, they have a frickin array of cute options! Like Hello Kitty, sports teams, colors, got a pink one for my Key to his house..then I made him a key to my house (well, my mom's lmao..and he has the garage code..but just so it is a fair trade haha) in Bronco didn't know they had so many options these days! It was only 5 bucks for both, too!
I'll have to read up on that, just in case..would be nice to have extra sperm handy in case we can't BD or something!
I'm sorry AF came, Wishing

Ugh!! I am so mad at those evap lines you got...that is so cruel!!
If/when I do start temping - I always thought that is was supposed to be vaginally, lol! I bought a thermometer a while back, and was glad I read the instructions haha. I must have bought a crappy one though, it didn't read properly..It was in my mouth for like 5 minutes and still didn't beep, so I gave up on that. Will have to spring for a more expensive one if I start temping. I have a feeling my dr will suggest it. It's just so hard to wake up in the morning! Wish it was like, before bed or something.
How many DPO are you, Mary?
That is funny we all have the same scars!! I wonder if getting another lap would be beneficial for me eventually - When she went in after my miscarriage, she cut out a little mass from my uterus, and found a tiny bit of endo on my bladder...She told me to stay on birth control to keep in under control...which I never did...Hoping it hasn't spread or something. I don't get super bad period pain though, so HOPEFULLY not!
When you all had your laperoscopy/hysteroscopy/any OB surgeries, did your dr tell you that you can't have a vaginal birth? Right before I was wheeled into the OR, she told me that was the case - before that pregnancy I didn't think I COULD have a vaginal birth, because I have herpes - I think I mentioned that before...Found out when I was 21 while I was in a relationship..awful. Have only had it a few times, and now take valtrex daily to prevent Mike from getting it..but during my pregnancy appointment..or whatever they call it..they said that it was perfectly safe to do so, and that they would just give me valtrex before delivery...(which apparently is safe to take even throughout entire pregnancy) Even though it is scary, I still wanted to have a vaginal birth after knowing I could. My friend who had a c-section said she felt like she didn't have the full experience, etc. Having a healthy baby, no matter the way he/she comes out, is what is really important..but I hear the recovery time with a c-section is rough. Just wondering if any of you were told that, too.
Luckily when my OB went in, she was able to save my left tube..she said pre pre surgery while I was int he hospital waiting that when she removed this mass it would kill my left tube. So thankful that didn't happen, but when I went in, that was what I was told to expect to wake up to. it was awful!!
And Wishing, I'm so sorry, what is your name again? I seriously need to make a list..I feel like we all know each other so well now, it feels weird calling people by their user ID, lol.