Sticking Together Until We All Get BFP's!!!!

I know itd be soo crazy if I actually get my bfp! But either way, I'm just happy to see my temp DID go up more! I didn't like how low they were. Now lets just hope they don't just drop right back down tomorrow...fx!!!
If my temp remains up for another couple days, that'd make it possibly triphasic right?

I think it would need to rise a bit more and stay there to be triphasic. The classification, I believe is a third .3 or higher sustained shift.

My temps are all over the place :( no signs of Oing, and DH leaves on Fri for a tour!! I really don twant to miss it but April doesn;t look like my month :(

Do you know what day you normally o on?
Good morning ladies!

Have a headache this morning, blah. Was at work til 7 last night, then running errands after til 9. But I did fax over 2 appeal letters to my insurance company, 1 was shorter that included a picture in my aircast making a sad face, and the other was 2 pages long explaining my condition and pain. Lol. I faxed them both 5 times to each of their fax numbers, then mailed it. HOPEFULLY they approve it by Thursday..otherwise, $1800. But hopefully worth it.

Still not really feeling any pregnancy signs - some lower back pain..and i guess this headache..but nothing really noticeable otherwise. Blah.

I read something on my OB's site about how high fat dairy products (such as ice cream, they say) are good for pre pregnancy, or conceiving...something like that...So I have been eating mint chocolate chip ice cream every night lol. May have overdid it last night.

Made copies of Mike's house key last night, so we don't have to worry about him having to come home and open the door when he has meetings after work.

When I had my laperoscopy/hysteroscopy they made an incision in my belly button and i guess very low tummy/vagina area...not sure if they went in vaginally too..I think so...but the scars heal really nicely with the glue! My belly button one after surgery LOOKED like it was going to hang down, but it healed tucked in there...belly button ring helps cover it too...vagina scar is barely noticeable either. I hope yours heal well and you start feeling better Jess!

That is a good idea to use baby syringe and inseminate while he is gone! - To those who have done that before - does it actually live if you store it right? I would assume the refrigerator or something? I've been nervous to even try it just to put in right away ...I guess it has to live for a while since they have so many insemination clinics and what not. Haven't read about it much though!

And hoping your temp stays up too, Mary!!

Ok...back to work...<3
The witch has arrived!!!!!!!

Amy, FX your surgery gets approved! Sorry about your headache but maybe it's a good sign! ;) awesome on the house key! That's a step in the right direction :) I don't know how the sperm storing works, but I know if you take a sample to the doc, they want it in the lab within 30 mins or so. And it must be kept a room temp. But I know the sperm bank can cyrogenically (sp.?) freeze them.
Oh and I have the same incision scars as Amy! They are still noticeable on me (from October) but I'm very pale so I'm sure yours will heal up and disappear in no time!!!

And Amy, I've been eating ice cream the last few nights as well. Glad to know that my evil divulging may actually be good for me :haha:
Amy, my two smaller incision scars are the same as you describe urs to be. You can still see them but really only if ur really looking for them and know they're there. Other wise they're almost non existent. My big scar is alot more noticeable but still isn't bad at all. It kinda looks like a c-section scar but a tiny bit longer. And I agree, a belly button ring def helps cover it up! :-) my belly button (the top part) almost looks like its going to fall off sometimes its so thin that it kinda hangs there at times but the skin def tightened up alot and as u said, my belly button ring was a good cover for it. I dont have my ring in anymore. I want to get it re pierced after my next baby, most likely. It got infected one night (think it was pulled on my blanket or something...?) and it was so bad that for the first time in 5yrs I actually had to take it out for good :-( oh well! Lol. And I am very happy u got the house key copied! And my fingers are crossed so tightly that everything works out with ur insurance! And I love that u sent a pic with a sad face to them hah! That's awesome! :-D It'll suck if ur mom has to pay out of pocket BUT its great that she can and is willing to! It sounds like u really need this! FX for u! (and ur moms wallet!) lol :-P
Awe no wishing! :-( I still felt so good about you. Grr. AF is due for me on Tues the 22nd I believe. Hopefully the next few months of relaxation helps us and jrepp. I'm still holding out some hope for myself for this cycle but trying to be realistic as well.
so have u decided to still temp this cycle? Im curious to see how ur temps act without the clomid not that u are temping vaginally. I think I'm going to try it vaginally next cycle just to see the difference but Idk, I dont think there would B much dif for me bcuz I know I don't breath with my mouth open when I sleep (my stiff jaw tells me so every a.m :-\ lol) so itd probably be ABOUT the same for me personally. Maybe ill just get a spare thermometer just incase :-P
Thank you!! :) Lol I was definitely trying to portray to them that I am a real person, not just a name and ID number, etc. In my long letter, which I wish I saved, but mailed everything after I faxed a million times - I wrote like, every detail of my pain...and that I tried to kill myself even because it was so bad. If they pull up how much they spent on that ICU stay, they should see that this few thousand dollars is way worth spending. It is just stupid for them not to! I didn't have any of my hospital papers on hand, but I told them to look at the 20-30 times (literally) I have been to the ER in the past year for my foot. That is expensive! And also mentioned that I pay $700 a month for their damn insurance, which is 1/3 of my paycheck, and have the option through work for Kaiser at $500 less than what I pay now, but still stick with them. FXed someone there has a heart!

And definitely glad I got the key!! It is for sure a step in the right direction! Has anyone made key copies lately? At home depot, they have a frickin array of cute options! Like Hello Kitty, sports teams, colors, got a pink one for my Key to his house..then I made him a key to my house (well, my mom's lmao..and he has the garage code..but just so it is a fair trade haha) in Bronco didn't know they had so many options these days! It was only 5 bucks for both, too!

I'll have to read up on that, just in case..would be nice to have extra sperm handy in case we can't BD or something!

I'm sorry AF came, Wishing :( Ugh!! I am so mad at those evap lines you got...that is so cruel!!

If/when I do start temping - I always thought that is was supposed to be vaginally, lol! I bought a thermometer a while back, and was glad I read the instructions haha. I must have bought a crappy one though, it didn't read properly..It was in my mouth for like 5 minutes and still didn't beep, so I gave up on that. Will have to spring for a more expensive one if I start temping. I have a feeling my dr will suggest it. It's just so hard to wake up in the morning! Wish it was like, before bed or something.

How many DPO are you, Mary?

That is funny we all have the same scars!! I wonder if getting another lap would be beneficial for me eventually - When she went in after my miscarriage, she cut out a little mass from my uterus, and found a tiny bit of endo on my bladder...She told me to stay on birth control to keep in under control...which I never did...Hoping it hasn't spread or something. I don't get super bad period pain though, so HOPEFULLY not!

When you all had your laperoscopy/hysteroscopy/any OB surgeries, did your dr tell you that you can't have a vaginal birth? Right before I was wheeled into the OR, she told me that was the case - before that pregnancy I didn't think I COULD have a vaginal birth, because I have herpes - I think I mentioned that before...Found out when I was 21 while I was in a relationship..awful. Have only had it a few times, and now take valtrex daily to prevent Mike from getting it..but during my pregnancy appointment..or whatever they call it..they said that it was perfectly safe to do so, and that they would just give me valtrex before delivery...(which apparently is safe to take even throughout entire pregnancy) Even though it is scary, I still wanted to have a vaginal birth after knowing I could. My friend who had a c-section said she felt like she didn't have the full experience, etc. Having a healthy baby, no matter the way he/she comes out, is what is really important..but I hear the recovery time with a c-section is rough. Just wondering if any of you were told that, too.

Luckily when my OB went in, she was able to save my left tube..she said pre pre surgery while I was int he hospital waiting that when she removed this mass it would kill my left tube. So thankful that didn't happen, but when I went in, that was what I was told to expect to wake up to. it was awful!!

And Wishing, I'm so sorry, what is your name again? I seriously need to make a list..I feel like we all know each other so well now, it feels weird calling people by their user ID, lol.

:hug: :hugs: <3
Also! Is there a way to share your FF chart (even though I don't temp) on here without having the VIP version? Cannot for the life of me figure that out!
Amy, if u go into chart settings there's a link that says "share your chart" and u can just copy and paste it :-)

I am 9dpo today. I'm going to use a frer tomorrow or Friday. I am trying to hold off from frer and am doing pretty good so far :-) if my temp remains high tomorrow, I may use one but otherwise I will wait until Friday. Fx!

As for the lap, my doctor has never mentioned not being able to give birth vaginally. You may have had something they noticed that would affect it for you. I'm not sure. Ive never heard of this just from a lap being preformed though. I'm curious as to why ur doc told u this now.

What dpo are u today?
And Amy, I can't remember anyones names! Except the ones who have it in their screen names and Jessica because of just goes. Lol. Its hard to get used to the real names after using the screen names for soo long! I'm sure I'll finally remember everyone's names eventually :-P
Maybe it was from the hysteroscopy? I was assuming it was because they cut my uterus open, but I was really messed up from sedation and never asked, lol. In fact, my mom had to relay most of the info to me. I will ask my OB next appt - which will be next month, BFP appt or fertility appt lol.

And thank you! let's see if it works..
My Ovulation Chart

I am either 3DPO or 5DPO...with the 2 positive tests on diff days..confused. II may as well just go with 4DPO lol. Wish I knew! :(
My Ovulation Chart

Last one didn't work..uhh...may have to play with this a bit lol...I don't temp but...i track stuff lol
Hello girls...

I haven't been posting much but I am reading what is going on. I feel like I have nothing to share, since I am only inseminating couple of days out of month and otherwise don't have any symptoms.
I think we are gonna try another month and call it a day if it doesn't work.
Maybe it wasn't meant to be...

I am now last two cycles have been 31/32 days...I don't understand why. I was always 28 days until I started TTC....
I should be O on the 29th, but will start inseminating on the 23rd or so....just in case.
Good morning ladies!

Have a headache this morning, blah. Was at work til 7 last night, then running errands after til 9. But I did fax over 2 appeal letters to my insurance company, 1 was shorter that included a picture in my aircast making a sad face, and the other was 2 pages long explaining my condition and pain. Lol. I faxed them both 5 times to each of their fax numbers, then mailed it. HOPEFULLY they approve it by Thursday..otherwise, $1800. But hopefully worth it.

Still not really feeling any pregnancy signs - some lower back pain..and i guess this headache..but nothing really noticeable otherwise. Blah.

I read something on my OB's site about how high fat dairy products (such as ice cream, they say) are good for pre pregnancy, or conceiving...something like that...So I have been eating mint chocolate chip ice cream every night lol. May have overdid it last night.

Made copies of Mike's house key last night, so we don't have to worry about him having to come home and open the door when he has meetings after work.

When I had my laperoscopy/hysteroscopy they made an incision in my belly button and i guess very low tummy/vagina area...not sure if they went in vaginally too..I think so...but the scars heal really nicely with the glue! My belly button one after surgery LOOKED like it was going to hang down, but it healed tucked in there...belly button ring helps cover it too...vagina scar is barely noticeable either. I hope yours heal well and you start feeling better Jess!

That is a good idea to use baby syringe and inseminate while he is gone! - To those who have done that before - does it actually live if you store it right? I would assume the refrigerator or something? I've been nervous to even try it just to put in right away ...I guess it has to live for a while since they have so many insemination clinics and what not. Haven't read about it much though!

And hoping your temp stays up too, Mary!!

Ok...back to work...<3

I have various scars all over my abdomen from various surgeries. The hips I think are going to be pretty noticeable, and the belly button is always noticable. Oh well! I did some googling on home sperm saving and it's virtually impossible unless you spend like $3000 for a travel cryobank.

Thank you!! :) Lol I was definitely trying to portray to them that I am a real person, not just a name and ID number, etc. In my long letter, which I wish I saved, but mailed everything after I faxed a million times - I wrote like, every detail of my pain...and that I tried to kill myself even because it was so bad. If they pull up how much they spent on that ICU stay, they should see that this few thousand dollars is way worth spending. It is just stupid for them not to! I didn't have any of my hospital papers on hand, but I told them to look at the 20-30 times (literally) I have been to the ER in the past year for my foot. That is expensive! And also mentioned that I pay $700 a month for their damn insurance, which is 1/3 of my paycheck, and have the option through work for Kaiser at $500 less than what I pay now, but still stick with them. FXed someone there has a heart!

And definitely glad I got the key!! It is for sure a step in the right direction! Has anyone made key copies lately? At home depot, they have a frickin array of cute options! Like Hello Kitty, sports teams, colors, got a pink one for my Key to his house..then I made him a key to my house (well, my mom's lmao..and he has the garage code..but just so it is a fair trade haha) in Bronco didn't know they had so many options these days! It was only 5 bucks for both, too!

I'll have to read up on that, just in case..would be nice to have extra sperm handy in case we can't BD or something!

I'm sorry AF came, Wishing :( Ugh!! I am so mad at those evap lines you got...that is so cruel!!

If/when I do start temping - I always thought that is was supposed to be vaginally, lol! I bought a thermometer a while back, and was glad I read the instructions haha. I must have bought a crappy one though, it didn't read properly..It was in my mouth for like 5 minutes and still didn't beep, so I gave up on that. Will have to spring for a more expensive one if I start temping. I have a feeling my dr will suggest it. It's just so hard to wake up in the morning! Wish it was like, before bed or something.

How many DPO are you, Mary?

That is funny we all have the same scars!! I wonder if getting another lap would be beneficial for me eventually - When she went in after my miscarriage, she cut out a little mass from my uterus, and found a tiny bit of endo on my bladder...She told me to stay on birth control to keep in under control...which I never did...Hoping it hasn't spread or something. I don't get super bad period pain though, so HOPEFULLY not!

When you all had your laperoscopy/hysteroscopy/any OB surgeries, did your dr tell you that you can't have a vaginal birth? Right before I was wheeled into the OR, she told me that was the case - before that pregnancy I didn't think I COULD have a vaginal birth, because I have herpes - I think I mentioned that before...Found out when I was 21 while I was in a relationship..awful. Have only had it a few times, and now take valtrex daily to prevent Mike from getting it..but during my pregnancy appointment..or whatever they call it..they said that it was perfectly safe to do so, and that they would just give me valtrex before delivery...(which apparently is safe to take even throughout entire pregnancy) Even though it is scary, I still wanted to have a vaginal birth after knowing I could. My friend who had a c-section said she felt like she didn't have the full experience, etc. Having a healthy baby, no matter the way he/she comes out, is what is really important..but I hear the recovery time with a c-section is rough. Just wondering if any of you were told that, too.

Luckily when my OB went in, she was able to save my left tube..she said pre pre surgery while I was int he hospital waiting that when she removed this mass it would kill my left tube. So thankful that didn't happen, but when I went in, that was what I was told to expect to wake up to. it was awful!!

And Wishing, I'm so sorry, what is your name again? I seriously need to make a list..I feel like we all know each other so well now, it feels weird calling people by their user ID, lol.

:hug: :hugs: <3

They have a GREAT bbt thermometer at walmart for $7.88. It's what I use and it's never steered me wrong. I haven't temped vaginally ever though, but I know it's an option. Once I get this damn balloon out of me, I don't think I will want much in me for a while.

No one had told me that I can't have a vaginal birth at this point in time. My sister had to have a c-section with her first though so we shall see. Plus babies on my husbands side of the family run around the 10 pound range, so I might have to just because I am a pretty small person.

I pray for stickiness!!!

My :bfp: !!!

:dust::dust::dust: to us all!!!

AF is killing me ladies :( clomid definitely intensified my cramping (which was already bad enough). Ready for the next week to be over!
Awwww. I'm sorry :( heating pads always help me out.
Aw I'm sorry wishing. I hope AF goes away quick for u! :-(.

I'm having right side pulling/pinching sensations today which is kinda weird because I normally only feel everything on the left side. Idk maybe my mind is going crazy on me because AF is getting close. I'm really trying not to think about things but its sticking out to me and is completely impossible to ignore. I'm going to use my first of my two frers tomorrow so maybe it'll have some good news for me. We'll see. I cant believe i held out this long! lol Ill keep u all posted!

Congrats on the latest bfp! :-)

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