Holy cats Jess!! That is nuts!! No wonder there were issues!! You will definitely have no probs once you're all healed up!!
And Mary I have everything crossed for you!!
I am still not really feeling anything symptom wise...which i don't know if that is good or not, since every other cycle up until right before AF I swear I'm having symptoms, lol. Boobs are a little weird feeling, but nothing new at this time in cycle, after comparing to last few months.
I had a horrific night last night....I was at Mike's before he got home...and his laptop was open...He never leaves it open, but he is IT director so I thought maybe he was downloading something for work. Anyway, I went up, made the bed, put my jammies on...then came down and the cats must have stepped on the computer, cause it was lit up. I walked by and saw what looked like porn videos...so I was like oh, maybe this is what he looks at when i'm not here...so I looked closer..and realized it was adult friend finder

then he had other tabs up for craigslist adds for sex stuff...and then i checked his email, and there were a couple, ranging from Feb 9th (right after I tried to kill myself) until March 20th...and he had opened tis site on the 15th!) I was in complete shock and then i heard the garage door open.
I didn't want to confront him right away, I was just so heartbroken. So I ran up and turned the shower on. I came down a bit later, and he was being super nice..the laptop was closed...we talked for a bit...i poured a huge glass of wine..he had a small glass...then I went outside to smoke (yeah trying to quit...will quit again when i have BFP...I quit for last pregnancy, then with MMC, I started again) Anyway...I called my friend and was bawling and asked her what I should do...He is taking me to my nerve ablation..etc...I didn't know what to do. So she said to talk to him, and not let him turn anything around on me, etc...and that she could take me and come pick me up if i needed her to...so after a little more wine, i went inside.
He was watching tv and laughing at the show, and I asked him if we could talk for a minute..after pouring more wine lol...He was really nice and said yes, and I didn't even have to say anything and he said 'You saw what was on the computer, right' being really nice...and i explained how it happened...and how heartbroken i was and how much I love him, and I could be pregnant...and asked if he wasn't attracted to me anymore or didn't think i was pretty or what was going on...
He said that he was so so sorry and he had been on those sites for years, and that he should have been talking to anyone...but swore that he hadn't ever met or intended to meet anyone, he just wanted to feel attractive and thought it was harmless flirting..when deep down he knew he shouldn't be doing it. I asked if he really wanted to be with me - I have so much invested in this...we are trying to have a baby and I love him, and said he doesn't love me or hasn't ever told me and wasn't sure if that just takes time or he is waiting to find someone else...he assured me it just takes time for him...we talked about how he felt like he couldn't talk to me about things he was stressed about because i might hurt myself...and that he is getting used to having me around all of the time, etc...he is used to living alone...how during fertile times he has felt like a sperm donar...and after a 14 hour day he is so tired that it is hard for him to have sex every 48 hours...I agree our sex life has been dull lately...and we talked about that before. Ugh. He was really sweet and promised to delete the websites and stay off of them..he tends to go into a self destruct mode after a lot of stress - and I asked if he meant for me to see it....he said maybe subconciously he did...I felt much better afterwards, but am stilla little bit shooken up. the people he was talking to were not even like, attractive...I get it but I don't.
So things are ok...I was crying before he got home thinking I was going to be breaking up with him and that ttc would be over...all of this stuff...I was amazed at home open, honest and sincere he was about it...and how he never turned it around on me. He wasn't mad I looked, etc. So. I am giving him a chance to get this turned around.
Today is my nerve ablation (burning nerve in my spine) and i am scared to death because i don't think my dr will give me any pain meds...my brother is looking to see if he can find a few for me for the next few days..(back is going to be excruciating)...at least hopefully foot will be better.
Anyway! It is at 3:15 check in MST. Mike is taking me and then will go back to his place and rest after we get something like chick fil a..he has a meeting tonight, but my mom couldn't take me and i prefer when he does anyway..seems to go better.
Am so terrified!

Ready for it to be here and done already. And I wish my stupid pain dr would give me some painkillers...but I know he won't. I will ask, but he always says 'with my history' - my history is that I ended up on 210mgs of oxy a day from my PCP while waiting for something to help my foot...it isn't fair i am treated differently, really.
Sorry for the book. I love you girls!