Still waiting to O after chemical 2 weeks ago..anyone else? :0(

Yeah. Every feeding today except for one he's taken 3 oz at a time. Such a night an day difference from ds #1. he's already eating 19 oz a day!
so is he only eating evrey 4 hours then? jonathan has up to 32 oz a day. hes a piglet
He eats mostly every 4 hours at night the last two nights but during the day it will be 2-4 hours. He's already put himself on a great feeding schedule!
Last night I got 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep! I went to bed at 7:30 and dh is a night owl so I didn't have to get up. This is the one time I'm loving him staying up late and sleeping in in the morning. There's usually only a couple days a week he gets up early for work and he actually wants to get him at night. I am in shock cause with ds #1 he outright refused and I did it all myself. #1 was very colicky and up and crying about 14 hours a day
lucky girl! OH is working at 6am so im up a lot of the night. last night was absolutely awful. jonathan would not sleep for more then 45 mins at a time! ive no idea why. the minute it was morning, he slept for 3.5 hours. ive def not slept more then 3.5 hours since he was born lol
have you heard babies should not have more then 32 oz of milk a day? and should only eat 6-8 times a day? jonathan has anywhere from 26-32 oz a day and up to 10 bottles a day. im totally paranoid im over feeding him
and that is awesome he is up every 4 hours !! 4 hours of sleep sounds amazing right now lol
Ich I have never heard that. With my daughter they said feed until she is full. He might just have a fast metabolism.
ugh. i so wish i was bfing. this is annoying lol and expensive!!
They aren't giving you vouchers for the formula? I know at almost 3 months I started adding cereal to the formula to give it some substance. Talk to your pediatrician about when you can start doing that. It will fill him faster and keep $$ in your wallet lol
who WIC? i got denied wic benefits while preg, because i was unemployed. assholes.. i got a referral from hospital so will try a gain
Umm I'm unemployed.....I get WIC while pregnant....idiots...yeah def try again. They will help with formula and cereal. Then reg food when the time comes. They will give you them until he turns 5. In NC & FL I know they automatically give them to any low income family. WTF is NJ's issue lol
lucky girl! OH is working at 6am so im up a lot of the night. last night was absolutely awful. jonathan would not sleep for more then 45 mins at a time! ive no idea why. the minute it was morning, he slept for 3.5 hours. ive def not slept more then 3.5 hours since he was born lol

That's how it was for us with #1 only I had no help. I was exhausted! This time around is such a different-and welcome- experience!
have you heard babies should not have more then 32 oz of milk a day? and should only eat 6-8 times a day? jonathan has anywhere from 26-32 oz a day and up to 10 bottles a day. im totally paranoid im over feeding him

I just know they should have about 2.5 oz per pound of body weight but that's just an average. Kash is eating about 3oz per pound of body weight. If there's anything I've learned since having my first, its that these numbers are all just averages and your baby may fall below or above these numbers. # 1 was well below and this one is above.
Jonathan is having 3.5 - 4 oz per pound. Last night he slept two hours at a time thank god
I think its totally fine at this stage. Your peid will tell you at the well child visits if its too much or not. Kash would eat more if I have him more but he was gassy yesterday so I'm gonna wait another day I think before increasing his formula for his little tummy to work on adjusting some more.glad Jonathan slept two hours at a time! Kash was up the first half of the night with trapped gas. Gave him some gas drops and layed him on his tummy across my legs to help him get it out. Then I had to sleep him in his swing with it turned up half speed. But it worked! I slept 3 hours before he woke up again to eat
aww poor lil fella!
jonathan had his ultrasound for his kidneys yesterday. still waiting on call from ped about results
Hope all turns out well for him....let me know when you find out
Kash's hearing test is scheduled for middle of next month...hope he passes with flying colors
=\ So Jonathan's kidney is still enlarged. Tomorrow he is gettinga VCUG. heres what it is copied from a website..

What is a VCUG (Voiding* Cysto-Urethrogram)?

A VCUG evaluates a child's bladder size, shape, and capacity, as well as the urethra. The urethra is the small tube that connects the bladder with the outside of the body. This procedure can also determine if a child has reflux — a condition where urine from the bladder goes upward back to the kidneys. This exam may be ordered after a child experiences frequent urinary tract infections.

A VCUG is obtained by the use of fluoroscopy and a contrast agent introduced through a catheter in the bladder. This exam is performed on children of all ages.

my poor baby =[
Oh no! Poor little guy. So why exactly are they doing that test? What does it determine? When I googled about the enlarged kidney it said in most cases it rights itself by 18 they not want to wait that long?
Do they put him to sleep?
Ds 1 had to go through 5 sets of castings and stretchin of the foot as well as a tenotomy for his right clubfoot-cutting of the heel cord. He was given just Tylenol. It was weeks of watching him in pain and doing procedure. I feel for you. It's tough watching your newborn go through that kind of thing.

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