Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

I'm baaaaaaaaaack :haha:

1DPO: Huuuuuuge temp spike, whee!! Otherwise, feeling normal.
2DPO: Temp still up nice & high. Little bit of creamy CM. Otherwise, normal.
3DPO: Feeling a bit "wet" (ahem). Temp still high, but a little lower than the past two days. Got my FF crosshairs this morning. Checked CP... feels hard, not too high, but not low. Hurts! I should know better than to touch it when I'm not fertile :haha: Ouch.
4DPO: Temp same as yesterday's. A bit sluggish today... think it's due to some poor sleep the past couple of days. Sluggishness persisted into the evening, got really bad, turned into serious exhaustion. Blah.
5DPO: Bit of a temp drop this morning. I think the higher temps (running much warmer this cycle than usual) were due to having some furnace issues and using the space heater... definitely was sleeping hotter every day in my cycle until today. Little bit of watery CM. Still tired, even though I slept like a rock. Can't seem to catch up!
6DPO: Temp still in that lower range, though almost at the coverline. Goddamn tired again. I also feel like I might be getting sick. My tongue hurts and my throat feels strange.
7DPO: Temp shot wayyyyy up again. Still feeling like I'm getting sick. More energy this morning, thank goodness. Super cranky/irritable/teary in the evening. Little bit of creamy CM.
8DPO: Temp higher this morning. FF changed my crosshairs to dotted; no idea why? Still positive I O'd on CD15. Still feel like I'm getting sick.. sore mouth/throat, stuffy nose. Horrible nightmares last night & slept like shit. My mood is still poor, probably due to lack if good sleep & not feeling well. Little bit of creamy/sticky CM.... maybe brown tinged? I thought when I saw it that my spotting had started, but... nothing. I'm not really sure what that was. Burping a lot in the evening.
9DPO: Temp higher. Still feel a little funny, but improved. More of that is-it-or-isn't-it spotting? I don't understand. Definitely not typical for me. No sign of the painful boobs I always get. More crazy dreams last night (typical PMS for me.) Caved and tested. :bfn:
10DPO: Temp dropped a bit. Still well above coverline. Still no sign of the sore boobs, even when I squish them :haha: Weird, cloudy CM.... puzzling and kinda gross. I keep feeling wet and checking for spotting/AF, but nothing... but the cloudy CM was in the toilet. Um. Yuck? Checked CP and it hurt again (why do I do this to myself?) Hard to say anything about open/closed (I can never really tell) but it definitely felt low and hard.
11DPO: Around 2:30am, I was woken up by the worst pain EVER in my uterus. Normally I don't even know the damn thing is there, but it was horrifically painful and accompanied by nausea and chills. Lasted a good thirty minutes, it felt like... it was really awful. Couldn't get warm, couldn't get comfortable, felt like I was going to puke.. UGH. When I woke up for work at 7ish (after having a hard time getting back to sleep), it was still there, but wayyyyyy better. Started my typical pre-AF spotting. Noticed it during my weird episode this morning. Temp still up.
12DPO: Spotting continues. Temp dropped. Super emotional/teary in the evening. AF should arrive right on schedule.
13DPO: Temp dropped even lower. Still spotting. Still no sore/tender boobs. I'm attributing that to my dietary improvements (no coffee!) and Vitex. Not too much of an appetite today. Hope AF comes tomorrow, but she'll probably keep me waiting til at least Sunday, and possibly Monday.
I was on this thread when it started last year - and updated with Red

Now I'm back..

OV either CD 19 according to OVU friend/FF (I thought maybe CD 16 or 17)

1-3 DPO nothing but start of Yeast infect?
4- DPO
5 -DPO yeast clear
6 -dpo CM watery, AM BFN first signal cheapie// blue veins on thighs showing, cervix very high, VV faint line on Answer brand 5 days sooner in pm
7 dpo- light pink line on Answer 5 days sooner and First signal
8-11 dpo (11 dpo today) progressive lines on first signal walmart cheapies since 7 dpo to this a.m. and blood test confirmed from last night- Beta YES pregant - and HCG 124 :D

Baby Dust to all!!! XOXO
Well I'm back again for cycle 6. I really thought we had done it last month because I had so many positive symptoms like cramping, tonnes of cm, nauseous, boobs didn't get sore until 9DPO and yet my AF arrived. This cycle is different again! here we go..
1DPO - sore (o)(o) started, no CM
2DPO - boobies the same, no CM
3DPO - boobies still sore, blinding migraine in PM, no CM
4DPO - boobs still sore, no CM*
5DPO - boobs still sore, high and closed cervix, creamy CM
7DPO - gassy down there TMI haha. BM strange, soft and green eww
8DPO - still gassy and stools still really strange. Boobs sore, cervix medium height. Creamy CM
Well I'm back again for cycle 6. I really thought we had done it last month because I had so many positive symptoms like cramping, tonnes of cm, nauseous, boobs didn't get sore until 9DPO and yet my AF arrived. This cycle is different again! here we go..
1DPO - sore (o)(o) started, no CM
2DPO - boobies the same, no CM
3DPO - boobies still sore, blinding migraine in PM, no CM
4DPO - boobs still sore, no CM*
5DPO - boobs still sore, high and closed cervix, creamy CM
7DPO - gassy down there TMI haha. BM strange, soft and green eww
8DPO - still gassy and stools still really strange. Boobs sore, cervix medium height. Creamy CM
9DPO - Cervix high but starting to feel hard :-( boobs throbbing today, feeling very hot, skin break out..all classic PMS symptoms damn!!
10DPO - Cervix very high and tilted, boobs really sore and nipples sore if squeezed. Creamy CM. AF due in the next 48 hours
11DPO - Feeling achey in pelvic region, could be AF looming though. Nipples and boobies very sore. Cervix medium and closed
I won't be testing until 14dpo this month as I am away abroad without any tests on me and don't want to draw attention away from my holiday but I'm itching to test!!! Symptoms are:
1dpo-3dpo:nothing to note
4dpo: tender nipples
5dpo: tender nipples
6dpo: slight cramping, tender nipples
7dpo: slight cramping, breakout on my chin
8dpo: tender nipples, slight cramping
9dpo: tender nipples, slight cramping and tired. Ewcm again only during the afternoon
10dpo: tender nipples, tired, been busy but I ache all over and had to take a 2hour nap at 6pm. Also had a strange feeling in my legs, like the muscles are shaking slightly
1-4 dpo nothing
5dpo second temp spike, cramps, bleeding gums, shock through cervix
6dpo cramps, bleeding little red bit mostly brown
7dpo cramps, middle of night pee, little vomiting, gassy, congestion, stabby in uterus
8dpo stabby cramps, middle of might pee, lower appetite, nausea starting
9dpo nauseous and super thirsty is a crappy combo
10dpo craaammmmpppsss, horde of angry dwarven miners in my lady bits., diarrhea.
11dpo frequent urination, didn't sleep well because of it. Boo temp drop
12 temp way up, diahhrea, severe pain near ovary
13-feel great
14- waiting for AF to show, cramps
15- still waiting, temp drop, cramps, spotting
I've been addicted to this post whilst trying to conceive baby number 2 and I got my BFP just now and as I've been taking note of my symptoms thought I should add mine.

I should mention that I my other half works for 5 days away at a time so I was sure this month wasn't going to be a good one as he was due back home on the morning of CD13.

I usually have 26 day cycles.

CD 11 2pm strong positive on OPK
CD 11 6pm even stronger positive on OPK
CD 12 6pm medium positive on OPK so guessing that will ovulate in the next 12-24? BD that night as DH came home early.
CD 13 O day??? CWCM all week and now was non existant!! Dry horribly painful BD that morning. I said half way through lets leave it as DD was waking up from her nap but DH said no and managed to DTD. Sorry if TMI but this might have been the successful sex so always do it even if you're dry and you think it's too late!
1 DPO CD 14 - thought by this point that I probably O'd on CD13 but will now count as 1 DPO. Less CM
2 DPO - 5 DPO nothing really.
6 DPO vivid dreams
7 DPO gassy
8 DPO Horrible to my mum whilst we were shopping. So so moody. Assume it's PMS
9 DPO horrendous heartburn all night. Spread up to my neck horrible.
10 DPO more heartburn, had to take gaviscon - didn't think anything of it as wasn't a symptom with DD.
11 DPO crazy vivid dreams, tired
12 DPO hot but temperature dip so assume AF is coming
13 DPO temp back up but not hopeful as this has happened before, bad headaches. Increased CM.
14 DPO AF due. No sign. So took cheapie and couldn't decide if was pos and with DD cheapie didn't work and digi did. Going out this eve so took digi and BFN :(:bfn: went out and drank quite a bit of wine (whoops) as was first date night with DH for AGES and thought AF would come in the morning.
15 DPO boobs twinging, getting excited but also assuming it would be nothing. Took cheapie and perhaps faint pos?? But reading online there's so many bad things I assume it's evap. DH says it's hardly even noticeable.
16 DPO More crazy vivid dreams. Tired. Increased CM. Resist buying PG tests because of BFN digi on Friday.
17 DPO Purchase Boots own brand. Take two tests using FMU and think i can see a faint line but only comes up after 10 minutes.
Later in the day rip open the plastic and im sure the line is there on both so go out and purchase FRER as everyone says such good things about them on here and get a line in 30 seconds, strong positive in 3 mins!:bfp:
I'm 9 dpo as I type this, BFNs so far

1 dpo - nothing
2 dpo - nothing
3 to 5 dpo - lots of thick CM, gassy
6 to 7 dpo - less CM and gas
8 and 9 dpo - dull shooting pain in bbs, dull/uncomfortable ache in left side in ovary area. Tested both days (Wondfo then Superdrug), BFN
10 dpo - pain in bbs, dull pain in pelvic area on both sides. pressure/fullness. ????? Another BFN
11 dpo - dull cramps in pelvic area. sudden, very painful sharp shooting pain in both bbs followed by tingling. the pain was also in my right arm so... ???? Also BFN this morning.
12 dpo - slight pain in bbs once in a while. mild pressure and dull cramps in pelvic area. sore cervix and soreness in vag. BFN on FRER. Expect AF to start within the next few days
13 dpo - slight drop in temp dip, AF has arrived with cramps
11 DPO Today. BFN so far

1DPO - Normal, no symptoms
2DPO - No symptoms
3DPO - Very wet CM, boobs started to hurt, looked bigger ??
4DPO - Very gassy, sensitive BBS/NIPS, extremely tired, wet CM
5DPO - Bloated, gassy, backache, BBS and NIPS feel tender and sensitive, noticed few blue big veins on my chest above BBS, Heartburn, tired, stuffy nose and very vivid dreams.
6DPO - Feeling pretty ok today except from some gas and bloating
7DPO - Headache, exhausted but can't sleep, bloated
8DPO - Mild cramping, bloated, vivid dreams, exhaustion, nose is still stuffy, BBS are now constantly in dull pain, getting bored of it.
9DPO - Woke up with a very sore back (in the middle, so I'm thinking maybe I just slept in an awkward position), bloated all day, headache, exhaustion, (.)(.) are still in pain. Went to bed and started to get pretty painful pulling sensations in the lower abdominal area, thought AF is gonna show for sure.
10DPO - woke up with a banging headache, tested with FMU using FRER - BFN. Not surprised at all. Af is due in 3/4 days now. At around 12PM went to the loo and when I wiped there was a lot of stretchy white CM with a hint of pink/brown blood. Quite a bad backache all evening, took ibuprofen and sat waiting for AF to arrive.
11DPO - No AF, almost all symptoms are gone, peeing a bit more, vivid dreams, (.)(.) don't hurt so much anymore, slight cramping, barely there. At about the same time as yesterday when i went to the loo and wiped i had a teeny tiny bit of brown blood in CM.
12DPO - No symptoms other than sensitive nipples and tinges of blood in stretchy mucus when i wipe, it's not constant, just some odd spots here and there for three days now. Losing all the hope I had up until 10DPO :/
11 DPO Today. BFN so far

1DPO - Normal, no symptoms
2DPO - No symptoms
3DPO - Very wet CM, boobs started to hurt, looked bigger ??
4DPO - Very gassy, sensitive BBS/NIPS, extremely tired, wet CM
5DPO - Bloated, gassy, backache, BBS and NIPS feel tender and sensitive, noticed few blue big veins on my chest above BBS, Heartburn, tired, stuffy nose and very vivid dreams.
6DPO - Feeling pretty ok today except from some gas and bloating
7DPO - Headache, exhausted but can't sleep, bloated
8DPO - Mild cramping, bloated, vivid dreams, exhaustion, nose is still stuffy, BBS are now constantly in dull pain, getting bored of it.
9DPO - Woke up with a very sore back (in the middle, so I'm thinking maybe I just slept in an awkward position), bloated all day, headache, exhaustion, (.)(.) are still in pain. Went to bed and started to get pretty painful pulling sensations in the lower abdominal area, thought AF is gonna show for sure.
10DPO - woke up with a banging headache, tested with FMU using FRER - BFN. Not surprised at all. Af is due in 3/4 days now. At around 12PM went to the loo and when I wiped there was a lot of stretchy white CM with a hint of pink/brown blood. Quite a bad backache all evening, took ibuprofen and sat waiting for AF to arrive.
11DPO - No AF, almost all symptoms are gone, peeing a bit more, vivid dreams, (.)(.) don't hurt so much anymore, slight cramping, barely there. At about the same time as yesterday when i went to the loo and wiped i had a teeny tiny bit of brown blood in CM.

I'm in the same situation as you! 12DPO today, boobs not hurting as much, slight cramping expecting AFs arrival shortly :-( xx

1-5DPO - no real symptoms, except very gassy
6DPO - slightly tender nipples when touched, fatigued, increased apatite
7DPO - nipples no worse, still tired, gassy and increased appetite, weird pressured feeling in lower abdomen.
8DPO - nipples still tender when touched, creamy CM, gassy, sleep deprived, fatigued, increased appetite BFN with smu.
9DPO - weird tugging feeling on left side lower abdomen , slightly nauseous, fatigued.
Well I'm back again for cycle 6. I really thought we had done it last month because I had so many positive symptoms like cramping, tonnes of cm, nauseous, boobs didn't get sore until 9DPO and yet my AF arrived. This cycle is different again! here we go..
1DPO - sore (o)(o) started, no CM
2DPO - boobies the same, no CM
3DPO - boobies still sore, blinding migraine in PM, no CM
4DPO - boobs still sore, no CM*
5DPO - boobs still sore, high and closed cervix, creamy CM
7DPO - gassy down there TMI haha. BM strange, soft and green eww
8DPO - still gassy and stools still really strange. Boobs sore, cervix medium height. Creamy CM
9DPO - Cervix high but starting to feel hard :-( boobs throbbing today, feeling very hot, skin break out..all classic PMS symptoms damn!!
10DPO - Cervix very high and tilted, boobs really sore and nipples sore if squeezed. Creamy CM. AF due in the next 48 hours
11DPO - Feeling achey in pelvic region, could be AF looming though. Nipples and boobies very sore. Cervix medium and closed
12DPO - Still getting the odd cramps down there, boobs still sore, cervix closed and it feels quite "wet" in there. Sorry TMI. Diaorhea at 10am Wish she would show her face if she's coming arggghhh!!!
sorry I dont know day to day...
AF due Friday I havent tested yet dont think this is my month..
5/6dpo I started very thick white cm that turned to stringy cm thats still around which is not normal for me was kind of freaked out bc of the thick white globs so was my husband.And a terrible nasty taste in my mouth even after brushing teeth, eating different and drinking different. happened twice
This cycle ive been gassy and had a couple days where I had stabbing cramps and some tugging? Praying AF doesnt show but I think she will due to lack of symptoms
Af due tomorrow and bfn although I tested late at night. Had pinching pain in my left ovary, nasty taste back in my mouth and dizziness and still have sticky cm.
Update:two days late had some cramping yesterday didn't last long and some last night just before bed again didn't last long. Woke up a couple times thinking af was here but it was cm
7 days late started having icky brown discharge/spotting that stuck around for two days then an awful Af :(
Well I'm back again for cycle 6. I really thought we had done it last month because I had so many positive symptoms like cramping, tonnes of cm, nauseous, boobs didn't get sore until 9DPO and yet my AF arrived. This cycle is different again! here we go..
1DPO - sore (o)(o) started, no CM
2DPO - boobies the same, no CM
3DPO - boobies still sore, blinding migraine in PM, no CM
4DPO - boobs still sore, no CM*
5DPO - boobs still sore, high and closed cervix, creamy CM
7DPO - gassy down there TMI haha. BM strange, soft and green eww
8DPO - still gassy and stools still really strange. Boobs sore, cervix medium height. Creamy CM
9DPO - Cervix high but starting to feel hard :-( boobs throbbing today, feeling very hot, skin break out..all classic PMS symptoms damn!!
10DPO - Cervix very high and tilted, boobs really sore and nipples sore if squeezed. Creamy CM. AF due in the next 48 hours
11DPO - Feeling achey in pelvic region, could be AF looming though. Nipples and boobies very sore. Cervix medium and closed
12DPO - Still getting the odd cramps down there, boobs still sore, cervix closed and it feels quite "wet" in there. Sorry TMI. Diaorhea at 10am Wish she would show her face if she's coming arggghhh!!!

How are you feeling today? I had diarrhoea this morning as well but didn't think anything of it

0dpo (ovulation day) -Huge wave of intense nausea around 11am...lasted a few mins only
-glob of ewcm...actual stretchy blob like a clear booger....first time EVER seeing this(maybe because I started taking b6 along with prenatals this cycle)
-while bding late tonight very easily aroused

1dpo - Cm much more dry today

2dpo - Pain in low uterus area just like when stretching hurts and have to sit down...its constant and not as sharp...

3dpo -nothing...

4dpo -nothing ...

5dpo -Lots of cm and wet down there

6dpo -not hungry all day
- lots of cm

7dpo - Not hungry....unusual
-gassy at night
-headache in early afternoon(odd)

8dpo -Very gassy since last night
-have had mildy congested, sore throat past few days. Not always noticeable but voice sometimes goes
haven't taken vits since Friday (started b6 and prenatals near beginning of cycle)
very hungry...hungry right after meal
feels like AF cramps before bed...might be from gas?

9dpo - Very gassy..causing cramps
-achiness in right ovary area

10dpo -Nips sore after one touch as if been rubbed all day
-AF cramps for a while around supper time

11dpo- Very vivid dream about breastfeeding daughter last night...felt real! After waking and falling back asleep it continued in great detail for what felt like hours
-nips throbbing pain without even touching
-AF cramps for short while

12dpo -Today and on and off last couple days, coughing with some phlegm and itchy throat
-not normal for me at all...havent been very hungry? Usually constant hunger the week leading up to AF.
-vivid dream again last night
-can't seem to wake myself up enough and have energy to do things today despite having good sleep last night
-AF cramps around supper
-yellowish cm after bm
-on and off achy right ovary throughout day
-AF cramps at night while relaxing

13dpo -Frer strong as strong can be bfp after a minute!
-Nips tender still
-sleepy enough to go to bed at 5pm

the two biggest signs that made me test?
1) usually the week leading up to AF in very hungry but this month I had no appetite
2) usually nips get itchy after ovulating...never had sore ones before...big red flag!

I am now 5+5 weeks pregnant and still have very sore nips and AF cramps. Due Sept.19th

good luck to all the ladies with bfns and congrats to all the bfps :)
1dpo: crampy, dry/bit creamy cm, shooting pain in boobs and tender nipples
2dpo: crampy, dry cm, puling sensation around ovaries?
3dpo: crampy, sticky cm, tender boobs and nipples.
4dpo: very few cramps, dry cm, tender boobs and nipples.
5dpo: 'wet' feeling, creamy and clear/stretchy cm (not ewcm), tender boobs and nipples.

That's all so far, will update! :thumbup:
I'm sure I'll be turning this red in a few days but what the hey!

Cd15 - ewcm
Oday (only a guess as I don't temp or anything) - cramps left side
1-4dpo - nothing
5dpo - heartburn after dinner (have only had it one other time, while preg...ended in mc at 6wks), later that evening I had a tiny streak of pink mixed in cm, ib?
6dpo - heartburn still around in am but went away
7dpo - light cramps in am then dull pressure on pelvic bone, gross smell of ketchup from far away (I hate ketchup anyway so not too unusual), bfn at lunch time with cheapie
8dpo - light cramping in afternoon, random shooting pains in bb's, short temper
9dpo - tender bb's (normal), wet feeling, cervix seems high but I'm not very confident in my ability to check cp
10dpo - tender bb's, cervix high, bfn first thing in am, lost all hope

AF should show in a few days :(

11dpo - sore bbs/nips, thick cm, cervix high
12dpo - slightly sore bbs but mostly nips, watery cm, slight cramping in am with mild lower backache, cervix high and very wet feeling down there
13dpo - lower back ache, everything else went away
14dpo - nothing, AF showed :(

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