Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Reposting to turn this red. No AF yet, but the temp drop and spotting tell me she's on the way.

1DPO: Huuuuuuge temp spike, whee!! Otherwise, feeling normal.
2DPO: Temp still up nice & high. Little bit of creamy CM. Otherwise, normal.
3DPO: Feeling a bit "wet" (ahem). Temp still high, but a little lower than the past two days. Got my FF crosshairs this morning. Checked CP... feels hard, not too high, but not low. Hurts! I should know better than to touch it when I'm not fertile :haha: Ouch.
4DPO: Temp same as yesterday's. A bit sluggish today... think it's due to some poor sleep the past couple of days. Sluggishness persisted into the evening, got really bad, turned into serious exhaustion. Blah.
5DPO: Bit of a temp drop this morning. I think the higher temps (running much warmer this cycle than usual) were due to having some furnace issues and using the space heater... definitely was sleeping hotter every day in my cycle until today. Little bit of watery CM. Still tired, even though I slept like a rock. Can't seem to catch up!
6DPO: Temp still in that lower range, though almost at the coverline. Goddamn tired again. I also feel like I might be getting sick. My tongue hurts and my throat feels strange.
7DPO: Temp shot wayyyyy up again. Still feeling like I'm getting sick. More energy this morning, thank goodness. Super cranky/irritable/teary in the evening. Little bit of creamy CM.
8DPO: Temp higher this morning. FF changed my crosshairs to dotted; no idea why? Still positive I O'd on CD15. Still feel like I'm getting sick.. sore mouth/throat, stuffy nose. Horrible nightmares last night & slept like shit. My mood is still poor, probably due to lack if good sleep & not feeling well. Little bit of creamy/sticky CM.... maybe brown tinged? I thought when I saw it that my spotting had started, but... nothing. I'm not really sure what that was. Burping a lot in the evening.
9DPO: Temp higher. Still feel a little funny, but improved. More of that is-it-or-isn't-it spotting? I don't understand. Definitely not typical for me. No sign of the painful boobs I always get. More crazy dreams last night (typical PMS for me.) Caved and tested. :bfn:
10DPO: Temp dropped a bit. Still well above coverline. Still no sign of the sore boobs, even when I squish them :haha: Weird, cloudy CM.... puzzling and kinda gross. I keep feeling wet and checking for spotting/AF, but nothing... but the cloudy CM was in the toilet. Um. Yuck? Checked CP and it hurt again (why do I do this to myself?) Hard to say anything about open/closed (I can never really tell) but it definitely felt low and hard.
11DPO: Around 2:30am, I was woken up by the worst pain EVER in my uterus. Normally I don't even know the damn thing is there, but it was horrifically painful and accompanied by nausea and chills. Lasted a good thirty minutes, it felt like... it was really awful. Couldn't get warm, couldn't get comfortable, felt like I was going to puke.. UGH. When I woke up for work at 7ish (after having a hard time getting back to sleep), it was still there, but wayyyyyy better. Started my typical pre-AF spotting. Noticed it during my weird episode this morning. Temp still up.
12DPO: Spotting continues. Temp dropped. Super emotional/teary in the evening. AF should arrive right on schedule.
13DPO: Temp dropped even lower. Still spotting. Still no sore/tender boobs. I'm attributing that to my dietary improvements (no coffee!) and Vitex. Not too much of an appetite today. Hope AF comes tomorrow, but she'll probably keep me waiting til at least Sunday, and possibly Monday.
1 dpo: nada
2dpo: sharp pain in left ovary
3dpo: sharp pain in left ovary
4dpo: irritable, sore bbs, dull cramps
5dpo:irritable, sore bbs, dull cramps
6dpo:irritable, sore bbs, dull cramps
7dpo:irritable, sore bbs, dull cramps, back pain
8dpo:irritable, sore bbs, dull cramps, thirsty, hives?, back pain
9dpo: very irritable, hives? Very sore bbs, dull cramps, back pain, had Day 21 test: prog at 17
10dpo:irritable, sore bbs, dull cramps, back pain
11dpo: increased cm, indigestion, sore bbs, severe cramping
12dpo: severe and increasing nausea, gagging twice, stomach cramping, sudden tiredness, headache, dizzy test BFN
13dpo: minor nausea, diarrhea, slight cramping. BFN. Symptoms going away. Evening vomit. Evening tiredness. Ppl notice bbs, vinegar very strong taste
14dpo: AF like cramping, slight headache, enlarged bbs, dog clingy
15dpo: strange cramping, sometimes AF like, stomach pain, bm, HUGE bbs, dog clingy
16dpo: AF due. Feels like cramps.

Got AF. Was sure this month I was. That's twice that has happened in 7 mos. I am 38 and wondering if the eggs weren't bad?
I got my :bfp: this morning. I sadly miscarried in November so praying this is our sticky rainbow baby!

My symptoms varied day to day, I had diarrhea from 3DPO-6DPO and a couple of other occasions in the TWW. I've had cramping, sore fuller boobs, veiny chest area, sharp shooting pains in vagina, headaches, slight dizziness, heartburn, tender cervix, sore throat, anger, irritable, increased appetite, jelly legs, EWCM after O and very thirsty!

Good Luck everyone.
I just got my bfp today! I have not had any obvious symptoms and I don't know how many DPO I am because I have extremely irregular cycles and don't temp or take OPKs. I have been very gassy (frequency, not necessarily stinky), very thirsty, have a really stuffy nose and sore throat, sensitive (not painful) nipples, and felt like my food was digesting a lot slower as I would have an unsettled (not necessarily nauseous) feeling. I also noticed my pants fitting a LOT tighter. I wasn't peeing significantly more or anything else obvious. Kinda crazy that pregnancy can show up with very mild, subtle symptoms. Don't rule anything out until you have taken an HPT!
I just got my bfp today! I have not had any obvious symptoms and I don't know how many DPO I am because I have extremely irregular cycles and don't temp or take OPKs. I have been very gassy (frequency, not necessarily stinky), very thirsty, have a really stuffy nose and sore throat, sensitive (not painful) nipples, and felt like my food was digesting a lot slower as I would have an unsettled (not necessarily nauseous) feeling. I also noticed my pants fitting a LOT tighter. I wasn't peeing significantly more or anything else obvious. Kinda crazy that pregnancy can show up with very mild, subtle symptoms. Don't rule anything out until you have taken an HPT!

THANK YOU OneLove, for posting this! I'm not having any symptoms that I can really tell, and no PMS symptoms that I usually have either. I was wondering if lack of PMS symptoms was a sign in itself. From what I've read and what you posted, it seems so! CONGRATS to you!!:thumbup:
1 DPO - cramping, bloating, heart racing, and feeling flushed, and face broke out.
2 DPO - tired, headache, bloated, face breaking out, and I had some spotting today
which I'm assuming would be ovulation spotting, idk it's never happened
3 DPO - headache, hungry, craving cheese cake/chocolate pretzels, weird dreams last
night, brown spotting (OV spotting?) EXTREMELY THIRSTY! Nothing quenches
it. tired but can't sleep, small spider veins appearing on my thighs?? Sharp
pinch near right ovary twice today.
4 DPO - headache, hungry, weird dreams.
5 DPO - pink spotting twice today, headache, weird dreams last night.
6 DPO - (today only 9 a.m.) extremely thirsty last night, peeing a lot, headache, TMI - diarrhea,
heart burn
7 DPO - Nothing much at all. VERY Minor cramping, almost not there. Vivid dreams last night,
8 DPO - peeing often, scratchy throat/cough, head ache. Losing hope... Feels like someone is
pinching my left nipple. back is killing me (but I did pick up heavy boxes today).
And slight cramping but I don't know if I'm just imagining it.v:/
9 DPO - Nothing much, cramping and back ache late at night, mild heart burn for 10 minutes and frequent urinatation
10 DPO - Nothing much other than a pinching feeling below belly button... Feeling out
11 DPO - just vivid dreams that night..
12 DPO - headache, peeing often, thirsty.. Think I'm getting an infection down there. :S Gassy.
13 DPO - diarrhea, head ache, bloated
14 DPO - nothing, dry cm
15 DPO - Dry cm, AF cramps, upset stomach, took 3 hour nap, two sharp pains in uterus
16 DPO - sweet tooth, 1 day late AF
17 DPO - EWCM, 2 days late
18 DPO - very little cramping, a little ewcm, 3 days late
19 DPO - feel faint, heart racing, out of breath, first time tested... :bfp: !!
I got my :bfp: this morning. I sadly miscarried in November so praying this is our sticky rainbow baby!

My symptoms varied day to day, I had diarrhea from 3DPO-6DPO and a couple of other occasions in the TWW. I've had cramping, sore fuller boobs, veiny chest area, sharp shooting pains in vagina, headaches, slight dizziness, heartburn, tender cervix, sore throat, anger, irritable, increased appetite, jelly legs, EWCM after O and very thirsty!

Good Luck everyone.

Ended up being a Chemical :(
I just got my bfp today! I have not had any obvious symptoms and I don't know how many DPO I am because I have extremely irregular cycles and don't temp or take OPKs. I have been very gassy (frequency, not necessarily stinky), very thirsty, have a really stuffy nose and sore throat, sensitive (not painful) nipples, and felt like my food was digesting a lot slower as I would have an unsettled (not necessarily nauseous) feeling. I also noticed my pants fitting a LOT tighter. I wasn't peeing significantly more or anything else obvious. Kinda crazy that pregnancy can show up with very mild, subtle symptoms. Don't rule anything out until you have taken an HPT!

THANK YOU OneLove, for posting this! I'm not having any symptoms that I can really tell, and no PMS symptoms that I usually have either. I was wondering if lack of PMS symptoms was a sign in itself. From what I've read and what you posted, it seems so! CONGRATS to you!!:thumbup:

I never had many symptoms around PMS so I always wondered if I would have different symptoms with pregnancy. I really haven't! I was on the pill for 9 years so I was TRULY clueless about what real pregnancy symptoms would be like. I should also add that I've had some breakouts on my face- not horrible but definitely different than I've had in a long time.
Hi All! I haven't been on here for a few months as symptom spotting was driving me crazy and bumming me out every time that evil ended up showing up . That being said.....I am now 5 days late! I keep my cycle tracked on an app on my phone. I ALWAYS have my period on the 29th day. This cycle has been weird however because about 2 weeks ago I had 2 days of spotting while wiping (not enough for a liner practically). I am not sure if my cycle started over or if we have finally gotten lucky after a year of not planning not preventing

Anyway, have any of you ladies ever taken a dip stick test and had a line appear and then fade as the test settled? over the weekend I took 2 dollar store tests, and both showed the line instantly, but after about a minute into the 3 minute wait, the line disappeared on both tests. I am not sure if my system just doesnt have enough hcg yet, or if i am being over hopeful.

I am going stir crazy and don't want to tell anyone until we know for sure, so any feedback would be super appreciated!

Thanks ladies and good luck to all!!!
About a week ago I used a $1 cheapie and thought I saw a line too but as the wave went across the test it disappeared right away. I don't know if maybe its just the way the test is or what. I haven't taken another as AF is due tomorrow and I die a little inside ever time I see a bfn. Sorry I'm no help but I know what you're talking about.
I just got my bfp today! I have not had any obvious symptoms and I don't know how many DPO I am because I have extremely irregular cycles and don't temp or take OPKs. I have been very gassy (frequency, not necessarily stinky), very thirsty, have a really stuffy nose and sore throat, sensitive (not painful) nipples, and felt like my food was digesting a lot slower as I would have an unsettled (not necessarily nauseous) feeling. I also noticed my pants fitting a LOT tighter. I wasn't peeing significantly more or anything else obvious. Kinda crazy that pregnancy can show up with very mild, subtle symptoms. Don't rule anything out until you have taken an HPT!

Thank you for posting this! I am 9dpo and have been feeling exactly the same. This gives me some hope that my lack of what's considered "typical" symptoms isn't necessarily a bad thing! I am waiting to test on Sunday Feb. 2nd when AF should be due. Congrats to you!
I ovulated early this month and have few symptoms this month and really hope that I get it this month

Need your help, I have or had following symptoms:

1 DPO: Nothing

2 and 3 DPO: Headache and dizziness

4 DPO: Had dizziness just once in morning and then found egg white discharge on my undies which I just get 1 day before AF and never before that. I just get egg white discharge during my ovulation but this month I got it several time after ovulation

5 DPO: Nothing just had egg white discharge on my undies again today it would be very small

6 DPO: Had stomach pain and felt like getting AF for a hour or so

7 DPO: Had stomach pain

8 DPO: All symptoms gone and nothing now ... was really tensed

9 DPO: No symptoms and I just saw egg white discharge on my undies

10 DPO: One leg paining, nothing else

I ovulated early this month and really confused and want to know what you think about this symptoms? I am getting mad here!!!

When should I test? As I ovulated earlier this month I think if I wait till my AF due date it would be around 18DPO can I test after 14 DPO? I just dont want to see BFN again
I ovulated early this month and have few symptoms this month and really hope that I get it this month

Need your help, I have or had following symptoms:

1 DPO: Nothing

2 and 3 DPO: Headache and dizziness

4 DPO: Had dizziness just once in morning and then found egg white discharge on my undies which I just get 1 day before AF and never before that. I just get egg white discharge during my ovulation but this month I got it several time after ovulation

5 DPO: Nothing just had egg white discharge on my undies again today it would be very small

6 DPO: Had stomach pain and felt like getting AF for a hour or so

7 DPO: Had stomach pain

8 DPO: All symptoms gone and nothing now ... was really tensed

9 DPO: No symptoms and I just saw egg white discharge on my undies

10 DPO: One leg paining, nothing else

I ovulated early this month and really confused and want to know what you think about this symptoms? I am getting mad here!!!

When should I test? As I ovulated earlier this month I think if I wait till my AF due date it would be around 18DPO can I test after 14 DPO? I just dont want to see BFN again

hey, I reckon you will be safe testing 14dpo as it tends to be the run up to ov that changes not the time after ov.
how long is your lp normally?
Thanks for your reply, I normally have 28 or 30 days cycle and normally ovulated on CD14.
Thanks for your reply, I normally have 28 or 30 days cycle and normally ovulated on CD14.

That's alright, yeah I would stick to 14dpo. That tends to be a true result going by internet. And I've always had true bfn (unfortunately) at 14dpo.
You should try charting if you don't already. Makes life a lot easier to predict af
I will start doing charting if I dont get BFP this month.

All my symptoms are gone now, I just have leg pain and small amount of CM.

What you think of my symptoms? Is there a chance? Sorry I know I wont get proper answer here for it and I need to wait but this wait is killing me and I just need views from you people.

Have pasted my symptoms again below for easy view.

1 DPO: Nothing

2 and 3 DPO: Headache and dizziness

4 DPO: Had dizziness just once in morning and then found egg white discharge on my undies which I just get 1 day before AF and never before that. I just get egg white discharge during my ovulation but this month I got it several time after ovulation

5 DPO: Nothing just had egg white discharge on my undies again today it would be very small

6 DPO: Had stomach pain and felt like getting AF for a hour or so

7 DPO: Had stomach pain

8 DPO: All symptoms gone and nothing now ... was really tensed

9 DPO: No symptoms and I just saw egg white discharge on my undies

10 DPO: One leg paining, nothing else
After conceiving our 1st child with no effort or thought involved I am truly amazed at how our bodies can tell us when best to try and conceive!

I have the most irregular AF ever so have previously never tried to keep track of it! But this month after reading all these post regarding CM and EWCM and noting different chances I think I am 3dpo.

3dpo and I feel 'yuck' today! Slight cramps (usual pms symptom for me),
Tired and off my food. Again all off these are usual pms symptoms for me.
My patients are running low today and my temper is rising! These are also pms symptoms for me.
Strangely today I had a little 30 min nap in the afternoon cos I was so tired, I never nap during the day!

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