Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Hi everyone! I've read the entire 208 pages these past 4 days... I really need to find something to do with my time! :dohh: I hope you don't mind if I share my symptoms.

This is my first cycle ttc, I have one child but he was a pill oopsie, so this is also my first time ttc. I don't temp aor use opks so bear in mind my dpos are a mere estimation.

6dpo: really crampy, horribly bloated, feels like I will get AF any moment. Creamy yellow cm.

7dpo: cramps get more pronounced, still feel bloated, uterus feels heavy. Creamy yellow cm. I have to lie down in the afternoon due to the extremely uncomfortable cramps, get sharp pains once or twice when getting up from the bed. Get really strong cramps after orgasm (sorry tmi!), that only happened to me when I was 6 or 7 months pregnant with my son. Back pain where my kidneys are, uti? Puffy nipples.

8dpo: cramps continue, really uncomfortable. Frequent urination. creamy yelllow cm. Back pain where my kidneys are, uti? Puffy nipples.

9dpo: A bit less uncomfortable, less crampy, but still noticeable. CM starting to get drier. Lower back pain. Puffy nipples. Sore bbs.

10dpo: Woke up at 4.30 am to pee and took a test :bfn:. Still crampy but less than at 7 and 8 dpo. Frequent urination. Lower back pain. Not much cm. CP medium, hard, closed. Puffy nipples, pimples on boobs (wth?), I squeeze a nipple and milk comes out (? hasn't happened in months), montgomery glands are visible now. Sore bbs.

11dpo: Dull ache ovaries/uterus region. Lower back pain, white creamy cm. Frequent urination, puffy niples, sore bbs, pimples in bbs, montgomery glands visible, get more milk when I squeeze right breast.

Those are my symptoms so far! I don't wanna get too hopeful, though. Won't test until AF is late by some days at least.

12 dpo: felt mostly fine today. The cramps are almost gone, which is weird, since af is due tomorrow, I should be really crampy. I got more cm than yesterday, creamy white cm. My nipples are HUGE and really painful and I feel like my body is really hot, but that could be due to the horrid summer we are going through. I am as gassy -if not more- than the rest of the days.

That's about it for today, will update tomorrow!

13dpo: I felt mostly fine yesterday, except that I was nauseous on and off most of the day. Smells seem heightened and make me dizzy. Lots of watery, stretchy discharge. No sign of AF. Dull cramps.

Today is 14dpo for me and doesn't feel like AF is coming at all. We'll see :shrug:

i'm new to this forum - I'v been lurking on this thread and finally decided to join today as i have been symptom spotting every chance i get :dohh:

Dtd on the 31st december and i ovulated (according to body pain and a chart app on my phone) on the 1st january. My 1dpo is the thing that instantly made me start googling symptoms because i have never, ever had it before! AF is due on the 15th

O day - ovulation pain.

1dpo - pink discharge on one wipe and cramps - never had this before but surely it couldn't be implantation bleeding so soon? Ovulation bleeding?

2dpo- pink discharge when i wipe again, only twice. Cramps

3dpo - cramping, stabbing pain, cried because my belly button looked different (wth!? lol), bleeding gums. white discharge

4dpo - nauseous in the morning whilst in bed and cramping pain, headache. little discharge, white and tacky feel, gassy.

5dpo - cramping, veins on areola but no-where else, disrupted sleep and really hungry. sticky, thick white discharge, gassy.

6dpo - scratchy sore throat, really thirsty and disrupted sleep. Really hungry! white discharge, lots of it, weird tiny bubbles rippling feel in uterus?

7dpo - scratchy sore throat, thirsty and disrupted sleep. Still really hungry. cervix high up and soft (no idea whether that's good or bad though!?) poor concentration. white discharge, again weird tiny bubbles rippling feel in uterus.

8dpo - painful cramps this morning but went away once i got up, little appetite today, headache and feeling quite low. Noticed more bumpy bits on areola but no soreness from them. Cervix has disappeared! (is that bad?) white discharge, Bit of heartburn today.

Im doubtful I might be pregnant because i have endometriosis and cin1, which is where the pink discharge and/or cramps might be coming from :sad1: I'v never had pink discharge before though and don't usually have cramps until nearer AF. What do you ladies think?

i'm new to this forum - I'v been lurking on this thread and finally decided to join today as i have been symptom spotting every chance i get :dohh:

Dtd on the 31st december and i ovulated (according to body pain and a chart app on my phone) on the 1st january. My 1dpo is the thing that instantly made me start googling symptoms because i have never, ever had it before! AF is due on the 15th

O day - ovulation pain.

1dpo - pink discharge on one wipe and cramps - never had this before but surely it couldn't be implantation bleeding so soon? Ovulation bleeding?

2dpo- pink discharge when i wipe again, only twice. Cramps

3dpo - cramping, stabbing pain, cried because my belly button looked different (wth!? lol), bleeding gums. white discharge

4dpo - nauseous in the morning whilst in bed and cramping pain, headache. little discharge, white and tacky feel, gassy.

5dpo - cramping, veins on areola but no-where else, disrupted sleep and really hungry. sticky, thick white discharge, gassy.

6dpo - scratchy sore throat, really thirsty and disrupted sleep. Really hungry! white discharge, lots of it, weird tiny bubbles rippling feel in uterus?

7dpo - scratchy sore throat, thirsty and disrupted sleep. Still really hungry. cervix high up and soft (no idea whether that's good or bad though!?) poor concentration. white discharge, again weird tiny bubbles rippling feel in uterus.

8dpo - painful cramps this morning but went away once i got up, little appetite today, headache and feeling quite low. Noticed more bumpy bits on areola but no soreness from them. Cervix has disappeared! (is that bad?) white discharge, Bit of heartburn today.

Im doubtful I might be pregnant because i have endometriosis and cin1, which is where the pink discharge and/or cramps might be coming from :sad1: I'v never had pink discharge before though and don't usually have cramps until nearer AF. What do you ladies think?

9dpo - woke up this morning feeling really sick and then really hungry. got up and i was fine in about 5mins. Have a stuffy nose today, headache and slight twinges/cramps every so often plus a bit of heartburn. dry lips. Not feeling pregnant though

10dpo - woke up feeling really hungry again. (still really hungry!) Kept waking up throughout the night, headache. No cramps today and no sore boobs, though they did have weird liquid stuff come out and more bumps!? never had that before. Still not feeling pregnant though. AF due wednesday, so just 5 more days to go before i test!

11dpo - cramps again today but lower down - probably AF on her way :/ Milky discharge, worst nights sleep so far (awake every 20 minutes throughout the night), hungry and backache (but then i'v been stood up all day at work). Really emotional, crying a lot over nothing.

12dpo - nauseous and crampy again this morning, low down cramps. Low in mood and spent a long time in bed. Really cold today aswell ;( Big jelly glob of cm in the late evening (like the white stringy but of an egg that is attatched to the yolk and white) I think AF is on her way and will be here in a couple of days :(

13dpo - tested today in the middle of the day - BFN. No other symptoms.

14dpo - AF due today but has not shown up - no cramps. Lots of white cm, very dizzy and craving coffee, which i HATE with a passion (im drinking it and it's disgusting but I want it, haha).
I haven't been on in a while, took a break from ttc, or should I say from the symptom spotting, vitamins and the daily BBT readings. Congrats :wohoo: on all the BFP's since I've been out of pocket!!!! I mean, after all, babies are wonderful, that's why we are all here right??? I'm actually posting because I am LATE this month!!! Which I'm super excited about!!! I haven't been keeping up with any of my symptoms too much this month so instead of doing ALL the symptoms now I'll just touch on a few things, and if it turns out that AF shows or I get a BFP next week when I test I'll type out all the info from my OVIA app.

LMP: December 12 - 16
:sex: BD on CD7 or December 18
:dust: **** Out of town on Dec 23 - 27 **** :dust:
Fertile Week Dec 25 - Dec 30
:sex: BD on CD13 on Dec 24 (at least once lol)
:sex: BD on CD14 on Dec 25 :xmas16: (at least once)
Oday CD15 on Dec 26
:sex: BD on CD16 on Dec 27 (just once for sure lol)
:af: AF was due on CD 28, Jan 9 this month and hasn't showed! Crazy thing though, I have NO PMS or AF symptoms so far?:af:

The only "symptoms" I've had so far would be light cramping intermittently since about the 6th, fatigue off and on, terrible heartburn this month, waves of nausea today but not getting "sick" with it, frequent urination started today, and had fried catfish for supper (Southern Friday night delicacy) and I swear the first piece I bit into I could taste the mud off of it YUCK!

Currently on CD 30 (usually 26 to 29 days)

Just riding this thing out until next week, not prepared for a BFN right now. Maybe that out of town trip for Christmas was just what we needed!

Turning this whole post RED ....... AF started tonight ..... I believe this coming cycle I'm going to be ready ..... vitamins, BBT, preseed and softcups ...... ohhhh and I'm gonna get the ClearBlue Fertility Monitor .... my phone apps have to keep missing my "O" dates. After a year and a half of marriage I guess I'm just going to have to get more serious about this.

i'm new to this forum - I'v been lurking on this thread and finally decided to join today as i have been symptom spotting every chance i get :dohh:

Dtd on the 31st december and i ovulated (according to body pain and a chart app on my phone) on the 1st january. My 1dpo is the thing that instantly made me start googling symptoms because i have never, ever had it before! AF is due on the 15th

O day - ovulation pain.

HI there!!! :wave:
So It sounds like ovulation bleeding (which is normal!) or IB which your symptoms sound like?! You sure you didn't ovulate a tad early?? I would have to give in and take a test!!
Ok, here I go again! I had a miscarriage in December and we are trying again before AF!

Ovulation day 23
1Dpo - vivid dreams, tugging/pulling left ovary and around uterus
2dpo - vivid dreams, cramping on/off
3dpo - nausea, nothing else
4dpo - nothing out of the ordinary!
5dpo - nausea
6dpo - dizziness, in the afternoon I felt exhausted!

That's it so far! We will see how I go

Good luck ladies!! Xx
HI there!!! :wave:
So It sounds like ovulation bleeding (which is normal!) or IB which your symptoms sound like?! You sure you didn't ovulate a tad early?? I would have to give in and take a test!!
I don't think it could be IB as even if i ovulated on the 29th/30th/ we only dtd on the 31st, so the egg would have died, wouldn't it? :confused: so yeah, it probably was ovulation bleeding - i'm glad it's normal, thanks! O:) I'm due my AF on wednesday so maybe i'll give in and test a little earlier lol!

I haven't been on in a while, took a break from ttc, or should I say from the symptom spotting, vitamins and the daily BBT readings. Congrats :wohoo: on all the BFP's since I've been out of pocket!!!! I mean, after all, babies are wonderful, that's why we are all here right??? I'm actually posting because I am LATE this month!!! Which I'm super excited about!!! I haven't been keeping up with any of my symptoms too much this month so instead of doing ALL the symptoms now I'll just touch on a few things, and if it turns out that AF shows or I get a BFP next week when I test I'll type out all the info from my OVIA app.

The only "symptoms" I've had so far would be light cramping intermittently since about the 6th, fatigue off and on, terrible heartburn this month, waves of nausea today but not getting "sick" with it, frequent urination started today, and had fried catfish for supper (Southern Friday night delicacy) and I swear the first piece I bit into I could taste the mud off of it YUCK!

I think it sounds promising! Good luck O:)

one day out of the blue I got hit with fatigue and exhaustion. I remember falling onto the bed (in an uncomfortable position) and slept for over 3 lunch time.
I had what I read to be IBS. My stomach was so I slept it off haha
I almost threw up my favorite food, then got very very hot and dizzy...very faint (that was just one week...maybe a week before my period was due).
Right before AF I got a cold, nose and throat mostly.
The night I tested I broke down crying for no reason. Not a single reason, just started I went out and bought a test... BFP!!! the day before AF was due.


I am currently 10dpo...
DH and I dtd twice around ov.
5dpo // the exhaustion hit me like a ton of bricks. I had a small cold (just felt achy, no temp, tired) and from then on I've been really tired.
I had some slight nausea for a couple of days around 5dpo.
5-7dpo // MAJOR migraines..I mean, can't open eyes. Let me just sit in the dark with a trash can kind of migraine. this happened..about once a day for a few hours.
I had a white lotiony cm for a couple of days and now (10dpo) it's stringy and like egg whites.
6-8dpo // I started craving fruit. acidic type foods. I also randomly had a strong urge/desire to start taking my prenatal vitamins again. Actually craved them!
6-10dpo // random sharp twinges in nipples (esp the right one). also feels like milk is coming down when I nurse lo. (It's been a long time since I've felt that.) Getting thirstier.
7-10 // ewcm, still really tired (heavy breathing and ready for a nap by or before 2pm), craving food but can't decide what specifically I want...I just keep looking.

Haven't tested yet. Trying to stay "chill" haha... I'm going to wait until the 15th or around then :)
I've just come off bcp so I'm totally guessing as to when I ovulated and when AF is due. I'm thinking I am around 12dpo. Haven't kept track of symptoms by day as I wasn't really having any. I'm also completely frustrated because most of these "symptoms" are probably pms. I've been testing using ic since 8dpo with all bfn. This is my first cycle ttc baby #1 and I want it to happen already! I feel like a brat because some women here have been trying for ages.

Anyway, here are some symptoms I've had:
Super hungry
Sometimes nauseas right before I eat and right after
Vivid dreams (last night dreamt I had a bfp)
Very moody
Bloated (right now the most bloated I've been)

I'm really expecting AF to come any minute now. I really want my bfp but would be relieved to see AF so I can stop stressing and try to figure out my cycle!
Sorry :( but GL this next cycle!:flower:

Turning this whole post RED ....... AF started tonight ..... I believe this coming cycle I'm going to be ready ..... vitamins, BBT, preseed and softcups ...... ohhhh and I'm gonna get the ClearBlue Fertility Monitor .... my phone apps have to keep missing my "O" dates. After a year and a half of marriage I guess I'm just going to have to get more serious about this.

Ok been stalking this thread lol!!
First I O'ed 4 days late! But these are my symptoms!! Also when I say past IB it means I THINK because I got IB on 14dpo and no AF yet so I think it was IB.
1DPO: EWCM, light cramps
2DPO EWCM, feeling very warm, bloated
3DPO: Headache bad!, felt 'out of it', tired
4DPO: Tired, hungry, moody, headache again!
5DPO: exhausted, moody, headache, lower back pain, light cramping
6DPO: Exhausted, HUNGRY, feeling nauseous
7DPO: Exhausted , HUNGRY, headache, lower back pain, saw the hunger games cried!?!?
8DPO: HUNGRY, very very vivid dreams started, cramps
9DPO: hungry, moody EWCM started again??
10DPO: Woke up with sore throat??, Feeling hot then cold then hot then cold, tired, hungry, tested BFN :(
11DPO: Sore throat again, lower back pain, cramps, diarrhea/constipation, saw the movie Frozen it was bad like water works! Lol
12DPO: Sore throat gone, another vivid dream last night, very moody, legs pain/ leg cramps
13DPO: Another vivid dream, BAD lower back pain, mild cramps, tired, feeling annoyed, headache
14DPO: (AF due) another weird vivid dream, went to the bathroom saw pink blood when I wiped (convinced it was AF), tired, can smell EVERYTHING, nauseous (didn't throw up though)
15DPO: (1day late/past IB) another vivid dream, spotting stopped on 14DPO, hungry, lower back pain, legs feel weak!?, extremely moody (felt like AF was around the corner!!)
16DPO: (2 days late/past IB): another vivid dream, hungry CRAVING Chinese food!! (Got it hehe), after eating nauseous (didn't throw up though), dizzy, headache
17DPO: (3days late/Past IB): Vivid dream that I had a daughter, lower back pain, neck pain!? Tired!! Slept 10 hours last night and feel like I went through a war!

These are my symptoms so far!! I tested today 17dpo and light light bfp! I think I had IB at 14dpo so this is only 3 days after that so maybe hCG didn't build up enough yet to get dark bfp! I am testing again 19dpo to see what's what! Since today it was still so light! I will update!! Fx for everyone!!
(Sorry light green was hurting my eyes!) Changed it to dark lol (:
Got my bfp on 2nd Jan and starting to believe it now so thought id post as i was charting Decembers cycle so have notes from most days DPO!

1dpo - no changes
2dpo - shooting pain in my nipples, dry CM, wave of very mild AF cramps
3dpo - dry CM, positive opk?!
4dpo - dry CM, another positive opk
5dpo - Watery CM, no other feelings
6dpo - LOTS of creamy/watery CM when I wiped. Extreme dizziness all day (really bad in the morning) and when i moved my head too quickly. Shooting pains in nipples. Dizziness made me feel sick- dizziness had gone by next day.
'Pulling'/'Stitch' feeling in womb on the lower left hand side. Not painful but if i stretch too far it made me wince.

7dpo - creamy CM, Sore nipples. They feel 'bruised' now as iv woken up (only the nipples). Trouble sleeping. Needed to pee in the night.
Cramps in the evening.

8dpo - creamy/watery CM, still bruised feeling nipples.
9dpo - Creamy watery CM. Negative cheapy test taken at 5pm. Sore nipples and tiredness

10dpo - creamy CM, extremely faint line on cheapy (basically not visible unless under a bright light and tilting/squinting!)

11dpo - creamy/watery CM, sore nipples, superdrug own brand- clear line! :bfp:

Also for temp ladies- i had a very steady rise after O, no sudden spike which i felt worried about but the steady rise over a few days seemed to be a good sign!! Temp on day of bfp was 36.47 degrees celcius!

Didnt have an implatation 'dip' or anything either- however the extreme morning of dizziness at 6dpo im pretty sure was implantation. Felt like i was getting an ear infection and lasted all day- gone by the next morning though!

Errrrm, i think thats everything?! I spent ages reading through this thread so wanted to give back!!

Good luck to everyone wishing for their bfps! :flower:
Hi new here and wouls like tp share my signs and symptoms during my 2ww;)

so im also in 2WW and me and DH are TTC since lastyear.

MC in September and started BBT in Oct so this is my 3rd cycle.

DPO 4: A bit pain in the left side.maybe corpus luteum is shrinking .A lot of discharge.some ew some creamy
DPO 6:Spotting.At first it came out with creamy discharge then it started with clot of brown blood.on off.had migraine like crazy
DPO 7:Same like yesterday..there is a needle like pain on left side. dejavu feeling as this feels like when im about to MC last Aug
DPO8:Diarrhea.spotting is still there.on and off.Needle like pain again.BD then afterward the amount of spotting increased and turned to light brown.
DPO9:Woke up but restless.feel like i didnt even sleep last night!Major headache.Some pink colour light bleeding .Feel so frustrated.resting on bed.

Will keep u guys updated!;)
This Tww is driving me crazy this cycle. Anyone have a fast forward button lol.

Jan 9. O day- Had ovulation spotting for the first time ever! Had af like cramps, ewcm.
1dpo-still had af like cramps just not as bad as yesterday
2dpo-mild cramps
3dpo-hubby woke up on the wrong side of the bed and bit my head off for something stupid but instead of me getting pissed off like I normally do and snapping back I broke down and started crying uncontrollably. had slight twinge feelings on and off during the day. Became very exhausted at 8pm which is very strange for me cuz i'm a night owl I dont normally go to bed till 2-3 in the morning.
4dpo- woke up at 9am spot on which is very early for me to wake up and not feel sleepy considering I stay up all night. lower abdomen feels full and peeing like crazy sorta feels like I have a uti, but don't have one. again felt exhausted at around 9pm lastnight but stayed awake surfing this site till 3am.
5dpo-woke up again at 9am on the dot feeling very well rested. bloated so bad that only two pairs of my jeans fit hubby tried to help me button them lol. still have a heavy feeling in my abdomen. Had pulling pains on the right side today went to get up off the couch and had a pulling pain on the right side so bad it felt like I pulled a muscle down there but immediatly went away. Loads of energy untill about 12pm i felt like I had ran a 100 mile marathon. Took a bath and went to rinse the shampoo out of my hair by swishing my head back and forth slowly in the water and it made me so dizzy I was nauseous.
6dpo-woke up this morning stuffed up. Stood up to go to the restroom and my head hurt so bad I had to sit back down for a little while. My boons are extremely sore today and I have this weird pulling pain feel coming from my right armpit to my boob having loads of creamy cm today also woke up lastnight and this morning with diarrhea sorry tmi. Still having slight cramps.
7dpo-extreme migraine throughout the day highted scence of smell mild cramping mood swings
Well I'm back again for cycle 6. I really thought we had done it last month because I had so many positive symptoms like cramping, tonnes of cm, nauseous, boobs didn't get sore until 9DPO and yet my AF arrived. This cycle is different again! here we go..

1DPO - sore (o)(o) started, no CM
2DPO - boobies the same, no CM
3DPO - boobies still sore, blinding migraine in PM, no CM
4DPO - boobs still sore, no CM
5DPO - boobs still sore, high and closed cervix, creamy CM

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