Hi all, love this thread! lol
Congratulations on all the BFP! so excitingI'm hoping for mine between xmas and new years. I'm at 8dpo at the moment.. Here are my symptoms
(My boobs usually hurt from 1dpo until a couple days after AF shows her stupid face)
1-4dpo: nothing
5dpo: cramps, sharp pains in uterus/ovaries area, lower back nerve pain
6dpo: cramps, sharp pains in uterus/ovaries area, lower back nerve pain
7dpo: light cramps, shooting pains in bb's (they hurt so freaking bad that I felt the pain through my upper back!!) oh and leg cramps.. the leg cramps are the most unusual of my symptoms..
8dpo: very light cramps, leg cramps, bb's not so sore today..
9dpo: light cramps started in the afternoon
10dpo: nothing
11dpo: nothing other sciatic nerve pain.. it hurts
12dpo: nothing
13dpo: sore boobs... feeling out now. Boobs always hurt before AFI hate the TWW!
14dpo: very light cramps.. thinking AF is on her way
15dpo worst lower back ache ever.. but this happens to me every now and then.. especially before af.... i guess we'll see.. i have 3 days left.
16dpo: started spotting! Im so sad... feels like this is never going to happen for me. Dont even know why i keep telling myself that maybe, just maybe, this could be my month. Maybe it's just not meant to be for me :'(
Fingers crossed for all of youand please Santa, send us all some baby dust!!
So I was WAY off with my cycle this time...for the past 9 months since I went off bc I have had 33-35 day cycles without fail, usually ovulate on day 17-20. I m/c'ed in September at 6 weeks, then had a regular cycle in Oct/Nov right on at 33 days. This cycle started on Nov 15th, so DH and I BD'ed starting on CD15 through CD 21. I did everything wrong as far as tracking my cycle, though- I ran out of opk test strips on CD20 and didn't feel like buying more (never got a positive), I was getting erratic temps after when I thought I ov'ed so I stopped temping consistently (had a cold and was mouth breathing, too), and then only BD'ed twice in the past three weeks...as I look back at my "dpo" symptoms that I was tracking on here, I am pretty sure I ovulated an entire 8 days after I "should" have based on my normal cycle. Well, it has been a full 6 weeks since my last period now. I have sporadically taken temps, which did finally go up. I am estimating that I am about 14 dpo today(BD'ed on 12/11, think I o'ed on 12/12 or 12/13), but I am reposting my dpo symptoms because I got a bfp this week! (Surprise!)
1-8 dpo- Nothing remarkable, creamy CM, cervix was all over the place.
9 dpo- SUPER irritable. Bizarre dreams this night.
10 dpo- Diarrhea and lower abd cramps. Breast cyst I have started getting really tender (occassionally does before period, but this time it was really tender).
11 dpo- Other breast started getting tender, too. Heartburn during the day. Hot flashes. Have been using cheapie Wondfo's this cycle, decided to use on late that night around 11:30 and thought I saw the faintest faint imaginary shadow on it. I figured I imagined it because this cycle was SO off and we had given up for this month.
12 dpo- (Christmas Eve!)- Took my one last FRER with FMU as well as another Wondfo. Immediate line on FRER, another faint line (but slightly clearer) on Wondfo. Got + digital with SMU as well as + Target cheapie brand. Hot flashes.
13 dpo- Heartburn. Hot flashes. Tender breasts.
14 dpo- Tender breasts. Much much darker FRER, as dark as control line now. Had bloodwork today, waiting for hcg and progresterone levels. Somewhat nervous after the miscarriage but somehow feeling at peace with this pregnancy.
Hi all, love this thread! lol
Congratulations on all the BFP! so excitingI'm hoping for mine between xmas and new years. I'm at 8dpo at the moment.. Here are my symptoms
(My boobs usually hurt from 1dpo until a couple days after AF shows her stupid face)
1-4dpo: nothing
5dpo: cramps, sharp pains in uterus/ovaries area, lower back nerve pain
6dpo: cramps, sharp pains in uterus/ovaries area, lower back nerve pain
7dpo: light cramps, shooting pains in bb's (they hurt so freaking bad that I felt the pain through my upper back!!) oh and leg cramps.. the leg cramps are the most unusual of my symptoms..
8dpo: very light cramps, leg cramps, bb's not so sore today..
9dpo: light cramps started in the afternoon
10dpo: nothing
11dpo: nothing other sciatic nerve pain.. it hurts
12dpo: nothing
13dpo: sore boobs... feeling out now. Boobs always hurt before AFI hate the TWW!
14dpo: very light cramps.. thinking AF is on her way
15dpo worst lower back ache ever.. but this happens to me every now and then.. especially before af.... i guess we'll see.. i have 3 days left.
16dpo: started spotting! Im so sad... feels like this is never going to happen for me. Dont even know why i keep telling myself that maybe, just maybe, this could be my month. Maybe it's just not meant to be for me :'(
Fingers crossed for all of youand please Santa, send us all some baby dust!!
Hi ladies, congratulations on you BFPs!Merry christmas to all of you and happy new year!
AF showed for me full force this morning. I'm out till next time![]()
Good luck to all of you still waiting, I hope you get your BFP soon!!![]()
Hi everyone! I've read the entire 208 pages these past 4 days... I really need to find something to do with my time!I hope you don't mind if I share my symptoms.
This is my first cycle ttc, I have one child but he was a pill oopsie, so this is also my first time ttc. I don't temp aor use opks so bear in mind my dpos are a mere estimation.
6dpo: really crampy, horribly bloated, feels like I will get AF any moment. Creamy yellow cm.
7dpo: cramps get more pronounced, still feel bloated, uterus feels heavy. Creamy yellow cm. I have to lie down in the afternoon due to the extremely uncomfortable cramps, get sharp pains once or twice when getting up from the bed. Get really strong cramps after orgasm (sorry tmi!), that only happened to me when I was 6 or 7 months pregnant with my son. Back pain where my kidneys are, uti? Puffy nipples.
8dpo: cramps continue, really uncomfortable. Frequent urination. creamy yelllow cm. Back pain where my kidneys are, uti? Puffy nipples.
9dpo: A bit less uncomfortable, less crampy, but still noticeable. CM starting to get drier. Lower back pain. Puffy nipples. Sore bbs.
10dpo: Woke up at 4.30 am to pee and took a test. Still crampy but less than at 7 and 8 dpo. Frequent urination. Lower back pain. Not much cm. CP medium, hard, closed. Puffy nipples, pimples on boobs (wth?), I squeeze a nipple and milk comes out (? hasn't happened in months), montgomery glands are visible now. Sore bbs.
11dpo: Dull ache ovaries/uterus region. Lower back pain, white creamy cm. Frequent urination, puffy niples, sore bbs, pimples in bbs, montgomery glands visible, get more milk when I squeeze right breast.
Those are my symptoms so far! I don't wanna get too hopeful, though. Won't test until AF is late by some days at least.