Good morning, thought I'd share my dpo so far. I'm usually a 30 - 32 day cycle but this is first month ttc with mirena removed so unsure as to length atm. I don't temp chart as usually up several times during the night either with the girls, the cats to just plain unable to sleep., so just going by O from ewcm when seen. With the coil have very little symptoms except very sweet tooth and massive moods swings usually grumpy or angry about 7 to 5 days before af. I don't normal get tired in the day no matter how little sleep during the night I get as usually I go to bed earlier. Don't normal suffer any cramping or gas or loose bowels unless the girls have been ill, in in case so far everyone happy and healthy.
My moods have been much nicer, feel more relaxed evening at troublesome bedtime antics which used to drive me insane. So deffo coil out is making life nicer
I mention the wet nipple thing as 2 months ago I sure was pregnant but lost it and had both breast feeling full and getting let down feel in the right breast and was getting a discharge like breast milk. I BF both girls and read that this could also be a symptom so monitoring it whilst ttc.
Day 1 to day 5 af
Day 6 normal
Day 7 bd
Day 8 normal
Day 9 bd
Day 10 normal
Day 11 same
Day 12 same
Day 13 cm very wet and almost ewcm very horney, bd
Day 14 ewcm lots of. Feel horny. lots of spots on face don't usually suffer unless af
Dpo1 no ewcm, but feel wet still spoty
Dpo 2 very little cm feeling dry
Dpo 3 bd
Dpo 4 ewcm usual to see think this was my O day not before?
Dpo 5 really bloated feels like really gassy crampy, lots of trips to loo with loose bowels, not unwell as feel good
Dpo 6 CM felt around cervix creamy / lotiony, cervix soft and closed at medium height. Still bloated crampy feeling like dull aches that lasts for most of the day and evening.
Dpo 7 tired in afternoon, not usual for me, could have really napped if the girls let me.
Dpo 8 be, feeling dry cm bloated feeling gone, cervix feels medium to firm and closed at medium height. Evening felt crampy.
Dpo 9 feel queasy got af type cramps but not quite the same. Medium firm cervix.
Dpo 10 cervix medium soft closed, sticky / creamy,/ lotiony type cm. Crampy aches like af but not as Sharpe and left nipple feels wet.
Dpo 11 gas gas gas OMG I can not stop! Even had horrible fanny farts during the night and first thing, never have this! Very tired so need to sleep.
Dpo 12 bad gass again
multiply popping and loose. No cramps at all today. Cervix does feel wet still medium height tired again around 5 pm several days in a row now don't get this way at all.
Dpo 13 tired again. Negative test used asda £1 cheapes at 4.30 am as this is when I normally take my first wee of the day. Bad headache today and nothing is helping. Cervix really high can just touch it. Creamy cm.
Dpo 14 bowls have settle down to almost constipation. Feel horney, feeling wet but tissue almost dry.
Cervix still very high feels soft and closed by. Don't feel like af is coming in next few days, non of normal signs showing. I can usually smell coppery blood few days before, no cramping, no sweet tooth.
Dpo 15 this morning as typing this my left nipple again feels wet but nothing.
Both breasts aching both have a little fluid in them.
Indigestion and feeling quite queasy for afternoon onwards.
16 dpo. Cervix still very high and felt wet very little cm though. TMI Did have a little creamy colour in underwear
Still queasy and sore breasts bra uncomfortable.
17 dpo. Negative test. Cervix still very high soft and closed. Just managed to reach it with fingertips and cm was a little brownish in colour and had coppery smell, so assuming af is on its way.
Wondering if OK happened around the 29th as had ewcm then too, as no normal period signs whatsoever and tests negative which could put me at 13 dpo and the week of bloated, gass and full tummy feeling could have been implantation?
18 dpo? Cervix has been high all day, creamy stick cm around cervix but looks like mustard / brownish did smell coppery which is why though af would be starting very soon. No cramps, no tiredness, nothing else to note.
19 dpo?/ 13 dpo Up early for dentist appointment had blood taste in mouth when brushing teeth and for a while after. Really don't feel like af is arriving today / tomorrow . cervix still high very wet feel and more Cm sticky, lotiony and creamy.
20dpo / 14 dpo Negative test at 4.30am, using fmu , as don't feel like af is coming anytime soon might hold wee for a wee bit longer and try on of my other tests.