Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Pregnancy tests? No. I haven't bought any since I thought this was at but for it to be 8 days when four is usually long for me was weird... And it was painful so I didn't think to buy any tests. Why? What are your thoughts
Pregnancy tests? No. I haven't bought any since I thought this was at but for it to be 8 days when four is usually long for me was weird... And it was painful so I didn't think to buy any tests. Why? What are your thoughts

It's quite possible you're pregnant; I would test ASAP. Similar thing happened to me and I was sure I had my period but kept spotting afterwards and finally tested about 9 days into my "new cycle" and bam, BFP!
I got my BFP 2 days ago, 9dpo - very very faint internet cheapie first, possibly even 8dpo but not enough of a line to be sure I wasn't making it up. I retested with a superdrug test 9dpo and got a faint line, pink and definitely there. Ic lines were still very faint. Still couldn't believe it so repeated yesterday with clear blue and fr and both had lines, then today got a pregnant 1-2 on cb digi. I'm totally sure of my dates as I have been temping and using OPKs, my cycle is very regular too. Here are my symptoms - I thought I was making them up as they were so early.

2dpo - excessive saliva
4dpo - waves of nausea and excessive saliva
5dpo - temp dip to cover line, as 4dpo
6dpo - as 4dpo plus extreme tiredness, bleeding gums when cleaning teeth, some minor cramps, over emotional, eating like a horse, I'm a smoker (have quit now obvs) but was completely off cigarette, couldn't smoke one without gagging.
Symptoms have remained like this for last few days.
I got my BFP 2 days ago, 9dpo - very very faint internet cheapie first, possibly even 8dpo but not enough of a line to be sure I wasn't making it up. I retested with a superdrug test 9dpo and got a faint line, pink and definitely there. Ic lines were still very faint. Still couldn't believe it so repeated yesterday with clear blue and fr and both had lines, then today got a pregnant 1-2 on cb digi. I'm totally sure of my dates as I have been temping and using OPKs, my cycle is very regular too. Here are my symptoms - I thought I was making them up as they were so early.

2dpo - excessive saliva
4dpo - waves of nausea and excessive saliva
5dpo - temp dip to cover line, as 4dpo
6dpo - as 4dpo plus extreme tiredness, bleeding gums when cleaning teeth, some minor cramps, over emotional, eating like a horse, I'm a smoker (have quit now obvs) but was completely off cigarette, couldn't smoke one without gagging.
Symptoms have remained like this for last few days.

Congrats on your bfp
Pregnancy tests? No. I haven't bought any since I thought this was at but for it to be 8 days when four is usually long for me was weird... And it was painful so I didn't think to buy any tests. Why? What are your thoughts

It's quite possible you're pregnant; I would test ASAP. Similar thing happened to me and I was sure I had my period but kept spotting afterwards and finally tested about 9 days into my "new cycle" and bam, BFP!

No way? Well then, I might test tomorrow since I work all day today. Thanks for giving me some hope :D
I got my BFP 2 days ago, 9dpo - very very faint internet cheapie first, possibly even 8dpo but not enough of a line to be sure I wasn't making it up. I retested with a superdrug test 9dpo and got a faint line, pink and definitely there. Ic lines were still very faint. Still couldn't believe it so repeated yesterday with clear blue and fr and both had lines, then today got a pregnant 1-2 on cb digi. I'm totally sure of my dates as I have been temping and using OPKs, my cycle is very regular too. Here are my symptoms - I thought I was making them up as they were so early.

2dpo - excessive saliva
4dpo - waves of nausea and excessive salivayy
5dpo - temp dip to cover line, as 4dpo
6dpo - as 4dpo plus extreme tiredness, bleeding gums when cleaning teeth, some minor cramps, over emotional, eating like a horse, I'm a smoker (have quit now obvs) but was completely off cigarette, couldn't smoke one without gagging.
Symptoms have remained like this for last few days.

Congratulations on your :bfp:!!
I got my BFP on page 56 in this thread last year so heres me starting again.

No idea on dpo im either 2 or 5 but judging by opk i say 5

5DPO-Yellow snot like cm, had this on 6DPO with son and turn out to be implantation. Sharp pains in side!

7DPO- little gnawing pain in left side continuously throughout the day

Will update every day x
Hi everyone, this is such a great idea for a post! I love seeing everyone's symptoms and whether they ended in a bfp!
Here are my symptoms so far

1-6 dpo no major symptoms really...just feeling nauseous and a little dizzy from time to time, also had a herrendous hangover from a few glasses of wine (this is not usual for me!!)

7dpo - cramping feelings in tummy throughout day. Sore pulling sensation beside belly button. Righ hand side of belly aching. Very sore and tender boobs. Insomnia and waking up throughout night

8dpo - very sore boobs all day, cramping throughout day. Woke up to very sore pains shooting through tummy. Feeling naseous throughout day (coming and going)

Probably going to test this weekend!
Pregnancy tests? No. I haven't bought any since I thought this was at but for it to be 8 days when four is usually long for me was weird... And it was painful so I didn't think to buy any tests. Why? What are your thoughts

It's quite possible you're pregnant; I would test ASAP. Similar thing happened to me and I was sure I had my period but kept spotting afterwards and finally tested about 9 days into my "new cycle" and bam, BFP!

No way? Well then, I might test tomorrow since I work all day today. Thanks for giving me some hope :D

Did you test?
Pregnancy tests? No. I haven't bought any since I thought this was at but for it to be 8 days when four is usually long for me was weird... And it was painful so I didn't think to buy any tests. Why? What are your thoughts

It's quite possible you're pregnant; I would test ASAP. Similar thing happened to me and I was sure I had my period but kept spotting afterwards and finally tested about 9 days into my "new cycle" and bam, BFP!

No way? Well then, I might test tomorrow since I work all day today. Thanks for giving me some hope :D

Did you test?

I did, very negative on a clear blue. So guess I'm going to try again lol. My mother in law believes my af was wacky since I just started at a new store with a bunch of women. I don't know, on to the next :)
I did, very negative on a clear blue. So guess I'm going to try again lol. My mother in law believes my af was wacky since I just started at a new store with a bunch of women. I don't know, on to the next :)

Good luck next cycle hun!
I love this idea for a thread! I'm new to temping (started late this cycle) so I'm not 100% sure when I o'd... I'm guessing Aug 6 or 7, and my fertility apps guess the same, so I'm probably about 7 dpo.

1 dpo - no symptoms

2 dpo - achy, lots of acne (I usually get acne closer to AF, not this early), tender BBs, stomach ache (but that could be because I ate a ton at Olive Garden :haha:)

3 dpo - bad acne, stomach ache, sore BBs, and EXHAUSTED. I mean like... I lay down on the couch on my DH's lap and slept for 1-2 hours. And I don't usually fall asleep on couches. It was really strange

4 dpo - acne, cravings, tender BBs, still fatigued

5 dpo - acne, tender BBs, headache, burping a lot, joint pain... very emotional, crying easily (I usually get super emotional 1-2 days before AF... again, weird because earlier than normal)

6 dpo - woke up to the room spinning, and all I did to cause it was to roll over in bed. So bizarre. I am never dizzy. Stayed dizzy the whole day. Burped and peed a lot. Seemed to have a sore on the roof of my mouth, sore BBs

7 dpo - acne seems better. No dizziness when I woke up, only a touch of it as I've been moving around today. Kind of bummed about that, maybe a bad sign? Maybe it was caused by something else? Idk. BBs are still sore and seem big. Still burping a lot and very tired, even though I got 9 hours. All in all my symptoms seem way better though and I'm almost back to normal, which is disheartening. :cry:

8 dpo - literally almost no symptoms. BBs are a little sore but less than yesterday. I'm energized and cleaning the house. Makes me think I imagined the other symptoms

9 dpo - feel like AF is coming but she isn't due for another 5-6 days. :nope: Very sore BBs, mild cramps, watery CM. Some cramps (weird... don't feel like period cramps, because too high, but also doesn't feel like a stomach ache). Otherwise feel fine

10 dpo - Didn't sleep much (3 hours) last night, so fatigue doesn't count as a symptom. Boobs still sore. Temp dropping. Low cervix. AF seems to be on her way. Still burping a lot and having a lot of reflux. Discomfort in my belly region.

These may not be relevant, but a few other things: My kitten has been all. over. me. for the past 5 or so days. Like, I cannot handle this much attention. It may just be because she thinks I'm her mama, but it's getting aggravating. She's been rooting around trying to find something to suck, biting at my fingers, and crying loudly in my face. Also I haven't been wanting anything sweet-- I was going to have chocolate, but then felt grossed out. And my OJ tasted weird 6 dpo. :shrug:

I will try to update daily!

UPDATE: I tested with a FRER at 10 dpo and got a faint BFP!! Will test again tomorrow or in a couple days. Can't wait to tell the hubby! GL everyone :dust: Will continue to update if relevant.

11 dpo - reflux. Lots of reflux. And vague tummy cramps. Seem too high up for AF, only way I know how to describe it.

12 dpo - bfp on a FRER, but lighter line this time. A little nervous, but trying not to worry about it. Worrying won't affect the outcome either way, right? Reflux this morning, burpy, not really wanting to eat so got a headache.

13 dpo - lingering headache, sore boobs, little bit of reflux, lots of cramping.

14 dpo - got my period, right on time. :( Must have had an early miscarriage. I am crushed.
Starting a new post, because before when I THOUGHT I was past ovulation I most definitely wasn't...but finally O'd on CD68! :happydance:

0DPO: Got either a bit of EWCM or some arousal fluid...BD'd that evening but also BD'd two days before.
1DPO: Some creamy CM and slightly sensitive nipples
2DPO: Some more EWCM?? And a slight heaviness in breasts, sensitive nipples, gassy
3DPO: Bit of creamy CM, gassy.
This is my last chance to TTC for a long while. Sadly, events caused us to miss my most fertile days, but I am hoping that baby dancing before and after those days is enough to give me a baby!!!
Fyi, I suffer from PCOS, prior to the last two months I was highly irregular. I am basing my ovulation on my cm that I had.

1-4 dpo mild cramping, exhaustion and emotional (emotional caused from stress), headaches, slight nausea, my entire body is sore!

5 dpo cramping is a bit stronger today. Cervix is now high and hard uterus feels full and a little hard as well, cm is creamy but plentiful.
PM: VERY irrritable!

6 dpo slight cramping, cm sticky, cp high medium, slight nausea, bad dream at night which set me off for a weird mood today, tired all day so far with random spurts of energy.
Hi everyone! Here we go again...FX for everyone and praying for BFPs!!

1CD 7/24 period
17CD 8/9- very wet cm
7CD 7/30 HSG test
18CD 8/10 nauseas in the morning, ovulation pain 6-10pm
1dpo - back paint in the morning
2dpo - light pain in right ovary, very gassy
3dpo - pressure in lower abdomen, very bad back pain at work and home, had to lay down doe a few hours after work.
4dpo -yellow cm and watery cm, feel irritated and angry
5dpo- angry again :wacko: felt very very full after dinner but didn't have much food at all, pain the in the right ovary during sex (scary)
6dpo- very vivid and dream, cried most of it
7dpo- in pm pressure in lower abdomen & sore boobs, vivid and scary dreams again
8dpo- lower back pain and soar boobs (period symptoms), dizzy twice at work, weird taste in my mouth for a few seconds after work. Dream that I got a BFP, mind playing trick on me. BFN
9dpo- light cramps, BFN
10dpo- maybe very faint positive this morning, I took two test with FMU (see pic below). Very nauseous in the morning, but I also had a glass of chocolate wine last night and it could be from that (I know I shouldn't have but I thought I was out, feel super guilty now!)

11dpo -(tomorrow 8/21) originally should have my period but since O was late, period might be moved to Sunday 8/24 (hopefully not bc it's my bday and I will :cry::cry::cry:)

11DPO BFP on clear blue digi 1-2 weeks pregnant
OKAY.. so I'm new to this but really really concerned. The first day of my last period was July 26, 2014. That weekend, August 1,2014 me and the boyfriend got stupid drunk and he forgot to withdraw. I'm not trying to have babies, and not trying NOT to, we've always used the withdrawal method since I stopped the pill back in 2012. I'm 28, never been pregnant, and this is the first time I've felt certain things that I've NEVER felt before, and the boyfriend has slipped up 2 times in the past (forgetting to pull out) and both times there was no pregnancy..
8/1- (Possible date of insemination)
8/9 - 8/15 - Constant urge to pee, can't sleep at night
- random nausea, felt sick and threw up early in the a.m. white foamy..
- CONSTANT pressure between my legs!! <--- this is what worries me!
- took 2 digital EPT brand tests, both negative, also 1 UPT at Dr.'s it was also neg
- Gassy
8-20 - took 1 more UPT this a.m. at Dr.'s - NEG!!

But I still have the pressure, and some tingling in my nipples (very faint)
Does this sound like anyone else? Did it end up in a pregnancy? please help!
what is a FRER?

First response early response test they are more sensitive and docs tests wouldn't show positive til much later than a home test as they are a lot less sensitive. When's your next period due, must be very soon? I didn't get a positive hpt til day before expected period and even then it was so faint it was hard to see.

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