Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

thanks doll!! my cycle used to be irregular until I lost like 45 lbs and lately it has always landed on the 15th or 25th of the month... hope something happens soon because the pressure in between my legs is starting to worry me.
Hi everyone! Here we go again...FX for everyone and praying for BFPs!!

1CD 7/24 period
7CD 7/30 HSG test
17CD 8/9- very wet cm
18CD 8/10 nauseas in the morning, ovulation pain 6-10pm
1dpo - back paint in the morning
2dpo - light pain in right ovary, very gassy
3dpo - pressure in lower abdomen, very bad back pain at work and home, had to lay down doe a few hours after work.
4dpo -yellow cm and watery cm, feel irritated and angry
5dpo- angry again :wacko: felt very very full after dinner but didn't have much food at all, pain the in the right ovary during sex (scary)
6dpo- very vivid and dream, cried most of it
7dpo- in pm pressure in lower abdomen & sore boobs, vivid and scary dreams again
8dpo- lower back pain and soar boobs (period symptoms), dizzy twice at work, weird taste in my mouth for a few seconds after work. Dream that I got a BFP, mind playing trick on me. BFN
9dpo- very light cramps (not like the painful ones I get before), BFN
10dpo- maybe very faint positive this morning, I took two test with FMU (see pic below). Very nauseous in the morning, but I also had a glass of chocolate wine last night and it could be from that (I know I shouldn't have but I thought I was out, feel super guilty now!)

11dpo -(tomorrow 8/21) originally should have my period but since O was late, period might be moved to Sunday 8/24 (hopefully not bc it's my bday and I will :cry::cry::cry:)

11dpo- Just got my first, EVER, really BFP with a clear blue digi!!!! This is unreal after trying for so long. Also I forgot to mention that I had an HSG done on 7/30, one tube was unblocked. Baby dust to all!
Hi everyone! Here we go again...FX for everyone and praying for BFPs!!

1CD 7/24 period
17CD 8/9- very wet
18CD 8/10 nauseas in the morning, ovulation pain 6-10pm
1dpo - back paint in the morning
2dpo - light pain in right ovary, very gassy
3dpo - pressure in lower abdomen, very bad back pain at work and home, had to lay down doe a few hours after work.
4dpo -yellow cm and watery cm, feel irritated and angry
5dpo- angry again :wacko: felt very very full after dinner but didn't have much food at all, pain the in the right ovary during sex (scary)
6dpo- very vivid and dream, cried most of it
7dpo- in pm pressure in lower abdomen & sore boobs, vivid and scary dreams again
8dpo- lower back pain and soar boobs (period symptoms), dizzy twice at work, weird taste in my mouth for a few seconds after work. Dream that I got a BFP, mind playing trick on me. BFN
9dpo- very light cramps (not like the painful ones I get before), BFN
10dpo- maybe very faint positive this morning, I took two test with FMU (see pic below). Very nauseous in the morning, but I also had a glass of chocolate wine last night and it could be from that (I know I shouldn't have but I thought I was out, feel super guilty now!)

11dpo -(tomorrow 8/21) originally should have my period but since O was late, period might be moved to Sunday 8/24 (hopefully not bc it's my bday and I will :cry::cry::cry:)

11dpo- Just got my first, EVER, really BFP with a clear blue digi!!!! This is unreal after trying for so long. Also I forgot to mention that I had an HSG done on 8/30, one tube was unblocked. Baby dust to all!

This is a really good idea! I am going to add mine here too. I have a 15-day luteal phase, so in for a long wait. I will keep updating as days progress.

Cycle# 1 of TTC (August 2014) with expected AF date on 2nd Sept:

1dpo - Very bad lower backache (I never get lower backache this early...generally it is on CD1 or just the day before expected AF). Woke up at 4:30am with a feeling of discomfort because of full bladder.

2dpo - nothing during the day. Woke up at 3:30am again with a full bladder

3dpo - painful twinges/throbbing in my right breast for several hours. Made it a point to empty my blaldder before I went to bed, aah but didnt work out. Woke up at 4:30am with a full bladder. Had to empty it in order to get back to sleep

4dpo - Nothing during most part of the day. Very mild/dull cramps here and there and on side of right ovary with pain sometimes radiating down to right thigh & calf. Woke up again at 4:30am but not a full bladder (thankfully! I hate going to the bathroom in the middle of my sleep)

5dpo - TMI warning! Yellow creamy CM during bowel movement this morning. I dont remember having any CM generally after ovulation but this time it is distinctively yellow. Dull twinges again in breasts, low back...didnt last long, just on and off. Woke up again at 4:15am :(

6dpo - CM seems feels dried up but when I checked my cervix, it was soft (like mushy), low but not the lowest position and my finger was covered in lotiony CM. Never saw that before but then never checked cervix before on 6dpo, so not sure if that's a symptom. Twinges much lesser than 5dpo. Woke up at 5am after only 4hrs of sleep to empty bladder.

7dpo - occasional twinges but nothing special so far. Bloated and gassy after dinner. Woke up at 5:20am today and had to pee.

8dpo - big drop in temp today. Have a weird feeling in my stomach as if its burning and feels like all the food is in my throat (sorry, if that felt gross). Have this feeling after every meal. Strangely no nausea/weird feeling in stomach after dinner.

9dpo - Woke up at 3:30am today to empty bladder. I am getting used to getting up in the night now. But, feel absolutely fine today. No nausea, no symptom, nothing, zilch..

10dpo - Woke up at 4:30am to pee just like usual. No symptoms whatsoever. AF-like cramps which lasted for few hours.

11-13dpo - nothing

14dpo - AF :(
This is my last chance to TTC for a long while. Sadly, events caused us to miss my most fertile days, but I am hoping that baby dancing before and after those days is enough to give me a baby!!!
Fyi, I suffer from PCOS, prior to the last two months I was highly irregular. I am basing my ovulation on my cm that I had.

1-4 dpo mild cramping, exhaustion and emotional (emotional caused from stress), headaches, slight nausea, my entire body is sore!

5 dpo cramping is a bit stronger today. Cervix is now high and hard uterus feels full and a little hard as well, cm is creamy but plentiful.
PM: VERY irrritable!

6 dpo slight cramping, cm sticky, cp high medium, slight nausea, bad dream at night which set me off for a weird mood today, tired all day so far with random spurts of energy.
HORNY!! (sorry for tmi :haha: )

7 dpo gassy (past few days) irritable again, cramping picked up again, boobs are larger but do not hurt, feels like af will start soon except it isn't due for another week or so. I am NOT a smoker but I have had a bad craving for a vanilla cigar! Cm is creamy, cp is high and medium.

8 dpo cm is creamy and plentiful again, cp medium-high and soft and closed, cramping same as yesterday, I feel weird- not sure how to feel, had a dream that my body was covered in dark veins. Horny again! Sorry if tmi but it was the BEST :sex: ever!! Smell of pizza prior to this smelt far too heavenly xD
Been moody off and on today. Still almost crying over silly things such as the smell of the pizza lol

9 dpo had stinging sensation in my boobs that HURT pretty bad! Only happened once. Boibs are a tiny bit tender. Cm sticky, cp high-medium. Craved sweets all day and then craved water. Watched Maleficent and cried lol

10 dpo cm sticky/creamy, cp high-medium. Had dream about raising a baby (obviously I have babies on my mind lol). Most symptoms have completely gone away.
I had a short episode of extreme nausea earlier but it last for less than a minute.
Noticed that the veins under my nipple are big and blue! (some blue veins on my boob are normal, not my nipple though.) Anyone else experience this??

BFN this morning BUT I had peed two hours before and didn't think to test when I peed at that time... vvvv
11 dpo forgot to check cm+cp. Started out with nausea today. Went away for a while. Bad mood ALL DAY! Nausea picked up and got worst. Back ached like crazy and I had se cramping. Couldn't eat and smell of sub sandwich made nausea worst. Got dizzy frequently. Exhausted. Yelled at my husband (NOT normal!).

12 dpo yet another bfn on dollar tree test :(
CM creamy, CP high-medium-closed. Nausea, bloating, constipation, cramping ,dizziness, tender breasts, headaches.

13 dpo SENSITIVEBto smells, threw up, nausea, bloating, tender breasts, dizziness, cramps, indigestion, salty cravings.
I notcied that my usual AF spotting which occurs about 4-5 days before AF arrives HASN'T happened yet! I am hoping this is a good sign!!
oh and CM sticky, CP high-firm-closed.

14 dpo no more tests to use lol need to by some more after my paycheck today. CM sticky, CP- Medium-soft-closed. Sore breasts, cramping, constipation. (so far)
OKAY.. so I'm new to this but really really concerned. The first day of my last period was July 26, 2014. That weekend, August 1,2014 me and the boyfriend got stupid drunk and he forgot to withdraw. I'm not trying to have babies, and not trying NOT to, we've always used the withdrawal method since I stopped the pill back in 2012. I'm 28, never been pregnant, and this is the first time I've felt certain things that I've NEVER felt before, and the boyfriend has slipped up 2 times in the past (forgetting to pull out) and both times there was no pregnancy..
8/1- (Possible date of insemination)
8/9 - 8/15 - Constant urge to pee, can't sleep at night
- random nausea, felt sick and threw up early in the a.m. white foamy..
- CONSTANT pressure between my legs!! <--- this is what worries me!
- took 2 digital EPT brand tests, both negative, also 1 UPT at Dr.'s it was also neg
- Gassy
8-20 - took 1 more UPT this a.m. at Dr.'s - NEG!!

But I still have the pressure, and some tingling in my nipples (very faint)
Does this sound like anyone else? Did it end up in a pregnancy? please help!

Okay.. so the sides of my breasts hurt. under my armpits towards my rib.
well.. took a FRER test and got another negative. Really starting to worry, sypmtoms of nausea have all gone.
still feel a little bloating and acid reflux, I usually do have sore breasts before AF, but this is different, like right where my arms rest above my ribs, almost feels like my armpits are sore! Anyone ever have this happen? What was the outcome?
1-3 dpo--sore nipples
7 dpo - 11 dpo--boobs became sore below the nipple when touched and also seemed bigger/fuller
9 dpo - BFP

So excited!!
I just want to say CONGRATULATIONS!! to everyone who has recently gotten a BFP! :dance: Happy and Healthy 9 months to you all! <3
Ladies question for u, do u bloat alot the day after ovulation? Ive woken up thinking im 1 dpo but im so bloated im worried its actually today not yesterday
Just figured I'd join! I'm 11 dpo based on an ovulation test and due for period on 16 dpo.

1-9 dpo: swollen and mildly sore BBS, sensitive nipples, bloated, constipated
10 dpo: diarrhea, BBS have shrunk and are barely sore, less bloated
11 dpo: same as 10 dpo, with slight cramps starting at noon and SEVERE nausea in the morning.

Haven't tested yet.... Been let down too often to even want to test until AF is late!

Baby dust!!
Had a chemical in May, second month ntnp since then.

Right now I am 18 DPO (I think, but am now questioning this)

1-8 DPO - no real symptoms
9 DPO - headache, pinkish brown cm (implantation? I never get that)
10 DPO - Today - higher temp (has maintained), crampy, sore boobs, mild nausea (except today - that's gone), High, soft cervix (can't tell if it's open or closed), creamy cm
BFN on frer today (not fmu but it should be enough now to not need it??)
Had a chemical in May, second month ntnp since then.

Right now I am 18 DPO (I think, but am now questioning this)

1-8 DPO - no real symptoms
9 DPO - headache, pinkish brown cm (implantation? I never get that)
10 DPO - Today - higher temp (has maintained), crampy, sore boobs, mild nausea (except today - that's gone), High, soft cervix (can't tell if it's open or closed), creamy cm
BFN on frer today (not fmu but it should be enough now to not need it??)

Test again in the morning and try to hold your pee all night! :) if it is bfn again then call up your doctor and schedule a blood test to see what is going on and to talk about options to get back on track if it is still bfn.
Though, you may have just ovulated pretty late so I have my FX that your bfn will show up soon!!
Just figured I'd join! I'm 11 dpo based on an ovulation test and due for period on 16 dpo.

1-9 dpo: swollen and mildly sore BBS, sensitive nipples, bloated, constipated
10 dpo: diarrhea, BBS have shrunk and are barely sore, less bloated
11 dpo: same as 10 dpo, with slight cramps starting at noon and SEVERE nausea in the morning.

12 dpo: constipated in the morning, diarrhea in the afternoon, mild nausea, swollen boobs and bloating are back. also have stabbing uterine pain off and on.

4 more days til I test... or worse... AF!
Im only 6 dpo but sure be fun to say what my symptoms I have

From 1 to 6dpo ive been so bloated and cramps
Sore nipples from 3 dpo
Sore boobs from 5 dpo
Twinges and creamy thick cm on cd 6 lots of sharp and dul, aches and pains
Who knows how long I will be waiting so why not try this again!

27 day cycle. 1st cycle using opks. I think I may have O'd later than normal but am not sure since this is my first cycle tracking.

CD 18: +opk
CD 19: +opk and bad cramps
CD 20: VERY +opk (test line darker than control)

1dpo-5dpo: nothing
6dpo-8dpo: thick, white cm. Lower back ache. Canker sore (used to get them a lot when I was little, havent had one in a while).
9dpo: AF is a no show. Same cm. Bfn. Chills, uneasy tummy, tired. Legit feel like Im getting sick, took temp and it is a bit elevated at 99.1. It looks like Im coming down with something.
10dpo: still waiting on AF. Bfn again.
11dpo (CD30): still no sign of AF. Another bfn. Feel completely normal. Afternoon update: having what feels like pinches under my right hip bone on and off.
12dpo: bloated and breasts becoming tender. Af is probably on her way.
13dpo: still no af but another bfn. Breasts tender, white cm. Update: having cramps on and off that do not feel like af. Uncomfortable pains that I cant really describe..sort of feels like gas or like I need to have a bm but I dont (sorry tmi). Nausea on and off in the morning and afternoon.
14dpo (5 days late): Nausea, very hot but have chills, elevated temp. Woke up with what felt like a cold & sore throat that only lasted a couple hrs. Mild headache. Bfn $ store hpt. PM update: AF is here :cry:
From 1 to 6dpo ive been so bloated and cramps
Sore nipples from 3 dpo
Sore boobs from 5 dpo
Twinges and creamy thick cm on cd 6 lots of sharp and dul, aches and pains
7 dpo bad cramps achey, heart burn all day thick cloudy ewcm creamy cm!
8 dpo tender bbs, bad cramps, backache, headaches, dizzy and light headed. Tired and slight nausea also got a very very faint line on ic not sure if its and indent
Just figured I'd join! I'm 11 dpo based on an ovulation test and due for period on 16 dpo.

1-9 dpo: swollen and mildly sore BBS, sensitive nipples, bloated, constipated
10 dpo: diarrhea, BBS have shrunk and are barely sore, less bloated
11 dpo: same as 10 dpo, with slight cramps starting at noon and SEVERE nausea in the morning.

12 dpo: constipated in the morning, diarrhea in the afternoon, mild nausea, swollen boobs and bloating are back. also have stabbing uterine pain off and on.

13-15 dpo: constipated, nauseous while starving, thirsty, gigantic boobies, bloated
16 dpo: AF
Had a chemical in May, second month ntnp since then.

Right now I am 18 DPO (I think, but am now questioning this)

1-8 DPO - no real symptoms
9 DPO - headache, pinkish brown cm (implantation? I never get that)
10 DPO - Today - higher temp (has maintained), crampy, sore boobs, mild nausea (except today - that's gone), High, soft cervix (can't tell if it's open or closed), creamy cm
BFN on frer today (not fmu but it should be enough now to not need it??)

So since Friday (19-22 DPO) my symptoms have subsided a lot. I don't have 'pms' symptoms which is unusual, my cervix is still high and soft. Temperatures are still higher, and I have a little creamy cm. But crampiness and sore boobs are almost nonexistent. I have had some tingling in my hands. I'm waiting until Friday to test because my app has recalculated that I should get AF on Thursday (???).

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