Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Ovulation or Implantation???
I am 31 yrs old. I have a 4 yr old who was a c-section and last Feb I had an ectopic pregnancy which ruptured having to have my right tube removed. My periods recently regulated at a 31-35 day cycle. These past two months were 31. But they dropped from 7 full days to 6 when they went to the 31 day cycle. This month's I started on Jan 4th having a reg flow and mild cramps rather than a heavy flow and severe back pain as usual on my first day. The following days were 2-3were regular also instead of heavy. Days 4-6 were really light when usually 4 & 5 are regular and 6-7 are light... Jan 15th- 18th I had mild cramps combined with stabbing pains in my left lower pelvic region which I assume was ov? It lasted most of the 19th until that afternoon literally every 15 min. At 330pm it stopped I went to the bathroom and saw a clear discharge with blood streaks and a few hours later it was a light pink color. Yesterday and today it's a maroon colored mucus discharge. It's not enough for a pad but it's definitely there. I've never "felt" ov pains before or had ov bleeding. the last time I "bled" like this I was pregnant with my daughter. But, I'm trying to figure out if this is "normal ov pain" or possible implantation bleeding which meant I would have ov'd early. I only tracked my cm...
This is for the month of January
8 5….LIGHT..
9 6…..light stopped
10 7.. TTC
11 8… ttc white/ewcm
12 9 97.3/ewcm/watery
13 10.. 96.4/lotion cm/overly tired/ttc
14 11 ewcm 97.1
15 12..twinge pain left side/97.2 pelvic pains white creamy cm itchy nips
16 13. sharp pelvic pains left side itchy nips TIRED-TTC
17 14..Sharp pains
18 15..lots EWCM @ 1am &TTC-crampy pains all day- 97.8 @ 8pm & lots white EWCM plus sharp stabbing pains that lasted in left pelvic area from about 770pm- 9pm !
19 16..TTC @ 12am-ovary pain 745-8 then from about 815-830 mild but solid pain left pelvic region
20 17..545 am ttc…7am pink discharge…1130am pink/ brown
21 18..EXHAUSTED brown stained clear mucus discharge (stringy) slightly sore nipples

I apologize for the long post but I'm confused this is all new to me....
I am so excited to turn this green!!!!! I went to the doctor today after doing a FRER with FMU around 7am and got my :bfp: they took a test at the doctor and I'm now confirmed pregnant!!!! Oh my goodness!!:happydance:

Hello! I've been posting in the TWW for awhile now and have been stalking this thread since I began my TWW. I figured since I'm a bit farther along in my TWW that I would post my symptoms.

I'm hoping even if AF shows up, this will help me learn my cycle a bit more.

Here is a bit of info about me, I'm 25 and DH is also 25. We turn 26 in March, our birthdays are only 2 days apart. We have been married 6 years and this was our first month of NTNP.

I don't know specifically when I ovulated, I am going off of my cycle and CM symptoms. I'll post my cycle days as well, since I'm pretty regular with a 28-31 day cycle.

Dec. 26, 2014 was cd1 for me

Cd 7- had :sex:
Cd 11 & 12- had :sex:
Cd 14- had :sex: EWCM
Cd 15- had :sex: also have had cramping on my left side
Cd 16- had :sex: not much CM going on

(I'm basing my O day on FF which informed me O day was Cd 16, but I alsocould have O'd on CD 14.)

Cd 17/1dpo-no symptoms
Cd 18/2dpo-CM is now creamy, breasts more sensitive(probably due to ovulation)
Cd19/3dpo-CM is still creamy/sticky, breasts are tender and it seemed like there were little twinges in them. Still cramping on the left side.
Cd20/4dpo-Same as the first few days, headaches seem to be happening more, CM increased a bit, cramping still happening, breasts sore, and feeling fairly tired.
Cd21/5dpo-just heartburn (could be due to diet) some nausea, sore breasts and what feels like twinges in my uterus. (Could just be gas)
Cd22/6dpo-Nothing noticed
Cd23/7dpo-Not much, CM is the same as before, creamy (TMI I seem to be producing more than I've noticed before.) A bit emotional, cried for no reason at all today.
Cd24/8dpo-Nothing noticeable today, CM seems to have dried up.
Cd25/9po-Vivid dreams, a feeling that AF is just going to show any day now and feeling like I'm out. Certain smells are bothering me, like the smell of a banana just grossed me out. A bit irritable today, DH was eating an orange and it was annoying to listen to. I also had a bit of constipation (TMI) and my CM has still been dry.
Cd26/10dpo-POAS with a FRER as soon as I woke up and had a :bfn: It was hard to see that but I'm glad I saw that so if AF shows up I'm a bit more prepared. That being said, I've had a few hot flashes today which seem odd since it's been cold out lately. I've been really gassy today, plus some lower back pain and the cramping only on the left side. Very tired, actually took a nap today. CM is now back to creamy.
Cd27/11dpo-Really no symptoms so far today, I've had a runny nose for the past few days that's continued today. I had a small nose bleed, (could be due to how dry/cold it is) and light cramping, certainly less than it has been which has been wonderful but it's still there. I have a feeling AF is just going to show up soon. Only thing I can say, is I normally don't cramp this long in my cycle. It's typically just a day or two before AF and then during AF until about the 3rd day. Also my CM has been a bit more watery/creamy, it feels like I have AF but when I go check it is just a cloudy/watery/and sometimes creamy fluid. (TMI)
Cd28/12dpo-Vivid dreams the night before, woke up took a FRER with FMU and got a faint :bfp: I've been feeling nervous, excited and everything. Also went to the doctor and they confirmed my pregnancy with a test. My due date is Oct. 3, 2015!!! I've had a lot of watery cm today, been feeling a bit gassy until I had a BM and just over the moon with everything. Also my sense of smell is certainly heightened and my nose is still runny! I'm hoping this will be a sticky bean!

Congrats to all the ladies who have gotten a I hope they all remain a sticky bean! to all the women who have lost their bean this month, hopefully next month will be yours, and good luck to all those still in the TWW, lots of :dust: to you!
I am so excited to turn this green!!!!! I went to the doctor today after doing a FRER with FMU around 7am and got my :bfp: they took a test at the doctor and I'm now confirmed pregnant!!!! Oh my goodness!!:happydance:

Hello! I've been posting in the TWW for awhile now and have been stalking this thread since I began my TWW. I figured since I'm ua bit farther along in my TWW that I would post my symptoms.

I'm hoping even if AF shows up, this will help me learn my cycle a bit more.

Here is a bit of info about me, I'm 25 and DH is also 25. We turn 26 in March, our birthdays are only 2 days apart. We have been married 6 years and this was our first month of NTNP.

I don't know specifically when I ovulated, I am going off of my cycle and CM symptoms. I'll post my cycle days as well, since I'm pretty regular with a 28-31 day cycle.

Dec. 26, 2014 was cd1 for me

Cd 7- had :sex:
Cd 11 & 12- had :sex:
Cd 14- had :sex: EWCM
Cd 15- had :sex: also have had cramping on my left side
Cd 16- had :sex: not much CM going on

(I'm basing my O day on FF which informed me O day was Cd 16, but I alsocould have O'd on CD 14.)

Cd 17/1dpo-no symptoms
Cd 18/2dpo-CM is now creamy, breasts more sensitive(probably due to ovulation)
Cd19/3dpo-CM is still creamy/sticky, breasts are tender and it seemed like there were little twinges in them. Still cramping on the left side.
Cd20/4dpo-Same as the first few days, headaches seem to be happening more, CM increased a bit, cramping still happening, breasts sore, and feeling fairly tired.
Cd21/5dpo-just heartburn (could be due to diet) some nausea, sore breasts and what feels like twinges in my uterus. (Could just be gas)
Cd22/6dpo-Nothing noticed
Cd23/7dpo-Not much, CM is the same as before, creamy (TMI I seem to be producing more than I've noticed before.) A bit emotional, cried for no reason at all today.
Cd24/8dpo-Nothing noticeable today, CM seems to have dried up.
Cd25/9po-Vivid dreams, a feeling that AF is just going to show any day now and feeling like I'm out. Certain smells are bothering me, like the smell of a banana just grossed me out. A bit irritable today, DH was eating an orange and it was annoying to listen to. I also had a bit of constipation (TMI) and my CM has still been dry.
Cd26/10dpo-POAS with a FRER as soon as I woke up and had a :bfn: It was hard to see that but I'm glad I saw that so if AF shows up I'm a bit more prepared. That being said, I've had a few hot flashes today which seem odd since it's been cold out lately. I've been really gassy today, plus some lower back pain and the cramping only on the left side. Very tired, actually took a nap today. CM is now back to creamy.
Cd27/11dpo-Really no symptoms so far today, I've had a runny nose for the past few days that's continued today. I had a small nose bleed, (could be due to how dry/cold it is) and light cramping, certainly less than it has been which has been wonderful but it's still there. I have a feeling AF is just going to show up soon. Only thing I can say, is I normally don't cramp this long in my cycle. It's typically just a day or two before AF and then during AF until about the 3rd day. Also my CM has been a bit more watery/creamy, it feels like I have AF but when I go check it is just a cloudy/watery/and sometimes creamy fluid. (TMI)
Cd28/12dpo-Vivid dreams the night before, woke up took a FRER with FMU and got a faint :bfp: I've been feeling nervous, excited and everything. Also went to the doctor and they confirmed my pregnancy with a test. My due date is Oct. 3, 2015!!! I've had a lot of watery cm today, been feeling a bit gassy until I had a BM and just over the moon with everything. Also my sense of smell is certainly heightened and my nose is still runny! I'm hoping this will be a sticky bean!

Congrats to all the ladies who have gotten a I hope they all remain a sticky bean! to all the women who have lost their bean this month, hopefully next month will be yours, and good luck to all those still in the TWW, lots of :dust: to you!

Congratulations :) x
DH aren't actively trying this month because doctor said to wait until AF comes again but we aren't preventing either and I feel like I may have O'd these past couple days. All the signs of O are there... And we've BD'd quite a bit this week.... Hmmmm.... Guess we will see what happens! Lol
Congratulations Akirkland!!

AF due for me tomorrow, been updating my DPO, feeling pretty sure I'm out this month.
Not sure when/if I O'd but normally I am on a pretty regular 29 day cycle and O around CD 14/15 ... Was told that CD 1 would be the day I had my mc so I guess I am on CD 16 and I've been noticing some sore bbs and cramping... Same feeling I got around 2 dpo in Dec when I got my bfp. Not sure if this is just leftover pangs or something else but I thought I would record it anyway. AF is due Feb 5/6 if my cycle didn't get screwed up from the mc.
New cycle hope I get my bfp this time........ so last month was hell I ended up with a ridiculously long confusing cycle hoping this month is not the same ...
As a result me and hubby decided to not track ov this month and just to relax si I will be going by cd and not dpo

Cd15-lotion thick white cm with mild cramps
Cd16-sore boobs nipples tingle clearer cm
Cd17-tired clear cm not much of it though
Cd19-boobs feel slightly fuller small amound of cm nothing unusual really feeling out already.
Cd20-few cramps very mild could just be trapped wind small amount of creamy cm.
Cd21-few cramps very mild cm is clear slippery slimey (yuck) sorry for tmi haha and cervix is high and soft.dtd.
Cd22-clear cm cervix still high and soft can barely reach it.
Cd23-watery clear cm am turned into ewcm pm cervix med/high soft open ... on and off mild cramps very irritated and short fused very tired breasts feel fuller all normal signs of o for me but cant be sure without doing a o test.dtd.
Cd24- cervix med/high very soft cm is white but in between thick and thin, some bad cramps this evening and low back aches feeling like im getting a cold with runny nose etc.
Cd25-lots of white thick cm today cervix med soft.
Cd26-feeling nauseous, cervix med soft cm thick white not as much as yesturday.breasts feeling fuller.
Cd27-headache, white lotiony cm sore nipples in eve when took bra off feeling like im getting a cold.
Cd28- keep thinking do I have a cold or not woke up feeling like it but felt ok during day occasional stuffy nose cm white lotion/creamy very bad tempered in the morning .. tempted to test tomorrow morning but may be to early........... little bit worried as cervix has dropped really low and gone hard :(.
Cd29- white creamy cm cervix still low and firm no symptoms today at all except I sort of have a cold.
Cd30-not very well at all chesty cough with high temps so not really sure what is a symtom or if its just because im ill but have had sore boobs and lots of watery cm cervix is higher and softer.
Cd31-still not well have a virus .. increase in watery white cm today so much I thought id come on very wet feeling tmi sorry haha boobs still sorr cervix still med and not hard but not overly soft.

Im gunna try holding out till the 31st(cd38) to test if af dosnt show anyone else testing around that date ? X
Got excited and cocky after not getting my very regular period all day so I ran out tonight to get a digital only to get a big fat BFN in my face and the witch show her face an hour later.
Feeling low, another month.....:nope:

Joining in, this is month two of TTC for baby #2
(Took almost a year to get pregnant with DS)
I always think I'm pregnant every month :wacko:

1-4 DPO - EWCM
5 DPO - still having EWCM??? This morning I felt my uterus 'seize' up for a minute that reminded me of the cramp I used to get after an orgasm when pregnant :blush:, very tired and emotional but son hasn't been sleeping well. Felt the need to just sit and stare at the wall I was so tired and out of it (had this with my son too).
6 DPO - Still lots of EWCM. So strange.
7 DPO - I had IBS as a child and had a stomach ache like that this morning. Big blog of EWCM. TMI- had a cramp feeling in my vagina as I took a BM.
8 DPO - pinching and stretching feeling on bit and right sides. No more EWCM.
9 DPO - skin very clear and smooth all of a sudden. Cramping feeling up in my vagina.
10 DPO - some light period cramping. Boob pain. Tired.
11 DPO - boob pain
12 DPO - boob pain, feel an aversion to nursing my son at night which I've never had.
13 DPO - emotional, feels like AF is around the corner, haven't even tested once.
14 DPO - had a cramping feeling like my period is around the corner :( can't believe I haven't tested.
15 DPO - period is due today. Cramps this morning, feeling depressed, random boob pains.
Jesses: So sorry. Hope this is her last visit before she takes a break for nine months.
So i used this thread the month i conceived with my son on my first round of clomid so im back lol!

First round cloimd TTC #3

1DPO- Nothing
2DPO- sticky CM, Feeling warm
3DPO- felt hungover when woke up (dont drink), stick CM, one random uterine pain, huge appetite
4DPO- woke up with cold
5DPO- intense lower back pain, horrendous cold, temp keeps climbing, slight yellow tint to cm
6DPO- temp dip (had implantation dip 6dpo last preg) Yellow stretchy cm (also had on implantation day last pregnancy)
7DPO-11DPO- A lot of cramping. EWCM. BFP at 10DPO!
Ninjapanda- I have been getting the same feelings of Ovulation as well! I read that these are common after a miscarriage and that they aren't ovulation BUT I have also read that many women ovulate within 2 weeks of a miscarriage, though for most they won't ovulate until after their period returns. If my mc marks a new cycle then I am on cd 11. My hubby has had a HUGE increase in his sex drive the past couple of days, along with a sleep bd session which has NEVER happened before, so I am starting to wonder if I have ovulated..? Going off my original cycle (If I hadn't conceived), this would be cd 15 and right on time for ovulation.
My doctors office, since my doctor apparently was too busy, said to wait at least one cycle before ttc again. But ... I'm impatient so I will just ntnp for now :P
Hi Ladies, I'd like to join in even though I'm neither trying nor suspect that i am pregnant. I've never had random spotting before and I'd like to track whether it's ovulation or implantation as I don't see much online that differentiates the two. I will go by CD instead of DPO as I'm not temping.

CD 1-6: AF
CD 7-13: sticky CM
CD 14-15: creamy CM, and DTD
CD 16-22: watery CM but low amount. Skin break out on days 18-19
CD 23: creamy tinged CM, and a small amount of dark brown spotting (9 days after DTD)
CD 24: watery tinged CM, low amt. Bloating.
CD 25-26: creamy large amount of CM. extreme fatigue
CD 27: egg-white CM. Extreme fatigue
CD 28-31: egg-white CM. Breast tenderness and still fatigued. Headaches and random nausea but I have been losing sleep so that may explain it.
CD 32-34: egg-white CM but cloudy and opaque. Had a good sleep for two nights and symptoms went away, except for increased bloating. BFN, so time to wait for AF.
CD35-39: CM dried up. Breasts are fuller but not painful. Had bad acid reflux and increased burping.CD 38 onwards cervical position is low hard and closed (prev SHOW throughout EWCM days).
CD40-43: moderate amt of very creamy CM. Very full/tender breasts and GI issues. Looking out for AF because usually after 2 days of increased CM, I start to spot. Taking longer this time.

I think it's extremely likely to be ovulation spotting as it was mid-cycle (my periods are irregular and can range anywhere from 35-50days). However, the only points which make me hope is
- Spotted 9 days after we DTD
- EWCM present only 2-3days after spotting
- I have been tracking my CM for around 2 years and I have never seen spotting at suspected ovulution/presence of EWCM.

well, whatever it turns out to be, hope this helps anyone searching for more to read on whether it's ovulation spotting or implantation bleeding :)
Ninjapanda- I have been getting the same feelings of Ovulation as well! I read that these are common after a miscarriage and that they aren't ovulation BUT I have also read that many women ovulate within 2 weeks of a miscarriage, though for most they won't ovulate until after their period returns. If my mc marks a new cycle then I am on cd 11. My hubby has had a HUGE increase in his sex drive the past couple of days, along with a sleep bd session which has NEVER happened before, so I am starting to wonder if I have ovulated..? Going off my original cycle (If I hadn't conceived), this would be cd 15 and right on time for ovulation.
My doctors office, since my doctor apparently was too busy, said to wait at least one cycle before ttc again. But ... I'm impatient so I will just ntnp for now :P

From what I have read and learned from my cousin (who is a doctor) is that when you mc as early as we did, there is really no point in waiting one cycle to try again and most doctors say that for the purpose of dating the pregnancy. Also, there are quite a few on the forums here that I have seen/spoken to that have conceived right after mc so you never know!

DH and I did BD a lot last week (which I may or may have not been ovulating) and today (which would be CD 17/18 if I went by the date of mc) I have started to notice little things like my bbs were quite sore on and off and some slight cramping in my lower abdomen again. I am trying not to think too much into it because I know that it could just be in my head or leftover symptoms from the mc but who knows, maybe we got lucky.... Lol

Unfortunately DH will be leaving me for 6 months soon for work and he will only be back once a month which will make TTC really hard so I am hoping we get lucky either this month or next. Gotta love how life likes to throw these curve balls!
Hey ladies, this is my first cycle with TTC with baby #1!!!!
I'm super excited and just hope that it doesn't take very long to concieve but we shall see.
So here is symptoms by dpo so far...

Excited, motivated, gassy, stomach ache, a little fatigued, some dizziness , left pelvic pain.

Happy, frisky, motivated, gassy, cravings, + appetite (like starving eating anything and everything like I could not get satisfied), left pelvic pain again.

Happy, gassy, + appetite, fatigue, irritable, vivid dreams, bad leg cramps.

Happy, gassy still, cravings, + appetite, fatigue, more vivid dreams, sharp pain in my left breast, a little irritable.

Happy, motivated, cravings, +appetite, back aches.

Happy, -appetite finally, hunger pains but not hungry, stomach ache, sneezing for no reason, loose stool, no cm, chills cold all the time.
Feels like some cramping on and off but it's so lite can't really tell.

Well hope every gets a BFP!!!!!! Baby dust to all!!!!!!
I've only had a few symptoms. I've had a week and a half cold which I thought was the flu but no fever.. thinking maybe that could delay af. A few headaches here and there. I had white cm once or twice and indigestion. Sorry for tmi

CD55: af due.. nothing out of the ordinary. Stomach not agreeing with what I eat.
CD56: headache
CD57: major headache and exhausted from work, afternoon test BFN. Slept forever. Had a dream af came so I woke up upset but realized it was just a dream.
CD58: slight headache. Tired. All the above and today still have cold, cough, stuffy and runny nose. Cloudy urine
CD59: tested with fmu and got a bfn white as snow. :( thinking I should stop testing until cd90, as I didn't get my bfp until cd103 Last time, still have sinus pressure and headaches. Vivid dreams. Chapped lips today and yesterday & the day before that. Started taking prenatals, just in case. Still hopeful. Ordered more test strips so I can test every day until bfp or af. I'm so impatient.
CD60: Vivid dreams Last night. My left boob was throbbing Last night & usually I get shooting pains (but not throbbing) in my left boob before af comes, but still no spotting or sign of af. White/tan cm, small tinge of blood when blowing my nose. Both boobs had the throbbing pain but only for a minute, went away pretty fast. Chapped lips..again.. and cramp like pain in left ovary. Not too bad, just a little.
CD61: dreamt of my best friend/cousin dying last night. Breaking out with pimples. white cm, still slight throbs in bbs. Trying not to symptom spot.
CD62: BFN with FMU. Vivid dreams, bbs still sore on and off. Used my Last test, so won't be testing for another week until my test strips come in which is probably a good thing.
CD63: Vivid dreams, headaches, slight waves of nausea.
CD64: dreamt of a baby, dreamt of water, woke up to a text from my mom saying she dreamt I had a baby.. she doesn't know I'm in the tww.
CD65: more dreams, tingly nipples, peeing alot, but then again I've been drinking alot of water.. waking up in the middle of the night to pee, I've only done that once (in my Last pregnancy)
CD66: dreamt of babies, dreamt of BFPs.. guess I REALLY want this. Woke up in the middle of the night to pee.. took test..BFN, No surprise there. Went back to sleep..woke up because I had bad cramps, thought Oh great.. but they were just potty cramps. Lol.
CD67: boobs hurts on & off. Feel like they're bruised, constipation, white cm, waves of nausea, evening test read bfn.. keep staring at it trying to see a line, need to stop testing every day and doing this to myself.
CD68&69&70: Vivid dreams.. not really much to notice. Starting to give up.

CD71&72.. tested with FMU with an early detection internet cheapie... and I can't tell if I'm getting evaps or faint faint super faint lines.... I've read so many reviews on these tests...

That they never turn positive.
That they give false positives.
That they give horrible evaps.
That they NEVER give evaps.
That they're just "that good" and will show a super faint line.
That the super faint line will never get darker.

But I'm not crazy and I see the lineS! I'm gonna buy a FRER tonight and test tomorrow morning. I hope this is it.

If you havent been following already... My cycles range from 35-55 days. I've only been later than day 55 twice and both times I was pregnant... but also... both ended in miscarriages. My last bfp I got on cycle day 103. I don't temp or use opks. So no idea when I ovulated.

CD: 72..... FRER afternoon urine came out negative. BUT..something new I noticed.. nipples sticking out more than usual.. gonna try to wait another week to test again

CD73: still puffy nipps, kinda sore... didn't test this morning. Although I have quite a few strips left. Still Vivid dreams, nothing else really.
Got excited and cocky after not getting my very regular period all day so I ran out tonight to get a digital only to get a big fat BFN in my face and the witch show her face an hour later.
Feeling low, another month.....:nope:

Joining in, this is month two of TTC for baby #2
(Took almost a year to get pregnant with DS)
I always think I'm pregnant every month :wacko:

1-4 DPO - EWCM
5 DPO - still having EWCM??? This morning I felt my uterus 'seize' up for a minute that reminded me of the cramp I used to get after an orgasm when pregnant :blush:, very tired and emotional but son hasn't been sleeping well. Felt the need to just sit and stare at the wall I was so tired and out of it (had this with my son too).
6 DPO - Still lots of EWCM. So strange.
7 DPO - I had IBS as a child and had a stomach ache like that this morning. Big blog of EWCM. TMI- had a cramp feeling in my vagina as I took a BM.
8 DPO - pinching and stretching feeling on bit and right sides. No more EWCM.
9 DPO - skin very clear and smooth all of a sudden. Cramping feeling up in my vagina.
10 DPO - some light period cramping. Boob pain. Tired.
11 DPO - boob pain
12 DPO - boob pain, feel an aversion to nursing my son at night which I've never had.
13 DPO - emotional, feels like AF is around the corner, haven't even tested once.
14 DPO - had a cramping feeling like my period is around the corner :( can't believe I haven't tested.
15 DPO - period is due today. Cramps this morning, feeling depressed, random boob pains.

I'm so sorry. Sending you hugs :hugs: will happen.
I used this thread when I got my 2nd BFP so here's hoping this time it will bring me some luck and a lovely sticky BFP!

1-6 DPO nothing out if the ordinary
7 DPO slight cramping on my right hand side
8 DPO slight heartburn, increased CM
9 DPO slight heartburn, increased CM, headache upon waking, craving for salty chips??? Test and :bfn:
10 DPO very emotional, feeling totally deflated. Sore throat. No other symptoms.
11 DPO hungry, CM, slight heartburn (stress?) aches in lower back.
12 DPO no symptoms to report. Feel totally out this month :(
13 DPO tested and :bfn:
14 DPO started spotting :( onto the next cycle

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