Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

This is our 6th month of TTC. 2nd month after very early MC back in December 2014.

1-5dpo- Nothing to report
7dpo- Insomnia, trouble staying asleep at night as a result very tired today. Lower back pain.
8dpo- Feeling very irritable and easily stressed. Lower back still sore. Mild tender BB's like before AF arrives
9dpo- Tender BB's less. Feeling very angry and frustrated today.
10dpo-Nosebleed in the morning (prob not related) BB pain a bit stronger today. Mild AF type cramps. Feeling emotional. Brown spotting begins which means that the :witch: will be here soon as i get this every month 2 days before my period :( Really concerned about progesterone levels and have been for a while.

:dust: to all you lovely ladies
Alright ladies, I'm back in for my 5th cycle ttc! Just got my crosshairs on FF but I'm not sure if I am 1dpo or 3dpo? I guess we will see... Not feeling really confident this cycle due to only BD once in my fertile window :shrug: I hope I get lucky :winkwink:

1-3dpo: mild af like cramps and a little bloated
Hello. I am new to this.

My last period was Christmas day.
Ovulation date using my app January 8th CD 15. (HSO watery)
Nothing report really until January 18CD 25. I noticed a lot of eggwhite.
Cervix has remained HFC pretty much every day.
CD 28 - acne, cramps, favorite pizza made me gag
CD 29 - cramps, extreme fatigue
CD 30 - diarrhea, cramps, fatigue, breast tenderness, dizziness and late 2 days. BFN :(
CD 31 - cramps, fatigue, chills, dizziness, insomnia, irritability, moody, nausea, kept feeling wet as if I were bleeding but no blood... BFN (MFC)
CD 32 - diarrhea, bloating, moody, nausea, fatigue and acne.
CD 34 - Diarrhea, backache, cramps, anxiety, irritability, moody, fatigue, nausea
CD 35 - (DPO 19) backache, diarrhea, fatigue, moody, cramps but another BFN :nope: still no AF

Okay so a bit of my past history. I have 4 sons. With #1 I got BFN's until I was 6 weeks. With #2 we used condoms and I took a test the weekend before my period was due since I was about to start the bc pill and got a BFP early! With #3 we TTC for several months using fertility calculators since my cycle is always 28 days like clockwork. I breastfeed and allow selfwean so when #3 was born I bf until he was about 2 1/2 without any AF! One day I kept feeling strange so took a test and BFP and when I went to the dr found out I had been 17 weeks and didn't know it. YIKES! Now #4 is 2 1/2 and weaning too and I got my first AF back on Christmas day. I don't know if my cycle is screwed up from night nursing so is skipping a month... or if I really am just 5 days late for AF. All tests say BFN but I would only be 4 weeks so I am not 100% sure?

I am really moody today though so I hope I either see a BFP soon or AF shows up so I can get my wits back. Hope everyone gets a BFP :thumbup::thumbup:

After numerous tests, bloodwork, RE visits, tears and heartache I can finally post here!! :headspin: :yipee: :headspin:

We managed to DTD while away in AC for a concert. Is that the magic we needed to relax and get the job done? Who knows! But Im extatic it finally worked. :wohoo:

1dpo- Sore Nips to the touch. Ive only ever had this symptom once before in a cycle so I didnt think anything of it.
2dpo- Same. creamy cm.
3dpo- Same. Also had my usual yellowish/lotion like cm (ugh, Im out again this month) Also was very, very bloated.
4dpo- sore nips only, on the mild side
5dpo- same
6dpo- Starting to get gassy. Sore nips- starting to go away. Vivid, Kinda freaky dreams about a baby. Had some cereal for breakfast and it turned my stomach... :shrug:

7dpo- Very gassy. Its getting quite embarassing. (good thing I work in a hospital, I can blame it on the old folk :haha:) Snotty cm. Another vivid dream.

8dpo- Gassy. Vivid dreams. I feel a pinching sensation in the late afternoon, almost like gas bubbles but it was to the left and near my low ribcage to think it was anything substational.
Moment of weakness= BFN.

9dpo- Crampy on the very low right side. Its almost near where your leg and pelvis meet. Woke up with a pimple. Wet cm..almost mix of watery and ew. This is what made me go "hmm.." I normally have yellow tinged creamy cm before AF accompanied by sore boobs.

10dpo- Woke up SUPER B*TCH and ravenous! I was soo mad at the world, I even picked a fight with hubby..oops! Ate 2 breakfasts at work and was still hungry. Sore BBs- These are normal for me a few days prior to AF. Tested in the morning- Faint BFP. (!!!) Tested on a 3 hour hold in the evening- another faint bfp. (is this for real?!)
I had heartburn all morning. Ive never had it before and had to ask around if thats what I had. Went to bootcamp with hubby and puked twice. Bad acid reflux. eww.

11dpo- No denying its a BFP. running out to for a digi and an FRER shortly! :wohoo:
I've only had a few symptoms. I've had a week and a half cold which I thought was the flu but no fever.. thinking maybe that could delay af. A few headaches here and there. I had white cm once or twice and indigestion. Sorry for tmi

CD55: af due.. nothing out of the ordinary. Stomach not agreeing with what I eat.
CD56: headache
CD57: major headache and exhausted from work, afternoon test BFN. Slept forever. Had a dream af came so I woke up upset but realized it was just a dream.
CD58: slight headache. Tired. All the above and today still have cold, cough, stuffy and runny nose. Cloudy urine
CD59: tested with fmu and got a bfn white as snow. :( thinking I should stop testing until cd90, as I didn't get my bfp until cd103 Last time, still have sinus pressure and headaches. Vivid dreams. Chapped lips today and yesterday & the day before that. Started taking prenatals, just in case. Still hopeful. Ordered more test strips so I can test every day until bfp or af. I'm so impatient.
CD60: Vivid dreams Last night. My left boob was throbbing Last night & usually I get shooting pains (but not throbbing) in my left boob before af comes, but still no spotting or sign of af. White/tan cm, small tinge of blood when blowing my nose. Both boobs had the throbbing pain but only for a minute, went away pretty fast. Chapped lips..again.. and cramp like pain in left ovary. Not too bad, just a little.
CD61: dreamt of my best friend/cousin dying last night. Breaking out with pimples. white cm, still slight throbs in bbs. Trying not to symptom spot.
CD62: BFN with FMU. Vivid dreams, bbs still sore on and off. Used my Last test, so won't be testing for another week until my test strips come in which is probably a good thing.
CD63: Vivid dreams, headaches, slight waves of nausea.
CD64: dreamt of a baby, dreamt of water, woke up to a text from my mom saying she dreamt I had a baby.. she doesn't know I'm in the tww.
CD65: more dreams, tingly nipples, peeing alot, but then again I've been drinking alot of water.. waking up in the middle of the night to pee, I've only done that once (in my Last pregnancy)
CD66: dreamt of babies, dreamt of BFPs.. guess I REALLY want this. Woke up in the middle of the night to pee.. took test..BFN, No surprise there. Went back to sleep..woke up because I had bad cramps, thought Oh great.. but they were just potty cramps. Lol.
CD67: boobs hurts on & off. Feel like they're bruised, constipation, white cm, waves of nausea, evening test read bfn.. keep staring at it trying to see a line, need to stop testing every day and doing this to myself.
CD68&69&70: Vivid dreams.. not really much to notice. Starting to give up.

CD71&72.. tested with FMU with an early detection internet cheapie... and I can't tell if I'm getting evaps or faint faint super faint lines.... I've read so many reviews on these tests...

That they never turn positive.
That they give false positives.
That they give horrible evaps.
That they NEVER give evaps.
That they're just "that good" and will show a super faint line.
That the super faint line will never get darker.

But I'm not crazy and I see the lineS! I'm gonna buy a FRER tonight and test tomorrow morning. I hope this is it.

If you havent been following already... My cycles range from 35-55 days. I've only been later than day 55 twice and both times I was pregnant... but also... both ended in miscarriages. My last bfp I got on cycle day 103. I don't temp or use opks. So no idea when I ovulated.

CD: 72..... FRER afternoon urine came out negative. BUT..something new I noticed.. nipples sticking out more than usual.. gonna try to wait another week to test again

CD73: still puffy nipps, kinda sore... didn't test this morning. Although I have quite a few strips left. Still Vivid dreams, nothing else really.

CD74: well I didn't have to strain myself this morning to see the line on my strip this morning but still can't figure out if it's a faint line or an evap.

CD75,76,77: faint lines on wondfo. Negatives on all other tests. Frequent urination, sore nipples.

CD 78,79,80: faint lines went away but this morning got a faint line that I didn't have to strain to see... I really think these wondfos give horrible evaps. Moody and emotional. Clearblue said not pregnant, but next morning is when I got faint line on wondfo. I have three more wondfos then will test with FRER!!
I've only had a few symptoms. I've had a week and a half cold which I thought was the flu but no fever.. thinking maybe that could delay af. A few headaches here and there. I had white cm once or twice and indigestion. Sorry for tmi

CD55: af due.. nothing out of the ordinary. Stomach not agreeing with what I eat.
CD56: headache
CD57: major headache and exhausted from work, afternoon test BFN. Slept forever. Had a dream af came so I woke up upset but realized it was just a dream.
CD58: slight headache. Tired. All the above and today still have cold, cough, stuffy and runny nose. Cloudy urine
CD59: tested with fmu and got a bfn white as snow. :( thinking I should stop testing until cd90, as I didn't get my bfp until cd103 Last time, still have sinus pressure and headaches. Vivid dreams. Chapped lips today and yesterday & the day before that. Started taking prenatals, just in case. Still hopeful. Ordered more test strips so I can test every day until bfp or af. I'm so impatient.
CD60: Vivid dreams Last night. My left boob was throbbing Last night & usually I get shooting pains (but not throbbing) in my left boob before af comes, but still no spotting or sign of af. White/tan cm, small tinge of blood when blowing my nose. Both boobs had the throbbing pain but only for a minute, went away pretty fast. Chapped lips..again.. and cramp like pain in left ovary. Not too bad, just a little.
CD61: dreamt of my best friend/cousin dying last night. Breaking out with pimples. white cm, still slight throbs in bbs. Trying not to symptom spot.
CD62: BFN with FMU. Vivid dreams, bbs still sore on and off. Used my Last test, so won't be testing for another week until my test strips come in which is probably a good thing.
CD63: Vivid dreams, headaches, slight waves of nausea.
CD64: dreamt of a baby, dreamt of water, woke up to a text from my mom saying she dreamt I had a baby.. she doesn't know I'm in the tww.
CD65: more dreams, tingly nipples, peeing alot, but then again I've been drinking alot of water.. waking up in the middle of the night to pee, I've only done that once (in my Last pregnancy)
CD66: dreamt of babies, dreamt of BFPs.. guess I REALLY want this. Woke up in the middle of the night to pee.. took test..BFN, No surprise there. Went back to sleep..woke up because I had bad cramps, thought Oh great.. but they were just potty cramps. Lol.
CD67: boobs hurts on & off. Feel like they're bruised, constipation, white cm, waves of nausea, evening test read bfn.. keep staring at it trying to see a line, need to stop testing every day and doing this to myself.
CD68&69&70: Vivid dreams.. not really much to notice. Starting to give up.

CD71&72.. tested with FMU with an early detection internet cheapie... and I can't tell if I'm getting evaps or faint faint super faint lines.... I've read so many reviews on these tests...

That they never turn positive.
That they give false positives.
That they give horrible evaps.
That they NEVER give evaps.
That they're just "that good" and will show a super faint line.
That the super faint line will never get darker.

But I'm not crazy and I see the lineS! I'm gonna buy a FRER tonight and test tomorrow morning. I hope this is it.

If you havent been following already... My cycles range from 35-55 days. I've only been later than day 55 twice and both times I was pregnant... but also... both ended in miscarriages. My last bfp I got on cycle day 103. I don't temp or use opks. So no idea when I ovulated.

CD: 72..... FRER afternoon urine came out negative. BUT..something new I noticed.. nipples sticking out more than usual.. gonna try to wait another week to test again

CD73: still puffy nipps, kinda sore... didn't test this morning. Although I have quite a few strips left. Still Vivid dreams, nothing else really.

CD74: well I didn't have to strain myself this morning to see the line on my strip this morning but still can't figure out if it's a faint line or an evap.

Possibly a :bfp: However be best to test agin in 48 hours as the line should be darker by then if it is. Good luck!!!! :dust:
Thank you!! Leaving out of town tomorrow. So won't test again until Monday. Hopefully it gets darker!! (:
Trying for 4 months, had the O on the 19th and have been feeling very different this time around but I have a feeling it's all in my head given the low odds.

0-5dpo - nothing but a fullness feeling in uterus
6dpo - cramping, bloating, constipation, back pain
7dpo - weird dreams, back pain, constipation, cramping, mucus drainage but not stuffed
8dpo- mucus still around, back pain, constipation, cramping, brief moments of nauseua, insomnia
9dpo- BFN (prego friend made me) frequently peeing twice an hour at times (possible bladder infection? No pain just pressure), back pain, mild cramps still hanging around, no spotting no cm which is off, constipation (started Activia regimen)
10dpo- didn't have to pee from 12am -8pm but now during the day is becoming frequent again but not as bad as 9dpo. Still mild streachy pulling cramping (never pms cramp this is unreal), constipation, backpain, sticky white cm.

I feel like AF is on the way but my bbs are not sore at all and I very rarely cramp this much, never before either. Monday is too far away!!!
Alright ladies, I'm back in for my 5th cycle ttc! Just got my crosshairs on FF but I'm not sure if I am 1dpo or 3dpo? I guess we will see... Not feeling really confident this cycle due to only BD once in my fertile window :shrug: I hope I get lucky :winkwink:

1-3dpo: mild af like cramps and a little bloated
3-5dpo: itchy left nipple, full/heavy feeling in uterus, hungry, restless sleep
Of course I'm becoming obsessed with all this sooo early :)

1DPO 2DPO nothing
3DPO vivid dreams and woke up crying from one
4DPO headache, constipation and bubbleguts (BGS) lol
5DPO extreme dizzy spell. I was up high in a stadium and the room was spinning. (but I've jumped out of planes more than once )
6DPO tired, then vivid dream about my good friend being pregnant, sharp side breast pain
7DPO today BGS, constipation. I'll admit to testing this am even though I'm way to early. will do again on 10DPO this Sunday.

Back for 5th cycle ttc

Think ff might be wrong and I'm actually one day ahead than ff have done my crosshairs for, I usually ovulate on the day of my +opk or the day after max, plus my ewcm was gone on the day they think i ovulated?? but will go by their dates for now.

1 dpo, spot breakout. Usual sore sensitive nipples. No cm.

2dpo, sore/sensitive nipples. Sticky cm. Still getting spots.

3dpo, Sore nipples disappeared? unusual as other cycles I get sore nips up until AF. Sticky cm, clumpy consistency. Still spotty.

4dpo, Same (minus the spots).Very tired today, needed a nap 5 hours after getting up! Heartburn pm. CM still sticky, not quite so much today.

5dpo, tired again today, cm sticky, increased, clumpy again, almost like thrush, but deffo not thrush. Temp quite high today, but dont feel unwell. Slight heartburn again.

6dpo, still spotty. clump of white snot like cm first thing this morning, white sticky since. foul mood this pm, for no reason.

7-8dpo, cm still sticky but hardly any. Very emotional, maybe early pmt? Sore nipples still not happened, usually always have sore nipples after ovulation In run up to AF??

9dpo, increase in sticky cm, had night sweats last night in bed, slight soreness on sides of boobs, not sure if it's from bra. Developed thrush :(

10dpo, increase in cm prob due to thrush. Tender breasts, BFN this morning with 2nd morning urine. Spotting this evening :(
Alright ladies, I'm back in for my 5th cycle ttc! Just got my crosshairs on FF but I'm not sure if I am 1dpo or 3dpo? I guess we will see... Not feeling really confident this cycle due to only BD once in my fertile window :shrug: I hope I get lucky :winkwink:

1-3dpo: mild af like cramps and a little bloated
3-5dpo: itchy left nipple, full/heavy feeling in uterus, hungry, restless sleep
5-7dpo: restless sleep, stiff neck, small flutters in uterus
So i used this thread the month i conceived with my son on my first round of clomid so im back lol!

First round cloimd TTC #3

1DPO- Nothing
2DPO- sticky CM, Feeling warm
3DPO- felt hungover when woke up (dont drink), stick CM, one random uterine pain, huge appetite
4DPO- woke up with cold
5DPO- intense lower back pain, horrendous cold, temp keeps climbing, slight yellow tint to cm
6DPO- temp dip (had implantation dip 6dpo last preg) Yellow stretchy cm (also had on implantation day last pregnancy)
7DPO-11DPO- A lot of cramping. EWCM. BFP at 10DPO!

I GOT MY BFP! EDD oct 15th
So i used this thread the month i conceived with my son on my first round of clomid so im back lol!

First round cloimd TTC #3

1DPO- Nothing
2DPO- sticky CM, Feeling warm
3DPO- felt hungover when woke up (dont drink), stick CM, one random uterine pain, huge appetite
4DPO- woke up with cold
5DPO- intense lower back pain, horrendous cold, temp keeps climbing, slight yellow tint to cm
6DPO- temp dip (had implantation dip 6dpo last preg) Yellow stretchy cm (also had on implantation day last pregnancy)
7DPO-11DPO- A lot of cramping. EWCM. BFP at 10DPO!

I GOT MY BFP! EDD oct 15th

Congrats hun ,
I used this thread with my last dd to
Here's Hoping :)
So i used this thread the month i conceived with my son on my first round of clomid so im back lol!

First round cloimd TTC #3

1DPO- Nothing
2DPO- sticky CM, Feeling warm
3DPO- felt hungover when woke up (dont drink), stick CM, one random uterine pain, huge appetite
4DPO- woke up with cold
5DPO- intense lower back pain, horrendous cold, temp keeps climbing, slight yellow tint to cm
6DPO- temp dip (had implantation dip 6dpo last preg) Yellow stretchy cm (also had on implantation day last pregnancy)
7DPO-11DPO- A lot of cramping. EWCM. BFP at 10DPO!

I GOT MY BFP! EDD oct 15th

Wow! Exciting! You body responds early! Congratulations! Best wishes for a beautiful nine months!

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