So here goes,
O day: positive opk, but no EWCM (very unusual for me!) ovulation pains on right hand side, increased sex drive, SHOW
1dpo: SHOW,
2dpo: EWCM??? Worried that we'd not timed bding right, bd'ed immediately!
3dpo: cervix had come lower, medium firmness and openness, still wet (creamy cm), sensitive boobs, just very aware of when if brush past them with my arm etc in the day, very tired, heavy feeling in stomach
4dpo: acne (nothing unusual, but they were all at heads immediately which is unusual) headaches (I never get headaches), cervix all medium, cramps, gassy & bloated
5dpo: really bad headache, cervix low and closed (but softened and went higher through the day), wet, creamy cm, cleaning up a lot, cramps
6dpo: headaches, twinges, even more spots (face and chest) already at heads, twinges in lower stomach
7dpo: headaches, big spots on chest and face, cramps, emotional and stressed, bfn, creamy cm, cloudy pee
8dpo:emotional, headaches, cramps, acne, increased sense of smell -changing ds's nappies is very interesting!
9dpo: bfp lighter???
10dpo: bfp a LOT darker (thankfully)
11dpo: yet to be discovered!
I hope it helps, good luck symptom spotting guys!![]()
Well, AF came.... Guess she's slightly off from the mc. I'll be out of the running for Feb since DH won't be back till Middle of March so I guess we'll see how next month goes!
Alright, here we go again!!
DH and I did SMEP this month (or as close to it as possible as work schedules allowed) BD'd CD7, 9, 12, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20. Positive opk evening of cd 18 and stayed blazing positive through CD 21. wth?! temp rise CD 19 along with horrible ovulation pain on the left. Painful to bd bc of it. (worst I've felt) that lasted most of the day (instead of usually just an hour)
CD 19 had an adjustment in the morning and afternoon (chiropractor)
1-3 dpo EWCM/creamy mix. Weird. Light cramping and low back ache.
4 dpo- pinchy cramps on rt lower abdomen/groin. Nose and ears getting congested. Hope I'm not getting ds's virus.
5 dpo- congested. hungry but nauseated after eating. At work (work nightshift) and felt really strong stabbing/pinchy pain on left at 0545. (bad enough to note the time!) In evening very lightheaded when standing. BBs very sore towards armpits. Gassy/constipated.
6 dpo- lightheaded with standing; bbs still sore near armpits; super bloated belly in evening. Reminded me of being pregnant with both kids early on. Stomach a little sour. gassy/constipated. Headache
7dpo- slight breathlessness; lots of light cramping; a little nauseated off and on. gassy, constipated; headache. Started taking zinc, vitamin C, and b complex.
8dpo- gassy; lower back ache; light headache.
9dpo- creamy cm still; lots of pinching on left and front right; bad headache; around 11:00 pm burning feeling on lower left side almost into groin. Very faint BFP in afternoon- evap or BFP? on Wondfo/FRER/target brand EPT; lower belly very bloated in evening (look preggo)
10dpo-cervix twinges; slight headache; lower belly very bloated in evening. BFP!!! FRER and wondfo (wondfo is still very faint, FRER is a better pink line)
11 dpo- BFP on CB digi!! Used last FRER and line is darker today. Wondfo still light. (wouldn't buy those again) So excited!!! Nauseated this morning.
Well, AF came.... Guess she's slightly off from the mc. I'll be out of the running for Feb since DH won't be back till Middle of March so I guess we'll see how next month goes!
I'm sorry Panda
I was hoping that you would get another bfp and give me some hope for this after mc cycle as well! I am still waiting to see what will happen...
I've only had a few symptoms. I've had a week and a half cold which I thought was the flu but no fever.. thinking maybe that could delay af. A few headaches here and there. I had white cm once or twice and indigestion. Sorry for tmi
CD55: af due.. nothing out of the ordinary. Stomach not agreeing with what I eat.
CD56: headache
CD57: major headache and exhausted from work, afternoon test BFN. Slept forever. Had a dream af came so I woke up upset but realized it was just a dream.
CD58: slight headache. Tired. All the above and today still have cold, cough, stuffy and runny nose. Cloudy urine
CD59: tested with fmu and got a bfn white as snow.thinking I should stop testing until cd90, as I didn't get my bfp until cd103 Last time, still have sinus pressure and headaches. Vivid dreams. Chapped lips today and yesterday & the day before that. Started taking prenatals, just in case. Still hopeful. Ordered more test strips so I can test every day until bfp or af. I'm so impatient.
CD60: Vivid dreams Last night. My left boob was throbbing Last night & usually I get shooting pains (but not throbbing) in my left boob before af comes, but still no spotting or sign of af. White/tan cm, small tinge of blood when blowing my nose. Both boobs had the throbbing pain but only for a minute, went away pretty fast. Chapped lips..again.. and cramp like pain in left ovary. Not too bad, just a little.
CD61: dreamt of my best friend/cousin dying last night. Breaking out with pimples. white cm, still slight throbs in bbs. Trying not to symptom spot.
CD62: BFN with FMU. Vivid dreams, bbs still sore on and off. Used my Last test, so won't be testing for another week until my test strips come in which is probably a good thing.
CD63: Vivid dreams, headaches, slight waves of nausea.
CD64: dreamt of a baby, dreamt of water, woke up to a text from my mom saying she dreamt I had a baby.. she doesn't know I'm in the tww.
CD65: more dreams, tingly nipples, peeing alot, but then again I've been drinking alot of water.. waking up in the middle of the night to pee, I've only done that once (in my Last pregnancy)
CD66: dreamt of babies, dreamt of BFPs.. guess I REALLY want this. Woke up in the middle of the night to pee.. took test..BFN, No surprise there. Went back to sleep..woke up because I had bad cramps, thought Oh great.. but they were just potty cramps. Lol.
CD67: boobs hurts on & off. Feel like they're bruised, constipation, white cm, waves of nausea, evening test read bfn.. keep staring at it trying to see a line, need to stop testing every day and doing this to myself.
CD68&69&70: Vivid dreams.. not really much to notice. Starting to give up.
CD71&72.. tested with FMU with an early detection internet cheapie... and I can't tell if I'm getting evaps or faint faint super faint lines.... I've read so many reviews on these tests...
That they never turn positive.
That they give false positives.
That they give horrible evaps.
That they NEVER give evaps.
That they're just "that good" and will show a super faint line.
That the super faint line will never get darker.
But I'm not crazy and I see the lineS! I'm gonna buy a FRER tonight and test tomorrow morning. I hope this is it.
If you havent been following already... My cycles range from 35-55 days. I've only been later than day 55 twice and both times I was pregnant... but also... both ended in miscarriages. My last bfp I got on cycle day 103. I don't temp or use opks. So no idea when I ovulated.
CD: 72..... FRER afternoon urine came out negative. BUT..something new I noticed.. nipples sticking out more than usual.. gonna try to wait another week to test again
CD73: still puffy nipps, kinda sore... didn't test this morning. Although I have quite a few strips left. Still Vivid dreams, nothing else really.
CD74: well I didn't have to strain myself this morning to see the line on my strip this morning but still can't figure out if it's a faint line or an evap.
CD75,76,77: faint lines on wondfo. Negatives on all other tests. Frequent urination, sore nipples.
CD 78,79,80: faint lines went away but this morning got a faint line that I didn't have to strain to see... I really think these wondfos give horrible evaps. Moody and emotional. Clearblue said not pregnant, but next morning is when I got faint line on wondfo. I have three more wondfos then will test with FRER!!