Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Hi ladies ,

I'm 9 dpo , planning to test next week Monday . Don't want to get disappointed ...

So far my symptoms have been:

1-3dpo cramps which are normal for me after ov , heartburn in the evening
4dpo feeling heavy down there
5dpo nothing
6dpo heartburn and lots of spots all over my face
7dpo mild period type cramp
8dpo mild period cramps , craving chocolate and sweets which normally happens 1/2days before my Period wth?
9dpo mild cramps , is my period coming early ??

I'll keep you all posted

Baby dust to all!x

I'm 9 DPO as well! I hope we both get our BFP's!

Hi JesLynne,

When are you testing ? :)

I'm planning on Monday , my symptoms are all gone today , how about you ?

Baby dust to you xx

I tested this morning and BFN. Also temp dropped from 98 to 97.4. I'm feeling very defeated and heartbroken today. :( Yesterday I had barely any symptoms but today the cramps are back. :(


I didn't get bfp till I was 20dpo with my first pregnancy , it's never over till af shows her ugly face :)

10dpo no symptoms at all , just went to the toilet and when I wiped saw a fresh blood on the toilet paper :( it's still early for af, could it be IB? I also checked for my cervix that is high and firm ... It's usually low and soft when at arrives ... I m so confused now !!!

Baby dust to all x

Thanks! I keep telling myself that but it's so hard!

I too had a very small amount of blood when wiping tonight. Not very much at all.

Fingers crossed for us both!!!

I didn't get bfp till I was 20dpo with my first pregnancy , it's never over till af shows her ugly face :)

10dpo no symptoms at all , just went to the toilet and when I wiped saw a fresh blood on the toilet paper :( it's still early for af, could it be IB? I also checked for my cervix that is high and firm ... It's usually low and soft when at arrives ... I m so confused now !!!

Baby dust to all x[/QUOTE]

Thanks! I keep telling myself that but it's so hard!

I too had a very small amount of blood when wiping tonight. Not very much at all.

Fingers crossed for us both!!![/QUOTE]

Hi JesLynne ,

I had some more dark red blood when wiping this morning again ... it doesn't look good for me :( having cramps and sore nipples too .

However my cervix is still very high , can't even reach it ! What does that mean ??!! I'm getting so confused now grrrr

How about you ? Did you test again?

I can't find my original post but got my bfp today so gonna list my symptoms best to my memory

1-2 dpo cramping
3dpo sensitive nipples that kept going pointy lol
4dpo tired, cramping
5-6dpo tired sensitive nipples
7dpo sharp sudden lightening like pains in my side and boobs.
8dpo very tired, grumpy sore boobs
9dpo walking around town I felt shaky even though I'd breakfast I felt so weak and shakey, so went for food only to feel nauseous immediately after eating, tired, sore boobs, faint line on frer but scared it was trigger shot,
10dpo cramping, sore boobs, nausea, line same darkness
11 dpo today, cramping loads, sore boobs, frer much darker, the trigger does not get darker so I'm sure it's positive!
Hi JesLynne ,

I had some more dark red blood when wiping this morning again ... it doesn't look good for me :( having cramps and sore nipples too .

However my cervix is still very high , can't even reach it ! What does that mean ??!! I'm getting so confused now grrrr

How about you ? Did you test again?


Sending you lots of dust!!

Another BFN but my temp went up 1 degree. So just waiting.
I can't find my original post but got my bfp today so gonna list my symptoms best to my memory

1-2 dpo cramping
3dpo sensitive nipples that kept going pointy lol
4dpo tired, cramping
5-6dpo tired sensitive nipples
7dpo sharp sudden lightening like pains in my side and boobs.
8dpo very tired, grumpy sore boobs
9dpo walking around town I felt shaky even though I'd breakfast I felt so weak and shakey, so went for food only to feel nauseous immediately after eating, tired, sore boobs, faint line on frer but scared it was trigger shot,
10dpo cramping, sore boobs, nausea, line same darkness
11 dpo today, cramping loads, sore boobs, frer much darker, the trigger does not get darker so I'm sure it's positive!

Hi JesLynne ,

I had some more dark red blood when wiping this morning again ... it doesn't look good for me :( having cramps and sore nipples too .

However my cervix is still very high , can't even reach it ! What does that mean ??!! I'm getting so confused now grrrr

How about you ? Did you test again?


Sending you lots of dust!!

Another BFN but my temp went up 1 degree. So just waiting.

It's still very early days , I'm sure it will work out for you !
I have decided to test tomorrow ! I'm cramping a lot , I started to feel nauseous and sometimes when I wipe there a bit of old dark blood.
So if af doesn't get me by tomorrow I will def test :)

Got my BFP at 10dpo, so thought I'd put a quick one in here for you :)

Day cervix. Symptoms
4DPO - mfc. Cramps dull and sore nipples
5dpo. Hfc. bad cramps, sore and bigger Boobs
6dpo. Hfc. Still bad cramps, hurts to cross arms around Boobs and stabbing pain in nipples
7dpo. Hfc. More of the above
9dpo. Hfc. Temps went triphasic, nausea started, more cramping and sore Boobs, now around armpits.
10dpo nausea and more cramping :bfp:
13 dpo: dark aerolas, sore Boobs have lessened, constipation has starting,extreme hunger and slight fatigue. Also my cervix is now well out of reach

To add, cervical fluid was creamy and occasionally snotty up until 8dpo when it turned dry and hardly any about

Also forgot to add, I wear a fitbit and since ovulation my resting heartrate has gone up 2 beats a day, that's very unusual for me (clearly) and it's now sitting at 81bpm resting at 12dpo
here again for the third time :)

1 DPO- sore boobs,extra ewcm, gassy, cramping on both sides of lower abdomen
2 DPO- cramps are a lot worse today, feels like period pain, bloated, still gassy, increased ew/snotty pale yellow cm
3 DPO- watery cm, gassy, itchy palms,runny nose,joint pains,very hungry
4 DPO- dry, craving chili tuna and salty food, moody, dull cramps, lower back ache, still bloated
5 DPO- creamy cm, gas-like cramping, lower back aches,sharp pin-like pains in lower abdomen when sitting down, teeniest tiniest streak of blood when wiping
6 DPO- creamy cm, tender breasts, lower back pains,weepy, left lower abdomen twinges
7 DPO- stretchy/stringy cm, tender breasts, painfully erect nipples, cramps,bloated, lower back pain
8 DPO- dull cramps, tender breasts, bloated,gassy,reflux,exhausted- tested :bfn:
9 DPO- dull cramps, tender breasts now it hurts near arm pits, emotional,lower back ache, watery cm, bloat, gas, loose stool
10-11 DPO- still cramping, gas, very sore boobs, very hungry all the time, dry mouth, breaking out-
12 DPO- AF shows 2 days early

Congrats to the recent bfp's!!!!

And good luck to everyone else still waiting! :dust:
has anyone experienced yellowish stringy cm at 6/7dpo and it turned out positive?
I've heard of that as being a sign of pregnancy! Let us know if you get a bfp!
i've been testing all bfn, but it's far too early im going to stop testing until i get to 10dpo i hate seeing bfns

1 dpo-6 dpo: vivid dreams, gassy, tired
7 dpo-10 dpo: crampy, difficulty sleeping
Thought I may as well post in here as I'm going a little bonkers. Stopped temping around cd18 this time, so no confirmed O and don't know whether AF is on her way or not but here goes. Last two cycles O has been cd16, so going with that. Also stopped taking Vitex around O time, like last cycle and LP was 9 then, so AF is due today.

1-4 DPO: Weepy and very emotional. Some O cramps at 4 DPO that made me think Oing late but who knows. I usually have O cramps week leading up to O, day of and day before as well as all throughout the TWW. Haven't been searching for symptoms this month though.

4-7 DPO: Still feeling down. 7 DPO, more O cramping (left side same as before). Quite strong and noticed it a few times.

8 DPO: Woke up with a very full bladder and felt like I had a prickle stuck in my left ovary. Subsided after I went to the bathroom. Felt randomly throughout the day.

9 DPO: AF due today on pervious 8 day LP before Vitex. No show. Panty liner on, stringy/ wet, yellowish cm, no smell. Mild heartburn after dinner. Noticed quite a few pimples on my forehead and temples. Not very common for me.

10 DPO: AF due by 9 day LP like last cycle. Usually shows up first thing in the morning, nothing yet. Acidy feeling stomach. Uncomfortable AF type cramps which don't usually happen until she is well and truly flowing. As I'm typing this more left sided, prickle feelings. Afternoon, cramps turned lightening like and had a prickle feeling on my left side right below my pelvic bone.

11 DPO: More yellowish, stringy cm. Feeling wet and full down there. Stomach still feels acidy. Mild cramps. Bloated. Wave of mild nausea while cooking dinner. Using the bathroom often. Itchy stomach and hips. Hubby asked if I was pregnant and Bub kept tapping my belly. Uncomfortable BD, bad cramps afterwards.

12 DPO: Cramping in the morning. Sciatic nerve pain. Odd feelings in left side again. Peeing more, bloated, sensitive nipples. Wet stringy that dried orangey.

13 DPO: More light cramping, exhausted, fell asleep on the couch. Sensitive nipples. Cranky, HUNGRY! Craving bad food. Still have stringy cm.

14 DPO: Sensitive nipples, peeing every half hour, mild cramps and heartburn/reflux, cranky

15 DPO: :bfp: !!! :happydance:
Hubby and I are 'waiting to try' but accidentally went into 'not trying not preventing' territory this month. And it was around my O dates (I get very clear O symptoms every month) So even though I wasn't charting, I have a pretty good idea of where I am in my cycle.

4 DPO ovary pinching on and off
5 DPO fluttering really low. followed by right ovary pinching. Extreme PMS-like irritability.
6 DPO morning: toothache so bad I thought my head was gonna explode went away quickly. Very hungry first thing in the morning. Extreme PMS-like irritability all day. Twinges at night. Fell asleep in seconds even though I was home all day!
7 DPO Breast pain/slight tingle towards the nipple, like a reaction or dryness would feel only they are not dry. Ate a pizza, and my tummy gave me hell all day. Eveving: Sore throat, thought I wad getting sick. Fell asleep really quickly, usually I have trouble sleeping. Had strage BFP dream.
8 DPO sore throat is gone so not sick which is strange. No breast tingling, no twinges. So far nothing. Got terribly nauseous on the bus back from work. Could smell bad perfumes, and hand sanitizer! I sometimes get nauseous on rides if I don't eat, but this was mid-day and I had a meal so might be a symptom or just a coincidence or the pizza from yesterday.
9 DPO Twinges on the right, but no cool flutters. Despite all the circumstantial symptoms, I just don't feel like it's likely I am pregnant today.
10 DPO Nothing. starting to feel like all my symptoms might've been post-O and circumstantial.
11-13 DPO nothing
14 DPO - AF cramps at noon for several hours. Was sure AF was coming but it didn't.
15 DPO - AF is due tomorrow. Feel like it will start soon. Stuffy sinuses.
16 DPO - Still no AF
17 DPO - Tested. Thought I saw a line. It was very faint. Could've been an evap. Started spotting in the afternoon and it was light/gone all night.
18 DPO -AF
The only reason im doing this again this cycle is because someone poked me and, i have been not really trying for about 2 months now, no tracking no nothing, still no baby. soooo here it is

BD :sex: -6/12, 6/13, 6/15, 6/18

Ovulated on 6/15/2016

1-5dpo -nothing

6dpo-crampy and nauseated

7dpo-very nauseated

8dpo- stuffy nose where i think i am coming down with a cold, nauseated and slight cramps, breast were pinchy under arms.

9dpo- no stuffy nose it just went away yesterday :shrug: , nausaeated and pinch/pull cramps middle section of stomach, and sleepy :coffee:
Truth be told, I read this ENTIRE thread during my TWW. It definitely helped keep my sanity and kept my own thoughts off of myself. I thank everyone who has contributed to this thread. It helped me out a lot!

Now with that being said, I'd like to give back and share my symptom Spotting experience.

My 1st son was unplanned, so this was my first time actually TTC.

1 DPO- Fullness, pressure in uterus, tired. Gassy.

2 DPO- Headache. Pressure in uterus. Extreme fatigue. Increased urination. Not very hungry, get full really fast. Gassy. Cried today over something stupid.

3 DPO- Slight pain in lower pelvis region, P.M. Headache, moody. Not very hungry again. Some slight shooting pains in bbs every now and then. Creamy CM. Feel wet. Cried today over something stupid.

4 DPO- Vivid dreams that I had a positive pregnancy test, woke up super early (5am) for some reason, very stuffy nose, headache, creamy cm, increased urination, cried today over something stupid, minor heartburn (probably from not eating all day), decreased appetite, Couple minor hot flashes.

5 DPO- Headache, pressure/slight cramping in uterus (low pelvis region), tired, creamy cm, decreased appetite, woke up stupid early (4:30am), horrible lower back pain (more than usual anyways since I have back problems), 1 hot flash in a.m., tender bbs on the side, sinus pain, gassy,

6 DPO- Headache, woke up and wiped and there was a huge glob of ewcm on tp (clear, sticky, stretchy), horrible lower back pain, sinus pressure/pain, throat a little sore (could be from sleeping with Windows open; have very bad allergies), woke up at 4:30am!!! (Wtf?!), very tired, bad cramps (pelvic pain/pressure/pulling/fullness), constipated, noticed my nips are erect with some lumps and bumps around them (never had this before?), Mildy nauseous after eating dinner.

7 DPO- Woke at at 2am with an extremely bad stomachache (ended up finally having a BM), was up every 15-30 min after that, ugh! Still having cramps and dull aches in uterus (lower pelvis area), bbs are veiny and still have bumps around nips, very nauseous after eating, gassy/burping a lot.

8 DPO- Woke up with a bit of a sore throat, nausea, breasts tender on the sides, tops, and armpit area, light cramping and flutters in uterus (not as bad as previous days), slight headache in afternoon, tired. Dollar store PG test= BFN

9 DPO- Nausea, slight headache, gassy, bbs hurt, runny and stuffy nose. :bfp: on FRER with FMU!!

Now with me, I NEVER have any actual physical symptoms during ovulation (ever in my life. I used opks to find out when I ovulated). And I never cramp before my af... that's what gave it away for me. The nausea too. I never get nauseous. Only got nauseous when I was PG with DS.

Good luck to all you ladies! You all have helped so many people without even realizing it! Hoping you all get :bfp: soon!
The only reason im doing this again this cycle is because someone poked me and, i have been not really trying for about 2 months now, no tracking no nothing, still no baby. soooo here it is

BD :sex: -6/12, 6/13, 6/15, 6/18

Ovulated on 6/15/2016

1-5dpo -nothing

6dpo-crampy and nauseated

7dpo-very nauseated

8dpo- stuffy nose where i think i am coming down with a cold, nauseated and slight cramps, breast were pinchy under arms.

9dpo- no stuffy nose it just went away yesterday :shrug: , nausaeated and pinch/pull cramps middle section of stomach, and sleepy :coffee: cried

10DPO - BLEEDING after sex :sex: , enough to get on sheets and when i wiped and on him, then it just went nausea, cramping, cried

11dpo- no bleeding at all after sex :sex: this time WTF?????......:wacko::wacko::wacko: feeling nauseated and grossed out by food, lower abodmen sore to touch, nipples are sensitive, cried again

12dpo - only slightly nauseated, im guessing ill be out soon again....
The only reason im doing this again this cycle is because someone poked me and, i have been not really trying for about 2 months now, no tracking no nothing, still no baby. soooo here it is

BD :sex: -6/12, 6/13, 6/15, 6/18

Ovulated on 6/15/2016

1-5dpo -nothing

6dpo-crampy and nauseated

7dpo-very nauseated

8dpo- stuffy nose where i think i am coming down with a cold, nauseated and slight cramps, breast were pinchy under arms.

9dpo- no stuffy nose it just went away yesterday :shrug: , nausaeated and pinch/pull cramps middle section of stomach, and sleepy :coffee: cried

10DPO - BLEEDING after sex :sex: , enough to get on sheets and when i wiped and on him, then it just went nausea, cramping, cried

11dpo- no bleeding at all after sex :sex: this time WTF?????......:wacko::wacko::wacko: feeling nauseated and grossed out by food, lower abodmen sore to touch, nipples are sensitive, cried again

12dpo - only slightly nauseated, im guessing ill be out soon again....

You have very promising symptoms! Have you tested yet?

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