TTC Cycle 1 estimated O date 1/14
1DPO (1/15) - cramps, some slight constipation
2DPO (1/16) - cramps, very emotionally sensitive (cried for a couple hours when DH left for his night shift), feeling bloated and gassy, fatigue, sticky CM, possible oral thrush flare-up
3DPO (1/17) - cramps, bloated, fatigue, a little nausea, still feeling oral thrush, really sensitive cervix while DTD, randomly hard nips
4DPO (1/18) - a few "twinges" in the morning, bloated, fatigue, insomnia last night, randomly hard nips, boobs felt a little tiny bit of pain during my shower tonight. Really sensitive emotionally. Horrible "brain fog" most of the day. Mostly feeling "blah".
5DPO (1/19) - A little bit of cramping, felt similar to AF cramps. Kind of bloated feeling but not as much as the last few days. Really bad fatigue, even though I slept normally last night. Getting up was terrible and I took a nap with DH after work. Boobs hurt a tiny bit when they got pressed on while I was carrying one of my deliveries for work today. Nipples are super sensitive but do not hurt if that makes sense.
6DPO (1/20) - Last night, DH broke his leg at work (night shift) and I only got 3 hours of sleep after hospital stuff. So I'm horribly tired but Im pretty sure it's probably 100% related to that. Other than that, feeling actually pretty good, watery CM all day and a few cramps and that's it, or at least all I can remember from my sleep-deprived state.
7DPO (1/21) - Felt a sharp pain that lasted just a second this morning. Was not too bad but bad enough to make me say ouch. Never felt that kind of pain before. Possibly implantation? Also tender boobs, not outright painful but just barely sore when I remove my bra. Nausea during a movie tonight. Feeling hopeful but trying not to get my hopes up too far!
8DPO (1/22) - random short bouts of nausea, extremely tired and very moody, sensitive nipples and slightly sore boobs. Felt mostly normal all day except for really light cramps on and off and tonight a heavy bloated feeling in my uterus. My nose is runny tonight even though it feels dry.
9DPO (1/23) - Runny nose again this morning, and then kinda runny again tonight. Lots of watery CM this morning. Extremely tired today. Felt really warm and lightheaded for a couple hours at work. Borderline nauseous. Boobs sore and nipples definitely sore and sensitive... never felt sore nipples before. Having trouble trying to wait to take a test but really trying to stick it out!
10DPO (1/24) - Sniffly nose this morning and then again tonight. Sore boobs, sore, sensitive nipples. Nauseous a couple times today. A twinge of a headache, and cramps. Hot and lightheaded when I stood too long at work today, with a general unwell feeling. Crazy amounts of tired. Had a hard time not testing today, but I made it! Testing tomorrow!
11DPO (1/25) - Tested this morning, got BFN. Still have really sore boobs and sore and sensitive nipples, nipples seem maybe a little darker than normal? Nauseous at random parts of the day, cramping, lower back pain, and very tired. Starting to really doubt being PG.
12DPO (1/26) - no nausea or cramps today, actually felt fairly good for once. Still very very tired despite getting almost 8 hrs sleep. A tiny hint of a headache, and my boobs and nipples are still sore. Weird because suddenly most of my symptoms vanished.
13DPO (1/27) - woke up at 4am to AF with a vengeance.

I'm out.
14 DPO (1/28) - estimated AF arrival (hopefully not!)