Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

I'm new to the thread currently 7-9dpo
Becoming POAS addict
I've have tested for the last 3 days knowing I shouldn't have all clear BFNS

Symptoms so far

Loose stools
Random shooting pains in breast but not painful to touch
Cervix was low and soft up until yesterday and today it is now high and soft
Flu like symptoms from yesterday very congested. Blocked nose and night sweats.
1dpo: Gas/flatulence
2dpo: Gas/flatulence
3dpo: Gas/flatulence
4dpo: Gas/flatulence
5dpo: AF-like cramps, back-ache and achy legs. Rusty brown spotting, followed by light pink spotting, small amount of blood after brushing teeth.
6dpo: AF-like cramping (milder), snot-like cm, fatigue, aversion to sweet foods, flushed face for 50 mins.
7dpo: AF-like cramps (milder), fatigue, flushed face for 50 mins.
8dpo: AF-like cramps (milder), back-ache, snot-like cm, fatigue, aversion to coffee, flushed face for 50 mins
9dpo: twinge in right breast, cramping very minimal, snot-like cm, flushes only lasting 20 mins, fatigue
Third time in this thread. Got a good feeling on this one.

Typical ovulation cd16-19.
Typical LP 12 days
Typical cycle length 30-31 days

Ovulated cd 20

1Dpo:Temp up just a hair, not my normal spike. Feeling tired, cm mix of creamy and ewcm.

2 Dpo: Temp up a little more, still not in normal range, still tired, feeling under arm, side of breast soreness

3DPO: Got crosshairs on both apps I use, temp was more into normal ovultion range, constipated, feeling some pressures near uterus, sensitive breasts, still sore under arms

4 DPO: Temp hanging well, fell just a tad, diarrhea, but could be from fountain rootbeer I drank, back ache, tired, barely keep my eyes open sometimes, more lotion like cm, twinges both sidesof uterus area, pressure all in that region

5DPO:Temp hanging well, slight constipation, bloat, gassiness, fullness and mild cramps in uterus area, still sleepy, more lotiony cm, had a weird pain behind my eyes earlier, Feeling still very optimistic and confident.

6DPO: Nice temp dip, creamy cm, medium cp and texture, had an odd sensation, almost ticklish in uterus

7DPO: Temp rose,mild cramps off and on, creamy cm, medium cp and texture, sore lower back (Like sore muscles)

8DPO: Temp hanging. A few mild twitches in uterus area, a sneezing fit early morn, Increased appetite. lower back less sore but still felt. Gassy.

9DPO: Temp hanging, fell a tiny bit, more frequent urination, shortness of breath, cp is medium/ high and medium texture, more creamy cm

10DPO: (Testing)neg test, cervix slightly higher, texture softer but still medium, creamy cm, cramps worst so far, back ache, less tired, peeing ever 2ish hours(more than norm)

11DPO: (Testing) tested, negative but see lightest of lines, mild cramps, mild backache, creamy cm, high cervix, medium texture

12DPO: (Testing)Negative test, No cramps but some pressure, temp plummeted, cm mix of creamy and watery, low and firming cervix, AF should arrive tomorrow.

My temp went up the next day but AF arrived that evening.

Oh what the heck I guess I'll join in...

CD 14- lots of EWCM and twinges on left side. DTD that afternoon.
O DAY- (CD 15) wet cm and left ovary twinges that morning.
1 DPO- Slept like a baby the night before. Nothing out of the ordinary
2 DPO- I swear my boobs are swollen. Tired. Very dull AF type cramps.
3 DPO- Random sore throat. More dull cramps. Full heavy feeling in abdomen. Very watery CM (had this since day after O)
4 DPO- Very vivid odd nightmare. Woke up at 2 am from nightmare hungry. Sore throat still.
5DPO- heavy swollen boobs. Light pinching feeling in abdomen. Sticky CM (almost like paste)

6 DPO- creamy CM, bloating, sore throat is gone. Tired today from not sleeping too well the night before. So hungry. Boobs aren't too sore today.
7DPO- woke up in the night drenched in sweat. Like someone had dumped a bucket of water on me. Swollen heavy boobs. Creamy CM.
8DPO- AF cramps were pretty intense today (period not due until 16DPO so this is not normal. Tired and slight nausea.
9DPO- feel fine today. A little tired. Boobs are back to normal. No symptoms really and I feel like I'm out.
10DPO- Nausea and upset stomach. Very tired. Vivid dreams. Boobs still feel normal. I keep pressing on them to see if they are sore and nothing.
11DPO- more vivid dreams. More AF type cramps and more nausea.
Boobs still normal. Weird because this is when they normally start getting sore before AF. Tested with afternoon urine and BFN on a FRRR. Oh well
12DPO- I feel awful today. Sick to my stomach and by this evening I had a full blown cold :(
This thread looks amazing!

1 DPO- tons of cramps, especially on left side.
2 DPO- Watery CM and fatigue.
3 DPO-cramps all over, sore breasts, vivid dreams.
4 DPO-Cramps all over and on the left side again. Woke up starving and with a headache. sore breasts.
5 DPO- Cramps and sticky, watery CM
6 DPO- cramps all over lower stomach, bad headache and light pink spotting mixed with snot looking CM.
7 DPO- lots of sticky snotty cm and cramps, back ache and tender breasts and bloated.
8-DPO more sticky, snot looking CM, really sleepy and fatigued! bloated, Cramping all over with back ache.

Good Luck to everyone!

9 DPO backache and extremely moody. Starving all the time lol. Sore nipples and cloudy sticky ewcm.
10 DPO cramping and backache. Pink and brown Spotting again when I wiped, became very discouraged because with my last pregnancy implantation bleeding wasn't this much and I assumed AF was just 3-6 days early. After that the spotting stopped. For some reason i took and hpt tests and I could see a faint second line! Went out and bought a FRER one and again a faint second line appeared.
11 DPO
Woke up and took two more hpt (I know, I am a little obsessive ha) and the faint second line was still there. I know it is super early and I am trying hard not to get too excited. I am going to wait a few more days and test again to see if the second line gets darker. Will keep you posted.
Oh what the heck I guess I'll join in...

CD 14- lots of EWCM and twinges on left side. DTD that afternoon.
O DAY- (CD 15) wet cm and left ovary twinges that morning.
1 DPO- Slept like a baby the night before. Nothing out of the ordinary
2 DPO- I swear my boobs are swollen. Tired. Very dull AF type cramps.
3 DPO- Random sore throat. More dull cramps. Full heavy feeling in abdomen. Very watery CM (had this since day after O)
4 DPO- Very vivid odd nightmare. Woke up at 2 am from nightmare hungry. Sore throat still.
5DPO- heavy swollen boobs. Light pinching feeling in abdomen. Sticky CM (almost like paste)

6 DPO- creamy CM, bloating, sore throat is gone. Tired today from not sleeping too well the night before. So hungry. Boobs aren't too sore today.
7DPO- woke up in the night drenched in sweat. Like someone had dumped a bucket of water on me. Swollen heavy boobs. Creamy CM.
8DPO- AF cramps were pretty intense today (period not due until 16DPO so this is not normal. Tired and slight nausea.
9DPO- feel fine today. A little tired. Boobs are back to normal. No symptoms really and I feel like I'm out.
10DPO- Nausea and upset stomach. Very tired. Vivid dreams. Boobs still feel normal. I keep pressing on them to see if they are sore and nothing.
11DPO- more vivid dreams. More AF type cramps and more nausea.
Boobs still normal. Weird because this is when they normally start getting sore before AF. Tested with afternoon urine and BFN on a FRRR. Oh well
12DPO- I feel awful today. Sick to my stomach and by this evening I had a full blown cold :(

13 DPO- felt better today. No other symptoms.
14DPO- mild AF cramps. Nothing other than that. BFN that afternoon
15DPO- period due today and never came. Some really mild AF cramps.
16DPO- no period yet. 1 day late. Headache and bloated today. Decided not to test and to wait another day.
17DPO- BFN with FMU. So annoyed and frustrated. An hour later AF showed :( on to the next month.

So here goes

1-10 dpo: not really any symptoms was sure af was on her way.
11dpo: Mild boob pain mostly on the sides and underneath the bottom of my breasts
12 dpo: Mild breast pain and mild cramps was for sure af was coming early. Went and got stocked up pads and tampons
13 dpo: Same mild breast pain and cramps. Thought I was out because with previous BFPs had sore achy swollen boobs from 8dpo until mc.
14dpo: day af was due decided to take a test early that morning... and BFP. Was in total and utter shock so I took like 10 more all bfps...
Im 8w4d today and so far so good....
Ok so here goes

1-3dpo nothing out of the ordinary, usual boob pain and full uterus feeling along with bloatedness
4dpo gassy and bloated, mega cranky
5dpo snotty CM, sleeplessness, bloated and twinges around ovaries as well as other pinching, beginnings of a runny/stuffy nose, tingling boobs and still mega cranky
6dpo sudden appearance of piles that were bleeding (sorry tmi) and for a second I thought it was AF! They bled 3 times in one day when going to the loo (only ever had piles that bleed during pregnancy). Ask still tingly boobs, not sure if it's in my head. Very stuffy nose. Feeling tired but sleeplessness
7dpo stuffy nose, some sensitivity in boobs but starting to think it's all progesterone related and feeling like I'm out this month
8dpo thought I felt queasy when I woke but might be in my head. Slight AF like cramps in the morning. Reappearance of some snotty CM. more bleeding from piles!! Tested with FMU and BFN. Feeling weepy about it. Being very short with people and snappy but likely due to the BFN and progesterone. Still think I'm out.
9dpo woke at 2am thinking it was about 5am, did an IC and BFN but felt weird and sore boobs so did a FRER and :bfp: couldn't believe it! Did another at 5am and IC again BFN but FRER was another BFP!!! Today I'm now feeling very crampy, feels like full AF cramps, slightly sore boobs, bloated and so hungry! But also felt a little queasy when I drank my usual green tea.
I found this thread and it's helping to ease my mind and keep me from freaking out during yet another 2ww. I love trying to find the similarities between bfns and bfps!

CD 11 - Ov day

Dpo 3 - af like cramps, only not as bad. Left sciatic nerve hurt like a mofo, and that hasn't happened before. Couldn't sit without pressure in my lower abdomen, but it definitely wasn't an intestinal thing

Dpo 4- lots of pain in the tendons and ligaments in pelvic region, not really counting it as a symptom, just weird timing as I hadn't done anything strenuous. Usual cm. Woke up after sleeping for three hours and couldn't get back to bed.

Dpo 5 - ok guys, super TMI coming up, so stop reading if you get uncomfortable easily. I was driving home from work, and I got what I can only describe as a lady boner. I could feel my cervix shift back like during arousal, and sex was the last thing on my mind. It got really warm, like I had a rush of blood to the labia, and didn't go away for about an hour. Light creamy cm.

Dpo 6 - same thing as yesterday, mind couldn't be farther from sex, but body is reacting. Slight uterine cramps, just light twinges, mostly to the right. Slight increase in cm

Can't wait to see what else pops up. Been ttc for four months after wtt for 6 years. I'm actively trying not to get my hopes up because we are so early in our journey.
I found this thread and it's helping to ease my mind and keep me from freaking out during yet another 2ww. I love trying to find the similarities between bfns and bfps!

CD 11 - Ov day

Dpo 3 - af like cramps, only not as bad. Left sciatic nerve hurt like a mofo, and that hasn't happened before. Couldn't sit without pressure in my lower abdomen, but it definitely wasn't an intestinal thing

Dpo 4- lots of pain in the tendons and ligaments in pelvic region, not really counting it as a symptom, just weird timing as I hadn't done anything strenuous. Usual cm. Woke up after sleeping for three hours and couldn't get back to bed.

Dpo 5 - ok guys, super TMI coming up, so stop reading if you get uncomfortable easily. I was driving home from work, and I got what I can only describe as a lady boner. I could feel my cervix shift back like during arousal, and sex was the last thing on my mind. It got really warm, like I had a rush of blood to the labia, and didn't go away for about an hour. Light creamy cm.

Dpo 6 - same thing as yesterday, mind couldn't be farther from sex, but body is reacting. Slight uterine cramps, just light twinges, mostly to the right. Slight increase in cm

Can't wait to see what else pops up. Been ttc for four months after wtt for 6 years. I'm actively trying not to get my hopes up because we are so early in our journey.

I forgot to add that my gums are slightly swollen and very lightly bleeding, enough to notice a taste, but not see anything. I take very good care of my teeth, and this had only happened before when I flossed too hard.
Hi all, hoping for that clear BFP but for now, symptom spotting going off two faint lines, but negatives on digitals. I'm not 100% certain of O date, but about 75% certain which I based the below on.

1DPO - gush of thick white CM - ran to the loo thinking it was a super early AF
2DPO - lots of cramping, very light clear EWCM
4DPO - still lots of cramping, nausea
6DPO - exhausted beyond words
7DPO - no appetite, super spidey sense of smell - BFN on test
8DPO- strong cravings for veggies, but no appetite when I go to eat, cramping in the evening, running to the bathroom with churning tummy everytime I eat - loose stools. Lots of CM, very wet when I'm normally dry getting closer to AF. - VERY faint positive blue line on 2 tests
9DPO - tired, ravenous but no appetite when I go to eat, more diharrea everytime I try to eat. :( Still no dryness like normal when approaching AF. No lines on 2 more tests
Just an update. Can't edit posts as of yet!

I found this thread and it's helping to ease my mind and keep me from freaking out during yet another 2ww. I love trying to find the similarities between bfns and bfps!

CD 11 - Ov day

Dpo 3 - af like cramps, only not as bad. Left sciatic nerve hurt like a mofo, and that hasn't happened before. Couldn't sit without pressure in my lower abdomen, but it definitely wasn't an intestinal thing

Dpo 4- lots of pain in the tendons and ligaments in pelvic region, not really counting it as a symptom, just weird timing as I hadn't done anything strenuous. Usual cm. Woke up after sleeping for three hours and couldn't get back to bed.

Dpo 5 - ok guys, super TMI coming up, so stop reading if you get uncomfortable easily. I was driving home from work, and I got what I can only describe as a lady boner. I could feel my cervix shift back like during arousal, and sex was the last thing on my mind. It got really warm, like I had a rush of blood to the labia, and didn't go away for about an hour. Light creamy cm.

Dpo 6 - same thing as yesterday, mind couldn't be farther from sex, but body is reacting. Slight uterine cramps, just light twinges, mostly to the right. Slight increase in cm

Can't wait to see what else pops up. Been ttc for four months after wtt for 6 years. I'm actively trying not to get my hopes up because we are so early in our journey.

I forgot to add that my gums are slightly swollen and very lightly bleeding, enough to notice a taste, but not see anything. I take very good care of my teeth, and this had only happened before when I flossed too hard.

DPO 7 - I had the biggest mood swing to date this morning. I took everything personally and cried at absolutely nothing. I'm an emotional person, but this was a bit much, even for me. I apologized to my husband a million times. Gums still sore, but no longer swollen. Loose stools going on three days.

DPO 8 - Taste blood again after eating, but enough to see it. Loose stools going on day four. Cervix very high, can barely touch it. No other noticeable symptoms other than extremely mild discomfort in pelvis. Irritable with certain coworker, almost irrationally so, but that might just be me being a bitch 😂

DPO 9 - absolute meltdown at work because SIL just announced her second pregnancy. Sore breasts, comes and goes, more blood taste, loose stools, headache in the evening, but probably from crying.

DPO 10 - my breasts HURT, but it changes in intensity. Wondering if it could be a hormonal thing - last month it was a menstrual migraine, this month, sore boobs? I have no idea anymore. They also feel very warm inside, if that makes any sense. The one that hurts more than the other gets warmer faster. Cervix still very high, can barely touch it the edge. No blood taste today.
I'm sorry to say I find myself back here. Not to long ago I shared my shock and joy when we found out we were expecting after a negative blood test. I carried my angel up until 20 weeks, when at a routine anatomy scan we were informed she no longer had a heartbeat. I miss her everyday. We are back TTC and hope we get a THB this time. Right now, just lurking. I will update with cycle information if things get exciting.
Hi Ladies
I'm new in here, nyt not new in tcc. 3 1/2 years of trying.
Thought it could have been this month, I had brownish spotting at 7-8 dpo.
But BFN the last couple of days. 14 dpo today, so guess I'm out. Again.
Lots of baby dust to all of you��
Invintrysheep your symptoms look promising! I think..

I really hope so! Last night the outer sides of my breasts started to feel achey, and then again when I went down the stairs at work today. As of today (2/14) I am 9dpo. Ther have also been achey cramps in my pelvic area, and they don't feel normal. Not super sore, just uncomfortable hen I sit forward. I refuse to test until next Monday when my af is due...I can't stand that single line.

Then again, it could all be in my head. My sister-in-law just announced that she is pregnant with their second. Despite really wanting to be happy for them, the struggle was real. So. Emotional!
I'm sorry to say I find myself back here. Not to long ago I shared my shock and joy when we found out we were expecting after a negative blood test. I carried my angel up until 20 weeks, when at a routine anatomy scan we were informed she no longer had a heartbeat. I miss her everyday. We are back TTC and hope we get a THB this time. Right now, just lurking. I will update with cycle information if things get exciting.

I had actually just gotten to your part of the thread. I'm so sorry for your loss...I had a mc when I was younger, and it was hard enough to handle when I wasn't actually trying. I sincerely hope you get your rainbow soon.
I'm sorry to say I find myself back here. Not to long ago I shared my shock and joy when we found out we were expecting after a negative blood test. I carried my angel up until 20 weeks, when at a routine anatomy scan we were informed she no longer had a heartbeat. I miss her everyday. We are back TTC and hope we get a THB this time. Right now, just lurking. I will update with cycle information if things get exciting.

I'm so sorry :hugs::hugs::cry::cry:
I think I've discovered my problem - short luteal phase. Finally got a pos opk on day 18 of a 28 day cycle. Managed to bd on cd17. Currently taking b6 and maca as well as my prenatal and hoping to extend LP by a day or so. I will see my dr next wk after blood tests and ask for progesterone.

1dpo - some leftover ewcm then later on some sticky/creamy yellow cm.
2dpo - creamy cm
3dpo - creamy cm, cramps in evening, acne
4dpo - creamy yellowish cm, cramps in evening, acne
5dpo - had P21 test today. Creamy cm, acne, hurts to feed DS, tired
6dpo - lower left back pain, cramps, lots of fullness/achiness in uterus, small amount of creamy cm otherwise mostly dry, still a little pain when feeding DS, feeling a bit emotional like I do when AF is about to arrive. GASSY
7dpo - I think the acne is due to part weaning DS. The cm I've gotten since o has been only a tiny amount once a day, creamy white/ yellow. Usually after o I have quite a bit of cm and globs of milky lotiony cm. So this tww is different as I am dry most of the time. Hoping this means something *clutching at straws* A bit more heaviness/ achiness in uterus and left lower back still hurting.
8dpo - progesterone at 5dpo was 34 (I think this is 11-12 in US) so happy that I ovulated :) still hardly any cm. Felt a little nauseated this morning plus weird taste in mouth but pretty sure this is all in my head lol
9dpo - ewcm in morning, creamy white/yellow cm in evening
10dpo - feel 'wet' but no cm really. Checked cervix and there's a bit of white cm. Going by previous cycles AF is due today but may be delayed from taking b6 or o'ing late (not sure if I also o'd late in previous cycles). Tested late afternoon with 2 hr hold - faint line!!!! In evening had a glob of yellowish/ greenish cm.
11dpo - Bit of a sore throat. Line on FRER is darker. Stick baby xxxx

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