Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

I'm sorry to say I find myself back here. Not to long ago I shared my shock and joy when we found out we were expecting after a negative blood test. I carried my angel up until 20 weeks, when at a routine anatomy scan we were informed she no longer had a heartbeat. I miss her everyday. We are back TTC and hope we get a THB this time. Right now, just lurking. I will update with cycle information if things get exciting.

I had actually just gotten to your part of the thread. I'm so sorry for your loss...I had a mc when I was younger, and it was hard enough to handle when I wasn't actually trying. I sincerely hope you get your rainbow soon.

I'm sorry to say I find myself back here. Not to long ago I shared my shock and joy when we found out we were expecting after a negative blood test. I carried my angel up until 20 weeks, when at a routine anatomy scan we were informed she no longer had a heartbeat. I miss her everyday. We are back TTC and hope we get a THB this time. Right now, just lurking. I will update with cycle information if things get exciting.

I'm so sorry :hugs::hugs::cry::cry:

Thank you both. This is harder than I ever imagined. I may now be facing fertility issues, I'm going to be 35 in a month. I never had problems before but it appears the loss has really messed up my cycles. I hope it just needs time, but IUI or IVF may be in my future :(. Trying so hard to keep my hopes up. Some days are easier than others. One bonus is I've learned so much about how pregnancy and reproduction works. I really find it interesting and enjoy learning as much as possible and trying to help others. I hope this is a short journey for everyone. Hugs to all!
I have a question for you all. Have any of you never experienced brest pain before during PMS, but then suddenly developed one cycle? I'm trying not to make this bigger in my head than it is, but damn do my girls hurt, and it's been building since two nights ago.
I have a question for you all. Have any of you never experienced brest pain before during PMS, but then suddenly developed one cycle? I'm trying not to make this bigger in my head than it is, but damn do my girls hurt, and it's been building since two nights ago.

Yes, I used to never have breast pain before PMS and then all my PMS symptoms went wonky after having my first mc. A few months after my first loss, my breasts would hurt before every PMS cycle which always psyched me out because I wasn't used to it. I'm used to it now though.
I get breast pain before AF arrives too, last cycle and this cycle but I didn't notice it before that. I am nursing though so not sure how that changes things.
I think I've discovered my problem - short luteal phase. Finally got a pos opk on day 18 of a 28 day cycle. Managed to bd on cd17. Currently taking b6 and maca as well as my prenatal and hoping to extend LP by a day or so. I will see my dr next wk after blood tests and ask for progesterone.

1dpo - some leftover ewcm then later on some sticky/creamy yellow cm.
2dpo - creamy cm
3dpo - creamy cm, cramps in evening, acne
4dpo - creamy yellowish cm, cramps in evening, acne
5dpo - had P21 test today. Creamy cm, acne, hurts to feed DS, tired
6dpo - lower left back pain, cramps, lots of fullness/achiness in uterus, small amount of creamy cm otherwise mostly dry, still a little pain when feeding DS, feeling a bit emotional like I do when AF is about to arrive. GASSY
7dpo - I think the acne is due to part weaning DS. The cm I've gotten since o has been only a tiny amount once a day, creamy white/ yellow. Usually after o I have quite a bit of cm and globs of milky lotiony cm. So this tww is different as I am dry most of the time. Hoping this means something *clutching at straws* A bit more heaviness/ achiness in uterus and left lower back still hurting.
8dpo - progesterone at 5dpo was 34 (I think this is 11-12 in US) so happy that I ovulated :) still hardly any cm. Felt a little nauseated this morning plus weird taste in mouth but pretty sure this is all in my head lol
9dpo - ewcm in morning, creamy white/yellow cm in evening
10dpo - feel 'wet' but no cm really. Checked cervix and there's a bit of white cm. Going by previous cycles AF is due today but may be delayed from taking b6 or o'ing late (not sure if I also o'd late in previous cycles). Tested late afternoon with 2 hr hold - faint line!!!! In evening had a glob of yellowish/ greenish cm.
11dpo - Bit of a sore throat. Line on FRER is darker. Stick baby xxxx

I turned my post green ladies!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
All right ladies. I need to get this off my chest so I can focus on my school-work lol

We are supposed to be WTT so I was only casually tracking my cycle.. enough to warn my man to be ultra-careful during the fertile window, nothing more. Then this month my fw exactly coincided with our Valentine's Day hotel date night and decided to try for a little one :cloud9: from everything I have read, egg-white cm and ovulation pain can occur anywhere from "as you ovulate" to 2 days before it happens. Without temping or OPKs I have no way to know exactly what day I ovulated :wacko: But we definitely hit either O-1 and O-day, or O-1 and O-2. This is based on the latter

O-day/0dpo: gassy. so gassy. I blame the Thai curry. had a single sharp shooting pain in my cervix that made me jump

1dpo: gassy. second, much sharper shooting pain in my cervix, at around the same time of day as the first one. Made me drop a cup!

2&3dpo: gas continued and I thought I might be starting to bloat. Also, extremely thirsty.

4dpo: Still gassy and decidedly BLOATED. I seriously looked 16wks pregnant. Have been having shooting pains in my cervix this whole time, which progressed to pains along the length of my vagina and up into my clit on this day.

5dpo: cervix dropped lower and started to lengthen. Was fairly sure I was out because of this. thirst continued but bloat died down. So. Hungry. kinda tired, felt like I could take a nap. I never nap. oh and on this day I was freaking out because a) suddenly got two mild cold sores despite my meds I take to avoid them b) felt like I was going to get a UTI (uncomfortable feeling in my bladder/urethra) c) I thought the fatigue was probably onset of a cold

6dpo: Still tired. Midway through the morning I had a sharp, "hot" pain in my uterus. It scared me at first (ow!) but I realized it might be implantation so I employed labor techniques, breathed into it, and pet my belly telling it how loved it was. Pain faded from my stomach after maybe 3 minutes -- and immediately recurred for 20 seconds on the top of my head. So who knows lmao. That night as I was sleeping I chewed on my lip and bled copiously. I'm a chronic lip-chewer and can't remember the last time I bled that much from it -- plus the spot wasn't visible in the morning and barely hurt! Increased blood pressure??

7dpo: crampy sort of feeling like my period was going to come, but not quite (I have a very long lp and it isn't due until march 5!). Had several "there and then gone" flashes of the hot pain. woke up in the middle of the night having a hot flash and thirsty. Chugged a glass of water and then noticed it felt like someone was gently pushing on my lower back with very hot hands. Walked around my tiny apartment three times feeling it and going "wtf??" then went back to sleep.

8dpo: overnight we had (intentionally gentle) intercourse for the first time since we tried. semi-shocked to wipe pink when I peed afterwards. I have NEVER spotted between periods!!! I turned on the light and looked because I just sorta knew it was going to be there, which is why I say "semi" shocked. my uterus was tensed up so hard I was able to help my man feel it. also had the "hot hands on back" sensation. Wept on the bathroom floor because it turns out I am actually kinda scared of being pregnant again (I got NINE cavities last time despite eating well and taking a prenatal).
:bfn: from a FRER. In the afternoon the hot pain occurred again, for MUCH longer, like over half an hour. It felt great to hold my hand against the spot, that totally eased the pain.

9dpo: breasts are still as full as they were on o-day. nipples burn/tingle and really don't like being exposed to cold. Extremely thirsty. Hot flashes continuing this whole time, just feel like I'm running hotter in general. Starting to lose my appetite. MY BOOBS ARE LEAKING MILK and they hurt!

10dpo: Kind of terrified this morning. Breasts hurt less. Thirst continuing, so are hot flashes. cervix is very small and short and almost too high to reach, cm is becoming just.. clear and no pasty/sticky/lotion.
:bfn: with fmu

11dpo: Cervix has risen almost too high to reach and is squishy. I feel half like I'm about to get my period and half like I did when I was 5-6 weeks pregnant. No test today, I refuse to see another bfn...

12dpo: Cervix was lower and harder before bed but is high and squishy again this morning. Still none of the usual AF/PMS symptoms. Breasts totally back to normal. 8AM thought I was starting to feel aunt flo coming for real... lower back pains, my usual crampy feeling. Faded. 5PM can barely form a coherent sentence, it is as if I am on drugs. Hubby told me to "please do" something and I responded "thanks"?!
:bfn: with fmu

13dpo: Cervix is so high I almost cannot reach it. CM has turned very watery compared to yesterday!!! Checking my cervix has caused light period like cramps but they're fading. Breasts are bigger than usual but not very tender. Had a vivid dream about texting with my college professor. Crying about nothing. Low appetite. Headache.
:bfn: with fmu

14dpo: Had two vivid dreams overnight both about babies. Woke up with a headache in a giant puddle of sweat. I have a crampy sort of pain in my lower back on the right side. Cervix is high and very small compared to during my cycle. I keep feeling that "oops, I leaked" sensation of bleeding/EWCM but nothing ends up in my undies. CM is white sticky sort of bits mixed into watery, and getting waterier every day.
:bfn: with fmu
Haven't really been intentionally checking CM but when I wipe there's a little lotiony CM most of the time.

1 DPO - Sore nipples since just before ovulation, increased appetite/cravings

2 DPO - Same as day 1

3 DPO - Same as day 1

4 DPO - Same as day 1

5 DPO - Sore nipples, cravings, fatigue, insomnia, gassy, pressure in pelvic region, heartburn

6 DPO - Sore nipples, cravings, fatigue, insomnia, gassy, mildly constipated, pressure in pelvic region, headache, nausea late at night

7 DPO - Sore nipples, decreased appetite, fatigue, insomnia, gassy, mildly constipated, pressure in pelvic region, irritable, runny nose/allergies

8 DPO - Apart from my nipples being sore and in increase in CM, all my other symptoms are pretty much gone or just less today. Good mood and more energy than I probably should have after working a night shift and then only sleeping 5 hours after.

9 DPO - increased CM (can just feel it coming out; gross, white)

10 DPO - Nipples are sore again, very strange, vivid dreams last night, increased CM (wiped one time and found a nasty yellow glob), increased appetite, mildly constipated, gassy, mild cramping... I THINK I'm a little bloated too. It's hard to tell when you're bigger, but my pants felt extra tight today.

11 DPO - Mostly just mildly constipated and gassy. Vivid dreams. Lots of CM.

12 DPO - Vivid dreams. Lots of CM.

13 DPO Morning- Mild cramping, tan colored vaginal discharge... Other than those two things, which usually come just before my period sometimes... I have no other symptoms. See you soon AF.

13 DPO Afternoon - AF is here and she's the heaviest she's been since before I got on BC... FOUR years ago. Ugh.
1-4DPO- the usual. Nothing out of the ordinary, but a feeling started creeping in. For the rest of the DPO, I only noted things outside of the usual.
5 DPO- boobs getting swollen and painful. Cramps/bubbling/fluttering started.
6DPO- boobs painful all across my chest and ribs. Cramps. Different From AF, not so all-consuming, more localized. Woke up with a runny nose 2 hours before my alarm and had trouble going back to sleep. It was running like a faucet!
7DPO- body aches in arms and sides, like I had lifted weights. boobs so painful even walking hurt. Asthma acting up. Weird feeling in nipples? Almost a tingle? Trouble sleeping.
8DPO- sore boobs (way more swollen and painful than normal PMS) and cramps. More asthma.
9DPO- woke up and had a feeling- had a vivid dream about lots of BFPs. No appetite AT ALL., we went to a BBQ and I didn't want to eat much. Had to take my inhaler, asthma still acting up.Took a test and got a faint line on a wondfo. Went and got a FRER and got the YES! Looking forward to testing more- hopeful!!
10DPO- Wondfo looks a bit darker. Boobs so swollen and tender still. Trouble sleeping, most likely from excitement though. Absolutely no appetite.


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I'll put my symptoms up here but I'd also like to ask for advice, so here goes:

1-7dpo: Basically nothing. Just going on as normal.
8dpo: Irritability
9dpo: Tired, had an afternoon nap
10dpo: Headache
11dpo: Pinching feeling in ovaries
12dpo: Vomiting, pinching feeling in ovaries, creamy CM
13dpo: Constipation in the morning and Diarrhea in the afternoon, creamy CM
14dpo: Nausea and cramping in abdomen, creamy CM
15dpo: (today) General feeling of being 'unwell', nausea and headache

16dpo: New cycle starting...

I haven't taken a test yet because I only have one and my temps yesterday morning as well as this morning was a little lower than the previous days (which usually happens when AF is on the way).

If my temps tomorrow morning are the same as today, should I take the test or wait a bit more? If my temps are lower I will most probably decide against testing and just wait for AF but what do you girls think? Should I test?

Didn't take the test, my temp was down one degree Celsius and now (afternoon) AF arrived. Onto the new month...
LADIES! Updated:

11dpo: Cervix has risen almost too high to reach and is squishy. I feel half like I'm about to get my period and half like I did when I was 5-6 weeks pregnant. No test today, I refuse to see another bfn...

I'm pregnant. I think. If I'm not, I am embarrassed by my powers of self-deception :shrug: I saw the trace of implantation bleeding on Thursday night and from a quick Google I've found hCG can be detected in urine 6-7 days after implantation. So the BFNs haven't mattered at all. I'm going to test on Thursday with fmu :wacko:
Hello! I am going to keep track of my DPOs here! :flower:

1DPO: Calm mood. A few very small twinges in my abdomen, but no cramps.
2DPO: Calm mood. Sensitive/tingly BBs... weird feeling.
3DPO: Happy. Hungrier than usual. Gassy/bloated.
4DPO: Happy. Upset stomach. Bloated.
5DPO: Nausea this morning, but could be from workout and lack of breakfast. Unsettled stomach. Mild crampy twinges. Bloody nose at night - very odd.
6DPO: Gassy. Nothing else really. Negative IC with SMU.
7DPO: Same as yesterday... nothing new. Just a little gassy. Craving sweets! Negative IC.
8DPO: Such a weird feeling in my stomach that made me stop in my tracks. It seriously feels like early quickening/flutters when you just start feeling baby move. So crazy! I totally realize that it is not a baby moving, but it really makes me curious! This happened for a couple of hours this afternoon, then again for a bit in the evening. Negative IC with SMU. OPK is darker than it has been, but definitely not positive.
9DPO: Negative IC with FMU. Fluttery feeling in my lower abdomen hasn't returned. Acne popping up around my chin. Negative FRER in the evening. OPK was lightest yet, but still visible.
10DPO: Negative IC with FMU.
11DPO: Negative IC. Mild cramps, stomach ache.
12DPO:Negative IC. Mild cramps, stomach ache.
13DPO:Negative IC. Mild cramps, stomach ache. AF showed. :(
12dpo: Cervix was lower and harder before bed but is high and squishy again this morning. Still none of the usual AF/PMS symptoms. Breasts totally back to normal. 8AM thought I was starting to feel aunt flo coming for real... lower back pains, my usual crampy feeling. Faded. 5PM can barely form a coherent sentence, it is as if I am on drugs. Hubby told me to "please do" something and I responded "thanks"?! :bfn: with fmu

13dpo: Cervix is so high I almost cannot reach it. CM has turned very watery compared to yesterday!!! Checking my cervix has caused light period like cramps but they're fading. Breasts are bigger than usual but not very tender. Had a vivid dream about texting with my college professor.
:bfn: with fmu

I'm still hanging in here. I'm not late yet (thanks gigantically long luteal phase!). I found this amazing implantation/hCG estimator chart which I'm going to post in a separate thread for ya'll to make your own and such
can I ask if any of you ladies check your cervical positon please I am 4dpo and my cervix instead of coming down prepping for af its now barely reachable and firmish any one else had this and feeling wet but when wiping nothing however when checking my cp my cm is lotion like HELP PLEASE!
Poppy hun you'll get your answers faster if you look through this thread for ladies recording their cervix position/mucus in the past

Mine stayed high for a few days, dropped, then rose again. Still in the TWW. You're too early to tell for sure by any symptom, even a blood test couldn't tell you yet
Poppy hun you'll get your answers faster if you look through this thread for ladies recording their cervix position/mucus in the past

Mine stayed high for a few days, dropped, then rose again. Still in the TWW. You're too early to tell for sure by any symptom, even a blood test couldn't tell you yet

Thank you huni, I am going to sit and read through all of it now there's a lot to go through but I'm finding all you ladies a lot better infortion wise than a general internet site. Xx
Not sure when I o'd. Guessing it was between Feb 23 - Feb 25. BD on 18th, 19th, 20th, 23rd, 24th & 25th. Assuming I am about 6-7dpo.

1-3dpo - nothing
4dpo - cramps in lower abdomen, bad lower back ache (had to use a hot water bottle on my lower back), very tired and sleepy, body aches, neck aches and bad heartburn.
5dpo - Stronger lower abdomen cramps, lower backache, very sleepy, heartburn, some bloating.
6dpo - Strong lower abdomen cramps that woke me up at 4am this morning. Woke up starving and I am not really a breakfast person. Cramps and back pain are now milder in the afternoon/evening. Still very hungry even after eating a lot. Also still very sleepy even though I've been sleeping 10+ hours over the past few days and I never sleep this much.
Also yesterday I had a runny nose with a slight fever and chills. Thought I was coming down with something. But woke up this morning with only a headache.
Last pregnancy ended as a chemical pregnancy :( SO here we go!

1 DPO-leftover ewcm
2 DPO-leftover ewcm, light cramps.
3 DPO-cloudy, stretchy cm.
4 DPO- more cloudy stretchy cm. really sleepy.
5 DPO-Cloudy, milky, stretchy cm, backache and cramps.
6 DPO- loads of snotty CM, head cold that came out of nowhere, eyes and nose watering, cramps and really sleepy.
I'm not entirely sure exactly when I ovulated, so I'm going by the latest dates in my regular as clockwork cycle

1-4 dpo - nothing notable.
5 dpo- awful headache. Increased creamy cm. insomnia. Mild cramps. Stuffy nose.
6 dpo - as above.
7 dpo- mild headache. Sore breasts. Leaking a tiny amount of colostrum. (Wtf?!) mild cramping. Stuffy nose. Crying. A lot. like full on sobbing during a news report video on Aleppo. Slept ok, but waking super early. Vivid dreams.
8 dpo - moderate headache. A lot of cramping/tightening pains. Backache. Sore, heavy bbs. Foul metallic taste. Cervix too high to check properly. Pretty resigned to being out. Oh and clearly grumpy and irritable.
9dpo - awake at 5am again. Waking in the night to pee also (known to happen occasionally though) cervix too high to feel. Stuffy nose. Vivid dreams. BFN on frer.
10dpo - bbs still aching and heavy. Stuffy nose. Slept better but vivid dreams. Cx still too high to feel. Bfn with fmu. Almost certain that I must be convincing myself of these symptoms now, my other pregnancies have tested positive at 10dpo.

I was convincing myself. Af turned up 4 days early.

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