Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

14dpo: Had two vivid dreams overnight both about babies. Woke up with a headache in a giant puddle of sweat. I have a crampy sort of pain in my lower back on the right side. Cervix is high and very small compared to during my cycle. I keep feeling that "oops, I leaked" sensation of bleeding/EWCM but nothing ends up in my undies. CM is white sticky sort of bits mixed into watery, and getting waterier every day. :bfn: with fmu

Never mind. Checked cm again and I have brown in it now. I'm out. And extremely upset at my powers of self-delusion, as I said I would be.

Click for pic.
I mean, there is literally no chance this is implantation related right?
Did you at show sweetie? I'm hoping it is implantation for you and not that evil witch xx
Thanks dear. Bleeding started properly about an hour after I posted that... it is the Witch.
I am so sorry sweetie.... bloody witch is a bitch! Excuse the language sending baby dust for next cycle sweetie xxx
HI Everyone,
I've just joined up to try to get me through the tww. I have a son whose over 2 but that was unplanned do this is my first time ttc and waiting. I have some symptoms but I have no idea if I am just much more sensitive to my body now than I ever was the last time as I only realised when I missed my period.

OV 28/2 around 10pm

1dpo: extremely tired, cranky, bloated
2 dpo: same and hungry, burping
3dpo: same hungry and dizzy and headache
4 dpo: happy, less tired, dry mouth, hungry
5dpo: sleepy, irritable, lower backache, salivating, sharp jabbing pain around left upper stomach
6dpo: more energy, sore throat, mild earache and pain on gum and throat and gland all on same side of face. Almost like pain when flavour hits my taste buds on that side it stings, fluttering/vibrations in tummy. Hungry, get empty cramping for food 10am after breakfast, eating more than normal, keeping up with my two year old and his appetite.
7dpo: used mouthwash; gums and ear much better. Less tired, still hungry,dizzy. Teary and emotional today.
8dpo: mostly same re tired bloated hungry, hot tender mouth, a bit breathless when singing, heavy breathing, bfn today with test measuring 25mg hgc
9dpo: mild symptoms of tiredness burping hunger progressively worse as day goes on. Erect nipples, which I don't have normally before af. Bfn with FRER.
10dpo: Continued with most other symptoms mildly, mildly swollen sore boobs, little stabbing pain low in left abdomen and now dull jabbing pain every now and then, feeling hot, feeling emotional and a bit "low"/slow/heavy, burping, erect nipples again BFN with Digital Clearblue
11dpo: Tired but was woken by son early, couldn't sleep last night thinking about things, headache maybe for this reason some chest flutters, slow feeling, mildly sore boobs and random sensations, not really pain, dull, all over abdomen, frequent peeing
12dpo: Throughout this time but more noticeably now coming closer to af , due 15dpo, I have been desperately craving food, not sugary, chocolate, alcohol etc. as I do coming up to af but food food like wholegrain crackers and cereals, things to stop me getting hungry, which, in my opinion, I am more than normally; either that or I have driven myself mad into thinking I am!!!
Dizziness continues, bloating continues, tiredness continues, headache continues, had sore on soles of feet as I had plantar fasciitis last pregnancy and it seems to be reoccurring, I have no idea if this is related.
AF arrived in the PM turning this red. :(
I'm not entirely sure exactly when I ovulated, so I'm going by the latest dates in my regular as clockwork cycle

1-4 dpo - nothing notable.
5 dpo- awful headache. Increased creamy cm. insomnia. Mild cramps. Stuffy nose.
6 dpo - as above.
7 dpo- mild headache. Sore breasts. Leaking a tiny amount of colostrum. (Wtf?!) mild cramping. Stuffy nose. Crying. A lot. like full on sobbing during a news report video on Aleppo. Slept ok, but waking super early. Vivid dreams.
8 dpo - moderate headache. A lot of cramping/tightening pains. Backache. Sore, heavy bbs. Foul metallic taste. Cervix too high to check properly. Pretty resigned to being out. Oh and clearly grumpy and irritable.
9dpo - awake at 5am again. Waking in the night to pee also (known to happen occasionally though) cervix too high to feel. Stuffy nose. Vivid dreams. BFN on frer.

I'm driving myself demented. I 'feel' pregnant. But I cannot tell if I truly feel it or just wish it to be true. It's so annoying because I've always known before a test has confirmed but I just don't trust myself this time. In fact, I rather suspect I'm fooling myself. :nope:
I can really relate to the crazy feeling. Don't give up hope though until af comes. Good luck.

I'm not entirely sure exactly when I ovulated, so I'm going by the latest dates in my regular as clockwork cycle

1-4 dpo - nothing notable.
5 dpo- awful headache. Increased creamy cm. insomnia. Mild cramps. Stuffy nose.
6 dpo - as above.
7 dpo- mild headache. Sore breasts. Leaking a tiny amount of colostrum. (Wtf?!) mild cramping. Stuffy nose. Crying. A lot. like full on sobbing during a news report video on Aleppo. Slept ok, but waking super early. Vivid dreams.
8 dpo - moderate headache. A lot of cramping/tightening pains. Backache. Sore, heavy bbs. Foul metallic taste. Cervix too high to check properly. Pretty resigned to being out. Oh and clearly grumpy and irritable.
9dpo - awake at 5am again. Waking in the night to pee also (known to happen occasionally though) cervix too high to feel. Stuffy nose. Vivid dreams. BFN on frer.

I'm driving myself demented. I 'feel' pregnant. But I cannot tell if I truly feel it or just wish it to be true. It's so annoying because I've always known before a test has confirmed but I just don't trust myself this time. In fact, I rather suspect I'm fooling myself. :nope:
I can really relate to the crazy feeling. Don't give up hope though until af comes. Good luck.

I'm not entirely sure exactly when I ovulated, so I'm going by the latest dates in my regular as clockwork cycle

1-4 dpo - nothing notable.
5 dpo- awful headache. Increased creamy cm. insomnia. Mild cramps. Stuffy nose.
6 dpo - as above.
7 dpo- mild headache. Sore breasts. Leaking a tiny amount of colostrum. (Wtf?!) mild cramping. Stuffy nose. Crying. A lot. like full on sobbing during a news report video on Aleppo. Slept ok, but waking super early. Vivid dreams.
8 dpo - moderate headache. A lot of cramping/tightening pains. Backache. Sore, heavy bbs. Foul metallic taste. Cervix too high to check properly. Pretty resigned to being out. Oh and clearly grumpy and irritable.
9dpo - awake at 5am again. Waking in the night to pee also (known to happen occasionally though) cervix too high to feel. Stuffy nose. Vivid dreams. BFN on frer.

I'm driving myself demented. I 'feel' pregnant. But I cannot tell if I truly feel it or just wish it to be true. It's so annoying because I've always known before a test has confirmed but I just don't trust myself this time. In fact, I rather suspect I'm fooling myself. :nope:

Sorry I'm new at using this.
I'm not entirely sure exactly when I ovulated, so I'm going by the latest dates in my regular as clockwork cycle

1-4 dpo - nothing notable.
5 dpo- awful headache. Increased creamy cm. insomnia. Mild cramps. Stuffy nose.
6 dpo - as above.
7 dpo- mild headache. Sore breasts. Leaking a tiny amount of colostrum. (Wtf?!) mild cramping. Stuffy nose. Crying. A lot. like full on sobbing during a news report video on Aleppo. Slept ok, but waking super early. Vivid dreams.
8 dpo - moderate headache. A lot of cramping/tightening pains. Backache. Sore, heavy bbs. Foul metallic taste. Cervix too high to check properly. Pretty resigned to being out. Oh and clearly grumpy and irritable.
9dpo - awake at 5am again. Waking in the night to pee also (known to happen occasionally though) cervix too high to feel. Stuffy nose. Vivid dreams. BFN on frer.
10dpo - bbs still aching and heavy. Stuffy nose. Slept better but vivid dreams. Cx still too high to feel. Bfn with fmu. Almost certain that I must be convincing myself of these symptoms now, my other pregnancies have tested positive at 10dpo.

Spotting a little this afternoon, af not due until thurs but I'm pretty certain she'll be here in full by this evening. Sigh.
hi ladies so I thought I would update you on what has happened to me as I know so many ladies check or try to check for cm and cp as well as other symptoms

my cycle is usually 30 days. The 1st day of my last af was 11/02/2017 I usually have it for 5 days quite heavy.

by my calculations and charts ( I do not temp or use ov tests ) I should have o'd on the 27/02/2017.

1dpo - cramping bloating and lots of burping and trumping - cp low open soft - cm creamy lotion like I never seemed to have the egg white this month at all
2dpo - cramping bloating burping trumping and very hungry - low firm closed - cm as above
3dpo - all the above again - cp high firm closed - cm lotion like a little less than previous days
4dpo - all th above pls extremely tired - cp high firm closed - cm lotion watery a lot less but feel like I'm really damp down there
5dpo - all the above symptoms - cp was barley reachable but what I could feel was firm and very wet
6dpo - all above symptoms woke up with extremely bad tummy ache where I had tramped wind horrible had the runs - cp cant reach but it feels swollen up there in general still creamy lotion cm
7dpo - all the above symptoms but boobs are now feeling fuller and my nipples are achy - cant check cp - cm lotion like and a lot less even though I feel super wet down there
8dpo - again same as above plus feeling a tad nauseous
9dpo - all the same as above and decided to test and I got my BFP ...

9dpo is where I am at now and I have done 2 cheap hpt's and 1 digi clearblue which came up pregnant 1 - 2 weeks.

I have listed all of this because I know some ladies think your cp has to be high soft closed and wet but mine has been high firm open and closed and wet so it just shows that every one is different and just cause you cp is not what it says on the internet it should be does not mean you are not pregnant.

sorry I am super sleepy and typing barely keeping my eyes open just wanted to post this before bed time. baby dust to every one.. xx
Doing this again

Cycle facts:

"Close enough to count, I thought" + OPK on CD10, checked because of pain and cm, puts AF due CD25
Possible O on CD16-19? based on pain and cm, puts AF due CD30+
BD on CD 4, CD10, CD12-15, CD19
:bfn: on CD24

CD1-12: Evening Primrose Oil
CD1-?: 6g myo-inositol
CD11-16: ate 2 wedges of pineapple with core each day (whoops)
CD16: positive affirmations and breathing exercises each time I get the urge to poas (hah)
Went gluten, dairy, and caffeine free as of CD1

CD10, possible O-day: extra painful, both sides painful instead of just one. A single flash of hot pressure on my back
CD11-13: nothing of note, a few moments of the hot pressure on back feeling

Evening of CD13: ovary pains return, not quite the same as ovulation pain

CD14: ovary pain

CD15: ovary pain and headache

CD16: ovary pain almost completely gone, replaced by mild uterine cramps and some round ligament pain in my groin. Breasts feel tingly with sore nipples. Sneezing and coughing up mucus (but the weather just changed, spring is coming) also feel like I'm making too much drool and had an unusual amount of sleep crusties around my eyes. cp/t is high and squishy, cm was typical white dry/sticky at 7AM but at 11AM I unexpectedly soaked my panties so I checked again. Switched to much more "lotion" like!!! Tons of drool and a metallic taste at around 1:30PM

CD17, possible O day no OPK: Hot flash this morning. CM is almost egg white?? More of the drooling and metallic taste. Breasts feeling heavy and have colostrum again.. went to bed at the same time as my toddler. During afternoon prayer I had a sharp hot pain in my uterus.

CD18: Gobs and gobs of ewcm this morning. Hot pressure in my back overnight. A tiny bit crampy, maybe best described as "sore". Bouts of drooling and metallic taste continue, but now include nausea.

CD19: woke up crampy. Felt like AF a bit. Egg white cm with sticky bits. Hot flash this morning. Boobs look huge. Also, upset bowels? cramps in the evening too, and some minor ovary pain

CD20: Boobs still big and still burn, during :sex: last night having them touched didn't feel sexual, like during bfing. Couldn't check cm in am because of the bd, cp low and squishy. Cm was egg white when checked at noon, lotion pm. Oh and I have a cold (sore throat, runny nose)

CD21: Cervix dropped lower, cm lotion in am but creamy/sticky in pm. Boobs deflating and becoming more normal. Minor ovary pain, minor cramps. I feel out. cold is gone, back to just a sore throat.

CD22: woke up nauseous!!! :happydance: I thought it would fade but it hasn't. cervix low, cm is still gooier & more abundant than last month. Boobs burned before bed and nipples are sensitive this morning. Not sure at all... starting in afternoon, bad stabbing pains in hip/groin. Aches in uterus and ovaries but nothing like af cramps. And a terrible lower backache.

CD23: Woke up in a puddle of sweat, thirsty and needing to pee with that sharp groin pain on my left now instead of right. Cm is drying up but still wetter than last cycle. Nipples tender/sore but breasts their normal pancakey post bf selves. Still drooling, still nauseous, alternating chills and hot flashes, and other than CD18 I've had no PMS irritability! Brushing my teeth after lunch and my gums bled!!!!

CD24: woke up and my mouth tasted like raw garlic, so did plain water. still got that wicked backache, some cramps. Breasts getting bigger again. Tired.... so tired..... good night! I mean, good morning? :bfn: on wondfo. I swear my cervix seems smaller?

CD25: no :witch: cm is thoroughly dried up, cp is high/small and sore.

CD26: still no af, wondering if I actually O'd CD17, 18....? cm dry in am wet in pm, cp high, still having bouts of nausea but not drool/metallic taste. Fatigued. Trying not to symptom spot to be honest because it makes me cry when I remember the bfn. Wait, frequent crying, that's a symptom

CD27. Clue told me I'm late for af this morning but I'm trying to hold out and expect her Friday or Saturday. Boobs are bigger still and have ready colostrum again (overeager titties! :haha:) I've been terribly thirsty (not odd for me) and been waking up to hunger pains for a few days (which is unusual). Praying

CD28: ovary pain, a bit tearful, boobs heavy, no sex drive, watery white bits cm,

CD29: :bfp: increasing amount of lotion cm in with watery white bits, position not terribly high but is small, hips and tailbone sore, ovary and round ligament pains
Doing this again

Cycle facts:

CD1-12: Evening Primrose Oil
CD1-?: 6g myo-inositol
1-5 DPO: ate 2 wedges of pineapple with core each day
6DPO-?: positive affirmations and breathing exercises each time I get the urge to poas

Positive OPK on CD 9
BD on CD 4, CD9, CD12-15
Will test on March 26

O-day: extra painful, both sides painful instead of just one. A single flash of hot pressure on my back
1-3DPO: nothing of note, a few moments of the hot pressure on back feeling
Evening of 3DPO: ovary pains return, not quite the same as ovulation pain
4DPO: ovary pain
5DPO: ovary pain and headache
6DPO: ovary pain almost completely gone, replaced by mild uterine cramps and some round ligament pain in my groin. Breasts feel tingly with sore nipples. Sneezing and coughing up mucus (but the weather just changed, spring is coming) also feel like I'm making too much drool and had a ton of crusties around my eyes when I woke. cp/t is high and squishy, cm was typical white dry/sticky at 7AM but at 11AM I unexpectedly soaked my panties so I checked again. Switched to much more "lotion" like!!! Tons of drool and a metallic taste at around 1:30PM! So excited to see what tomorrow brings
7DPO: Hot flash this morning. CM is almost egg white?? More of the drooling and metallic taste. Breasts feeling heavy and have colostrum again..

Fingers crossed for you.
7DPO: Hot flash this morning. CM is almost egg white?? More of the drooling and metallic taste. Breasts feeling heavy and have colostrum again.. went to bed at the same time as my toddler. During afternoon prayer I had this sharp hot pain in my uterus.
8DPO: Gobs and gobs of ewcm this morning. Hot pressure in my back overnight. A tiny bit crampy, maybe best described as "sore". Bouts of drooling and metallic taste continue, but now include nausea.

Updated. I've got a super good feeling about this! I was so sure I didn't have a chance this month, this positivity is kinda funny
Here is mine:

1-4 DPO nothing unusual
5-6 DPO Caught a bad bad cold (no coughing but congested, headache and sore throat)
7 DPO feeling very tight around the hip/uterus area
8 DPO bbs hurting a lot, visible veins on my bbs (very excited about this), lots of creamy CM,
9 DPO tested with cheapie, BFN.
10 DPO (today) cervix went back to high and firm. lots of CM, and temp is still up. BFN on a cheapie

AF is due in 4 days and will be testing with cheapie everyday till then (no FRER in where I live)
AF due 27/03/2017

26 day Cycle

BD CD8 CD12 & CD13

Guessing ovulation was CD13 due to huge amounts of EWCM on CD12

1DPO- Nothing to report except high cervix
2DPO- Nothing to report except high cervix
3DPO- Nothing to report didnt check cervix
4DPO- BD'd Cervix still high Cm drying up
5DPO-Nothing to report not check cervix
6DPO-School glue like CM Cervix is high and closed
7DPO-Watery CM Cervix is high and some what soft ind of closed
8DPO - Feeling very tired after a great sleep last night 9:30PM - 7:30PM a good 10 hours and my eyes are burning at work i feel as though i could ust climb into bed and have a nap. This is unusual for me so if it turns out to be my month this will be the thing that convinced me i had a chance.

I may start to test from 9dpo, i have avoided testing so far as i just make myself go crazy, i have tried to keep occupied this month and not go OTT with TTC more of a relaxed approach.
8DPO internet Cheapie BFN
9DPO - mouth is watery started yesterday still same today. Woke up feeling tired (heavy eyes) took a clear blue + blue dye test had a line appear instantly which disappeared. Took another FRER this time and had what I believe is now an indent.

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