Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

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8 months since coming off Birth Control
5 Months since actively trying

Cycles have varied between 24-26Days

This cycle
I had a positive OPK on CD11, Confirmed ovulation with massive amounts of EWCM on CD12. BD'd CD8, CD9,CD10,CD11,CD12,CD13. Alot of BD'ing more than once a day around ovulation.

1DPO- Negative OPK, CP open and soft. CM Watery BD
2DPO- Cp feels closed and medium firmness
3DPO- CP feel high and closed, CM Watery
4DPO - CP High and closed, CM Creamy when checking cervix pulled out what looked like a blob of snot
5DPO- CP Medium height, firm-ish, and medium openness. STRONG AF cramps today and mild back ache. I could swear AF was about to come. Lots of watery CM some dried tinted yellow CM on underwear
6DPO - CP Feels medium height soft-ish and in-between closed and medium. CM is watery with white bits. Cramps still present but not as strong as yesterday.
Ok so this is my 1st time actually ttc. I am already a proud mum of 3 from a previous relationship, but DH has fertility problems. Love this post so i can obsess without getting his hopes up. I have a 29 day cycle so my app said my fertile window was between the 6th and the 11th.

Cd 7-12 (before predicted O): CF sticky, CP medium and softening, mild cramping
CD 13: CF creamy, CP medium but higher than before, mild cramping, increased sex drive
CD 11: cramping is more intense, BD, sex drive still high
O day: still cramping, sex drive now as high
1-4 dpo: mild cramping, lower back ache off and on throughout the days
5dpo: cramping, worsening lower back ache, bbs feel weird kind of tingly, itching to take a test but dont want to be disappointed
Hi! New here:) Figured I might as well join in:) as a background, we have been sorta TTC for almost 2yrs (meaning we weren't preventing it), and went to the doctor about 6 months ago and was diagnosed with PCOS (it is in my family so I expected that). I was put on 50mg of Clomid for two months but it didn't help much. I was put on 100mg Clomid in Jan, but I was out of country for two weeks including for cd21 blood work so not sure how it worked. February 100mg again and this time I had satisfactory progesterone results! This cycle I again took 100mg and am still waiting to hear my CD 21 progesterone.

I Think I O on cd17 or 18, but probably cd18. Which would put me at 6-7dpo now. Here's what I have so far:

Dpo 1 or 2 - nothing. Creamy CM
Dpo 2 or 3 - nothing unusual
Dpo 3 or 4 - little fatigued (but that could be from lack of sleep and working...). Nothing else
Dpo 4 or 5 - nothing unusual... Maybe a little gassy (not unusual for me during this time��)
Dpo 5 or 6 - nothing unusual...still a little gassy
Dpo 7 or 8 - nothing much...still just a little gassy and a bit tired (but also worked hard the day before, so that explains that!). Creamy CM.

Well, that's it for now. Not much happening with me.

As of today:

8 thru 11 dpo - all pretty much the same-slight cramps (usually for only like a minute or two and that's all for the day), tender breasts (normal..)

12 dpo - same as above, but also some very slight soreness/pain in left and right side of ovaries.

13 dpo - tender breasts, slight cramps. Bad mood at night

14 dpo - cramps a little more prevalent, backache. BFN

AF due tomorrow. Pretty sure I'll be out:nope: I wasn't feeling too positive this month anyway....rather discouraged. Onto next month I guess.....:cry:
First post on here but feeling hopeful and excited!

Currently AF is 4 days late and symptoms include

Sticky, Snotty CM
Stabbing pain in both hips
Stabbing pain in nipples
Headaches came on today
Had a hot flush today
On and off nausea
Back ache

6 negative HPTs so far, last one was yesterday, so not sure how much hope I have but holding off testing again until im 7 days late
Not sure how to edit my post to turn it red, but AF started this morning:( I guess onto next month...
click edit next to report/quote, then advanced view, and use the A on white background button to change text color
I don't see an edit button on my screen:/ it might just be me though. I am using my phone and have it on the desktop version because the mobile version wasn't working on my phone for some reason. So it might be a little messed up
I can edit on my phone but I can't go advanced and change colors and things like that. I can only do it on a computer. So maybe that is the problem.

You can do it if you switch to desktop version on your phone but you said that doesn't work for you.
Oh. I see it now. I am sure it wasn't there before!! Lol! And now I only edited my one post..ugh. I'm a mess tonight, haha!
Hey ladies im been back in here shortly. Got my positive opk last night and this morning and my peak this morning too. dtd last night none today... and hopefully tomorrow at some point lol
Af due in 2 days, 10pdo feeling a bit sick, few cramps, food tastes really bland , feel bit hot and very tired, feeling a bit dizzy. When do I test could this be my month where I get my bundle of joy
I thought i commented in here the other day but guess i didn't lol

Just got my x hairs making me 3 dpo. I thought i would have been 2 dpo but hey ho. I ovulated alot earlier this month. I looked up few herbal things to help with my hormone inbalance and to regulated my cycle. I also get stress out alot and somethign i was reading on natural feritily on the herbs area had something that helps with that too. Bonus. Alot more cm aswell.

I wouldn't say ive had any real symptoms.

1dpo nothing

2dpo Mild cramps on off (i thought was my egg may being released) lol also i had workout on thursday leg day and i was dying friday and saturday struggling to walk in pain.

3 dpo Not alot yet. Gassy, mild cramps here and there. creamy cm. high cp soft. can just touch feel like.
I've not really been keeping track of anything past before 7DPO.

7DPO - Sharp pain in uterus when sneezing or standing up fast.

8DPO - Brown CM & pain on left side of uterus.

9DPO - Brown CM

10DPO - Brown CM and a few cramps

11DPO - Brown CM

Hey ladies, 6 dpo today. checking my cervix's early then not long after was cramping for ages. Right at this moment my left boob feels a bit sore :S. light headache too. Really sore belly too on my left size. mini burps felt like sick after each one :S not sure whats going on. in need of a nice hot bath i think :)

Edit; Oooh yeah and feeling tired since 4pm..
I love reading this post. I am 32 and have a 10 year old daughter. This is my first month ttc. I'm not coming off any BC .just good planning :flower:
1dpo: cramping
2dpo: cramping cp med ewcm
3dpo: cramping cp med creamy cm, dizzy
4dpo: cramping cp high CCM craving salty or starchy
food (like pasta but I'm GF so rice will have to do.)
Went for a short walk was dizzy winded and light
headed and it was a shorter walk then I'm used too.
5dpo: cramps exhausted. No appetite. Except for rice.
Moody. Enhanced smells.
6dpo: nausea cramps sharp throbbing pain(hoping it's imp) we shall see
Positive OPK April 28- Egg White CM prior to this, sticky during fertile window
1dpo no symptoms other than raise in temp
2dpo skin break out and sensitive nipples, drop in temp
3dpo creamy cm, low energy, skin break out, frequent urination (i drink a lot though), sleep deprived and nauseous, rise in temp
4dpo cramps, low energy, dry cm, fatigue, frequent urination, sleep deprived, headache, rise in temp, increased appetite
5dpo temp stayed the same, cramps, skin break out, fatigue, increased appetite

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