Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

I think I’m about 8DPO today.

1dpo - no symptoms
2dpo - ewcm, spotting
3dpo - no symptoms
4dpo - no symptoms
5dpo - fatigue, irritable, small bit of cramping, constipated, bloated, gassy, joint/muscle aches, bbs a little bit sore, feels like I’m getting a head cold, temp 36.3
6dpo - fatigue, irritable, anxious, bloated, gassy, muscle/joint aches, small bit of creamy cm, slight stuffy nose, feel like I have a head cold, temp 36.5
7dpo - fatigue, irritable, anxious, bloated, head cold seems to have gone, small bit of creamy cm, sharp pain in left ovary (lasted only a few seconds), temp dropped to 36.1
8dpo - :bfn: small bit of creamy cm and cramping, bbs feel fuller but not that sore, temp rose again to 36.5
9dpo - :bfn: no cm, fatigue, small bit of cramping, bbs feeling fuller and a bit sorer, swollen gum, temp 36.7
10dpo - :bfn: with fmu and a frer test, fatigue, swollen gum, temp dropped to 36.3, think I’m out
11dpo - :bfn: sore bbs, fatigue
12dpo - :bfn: sore bbs, fatigue, temp 36.3
13dpo - AF showed up
So, I'm here by whoops and am currently in the process of waiting to see if AF shows up. Probably the only one hoping she does as it would be very hard financially wise if we had another baby right now. However, he/she would be very welcome! I didn't know I was pregnant with my son until 6 weeks went by from my last AF and my boobs were incredibly sensitive. I also felt like I was going to fall asleep every moment of every day in the 1st trimester. Those were my only two symptoms (no morning sickness - lucky me!). I've also been recording my cervical position.

7 dpo - twinges in uterus; crampy; and my back has been hurting like crazy the past three days. I think its sciatica, which I had when I was pregnant with my son. I'm also exhausted today. Super early in my cycle though. Cervix mid (not high or low) and soft.

8 dpo - same twinges; crampy, back hurting even worse and traveling to buttock, nipples itched. Did not check cervix.

9 dpo - back hurt even worse. Butt burned. Definitely sciatica. Cervix high and soft. Went Christmas shopping with SO and my son, and I couldn't enter a part of the store because it smelled so bad. But I remember that last year it smelled bad there too, so not sure if it's worth noting.

10 dpo - Feeling pretty good today. Back feels better, not great, but better. Not very crampy. Cervix high and soft. Took a FRER when I got home and got a very very very faint positive...I think lol. Nauseous when I went to bed.

11 dpo - still nauseous. Throat hurts too though so might be getting sick. Sciatica has died down, but still a little painful. Took a FRER this morning and got a very very very faint positive...I think. Going to be waiting until 13-14 dpo to test again as there is only 3 tests in the pack. Talked to my mom and ended up calling my doctor to get a blood test done. I should get the results tomorrow. Took a FRER in the afternoon and the line was faint but definite. I don't think there's much denying that I'm pregnant, but I'll wait to see what the dr says tomorrow.

12 dpo - Super nauseous today, though not sure if because I'm pregnant or nervous. Still waiting for the doctor to call. Did not take a test this morning because I was all out. Doctor finally called
1 DPO- Weird mild twinges in lower tummy

2 DPO - Dull ache in lower abdomen (pretty mild but intensifies as some points).
P.S This is cycle #2 trying TTC baby 1!

3DPO - Superr watery CM and a lot of it, sorry for TMI. Cramping has stopped. Very tired, feel like a cold is coming on..great. Seriousy feel like I could sleep forever. update - Had horrid headache last night, but 2 paracetamol kind of did the trick.

4 DPO - Cervix is still high..but some creamy CM and not watery or slippery as yesterday. So I know fertile window is defo closed, as I wasn't 100% sure when I O, was an educated guess, might not even be 4 DPO.
Also me and OH did the deed, he said it felt really different down there.

5DPO - (This one is gonna be long lol)

In the afternoon, I was standing talking to my OH, as we went christmas shopping, and I had this sudden stabbing/pinching in lower abdomen, it lasted about 4 seconds but was painful enough for me to grab my tummy and say "ouch". I looked at him and he smiled, in that moment I just kind of "knew" I'm pregnant. But I've had that kind of feeling before, and AF I dunno:/

I went to my partner's sisters house for a cup of tea, I've been there plenty of times. She has 2 dogs so her kitchen smells a little like dog food, but it's not a horrid smell, it's never really bothered me. But as soon as I stepped in her house, the smell felt super super strong and made me gag. I feel a bit rude because her house is clean, it was just the smell of dog food, it's never bothered me before, and I'm not normally sensitive to smells.

I went for a pee 5 times in one hour, is that normal? Lol I never need to pee all the time.. even if I drink alot. Wierd thing is, I felt pressure on my bladder, and made me feel as though I was very desperate, but when I went, it was NOT a full bladders worth of wee..hmm..

Also feel like a UTI is coming on. I've suffered with 3 in the past 2 years, and had quite a severe kidney infection a month ago. But it's not sore or uncomfortable..I can't explain it, it's "different"

Some creamy CM, defo not the fertile type. Cervix is still high, even higher that when I O'd.. it's really soft aswell, I've never felt my cervix so soft lol

6DPO - Soo moody and emotional, I cried over nothing. I still have a feeling where I can just tell I'm preggers. Creamy CM. Mild twinges again, I can feel something going on inside me!

7DPO- Mood swings, moody, name it :/ I feel so sorry for my partner, I'm so irritable and snappy at the silliest of things. CM was really dry this morning, but there was quite alot in the evening. Felt super nauseous a couple of hours ago, thought I was gonna be sick

8 DPO - Creamy CM, alot of it. Sore boobs, I never get this.. Took very sensitive 10 miu test. very very faint :bfp: !!!!! I'm not gonna turn my post green just yet, I'm gonna test in the morning

9 DPO - very sore Boobies still, more painful than yesterday. Took another test with FMU, and pretty much nothing, there was kind of a shadow, but looked more like an indent or something. But took anotherone an hour ago, there was another super faint line! :) I'm keeping positive, still not going to turn my post green until I get a clear BFP
1 dpo- creamy cm
2 dpo- dry, no symptoms
3 dpo through 6 dpo- got a terrible sinus infection and chest infection, so didn't record symptoms due to illness. I had lots of aches and pains, etc., all of which I'm attributing to illness.
7 dpo, starting to feel better with the infection, incredibly angry and explosive, terrible insomnia
8 dpo- still super angry, terrible insomnia
9dpo- headache, anger gone, terrible insomnia
I'll update tomorrow
Hi all. TTC here, not sure if I should say TTC #1 or TTC #2 as I lost my DD Violet at 7w2d last year. But anyways, TTC, second cycle, about 8 dpo.

Symptoms so far:
1 dpo - nada
2 dpo - stressed
3 dpo - nada
4 dpo - backache, constipation
5 dpo - backache, mild cramping, craving chocolate, sore throat
6 dpo - sore throat, nausea
7 dpo - vivid dreams, night sweats (which I ONLY have when PG or Oing), LOTS of nausea, bloating, poor sleep, sore breasts, fatigue, frequent trips to the potty
8 dpo - I have a full blown cold so that accounts for the sore throat. Very poor sleep, saw 7:30 am for the first time in I don't know how long... backache, sore breasts, headache, frequent trips to the potty, and today I cried because of a Christmas ornament. So um, way more emotional than usual, lol.
9 dpo - poor sleep, bloating, minimal nausea, weird twinges on the lower right side this afternoon - still no IB but maybe that's good since when I had it with Violet I lost her?
10 dpo - Still poor sleep, bloating, minimal nausea, weird twinges, and TWO migraines today. Last night I was craving chocolate, but when I woke up this morning I wanted nothing to do with anything sweet whatsoever - my mom even mixed up cookies and I declined to eat any! First test day tomorrow, I'm so excited yet nervous!

Will update daily, planning to test Tues. at 11 dpo (BFP with Violet was 10 dpo) BABY DUST ALL AROUND!
1 dpo- creamy cm
2 dpo- dry, no symptoms
3 dpo through 6 dpo- got a terrible sinus infection and chest infection, so didn't record symptoms due to illness. I had lots of aches and pains, etc., all of which I'm attributing to illness.
7 dpo, starting to feel better with the infection, incredibly angry and explosive, terrible insomnia
8 dpo- still super angry, terrible insomnia
9dpo- headache, anger gone, terrible insomnia
10 dpo- nothing. No cm, no mood swings. Insomnia still, but that's just me. Some nausea, but that's normal for me as well, I'm celiac and suffer from nausea most of the time. 3 more days and af is due.
1 dpo- creamy cm
2 dpo- dry, no symptoms
3 dpo through 6 dpo- got a terrible sinus infection and chest infection, so didn't record symptoms due to illness. I had lots of aches and pains, etc., all of which I'm attributing to illness.
7 dpo, starting to feel better with the infection, incredibly angry and explosive, terrible insomnia
8 dpo- still super angry, terrible insomnia
9dpo- headache, anger gone, terrible insomnia
10 dpo- nothing. No cm, no mood swings. Insomnia still, but that's just me. Some nausea, but that's normal for me as well, I'm celiac and suffer from nausea most of the time.
11 dpo- nothing all day, period like cramping tonight though. Still suffering from a sinus infection and chest infection, so still feeling sick. Pulled something in my back watering the Christmas tree this morning.
1 dpo- creamy cm
2 dpo- dry, no symptoms
3 dpo through 6 dpo- got a terrible sinus infection and chest infection, so didn't record symptoms due to illness. I had lots of aches and pains, etc., all of which I'm attributing to illness.
7 dpo, starting to feel better with the infection, incredibly angry and explosive, terrible insomnia
8 dpo- still super angry, terrible insomnia
9dpo- headache, anger gone, terrible insomnia
10 dpo- nothing. No cm, no mood swings. Insomnia still, but that's just me. Some nausea, but that's normal for me as well, I'm celiac and suffer from nausea most of the time.
11 dpo- nothing all day, period like cramping tonight though. Still suffering from a sinus infection and chest infection, so still feeling sick. Pulled something in my back watering the Christmas tree this morning.
12 dpo- bloody discharge this morning, more cramping. Pretty sure af is here. Very sad. Good luck guys.
Hi all. TTC here, not sure if I should say TTC #1 or TTC #2 as I lost my DD Violet at 7w2d last year. But anyways, TTC, second cycle, about 8 dpo.

Symptoms so far:
1 dpo - nada
2 dpo - stressed
3 dpo - nada
4 dpo - backache, constipation
5 dpo - backache, mild cramping, craving chocolate, sore throat
6 dpo - sore throat, nausea
7 dpo - vivid dreams, night sweats (which I ONLY have when PG or Oing), LOTS of nausea, bloating, poor sleep, sore breasts, fatigue, frequent trips to the potty
8 dpo - I have a full blown cold so that accounts for the sore throat. Very poor sleep, saw 7:30 am for the first time in I don't know how long... backache, sore breasts, headache, frequent trips to the potty, and today I cried because of a Christmas ornament. So um, way more emotional than usual, lol.
9 dpo - poor sleep, bloating, minimal nausea, weird twinges on the lower right side this afternoon - still no IB but maybe that's good since when I had it with Violet I lost her?

Will update daily, planning to test Tues. at 11 dpo (BFP with Violet was 10 dpo) BABY DUST ALL AROUND!

Sounds really hopeful! I wish you good luck, please update us!
Hi all. TTC here, not sure if I should say TTC #1 or TTC #2 as I lost my DD Violet at 7w2d last year. But anyways, TTC, second cycle, about 8 dpo.

Symptoms so far:
1 dpo - nada
2 dpo - stressed
3 dpo - nada
4 dpo - backache, constipation
5 dpo - backache, mild cramping, craving chocolate, sore throat
6 dpo - sore throat, nausea
7 dpo - vivid dreams, night sweats (which I ONLY have when PG or Oing), LOTS of nausea, bloating, poor sleep, sore breasts, fatigue, frequent trips to the potty
8 dpo - I have a full blown cold so that accounts for the sore throat. Very poor sleep, saw 7:30 am for the first time in I don't know how long... backache, sore breasts, headache, frequent trips to the potty, and today I cried because of a Christmas ornament. So um, way more emotional than usual, lol.
9 dpo - poor sleep, bloating, minimal nausea, weird twinges on the lower right side this afternoon - still no IB but maybe that's good since when I had it with Violet I lost her?

Will update daily, planning to test Tues. at 11 dpo (BFP with Violet was 10 dpo) BABY DUST ALL AROUND!

Sounds really hopeful! I wish you good luck, please update us!

TY! I am testing in the morning, and 10th dpo also brought poor sleep, nausea, backache, twinges, bloating, and (TMI) I haven't pooped in days, lol) Really feeling positive... I've got everything crossed for tomorrow!
Hi all. TTC here, not sure if I should say TTC #1 or TTC #2 as I lost my DD Violet at 7w2d last year. But anyways, TTC, second cycle, about 8 dpo.

Symptoms so far:
1 dpo - nada
2 dpo - stressed
3 dpo - nada
4 dpo - backache, constipation
5 dpo - backache, mild cramping, craving chocolate, sore throat
6 dpo - sore throat, nausea
7 dpo - vivid dreams, night sweats (which I ONLY have when PG or Oing), LOTS of nausea, bloating, poor sleep, sore breasts, fatigue, frequent trips to the potty
8 dpo - I have a full blown cold so that accounts for the sore throat. Very poor sleep, saw 7:30 am for the first time in I don't know how long... backache, sore breasts, headache, frequent trips to the potty, and today I cried because of a Christmas ornament. So um, way more emotional than usual, lol.
9 dpo - poor sleep, bloating, minimal nausea, weird twinges on the lower right side this afternoon - still no IB but maybe that's good since when I had it with Violet I lost her?

Will update daily, planning to test Tues. at 11 dpo (BFP with Violet was 10 dpo) BABY DUST ALL AROUND!

Sounds really hopeful! I wish you good luck, please update us!

TY! I am testing in the morning, and 10th dpo also brought poor sleep, nausea, backache, twinges, bloating, and (TMI) I haven't pooped in days, lol) Really feeling positive... I've got everything crossed for tomorrow!

I'm gad you're feeling positive, I have a good feeiing for you. Fingers crossed for that BFP! x
I can't believe I actually get to write this's still so surreal!

A little backstory:
We have been TTC for about a year now. I have PCOS so I have long, irregular cycles, elevated testosterone, inherent insulin resistance.
I am, however, of normal BMI and no longer get the cystic acne, blood sugar issues, or hair loss/ excessive facial hair.
I essentially cured myself of the worst of the PCOS symptoms through a vegan diet and exercise. I did have high insulin, but not anymore as long as I stick to it. :)
The one symptom I couldn't seem to fix was the long irregular cycles and the elevated blood testosterone! Albeit, they did get better, but not enough. So, the last two cycles I have been taking Harmonize Formula (ingredients include Vitex) by Man, that website is a life saver. Then this cycle, my BFP cycle, I added acupuncture 1x every 1.5 weeks.

So here are the symptoms that were different for me and pointed towards that BFP:

No ovulation pains! I always have them, this time nothing
Super bloated around 3DPO - like I looked like I gained 10 lbs in my stomach lol
Cramping on/off (like AF cramps but not as painful) from 6DPO on - I thought this was really strange
Cold! So cold, especially hands and feet - I could not get warm!
No implantation dip, no implantation spotting
Mild Nausea started around 10 DPO - I'd get nauseous in between meals
Hungry, I felt like I had to always eat something from 10 DPO on
Insomnia on and off during the two week wait, I keep waking up 2-3 hours before my alarm (this is very unusual, I'm a very heavy sleeper - I have hypersomnia)
Starting to have hot flashes, 12DPO+
BFP with FMU on 12DPO

I am so excited! :happydance:
1 dpo- creamy cm
2 dpo- dry, no symptoms
3 dpo through 6 dpo- got a terrible sinus infection and chest infection, so didn't record symptoms due to illness. I had lots of aches and pains, etc., all of which I'm attributing to illness.
7 dpo, starting to feel better with the infection, incredibly angry and explosive, terrible insomnia
8 dpo- still super angry, terrible insomnia
9dpo- headache, anger gone, terrible insomnia
10 dpo- nothing. No cm, no mood swings. Insomnia still, but that's just me. Some nausea, but that's normal for me as well, I'm celiac and suffer from nausea most of the time.
11 dpo- nothing all day, period like cramping tonight though. Still suffering from a sinus infection and chest infection, so still feeling sick. Pulled something in my back watering the Christmas tree this morning.
12 dpo- bloody discharge this morning, more cramping. Pretty sure af is here. Very sad. Good luck guys.
13 dpo- af never came, no spotting this morning. Back hurts, cramps, she's probably still on her way, but let's entertain hope for a little longer. Still congested and lungs hurt. Feel like I can't move without pulling a muscle, very odd. Didn't test this morning because I thought I was out, which to be fair I probably am, but we'll see.
My LP is 13-14 days when I trigger. I guess it's possible that I didn't ovulate the day after the trigger shot, but seems unlikely.

-1dpo - trigger shot @ 6am.
0dpo - ultrasound with 4 big follicles, IUI #3 at 10:30am, fingers crossed!!
1dpo - bloated, crampy, no appetite. Probably from the IUI and so many follicles. bleh.
2dpo - no appetite
3dpo - no appetite
4dpo - no appetite, SO weird for me. I'm a VERY healthy eater. haha
5dpo - cramps, twinges, gassy, nausea
6dpo - bloated, gassy, nausea, watery CM, cervix high and soft
7dpo - bloated, no appetite
8dpo - cervix medium and firm
9dpo - cramps, watery CM, cervix medium and firm
10dpo - lots of twinges, pulling, creamy CM, cervix medium and firm
11dpo - bbt drop, more twinges and pulling, heartburn, creamy CM, cervix high, soft and closed
12dpo - big bbt drop below coverline, cramps, gassy, heartburn, creamy CM, cervix high, soft and closed. Waiting for AF. My temp always drops 1-2 days before AF. Right on time. :(
13dpo - BFN, bbt still low, creamy CM, cervix medium, firm and closed, bloated, cramps, heartburn, nausea, super weepy
14dpo - BFN, huge bbt rise (.8 degrees), red blood when checking cervix but nothing else the rest of the day, cervix low and firm, bloated, crampy, no appetite, gassy, heartburn, super weepy. AF is definitely on her way right?!?
15dpo - 0.1 right in bbt, still BFN, brown CM, cervix medium and firm, bloated, cramps, no appetite, dizzy (so unlike me), super weepy again (cried at a calendar and a commercial!!), fatigue, heartburn, nausea
16dpo - BFN, still no AF, brown CM, finally not nauseous, or crampy. Just overall feeling gross.
Tested this morning FRER. Looks like a BFN. I am feeling discouraged.

I'm so sorry to hear. Don't feel discouraged, there still can be hope! :) try testing again in a couple of days. Is AF late? x

No, AF is not due until Sunday. But I was positive with V at around 10-12 dpo so I was really hoping today was the day. I'm gonna do an IC tomorrow and then another FRER on Thursday. Already ordered a BBT thermometer in anticipation of having to try again next month :-/
1 dpo- creamy cm
2 dpo- dry, no symptoms
3 dpo through 6 dpo- got a terrible sinus infection and chest infection, so didn't record symptoms due to illness. I had lots of aches and pains, etc., all of which I'm attributing to illness.
7 dpo, starting to feel better with the infection, incredibly angry and explosive, terrible insomnia
8 dpo- still super angry, terrible insomnia
9dpo- headache, anger gone, terrible insomnia
10 dpo- nothing. No cm, no mood swings. Insomnia still, but that's just me. Some nausea, but that's normal for me as well, I'm celiac and suffer from nausea most of the time.
11 dpo- nothing all day, period like cramping tonight though. Still suffering from a sinus infection and chest infection, so still feeling sick. Pulled something in my back watering the Christmas tree this morning.
12 dpo- bloody discharge this morning, more cramping. Pretty sure af is here. Very sad. Good luck guys.
13 dpo- af never came, no spotting this morning. Back hurts, cramps, she's probably still on her way, but let's entertain hope for a little longer. Still congested and lungs hurt. Feel like I can't move without pulling a muscle, very odd.
Cd1- af is here, I'm out. Good luck ladies, I'll be back in a couple weeks. Maybe next cycle.

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