Symptoms since 4/5dpo
Tired 24/7
Very lathargic
Back aches.
Tired. Oh I said that.
Cramps/tugs on and off since 5dpo
Constantly weeing! No increased liquid intake and weeing every 35-1hr
Knee aches? Feel like I need to keep clicking them or they feel restless.
Tired!!!! Yep I know I said it but my god. I feel like I could snooze for hours.
Cold and flu symptoms (runny nose, blocked nose) since 2dpo
Emotional? I never cry. Ever. Maybe once a year? But have cried 4 times this week.
No sore bbs.
Nausea often during the day (no throwing up, just queezy and off)
I smell everything!
Lack of motivation
From end of Period I had creamy CM, till 2DPO, since then been white watery and LOTS OF IT.
Changing knickers 3x a day. Or feeling like I've wet myself but I haven't.
9dpo today: sooooo cranky! And snappy.
this morning. Trying not to think about it.
10-12dpo negatives. Same symptoms.
Tired 24/7
Very lathargic
Back aches.
Tired. Oh I said that.
Cramps/tugs on and off since 5dpo
Constantly weeing! No increased liquid intake and weeing every 35-1hr
Knee aches? Feel like I need to keep clicking them or they feel restless.
Tired!!!! Yep I know I said it but my god. I feel like I could snooze for hours.
Cold and flu symptoms (runny nose, blocked nose) since 2dpo
Emotional? I never cry. Ever. Maybe once a year? But have cried 4 times this week.
No sore bbs.
Nausea often during the day (no throwing up, just queezy and off)
I smell everything!
Lack of motivation
From end of Period I had creamy CM, till 2DPO, since then been white watery and LOTS OF IT.
Changing knickers 3x a day. Or feeling like I've wet myself but I haven't.
9dpo today: sooooo cranky! And snappy.

10-12dpo negatives. Same symptoms.