1-2 dpo mild cramps hardly noticeable!
3 dpo cramps and a lot of creamy cm and bloated
4dpo creamy cm ALOT and cramping.
5dpo a lot of creamy cm,cramping irritable and sore boobs.
6dpo very sore cramps, boobs were killing me! creamy cm and constipation.bloated
7dpo very sore cramps again, boobs killing me! irritable (my poor family) tired, bloated constipation.
8dpo bloated creamy cm,backache, cramps, irritable
9dpo bloated v sore cramps urgency to pee! backache, tired
10dpo woke in the night busting for the loo never happens! woke feeling like crap! slight sore throat, sore back and still crampy. bit of a dicky belly this morning. bloated.
last night I did a hpt came up neg also did an opk as ive heard you can use them as hpt bam positive???
11dpo. very bad cramps, windy, bloated!! very sore boobs!! again did an hpt= neg opk= pos?? baffled!
12dpo more + opks! and a faint line on hpt, sore boobs and a pulling sensation in my uterus and feeling a little sick!!
13dpo more + opks sore boobs on/off cramping wet feeling, bloated on off feeling sick
14dpo more + opks and a very faint possibly evap on ic. very wet down below, sore boobs nothing else really don't no if im out or not?? af due tomorrow
15dpo af due today! no sign faint lines on hpt

+opk wont turn this green yet til a stronger line! backache, mild cramps feel sick and have sore throat!!