Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Don't see an edit button to add to my original post!
1 dpo- No symptoms, creamy CM, T 97.44 (pre-ov 96.8-97.1)
2 dpo- No symptoms, creamy CM, T 97.57
3 dpo- Lower abd cramping, sm amount EWCM, T 97.42
4 dpo- Vivid sexual dream, "wet" with creamy CM, T 97.71
5 dpo- No symptoms, "wet" with creamy CM, T 97.53
6 dpo- Strong AF-like cramps on and off, vivid sexual dream, T 97.61, negative hpt (duh, couldn't resist!)
7 dpo- Lesser AF-like cramps, very vivid bizarre dreams, Temp spike to 98.01, hopeful this second temp shift after cramping is a good sign...fx!
8 dpo- T 97.97 still up looking like chart will be triphasic, mild cramping, creamy CM, neg hpt (grr), cervix is up and down and soft and hard- confusing!
9 dpo- T 97.97 still up, lots more creamy CM, hpt neg, shouldn't it be positive if 6/7 dpo cramps were implantation? ? Feeling discouraged
10 dpo- T 98.08, higher than ever! CM turning from creamy to watery but negative hpt- why?? Very weird dreams last 2 nights.

We miscarried in September, I had one period and this is my first cycle TTC again. I also used Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation predictor and had my "peak" fertility read 2 days before my bbt shift. I am NOT a patient waiter!
1-2 dpo mild cramps hardly noticeable!
3 dpo cramps and a lot of creamy cm and bloated
4dpo creamy cm ALOT and cramping.
5dpo a lot of creamy cm,cramping irritable and sore boobs.
6dpo very sore cramps, boobs were killing me! creamy cm and constipation.bloated
7dpo very sore cramps again, boobs killing me! irritable (my poor family) tired, bloated constipation.
8dpo bloated creamy cm,backache, cramps, irritable
9dpo bloated v sore cramps urgency to pee! backache, tired
10dpo woke in the night busting for the loo never happens! woke feeling like crap! slight sore throat, sore back and still crampy. bit of a dicky belly this morning. bloated.

last night I did a hpt came up neg also did an opk as ive heard you can use them as hpt bam positive???
11dpo. very bad cramps, windy, bloated!! very sore boobs!! again did an hpt= neg opk= pos?? baffled!

12dpo more + opks! and a faint line on hpt, sore boobs and a pulling sensation in my uterus and feeling a little sick!!

13dpo more + opks sore boobs on/off cramping wet feeling, bloated on off feeling sick

14dpo more + opks and a very faint possibly evap on ic. very wet down below, sore boobs nothing else really don't no if im out or not?? af due tomorrow

15dpo af due today! no sign faint lines on hpt +opk wont turn this green yet til a stronger line! backache, mild cramps feel sick and have sore throat!!

16dpo 1 day late v faint hpt +opk, a lot of creamy cm!! backache very bloated, a little crampy. please :witch: stay away!! test again Tuesday!
1-9dpo- No symptoms at all.. I felt completely normal.
10 dpo- My usual PMS symptoms except not as severe. (I usually start cramping by now and want to eat everything in sight.) I just felt mild breast tenderness and a little fatigue.
11 dpo- Still the same physical symptoms but on this day I was extremely irritable!!! Everyone at work was making me mad and I couldn't wait to leave. When I got in the car to go home I called my husband and chewed him out over absolutely nothing. I went to bed early because I was so tired and mean. lol.
12 dpo- A little more cramping today and I had a tiny spot of pink discharge in the morning. Still really cranky today and got into a huge fight with my hubby over stupid stuff (poor hubby). Before I went to bed I had about 3-4 spots of red blood in my undies. Just thought my period was starting.
13dpo- This is the day I expected my period. It didn't come but I wasn't suspecting pregnancy because I spotted yesterday and sometimes I have 30 day cycles instead of 27. Today I felt better and had plenty of energy, I went hiking in the mountains. I almost cried at some of the pretty views but choked it back. No cramping, just mildly sore breasts.
14dpo- Same symptoms, feel pretty decent, wishing my period would come so I could get it over with.
15dpo- Felt fatigued and blah today. Almost fell asleep in traffic on my way home from work. Picked up my favorite take out because I thought it would make me feel better. It didn't taste as good to me as it usually does. I ate half and had to choke down the rest because the smell bothered me. About 6pm I realized my period hadn't started. I've never been that late before. I took a HPT that was in my bathroom (Dollar Tree) An extremely faint line appeared ( I almost threw it away) but I was pretty sure it was there. I freaked out. I went out and bought a FRER. It was very obviously positive.

I am still so suprised! I really did not suspect anything all month. This was out 2nd month of "not preventing". Didn't think it would happen this fast! :happydance:
That's amazing Magpie, congratulations!:hugs:

This definitely gives me hope as I'm 3dpo but practically symptomless.
1DPO-Upset stomach (diarrhea) and frequent urination (due to being cold).
2DPO- nothing different.
3DPO- twinges in ovaries (mainly right). Woke up with heavy feeling in womb (dreamt I was pregnant). Burning/tingling nipples.
4DPO- Upset tummy (but had spicy food last night).
5DPO- tiredness, cravings for fast food and twinges.
6DPO- tiredness, twinges, boob twinges and bloated.
7DPO- twinges/pain right ovary. A tiny amount of sticky cm.
8DPO- Full breasts, breast twinges, twinges and light cramps.
9DPO- heavy feeling/stretchy feeling at night, light cramps, right ovary pain, full breasts, heartburn.
10DPO- twinges, full breasts, light cramps, burping and heartfburn.
11DPO- Retching, sore boobs, temp dip, BFP!
1 dpo- No symptoms, creamy CM, T 97.44 (pre-ov 96.8-97.1)
2 dpo- No symptoms, creamy CM, T 97.57
3 dpo- Lower abd cramping, sm amount EWCM, T 97.42
4 dpo- Vivid sexual dream, "wet" with creamy CM, T 97.71
5 dpo- No symptoms, "wet" with creamy CM, T 97.53
6 dpo- Strong AF-like cramps on and off, vivid sexual dream, T 97.61, negative hpt (duh, couldn't resist!)
7 dpo- Lesser AF-like cramps, very vivid bizarre dreams, Temp spike to 98.01, hopeful this second temp shift after cramping is a good sign...fx!
8 dpo- T 97.97 still up looking like chart will be triphasic, mild cramping, creamy CM, neg hpt (grr), cervix is up and down and soft and hard- confusing!
9 dpo- T 97.97 still up, lots more creamy CM, hpt neg, shouldn't it be positive if 6/7 dpo cramps were implantation? ? Feeling discouraged
10 dpo- T 98.08, higher than ever! CM turning from creamy to watery but negative hpt- why?? Very weird dreams last 2 nights.
11 dpo- T 98.03, staying up in second temp shift. Dry heaves and diarrhea this AM but bfn. (Normally I struggle with constipation, but I actually forgot to use my Metamucil yesterday). Cervix is high and hard. CM has turned very watery.

My luteal phase is normally 16 days. I'm really feeling out for this month though...I feel like I would have implanted by now, no?
1-2 dpo mild cramps hardly noticeable!
3 dpo cramps and a lot of creamy cm and bloated
4dpo creamy cm ALOT and cramping.
5dpo a lot of creamy cm,cramping irritable and sore boobs.
6dpo very sore cramps, boobs were killing me! creamy cm and constipation.bloated
7dpo very sore cramps again, boobs killing me! irritable (my poor family) tired, bloated constipation.
8dpo bloated creamy cm,backache, cramps, irritable
9dpo bloated v sore cramps urgency to pee! backache, tired
10dpo woke in the night busting for the loo never happens! woke feeling like crap! slight sore throat, sore back and still crampy. bit of a dicky belly this morning. bloated.

last night I did a hpt came up neg also did an opk as ive heard you can use them as hpt bam positive???
11dpo. very bad cramps, windy, bloated!! very sore boobs!! again did an hpt= neg opk= pos?? baffled!

12dpo more + opks! and a faint line on hpt, sore boobs and a pulling sensation in my uterus and feeling a little sick!!

13dpo more + opks sore boobs on/off cramping wet feeling, bloated on off feeling sick

14dpo more + opks and a very faint possibly evap on ic. very wet down below, sore boobs nothing else really don't no if im out or not?? af due tomorrow

15dpo af due today! no sign faint lines on hpt +opk wont turn this green yet til a stronger line! backache, mild cramps feel sick and have sore throat!!

16dpo 1 day late v faint hpt +opk, a lot of creamy cm!! backache very bloated, a little crampy. please stay away!! test again Tuesday!

17dpo faint test again but this was a boots test so not as sensitive +opk sore boobs bloated and crampy today. don't no if there evaps or maybe my body is trying to ov because it failed last time?? I have no clue or maybe I ov later than I thought?? :shrug:
I'm going to try this again.. hopefully it will be my last!

1-4dpo- nothing, creamy CM
5dpo- pelvic area is very achy, egg white CM
6dpo- pelvic area is achy again, had an emotional breakdown at work this morning just because I didn't want to be there today, cried on and off for a few hours. egg white CM
7dpo- pelvic area still achy but not quite as bad as previous days, a few cramps, very wet feeling "down there", egg white CM
8dpo- cramps and twinges, boobs may have been a tiny bit tender but could have been imagining it, right boob has huge blue veins showing! egg white CM but is a bit thinner today
9dpo- boobs got sore today! Egg white CM, brown spotting :bfn: on IC
10dpo- boobs still sore, irritable, still spotting, cervix moved very high today and tons of egg white CM :bfn: on IC
1-2 dpo mild cramps hardly noticeable!
3 dpo cramps and a lot of creamy cm and bloated
4dpo creamy cm ALOT and cramping.
5dpo a lot of creamy cm,cramping irritable and sore boobs.
6dpo very sore cramps, boobs were killing me! creamy cm and constipation.bloated
7dpo very sore cramps again, boobs killing me! irritable (my poor family) tired, bloated constipation.
8dpo bloated creamy cm,backache, cramps, irritable
9dpo bloated v sore cramps urgency to pee! backache, tired
10dpo woke in the night busting for the loo never happens! woke feeling like crap! slight sore throat, sore back and still crampy. bit of a dicky belly this morning. bloated.

last night I did a hpt came up neg also did an opk as ive heard you can use them as hpt bam positive???
11dpo. very bad cramps, windy, bloated!! very sore boobs!! again did an hpt= neg opk= pos?? baffled!

12dpo more + opks! and a faint line on hpt, sore boobs and a pulling sensation in my uterus and feeling a little sick!!

13dpo more + opks sore boobs on/off cramping wet feeling, bloated on off feeling sick

14dpo more + opks and a very faint possibly evap on ic. very wet down below, sore boobs nothing else really don't no if im out or not?? af due tomorrow

15dpo af due today! no sign faint lines on hpt +opk wont turn this green yet til a stronger line! backache, mild cramps feel sick and have sore throat!!

16dpo 1 day late v faint hpt +opk, a lot of creamy cm!! backache very bloated, a little crampy. please stay away!! test again Tuesday!

17dpo faint test again but this was a boots test so not as sensitive +opk sore boobs bloated and crampy today. don't no if there evaps or maybe my body is trying to ov because it failed last time?? I have no clue or maybe I ov later than I thought??

18dpo mild cramping sore boobs very hungry!! bloated. testing tomorrow xx
1 dpo- No symptoms, creamy CM, T 97.44 (pre-ov 96.8-97.1)
2 dpo- No symptoms, creamy CM, T 97.57
3 dpo- Lower abd cramping, sm amount EWCM, T 97.42
4 dpo- Vivid sexual dream, "wet" with creamy CM, T 97.71
5 dpo- No symptoms, "wet" with creamy CM, T 97.53
6 dpo- Strong AF-like cramps on and off, vivid sexual dream, T 97.61, negative hpt (duh, couldn't resist!)
7 dpo- Lesser AF-like cramps, very vivid bizarre dreams, Temp spike to 98.01, hopeful this second temp shift after cramping is a good sign...fx!
8 dpo- T 97.97 still up looking like chart will be triphasic, mild cramping, creamy CM, neg hpt (grr), cervix is up and down and soft and hard- confusing!
9 dpo- T 97.97 still up, lots more creamy CM, hpt neg, shouldn't it be positive if 6/7 dpo cramps were implantation? ? Feeling discouraged
10 dpo- T 98.08, higher than ever! CM turning from creamy to watery but negative hpt- why?? Very weird dreams last 2 nights.
11 dpo- T 98.03, staying up in second temp shift. Dry heaves and diarrhea this AM but bfn. (Normally I struggle with constipation, but I actually forgot to use my Metamucil yesterday). Cervix is high and hard. CM has turned very watery.
12 dpo- T 97.93, still up in triphasic range (cover line 97.16), LOTS of creamy and watery CM (undies wet) and can barely reach my cervix which has raised and softened up (yesterday it was medium and hard as a rock). Yesterday's stomach issues resolved. I am not feeling optimistic this cycle but those hpts are magnetic, I can't stay away! Bfn...My last pregnancy I tested faint positive at 8/9 dpo (but ended in mc) so I feel like if it were going to happen I would know by now
13 dpo- T 97.83, slowly down trending still .7 over coverline. Very slightly crampy. Sure af will be coming. I felt so sure I was pregnant this cycle, I feel so stupid for spending so much time for analyzing every stupid irrelevant little thing. CM now sticky. Cervix high, firm, and closed but tends to be lower at night. Got a big pimple.
Now, my cycle s wacko and I did not test for ov this month, so my ovulation date is based on estimation care of MyMonthlyCycles:

Leading up to this, I have been crampy and having pokey pains that feel like my ovaries are playing Pong with one another. Boobs have been sore from the top corners down to my nipples in a line. We are BD'ing before, during, and after when we assumed I would have ovulated.

1 DPO - Nothing exciting to report. Back pain at the bottom in the center. Boobie pain on the sides. Have been crazy itchy for for the BD the last two days! (I took that as a sign that we should be doing it every day...tee hee) Also woke up with some seriously nasty sniffles. Allergies or a cold...not sure. But I feel kinda like poop. Cervix is a little higher today and very dry!

2 DPO - Some mild cramping, some pokey pains on the left side. Sniffles and sneezes. Sore boobies...but they are always sore. Cervix is so high I can barely reach it! Still pretty dry...just small amounts of white clumpy CM. At one point in the day I got some really painful stabbing pains in my cervix...and then they were gone.

3 DPO - Some pokey pains on right side today. Some pain in my hips, but that could totally be the weather. Boobie pain on the sides. Last night it was BAD on the right side when I was going to sleep. Cervix is now so high that I can't reach it at all without some serious acrobatic bending. Hardly any CM but what is there is white and sticky. Mild cramping that turned into throbbing.
Seeing my Dr tomorrow to see if I have some sort of bladder infection. Used an over the counter bladder infection test and it turned DARK purple positive for luekocytes in my urine. Great.

4 DPO - boobie pain. Went to Dr...I have an infection somewhere between my bladder and kidney...possibly all of the above? Was put on a strong antibiotic. Can't tell if camping I am having is from that or something baby-making related.

5 DPO - Nothing much to report. Spent all day in bed sick from antibiotics. Cranky with mad at him for having beer breath.

6 DPO - Nothing new. Still boobie pain. Tired from meds I am on.

7 DPO - Still sick from meds. Still boobie pain. Having a LOT of back pain, but that is probably from kidney. Feeling very out of the game this month. Took a test for the heck of it...BFN. Cervix today is REALLY high and soft. Can't even reach it. CRANKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8 DPO - sick. Crampy. Had to go for an abdominal CT scan and as a result had to take a preggo test. All I had in the house was a cheapy dollar store one, but I took it and got a BFN.

9 DPO - still sore in the belly. Lots of sharp pain. Dr. thinks cysts are back and one ruptured...causing some of the pain from the last few days (that was not kidney/bladder related) Took a test at night... BFP!!!

10 DPO - BFP again!!! Been on so many meds, don't know what to think. Could have cysts which makes me worry.

Getting bloodwork this week to confirm. Will update...

Updated...I had blood work yesterday, and my HCG is at 40. Going again tomorrow to see if it is doubling properly.
I am so scared to be excited...
I don't want to curse I am refusing to get excited about anything until I know from bloodwork. I had a chemical last month and a mc prior. Going this afternoon and again on Thursday. Then seeing my doctor on Saturday.
AF was due far, nothing...
hi ladies im cd19 but hav been having severe nipple pain ( cant even touch them) since cd7/8 ov around cd14 was hoping they would get better after o but there getting worse, boobies are fine its just the nipples? anyone else ever had this?
thanks ladies x
Congrats boobsmcgee!!!!!!! did you use an early result test or a cheapie on 9 DPO?
This is my 4th cycle ttc 2nd cycle posting on this forum last cycle ended in early mc, anything I am feeling is incredibly minor so I feel out already :( The only thing Im basing my Ov date on is the ewcm streaked with sm amt of blood on tp when I wiped accompanied by pain on R side, but that was on CD 10 and I usually ov on CD14 but my cycle could be off because of the chemical. We BD'd every other day until CD 17 just in case :) Here's what I have so far, I have tried to stop symptom spotting but I just cant help myself :)
~CD 9 11/3 BD Slight pain on R side
*O*? ~CD 10 11/4 Spotting with egg white like mucus **O** Slight pain on R side
DPO1 ~CD 11 11/5 O?BD Slight pain on R side
DPO2 ~CD 12 11/6 Slight pain on R side and in V headache
DPO3 ~CD 13 11/7 Slight pain on R side and mod pain in uterus creamy cm when wipe slight headache, BD Pain on L side briefly
DPO4 ~CD 14 11/8 Slight bb pain slight pain on L side briefly slight pain in uterus, Fullness feeling in uterus w/ cramping, gas
DPO5 ~CD 15 11/9 I?Pain on L side and cramps in uterus lower back pain a lot BD Uterus pain, gas, Increased sx dr.
DPO6 ~CD 16 11/10 I?No cramps in am, gas, no breast pain, very slight pain in uterus rarely, diarrhea, increased sx dr. very slight breast pain on/off in pm
DPO7 ~CD 17 11/11 I? Very minor cramps on/off Slight breast tenderness, headache in am, no gas, tired, light cramping when laying on stomach, BD then cramps, headache
DPO8 ~CD 18 11/12 I? Slight cramps on/off, very slight breast tenderness, not much to speak of, feeling like it's a bad sign.
DPO9 ~CD 19 11/13 I? Nothing to mention in am, Test w/ cheapie BFN
CD 20 11/14 I?
CD 21 11/15 I?
CD 22 11/16 I?
CD 23 11/17 TEST w/ early result
CD 24 11/18
CD 25 11/19 TEST w/ early result
CD 26 11/20
CD 27 11/21
CD 28 11/22 AF? TEST
CD 29 11/23 AF?
CD 30 11/24 AF?

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