Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Hello, Ladies! Newbie here, but I've been reading on this thread for a while now (TWW is killing me right now, can't turn off baby brain and symptom spotting, lol.) So, I figured I'd make this my first post, here goes:

1dpo-5dpo-really sore/sensitive nipples, slight nausea after eating, twinges/pulling/fluttering feelings in uterus, with random heavy feeling in pelvic area. evidently kept getting onto my son for touching/hitting my belly (didn't really realize it).

5pdo-7dpo- nipples not sore anymore, small random af like cramps. very vivid dreams (channing tatum=YES PLEASE! lol) also major drooling in sleep, it woke me up twice!Since then I have noticed increased saliva when awake. Sore lower to middle back and pelvic area.

Tested on 7dpo-BFN (I knew it would be BFN b/c it's so early, but I was hoping the BFN would alleviate the symptom spotting-Nope. :{ ) ended up looking at black friday ads with DH and he said I holding my belly like I used to when preg with DS. O.o (my bad, of course he had been showing me baby stuff too, to that might be it, wishful thinking, lol) Also, took a 1 1/2 hr nap and when I woke up I had a strange feeling in stomach, it was a cross between heartburn and wanting to vomit. really weird.
8dpo- increased saliva and very slight nausea, but nothing else so far. I will post more as it happens or doesn't happen.
Hi everyone ,

I O'd on either 5 or 6 November this month.

1 dpo - Watery CM whole day and dull cramping.
2 dpo - Same as 1 dpo
3 dpo - Same as 1 and 2 dpo
4 dpo - very tired and less watery cm and mild backache
5 dpo - water cm and got very little spotting (hope its IB)
6 dpo - dull and mild cramps in abdomen area
7 dpo - Cramps, stuffy nose and backache
8 dpo - No cramping but feeling sleepy today :sleep:
9 dpo - Sore Bb's and i guess enlarged too, but feeling energetic.
10 dpo - Sore Bb's and slight cramping in pelvis.Feeling heated. Eyes are tired even after full 8-9 hours sound sleep.
11 dpo - Felt very tired and abdomen pain like AF is about to come. Checked FMU today but BFN :(.
12 dpo - Backache, Headache, Nauseous and pain in feet and legs like AF is on the way...
13 dpo - Backache ,headache, constipation , feeling tired and sleepy .
14 dpo - Extremely tired, Sleeping more than usual , elevated body temp.
15 dpo - Tired, Nausea on off, Bloated stomach , no sign of AF.
16 dpo - Tired, no sign of AF, temp elevated.Will be testing again tomorrow.
17 dpo - BFN again :( CD 32
18 dpo - Tired eyes, Feeling wet like AF but not yet started.
19 dpo - No AF yet. Mild cramping.
20 dpo - AF shown up .

I am out :(

AF due 15 dpo - CD 30
All the best to all ladies. Lots of baby dust to everyone. :baby:
Hi ladies,
I O'd on the 9th of Nov
1dpo mild cramping with some pulling n tugging, thick cm
2dpo same as day 1 and headache all day and boobs very sore
3dpo same as 1&2 cm began to get watery, lower back pain, and sensitive nips, urinating more often, can't get enough water
4dpo same with hightened smell, hungry 30 minutes after I've eaten, stuffy nose, can't sleep at night due to discomfort
5dpo all the same except cramping isn't as frequent

Anyone else having any of these symptoms this early on..I've never cramped during o or after until 1-2 days before af which isn't due until the 23rd. This 2ww is killing me

Good luck ladies & lots of baby dust
1 dpo- No symptoms, creamy CM, T 97.44 (pre-ov 96.8-97.1)
2 dpo- No symptoms, creamy CM, T 97.57
3 dpo- Lower abd cramping, sm amount EWCM, T 97.42
4 dpo- Vivid sexual dream, "wet" with creamy CM, T 97.71
5 dpo- No symptoms, "wet" with creamy CM, T 97.53
6 dpo- Strong AF-like cramps on and off, vivid sexual dream, T 97.61, negative hpt (duh, couldn't resist!)
7 dpo- Lesser AF-like cramps, very vivid bizarre dreams, Temp spike to 98.01, hopeful this second temp shift after cramping is a good sign...fx!
8 dpo- T 97.97 still up looking like chart will be triphasic, mild cramping, creamy CM, neg hpt (grr), cervix is up and down and soft and hard- confusing!
9 dpo- T 97.97 still up, lots more creamy CM, hpt neg, shouldn't it be positive if 6/7 dpo cramps were implantation? ? Feeling discouraged
10 dpo- T 98.08, higher than ever! CM turning from creamy to watery but negative hpt- why?? Very weird dreams last 2 nights.
11 dpo- T 98.03, staying up in second temp shift. Dry heaves and diarrhea this AM but bfn. (Normally I struggle with constipation, but I actually forgot to use my Metamucil yesterday). Cervix is high and hard. CM has turned very watery.
12 dpo- T 97.93, still up in triphasic range (cover line 97.16), LOTS of creamy and watery CM (undies wet) and can barely reach my cervix which has raised and softened up (yesterday it was medium and hard as a rock). Yesterday's stomach issues resolved. I am not feeling optimistic this cycle but those hpts are magnetic, I can't stay away! Bfn...My last pregnancy I tested faint positive at 8/9 dpo (but ended in mc) so I feel like if it were going to happen I would know by now
13 dpo- T 97.83, slowly down trending still .7 over coverline. Very slightly crampy. Sure af will be coming. I felt so sure I was pregnant this cycle, I feel so stupid for spending so much time for analyzing every stupid irrelevant little thing. CM now sticky. Cervix high, soft, and closed but tends to be lower at night. Got a big pimple. Hpt neg. Very emotional today, I think more bc of the emotional roller coaster of TTC than hormones. I have lost any hope for this month with today's negative, it was even a FRER! :(
14 dpo- Another slight temp drop to 97.73 (still .6 above coverline). Cervix is still high soft and closed. CM is less, kind of creamy. My beasts have become very slightly tender, and a small breast cyst I have has become sore, it sometimes gets sore before af and had gotten more tender than usual with my last bfp that ended in mc in Sept. Had really weird vivid dreams again the past 2 nights. I am just waiting for af now....c'mon! Cervix is high and soft but has started to open up by bedtime.
15 dpo- T back up to 97.90. Almost felt hopeful again but then stood up and....Hello AF! :witch:
CD13: Ovulation pain, EWCM, BD
1-3DPO: ever so mild cramps or twinges at night
5DPO: aware of sensations in uterus, feels tight; quite fatigued today
6DPO: Clump of EWCM x1, pressure/mild cramps again at night, very irritable
7DPO: anxious, insomnia
8DPO: very aware of uterus, left focal side
9DPO: twinges left side of uterus, ++ fatigued, dizzy in AM
10DPO: Feels like PMS; cramps full blown like AF going to arrive any minute, irritable, bloating, headache, drinking lots H20, dizzy moments, breasts feel full. Very vivid dream; while at work, a doctor/friend gave me an ultrasound because she knew I was worried; she said 'You're baby is growing just fine. Relax. Go back to work.'
11DPO: AF-like cramps all morning (continues to be left sided).
12DPO: AF-like cramps persist. Creamy CM. Sore throat; run down? BFN on cheapie.
13DPO: Mild cramps. Creamy CM. Very fatigue. Sore throat
14DPO: AF-like cramps; used hot water bottle in evening. Very fatigue; horrible insomnia last night. Feel like crying (very much PMS symptom for me).
15DPO: AF Due. Feels like AF is about to arrive any minute, cramps, wet feeling. Binge eating!! BFN (cheapie) in AM.
16DPO: AF-like cramps; left side still. On/off throughout day. Thought AF was about to show; CM clump x1. BFN on FRER. Very upset, low energy day.
17DPO: Thinking I must have messed up my ovulation date. No AF. Incredibly hard to get out of bed, low energy.
18DPO: mild left sided cramps. BFN. CD 31. This f'n sucks.
19DPO: Mild cramps. Wet feeling; thought AF, creamy CM.
... stopped tracking
30DPO: AF arrived. Who knows when the h*ll I ovulated. Must start temping.
Hey girls :flower: I am going to start this now... I am 5 or 6 DPO today. GL and FX to us all!!! :happydance:
Hope we can all stay sane through this TWW :coffee:

BD'd: 2 or 3 days before predicted O day

My Predicted O day: (The evening of 11/10 I had a strangely increased sex drive) On 11/11 I had O pain and so I checked my cervix, it was high soft and open. Later in the day it was medium, medium, closed. I could have O'd on 11/10 and not known it because I didn't check for anything, and my cervix could have just stayed SHOW into the next day. IDK but I am pretty sure I O'd on one of those days because I have used OPK's every day after 11/11 and the + line has been fading every day.

1 (or 2) DPO: Nothing

2 (or 3) DPO: Strong AF cramps for maybe 30 minutes.

3 (or 4) DPO: Same as above ^ With about 10 minutes of feeling like a tiny sword was poking me in the left ovary over and over.

4 (or 5) DPO: Woke up fine, OH said something that should have only made me a little mad and I sorta flipped out :dohh: Super major mood swings all day which is very bizarre for me. AF cramping again- Basically all day, kept running to the bathroom to check if I started even though I was only CD19. In the evening I was extremely gassy (even OH made a couple comments, and he is not a very observant person lol) and my stomach felt completely empty constantly all night no matter how much I ate. Bawled over the last episode of Lost even though it was such a terrible ending.

5 (or 6) DPO: So far nothing... ): Feel out now. :shrug: Checked my cervix today and it felt bigger than usual???? Anyone have this before? It was low and hard and closed ugh.
Very cautiously writing this

1DPO - Temperature 36.81, Creamy CM, Cervix medium, medium and open. Tender Breasts.
2DPO - Temperature 36.61, Creamy CM, Cervix medium, medium and closed. Tender Breasts.
3DPO - Temperature 36.75, Creamy CM, Cervix low, soft and closed. Tender Breasts.
4DPO - Temperature 36.83, Creamy CM, Cervix medium, medium and medium. Bloated, Cramps, Gassy, Tender Breasts, Sharp shooting pain in vagina, runny nose and Sore nipples.
5DPO - Temperature 36.86. Creamy CM, Cervix medium, medium and closed. Bloated. Tender Breasts.
6DPO - Temperature 36.87. Creamy CM, Cervix medium, medium and closed. Lower backache, Cramps, Tender breasts, Chapped lips and a really sore mouth. I didn't have any ulcers but my gums felt raw and I felt like my whole mouth was burnt. The tip of my tongue turned bright red and really hurt.
7DPO - Temperature 37.01. Creamy CM, Cervix low, firm and closed. Lower backache, Cramps, Fatigue, Gassy, Headache, Heartburn, Increased Appetite, Tender breasts and Chapped lips.
8DPO - Temperature 37.11. Creamy CM. Cervix medium, firm and closed. Lower backache, Cramps, Fatigue, Gassy, Headache, Heartburn, Increased appetite, Tender breasts and Chapped lips.
9DPO - Temperature 37.18. Creamy CM. Cervix high, firm and medium. Lower backache, Cramps, Headache, Increased appetitie, Nausea on and off, Tender breasts, Chapped lips, Runny nose and Sore throat.
10DPO - Temperature 37.10. Egg white CM. Cervix high, medium and closed. My temperature begins to drop before AF so at this point I thought I was out. Lower backache, Bloated, Constipated at times then diarrhea, Gassy, Headache, Heartburn, Irritable, Nausea on and off, Tender breasts, Vivid dreams and Increased CM.
11DPO - Temperature 36.76. Really thought I was out after that dip! Creamy CM. Cervix high, firm and closed. Lower backache, Bloated, Constipated, Cramps, Increased urination, Gassy, Headache, Heartburn, Irritable, Nausea on and off, Tender breasts, Gurgling stomach, Chapped lips, Increased CM and Bleeding gums.
12DPO - Did a test at dinner. Put it in my bag, looked an hour later. Faint line. Thought evap. Temperature 36.96. Went slightly up so hope has returned. Egg White CM. Cervix high, firm and closed. Cervix tilted towards my back. Lower backache, Bloated, Constipated, Cramps, Fatigue, Heartburn, Irritable, Tender Breasts, Nausea on and off, Gurgling stomach, Chapped lips and Runny nose.
13DPO - AF due. No sign. Did a test with FMU. Thought I could see something. Left on bathroom side. Hubby took a picture and sent me it at work. Pretty certain it was the start of BFP. Temperature 36.9. Egg White CM. Cervix high, medium and closed. Cervix tilted towards my back. Lower backache, Bloated, Cramps, Diarrhea, Fatigue, Increased urination, Gassy, Headache, Heartburn, Increased appetite, Nausea on and off and Tender breasts.
14DPO - FRER came up positive :) Temperature 36.95. Lots of creamy CM. Cervix high, firm and closed. Cervix tilted towards my back. Tender breasts, Slight cramps, Heartburn, Nausea on and off and extremely tired! Insomnia hit last night too!

Sadly miscarried at 5+3 :cry:
Very cautiously writing this

1DPO - Temperature 36.81, Creamy CM, Cervix medium, medium and open. Tender Breasts.
2DPO - Temperature 36.61, Creamy CM, Cervix medium, medium and closed. Tender Breasts.
3DPO - Temperature 36.75, Creamy CM, Cervix low, soft and closed. Tender Breasts.
4DPO - Temperature 36.83, Creamy CM, Cervix medium, medium and medium. Bloated, Cramps, Gassy, Tender Breasts, Sharp shooting pain in vagina, runny nose and Sore nipples.
5DPO - Temperature 36.86. Creamy CM, Cervix medium, medium and closed. Bloated. Tender Breasts.
6DPO - Temperature 36.87. Creamy CM, Cervix medium, medium and closed. Lower backache, Cramps, Tender breasts, Chapped lips and a really sore mouth. I didn't have any ulcers but my gums felt raw and I felt like my whole mouth was burnt. The tip of my tongue turned bright red and really hurt.
7DPO - Temperature 37.01. Creamy CM, Cervix low, firm and closed. Lower backache, Cramps, Fatigue, Gassy, Headache, Heartburn, Increased Appetite, Tender breasts and Chapped lips.
8DPO - Temperature 37.11. Creamy CM. Cervix medium, firm and closed. Lower backache, Cramps, Fatigue, Gassy, Headache, Heartburn, Increased appetite, Tender breasts and Chapped lips.
9DPO - Temperature 37.18. Creamy CM. Cervix high, firm and medium. Lower backache, Cramps, Headache, Increased appetitie, Nausea on and off, Tender breasts, Chapped lips, Runny nose and Sore throat.
10DPO - Temperature 37.10. Egg white CM. Cervix high, medium and closed. My temperature begins to drop before AF so at this point I thought I was out. Lower backache, Bloated, Constipated at times then diarrhea, Gassy, Headache, Heartburn, Irritable, Nausea on and off, Tender breasts, Vivid dreams and Increased CM.
11DPO - Temperature 36.76. Really thought I was out after that dip! Creamy CM. Cervix high, firm and closed. Lower backache, Bloated, Constipated, Cramps, Increased urination, Gassy, Headache, Heartburn, Irritable, Nausea on and off, Tender breasts, Gurgling stomach, Chapped lips, Increased CM and Bleeding gums.
12DPO - Did a test at dinner. Put it in my bag, looked an hour later. Faint line. Thought evap. Temperature 36.96. Went slightly up so hope has returned. Egg White CM. Cervix high, firm and closed. Cervix tilted towards my back. Lower backache, Bloated, Constipated, Cramps, Fatigue, Heartburn, Irritable, Tender Breasts, Nausea on and off, Gurgling stomach, Chapped lips and Runny nose.
13DPO - AF due. No sign. Did a test with FMU. Thought I could see something. Left on bathroom side. Hubby took a picture and sent me it at work. Pretty certain it was the start of BFP. Temperature 36.9. Egg White CM. Cervix high, medium and closed. Cervix tilted towards my back. Lower backache, Bloated, Cramps, Diarrhea, Fatigue, Increased urination, Gassy, Headache, Heartburn, Increased appetite, Nausea on and off and Tender breasts.
14DPO - FRER came up positive :) Temperature 36.95. Lots of creamy CM. Cervix high, firm and closed. Cervix tilted towards my back. Tender breasts, Slight cramps, Heartburn, Nausea on and off and extremely tired! Insomnia hit last night too!
. Congrats!:happydance:
This is interesting O:)

Positive opk yesterday night and this morning. O day today I guess.

1dpo :
Ok, so i have no idea how to edit my post, so I'll just continue here.

9 dpo: a LOT of cramping, shooting/stabbing pains in cervix. nausea, gas, fatigue, shooting pains in under boobs on both sides, very emotional (happy, bawling, goofy, tired).

10 dpo: felt like I got hit by a bus (but I did work a double at work), headache, very irritable, nothing out of the ordinary except for burping, which I never do unless I've drinking soda, which I have not had in over 24hrs. :shrug:

Going to test with FMU tomorrow with FRER. I will post results.

Also, congrats brunettebimbo!! :happydance:

Im new here! Been trying for about 5 months. hoping this month is the month! Will keep you posted! Currently 8 days post ovulation...
Chemical Pregnancy
Cycle 2 on this thread. Cycle 11 since miscarriages. I am separating them out this time so it is easier for me to see the differences day by day. This single post will be edited. Bedding timing was pretty perfect so now to hope I am in the lucky 10%.

Pregnancy Signs
1dpo, 2dpo - nothing
3dpo- very first orgasm in a dream, I always wake up too early, not this time!
4dpo- bad pain in scar tissue area on right side. AF type cramps? Nausea, from pain?
5dpo- nausea in am, cramps creamy cm, sebheroic derm flare up.
6dpo- cramps, creamy cm, backache
7dpo- Super backache, creamy cm, embryo dream, dizzy and nausea
8dpo-nausea, creamy cm
9dpo-nausea, creamy cm, bloated
10dpo-nausea, creamy cm, backache. Bloated, midnight pee, feel pre AF 3dys early
11dpo-backache, creamy white cm! Exaustion
12Dpo-niagra falls of cm, neg test, Nausea, pain on left side of uterus.
13dpo- nausea, loads of watery creamy cm, neg test. pain left side of uterus
14dpo- same- still no spotting. :)

Normal TWW signs
1 dpo- chilled, little blood from Ovulation, pain over tight ovary
2 dpo- pre AF type cramping
3-4 - same minus poop
5dpo- diahhrea, rest of symptoms gone
6-none of last months symptoms
7- creamy CM
8-11 same
12 no const, big fatigue

Last cycle for my own reference.
O day- twinge right side, Ewcm
1DPO - peeing disrupting sleep, heavy bleeding and stabbing pain over right ovary, second Egg?
2DPO - Cramping like day before AF
3DPO - tender nipples, stuffy nose, diahrrea
4DPO - tender nipples, Sleepy, lil cranky, mind crushing exaustion. I HAD to nap
5DPO - huge temp drop, symptoms gone.... :(
6DPO - stuffy nose, even larger temp jump. Pinching in lower left abdomen, diahrrea
7DPO - tender nipples, creamy cm, Evap
8DPO - tender nipples, period like cramps, emotional, evap, spotting stopped! Diahrrea
9DPO - creamy cm, temp still up, pressure in tummy
10DPO-Areola are larger and redder, cramps, Back ache, creamy cm, lil line on opk
11DPO-cramping, breasts tender, middle of the night pee, boobies! 32H now!!
12DPO-constipation! Needed nap so weird, night pee
13DPO-period day but no period, emotional until food, tired, heartburn! Hot feet! Nap, night pee
14DPO-1DayLate-night pee, late, backache, spotting, minor cramps, diahhrea
15DPO-2DaysLate-backache, tired, minor cramps, spotting, nausea, pain rt tube
16DPO-middle of the night pee, spotting

I have celiac disease. I can count on one hand how many times I have been well and truly constipated over the last 16 years. This 12 day symptom is HUGE, no pun or poop joke intended. Day 13 heartburn, I never get heartburn, my hands and feet are never warm. DH asked why my feet looked sunburnt.. Cramps stopped day 12
Hey girls :flower: I am going to start this now... I am 5 or 6 DPO today. GL and FX to us all!!! :happydance:
Hope we can all stay sane through this TWW :coffee:

BD'd: 2 or 3 days before predicted O day

My Predicted O day: (The evening of 11/10 I had a strangely increased sex drive) On 11/11 I had O pain and so I checked my cervix, it was high soft and open. Later in the day it was medium, medium, closed. I could have O'd on 11/10 and not known it because I didn't check for anything, and my cervix could have just stayed SHOW into the next day. IDK but I am pretty sure I O'd on one of those days because I have used OPK's every day after 11/11 and the + line has been fading every day.

1 (or 2) DPO: Nothing

2 (or 3) DPO: Strong AF cramps for maybe 30 minutes.

3 (or 4) DPO: Same as above ^ With about 10 minutes of feeling like a tiny sword was poking me in the left ovary over and over.

4 (or 5) DPO: Woke up fine, OH said something that should have only made me a little mad and I sorta flipped out :dohh: Super major mood swings all day which is very bizarre for me. AF cramping again- Basically all day, kept running to the bathroom to check if I started even though I was only CD19. In the evening I was extremely gassy (even OH made a couple comments, and he is not a very observant person lol) and my stomach felt completely empty constantly all night no matter how much I ate. Bawled over the last episode of Lost even though it was such a terrible ending.

5 (or 6) DPO: So far nothing... ): Feel out now. :shrug: Checked my cervix today and it felt bigger than usual???? Anyone have this before? It was low and hard and closed ugh.

6 (or 7) DPO: Woke up feeling fine and then I got a bad headache on my left side of head behind my temple. So exhaused by 8 pm I fell asleep sitting up, with my mouth hanging open, drooling lol. Chapped lips. Nothing much to report. High cervix most of the day.

7 (or 8) DPO Another headache shortly after waking up , behind both temples this time. Very tired until after I took a short nap. Nothing much to report... high cervix most of day.

8 (or 9) DPO: Boobs hurt in morning. Almost no CM. Very thirsty. Very annoyed right now, just got in a fight with OH about nothing because I am being emotional, I am still steaming. :/ and I typed a whole thing up for 8 DPO earlier and I guess it didnt save UGH. super high cervix today. Very gassy. No body aches or nausea like in every other LP. Cranky as hell (wanna scream).

9 (or 10) DPO: Went to bed at 7:30 last night. Had really weird vivid dreams that I can recall small details from even now. Woke up with a headache. Boobs hurt in morning. Very thisty. Not too tired. AF type cramping today but not bad,its a low cramp too. Almost no CM. Cervix is high and very firm and closed tightly. Usually around this time it is low, medium texture and slightly open. Hope its a good sign. Bought a test, going to test tomorrow FMU. Cramped off and on all day. Ate way too many green olives.

10 (or 11) DPO: Didn't test this morning, I am going to try to wait longer. Lots of dreams last night. Very thirsty. Cervix is still super high, softer today and tightly closed. Still no CM. Checked cervix again and it wasnt super high anymore, made me feel out with this lack of symptoms. ):

11 DPO: Got my vv faint BFP! I wasnt expecting that!! Praying for a sticky bean..
Congrats Emicakess - wish you all the best for the next 9 months :-)

I am TTC after an early MC in May. We waited one cycle so I guess we have been actively trying for 5 months. This month something definitely feels different so I have fingers x'd. Here are my symptoms so far....

1-4 DPO - Nothing
5 DPO - Cramping in the middle of the night. Yellow CM and itching, went to Gyno and it was thrush :-(
6 DPO - Increased urination at night 2-3 times. Yellow CM.
7 DPO - Extremely nauseous first thing in the morning but no vomiting. Sore bbs, nipples had shooting pains. More Yellow CM.
8 DPO - Had a vivid dream I was producing breast milk? More nausea but not vomiting. Bbs sore underarms.
9 DPO - Very emotional, tearful
10 DPO - Lower back ache. Tested BFN.
11 DPO - Strong cramps that last under 5 seconds. Bbs not as sore as they have been but seem full and heavy. Feel winded when going up the stairs.
12 DPO - Veins in bbs more prominent. Insomnia, woke up several times and got up at 3:00am. Tested BFN.
13 DPO - Lower back ache and fatigue, could not stay awake. (prob tired from previous evening). Had a 2 hour nap. Still slightly nauseous. Huge fight with husband over something so small, and I was irrationally furious!! Poor husband :-(
14 DPO - AF is due. Tested and BFN.

My cycles are fairly regular. The last 2 have been 3 days early and the one before that was exactly on time. I am going out of my mind because I don't have any AF cramps today and normally they are definitely there.

I am going to test again tomorrow and am hoping so much that it is positive.

Ahhh anyone get a BFN 14 DPO and get a positve later on?

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