I'm really wondering if I'm pregnant, been pregnant before & every time my thyroid (usually hyperactive) levels are in normal range. Well yesterday I got my quarterly testing & it was normal! Now I'm really beginning to become hopeful about my symptoms...
O Day & day before: BD w/ DH, medium cramping, nausea, irritable, EWCM, HUNGRY!! SHOW cervix
1DPO: Nausea, cramping, irritable, low backache, hungry, EWCM, BD,
2DPO: Extreme cramping in my uterus down to my inner thighs, pressure, hungry, lil' nauseous, backache, SHOW cervix
3DPO: Gassy

, tender & tingly nips, going to the potty every hr!! Cramping still, SO tired, want to eat everything, low backache, SHCW cervix
4DPO: Gassy

, tender & tingly nips, going to the potty every hr!! Cramping still, EVEN more tired today, want to eat everything, low backache, SHCW cervix, lil' waves of nausea, POS OPK
5DPO: Gassy

, tender & tingly nips, cold symptoms, going to the potty every hr!! Cramping still, EVEN more tired today, want to eat everything, low backache, SHCW cervix, lil' waves of nausea, damp down there, POS OPK
6DPO: Gassy

, tender & tingly nips, going to the potty every hr!! Medium cramping still, lil' less tired, want to eat more than usual, low backache, SHCW cervix, lil' waves of nausea, POS OPK
7DPO: Tender nips, feel like the potty is my new BFF!! Light cramping, lil' less tired, want to eat more than usual, quite painful low backache to hips & thighs, SHCW cervix, nausea is gone, cold symptoms, (TMI) LOTS of Clear CM, POS OPK, BD w/ Hubby & it HURT with the more compromising positions

(this also happened w/ my first pregnancy, it's how I found out I was preggers, I went to ER in 2005 & suprise)!! Tested FRER BFN
8DPO: Little bit tender & tingly nips, potty time every 2hrs now, light cramping, heavy feeling in lower stomach, still want to eat more than usual, cold symptoms, tired, quite painful low backache to hips & thighs, POS OPK, dreamt about my Grandpa who passed in '09 - so REAL!! Wanted to cry when I woke.
9DPO: Slightly tender & very tingly nips (my toddler wants to grab them today constantly) LOL, I've gone potty so much think I might have UTI, cold symptoms, light cramping, still quite painful low backache to hips & thighs, (TMI) LOTS of Creamy CM, nausea waves are back, just barely POS OPK, Dr ordered TSH, T4 & they were normal - WTF!! Am I pregnant?? She also ordered a qualitative blood test & it was NEG, no UTI normal urine.
10DPO-today: Slightly tender & very tingly nips (are they bigger??) LOL, Light cramping, going pee every 30-45 mins, still quite painful low backache to hips & thighs, (TMI) LOTS of Creamy CM, nausea waves lessened, NEG OPK in AM & Afternoon, BFN on FRER (thought I saw a shadow line), meat & seafood counter almost made me wretch, could taste the metal from my canned whole beans in dinner tonight.

Became emotional at Drs. today about losing the twin pregnancy in June, they didn't seem to think I'm pregnant & are hinting to endometriosis.
So no more testing until 14dpo, when AF is due & if she doesn't show. We'll see... best of luck & loads of baby dust to all!!