Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Very cautiously writing this

1DPO - Temperature 36.81, Creamy CM, Cervix medium, medium and open. Tender Breasts.
2DPO - Temperature 36.61, Creamy CM, Cervix medium, medium and closed. Tender Breasts.
3DPO - Temperature 36.75, Creamy CM, Cervix low, soft and closed. Tender Breasts.
4DPO - Temperature 36.83, Creamy CM, Cervix medium, medium and medium. Bloated, Cramps, Gassy, Tender Breasts, Sharp shooting pain in vagina, runny nose and Sore nipples.
5DPO - Temperature 36.86. Creamy CM, Cervix medium, medium and closed. Bloated. Tender Breasts.
6DPO - Temperature 36.87. Creamy CM, Cervix medium, medium and closed. Lower backache, Cramps, Tender breasts, Chapped lips and a really sore mouth. I didn't have any ulcers but my gums felt raw and I felt like my whole mouth was burnt. The tip of my tongue turned bright red and really hurt.
7DPO - Temperature 37.01. Creamy CM, Cervix low, firm and closed. Lower backache, Cramps, Fatigue, Gassy, Headache, Heartburn, Increased Appetite, Tender breasts and Chapped lips.
8DPO - Temperature 37.11. Creamy CM. Cervix medium, firm and closed. Lower backache, Cramps, Fatigue, Gassy, Headache, Heartburn, Increased appetite, Tender breasts and Chapped lips.
9DPO - Temperature 37.18. Creamy CM. Cervix high, firm and medium. Lower backache, Cramps, Headache, Increased appetitie, Nausea on and off, Tender breasts, Chapped lips, Runny nose and Sore throat.
10DPO - Temperature 37.10. Egg white CM. Cervix high, medium and closed. My temperature begins to drop before AF so at this point I thought I was out. Lower backache, Bloated, Constipated at times then diarrhea, Gassy, Headache, Heartburn, Irritable, Nausea on and off, Tender breasts, Vivid dreams and Increased CM.
11DPO - Temperature 36.76. Really thought I was out after that dip! Creamy CM. Cervix high, firm and closed. Lower backache, Bloated, Constipated, Cramps, Increased urination, Gassy, Headache, Heartburn, Irritable, Nausea on and off, Tender breasts, Gurgling stomach, Chapped lips, Increased CM and Bleeding gums.
12DPO - Did a test at dinner. Put it in my bag, looked an hour later. Faint line. Thought evap. Temperature 36.96. Went slightly up so hope has returned. Egg White CM. Cervix high, firm and closed. Cervix tilted towards my back. Lower backache, Bloated, Constipated, Cramps, Fatigue, Heartburn, Irritable, Tender Breasts, Nausea on and off, Gurgling stomach, Chapped lips and Runny nose.
13DPO - AF due. No sign. Did a test with FMU. Thought I could see something. Left on bathroom side. Hubby took a picture and sent me it at work. Pretty certain it was the start of BFP. Temperature 36.9. Egg White CM. Cervix high, medium and closed. Cervix tilted towards my back. Lower backache, Bloated, Cramps, Diarrhea, Fatigue, Increased urination, Gassy, Headache, Heartburn, Increased appetite, Nausea on and off and Tender breasts.
14DPO - FRER came up positive :) Temperature 36.95. Lots of creamy CM. Cervix high, firm and closed. Cervix tilted towards my back. Tender breasts, Slight cramps, Heartburn, Nausea on and off and extremely tired! Insomnia hit last night too!

Sadly miscarried at 5+3 :cry:
Here we go again. Cycle 2 after MC. Last month had plenty of symptoms. This month not even sure if I ovulated because my tests got really dark just not quite positive then faded out.

1DPO - Nothing
2 DPO - Vivid dreams and more tired than usual
3 DPO - Slightly sorer fuller breasts but they get like that after ovulation anyway. More sleepy than usual. Also got up for a wee in the night when I never do.
4 DPO - Nothing really. Just a bit more tired than usual and slightly sore breasts but nothing out of the usual.
Oh im so sorry. I know that nothing anyone can say will ease your pain. Sending hugs your way to your family.
Ok, here we go. I havent posted since page 92... Took a couple months off TTC.

3 dpo - cramps, breast tenderness
4 dpo - cramps, breast tenderness
5 dpo - cramps, breast tenderness
6 dpo - cramps, breast tenderness, (tmi warning) snot-like yellowish green cm
7 dpo - cramps, breast tenderness, creamy cm, temp rose aboe usual dpo temps
8 dpo - cramps, breast tenderness, headache, temp rise has sustained
9 dpo - cramps, breast tenderness is easing, cm is now creamy lotion like, temp has gone triphasic, dizzy, headache, nausea
brunettebimbo So sorry hun :hugs: not nice to see those posts :(

Hi girls, I did a test this morning at 11dpo and got a positive on FRER! Just thought I would let you know that I have felt literally nothing! Symptom spotting is hard work so just giving you hope that you can get a positive with no symptoms. Only slight nausea and cramps today but up until now, nothing at all. I didn't ovulation track, I bd around the right time but not on ovulation day, I was on top and didn't put my legs in the air for 20 minutes. This is the first month that I didn't do all the things that we should do when TTC, I just enjoyed my OH. Good luck ladies!! I hope you all get there soon xxxxx
These were my symptoms last year with my DS:

1dpo— Bloating, gassy, mild cramps, frequent urination (feel like I’m getting a UTI)
2dpo— UTI feeling is worse, felt frustrated, headache, tired
3dpo— Still feel like I have a UTI, tired, felt hot at night
4dpo— Took home UTI test and it came back positive, some ovary pain, gassy, irritable, emotional, tired, hot at night, noticed that cervix was pretty high today
5dpo— Doctor confirmed UTI, emotional, vivid dreams
6dpo— Still have UTI, stuffy nose, vivid dreams, had strange cramps this morning that felt like AF was coming on (assuming this was implantation), tested in the evening but it was bfn, cervix still high, and seems to be tilting upwards
7dpo— Gassy, UTI symptoms are starting to go away, emotional, tired, vivid dreams, increased cm, starting to “feel” pregnant, tested in the afternoon and thought I saw the faintest possible line
8dpo— Stomach muscles felt sore like I had been working out, felt anxious/nervous stomach, sweaty palms, tired, acne breakout, resisted testing
9dpo— Bloating, mild cramps, gassy, sore muscles (although not as bad as yesterday), stuffy nose, tired, frequent urination (but no burning, so I don’t think it has to do with the UTI anymore), resisted testing again
10dpo— Tested with FMU and bfp! (and strong enough line on a FRER that I think I really did get a super faint line on 7 dpo), bloating, mild cramps, gassy, vivid dreams, diarrhea, frequent urination, took me a little while to fall asleep at night, despite being tired
11dpo— More AF-type cramps today, breasts seem to have gotten bigger, tested again, and the line is darker, very mild headache, bloated, gassy, had a little trouble sleeping again
12dpo— More cramping, another mild headache, another darker line on a test this morning
So far this cycle:

1dpo - Bloating, gas, cramps
2dpo - Gas, cramps, pain near my ovaries, lots of cm
3dpo - Gas, cramps, ovary pain, moody, tired, soft stools, backache, and legs feel achy, cervix is high and tightly closed and tilting upward
4dpo - Gas, cramps, twinges near my ovaries, headache, diarrhea, high, tilted, tightly closed cervix
5dpo - Gas, cramps, twinges/pinching feelings achy legs, headache, felt hot, high, tilted, tightly closed cervix, tested but BFN
6dpo - Cramps, pinching feelings, high, titled, tightly closed cervix, tested but BFN
7dpo - Cramps, gas, bloated, emotional, irritable, achy legs, sore throat, feeling cold, cervix a little softer and lower
8dpo - Cramps, gas, irritable, sore throat, increased appetite, feeling "out" this month, tested but BFN, cervix still softer and lower and doesn't feel as tightly closed anymore
9dpo - Cramps, sore throat, BFN
10 dpo - BFN again. Getting discouraged, since I had a great BFP by 10 dpo last time around
11 dpo- Strong cramps, stabbing pains, sore throat, BFN on FRER. Feeling out for the month.
12 dpo - Gas, cramps, acne breakout, didn't bother testing
13 dpo - Temp was still high, but cervix was low and slightly open, killer headache, acne breakout. Fully expecting AF tomorrow.
14 dpo - Temp was still high and cervix felt closed, so I decided to test again...faint BFP! So faint that it would have been a BFN on 13 dpo.

So you're really not out until the witch shows!

Miscarried at 4+2 weeks. :cry:
BD'ed four days before, two days before, and day of.

One would think it's a promising schedule, but we've been TTC for about a year and a half with no luck :(

Went to a RE and ran tons of tests...blood work, ultrasounds, HSG you name it. Hubby's sperm is perfect. Everything for me came back fine with the exception of a low AMH and somewhat low follicle count.

We're just trying to enjoy the holidays "stress free" if that's possible :P But we'll start investigating other options this spring, like clomid, IUI and the like.

Definitely don't have my hopes up the way I usually do, but it's just because enough is enough and I can't keep putting myself through the emotional roller coaster.

I am absolutely perplexed at my lack of symptoms at this point CD31...very strange...

Hi alswaysannie,

Me and my hubby have been ttc for 6 years and more. We have started just recently testing (it was because of the circumstances we were ttc 6 years without knowing where the problem was :( ). We found out I have low AMH hormones and that is all. I had a chemical pregnancy this June and maybe two others two years ago. I start clomid next month. I am telling you this because apparently you need medication to get pregnant. Don't leave it to "If it happens". The chance for that is very small. I am an example. My follicles are ok.

Good luck and a lot of baby dust.

p.S. have you checked your temperature. Mine is very low :(.
Hiii I'm back on here again. I miscarried back in August and this cycle I really think we got it! =)

1-2DPO nothing
3DPO Heartburn
4DPO Frequent urination
5DPO I may have been sick, but I had a horrible stuffy nose, as well as heartburn. Heartburn was when I woke up and before I fell asleep. I also had two vivid dreams, one of my wedding reception and one of me playing a drinking game with keith urban
6DPO nothing noted
7DPO More heartburn in the morning and before bed; very very tired. Woke up early, took a two hour nap, and still went to bed by 11pm.
8DPO STILL TIRED! I woke up early for work, but I still got about 7 hours of sleep. I'm so exhausted
9DPO still tired for the most part, had to sleep on the couch and didn't sleep well, that may be why. Stuffy nose is starting to clear up but it's still there. Had a horrible headache that came out of no where.
10DPO woke up at 3am and had to pee so bad and I decided to test. Got a faint positive after 3 minutes! Had another headache again today
11DPO restless night of sleeping. I don't know if I was excited to test again or not but I woke up every 2 hours!
12DPO Alright I think we are ok! I know there wasn't much symptoms but it may help someone else!
1dpo- high cervix, firm & closed
sticky cm, af pains, lower back pain
2dpo- high cervix, firm & closed
creamy cm, heaviness & pressure in uterus,
lots of yawning, 10pm experiencing mild heart burn

I dont even think I Ov'd :cry:

When I was pregnant, I got sore nipples at 4 dpo.
I'm 3 maybe 4 dpo today and NO symptoms at all :dohh:
This is our 3rd cycle TTC. I took EPO supplements and FertileCM this cycle and drank lots more water than I had been in order to improve/increase my CM. DW and I also used Pre-Seed for the first time this cycle and fresh sperm, as opposed to frozen donor sperm the first two cycles. Here are my symptoms:

1-5dpo: nothing I don't usually notice after my ovulation

6dpo: felt weird sharp pain across my whole abdomen in the afternoon that only lasted a few seconds, later that night had really, really, REALLY bad gas, had a sharp pain over my left ovary and on and off tugging sensations in my uterus, I also got weirdly emotional and cried in the evening about my weight and how I felt about myself.

7dpo: bad smelly gas continued into the morning, slight pains on and off over both ovaries, slight lower back pain. Cervix felt low and squishy (unusual for me at this point in my cycle). Yellow-tinged CM in the afternoon changing to brown and stringy in the evening, then none. Right before bed there was a dull ache, almost burning or itching sensation over both ovaries.

8dpo: woke up at 4:00 am with slightly tender breasts and hiccups (WTF?), too restless to go back to sleep, a very slight amount of brown CM, more of the ovaries aching up till right now, my boobs are swollen but that happens about this time in my cycle every month so it's not a reliable symptom. What was new was the ache that I felt in them inside, plus a couple of visible blue veins, which I've never had. I also lost my appetite before I was halfway done with my lunch, even though I had been SUPER hungry and looking forward to lunch all morning. Later in the evening I had middle to lower back pain. Feeling super bloated and heavy all over. Cried irrationally again this evening. Cervix felt . . . sensitive, as if I'd had really rough sex (which I hadn't--sorry if TMI). Thought that was real weird.

9dpo: Couldn't sleep last night even though I'd only gotten six hours of sleep the night before, boobs big still but less sore. Had some weird pinkish-brownish thick-looking CM at 8:15 a.m. when wiped. Checked for more but there wasn't any. Still slightly aching over my ovaries. Not feeling the usual AF cramps that start around this time. Later in afternoon, not really any pain or cramps at all. Just really bloated.

10dpo: Bad gas comes and goes. Had weird yellowish pinkish creamy CM this morning, almost same as yesterday morning and at same time. Boobs big and buoyant even (don't mind that!), although blue veins not as visible. Lower abdomen cramping in am and wet feeling. Sharper pains over ovaries intermittently. :bfn: at 6:30 am. Got really really tired around 3:00, kind of like PMS tired. Went to grocery store, left a bag at the store on accident, didn't realize it till I got home and bawled about it to DW. Serious headache and, weirdly, jaw ache (could be wisdom teeth). Later she said my boobs were huge and areolae rounder. Also later in evening yellow CM and a couple of coffee ground-like clumps. Sounds weird, but it's the best way to describe it. Slight ache over ovaries again and my uterus feels heavy. I'M SO NERVOUS!!!

11dpo: Feel like AF is coming more than ever. When I check my cervix it is high and hard and my fingers have pinkish-red blood on them, although it hasn't come out on my underwear or when I wipe yet.
Hey all! Kinda new on here,

I havent noticed anything but the cramping and nausea, I have had a ton of heartburn which isn't normal at all.

Im.about 14 dpo,ive been cramping and have on and off nausea for the past week, today im a day late no sign of her anywhere yet.. tested yesterday and the day before and got bfn. Getting a little frustrated here, but this is our second month were not really ttc but we're not avoiding.
Here I am in another TWW...
1dpo- T 97.35, sticky CM, cervix starting to firm up and close
2 dpo- T 97.5, sticky CM
3 dpo- T 97.7, sticky CM
4 dpo- T 97.51, more creamy wet CM, cervix medium height slightly softer, completely closed
5 dpo- Big temp dip below cover to 97.11. ?? Cervix softened up even more last night and this morning and is now soft, medium, and closed. Increase in creamy CM, which is normal for me at this point. The weird thing, though, is that as I went down the stairs this morning my beasts hurt (I'm only an A cup, it's not like there's that much jiggling!). I felt them and they are unmistakably tender to touch which is unusual for me. Maybe I o'ed earlier than I thought? Fx'ed!
AF is due Tuesday! I haven't noticed much. Hoping to turn this green and to make an announcement to our parents for Christmas!
1-4 DPO: Increased sex never before..Hopefully this wasn't me ovulating later than I thought.
5-8 DPO: Nothing
9 DPO: Very small amount of light brown spotting in CM. This was after a gyno exam though so I'm not sure if it's from that or IB. However, I don't think if it was from a gyno exam, it'd be brown.
10 DPO: Again, a little bit of brown spotting in CM. IB???? Hoping! Praying! I also have very mild cramping. It seems to be lower than AF cramps.
11 DPO: Emotional, boobs are a little sore.
12 DPO: Boobs are still a little sore but now as sore as they usually here before AF. Large amount of EWCM 1x
13 DPO: Cramps...really feel like AF is coming. It's due tomorrow. Feeling out for sure. :(
14 DPO: AF due. Still feels like AF is coming but nothing yet and it's 5:24. Testing after tomorrow!
15 DPO: Felt hot, got up in the middle of the night to pee multiple times. BFP!!!!!

**We only BD'd ONCE 4 days before O day. This was our first month of NTNP so I didn't lay down afterwards either. :)
Hello :) 5 years ttc number two! ugh...It's been one year since my MC. So I started Charting last month and Im now on/or around 9dpo or so. I have started taking Vitamin D3 (5000iu) and Vitamin B Complex, Baby Asprin, and Im looking into a few other supplements as well. Im pcos and 39, times a'tickin!

1-4dpo...nothing really felt pretty good actually!

4 dpo....nipples started to get tender and creamy cm

5dpo...gas...a lot of it! And loose stools..but I ate a LOT of Clementines lol

6 dpo.... more creamy cm, still eating clementines...ahem. smh. sharp stabbing pain in uterine area sore nipples...peeing more than normal

7dpo...Nipples are SORE! Very creamy cm- undies wet- no more clementines lol so back to normal there too. peeing more than normal

8dpo...nipples very sore, mild cramps, I feel AF is coming. Emotions are tears etc. PMS I cry a ton before af..but I started Vitamin D3 (5000iu daily) OMG! I'm human again. Drinking not as much water...not quite as much peeing.

9dpo... Nipples are not as sore, but def. tender. drinking more water..peeing more lol, still happy as a lark...WEird! (though when PG with DD I was a raging Bitch those first few weeks..ahem..not nice!) Crampy again. And decrease in really creamy cm..undies were not soaked today..yesterday they were. Im betting AF is coming down the pike. 5 years ttc will make you a realist lol. Charting is helping me see the light though and understand my lenghty cycles.

My temps are still high and way above coverline. Even taking my temp during the day shows me above normal..not counting on that though.

Good Luck Ladies!
Found this late, so abbreviating up through 9 dpo.

Was worried had ovulated early because of early period past two cycles (found out might have been caused by my gluttonous acts with hummus), dark-ish opt cd8-10, and cramping starting on cd10, but mucus signs around cd 14-18. I never get very dark OPTs, so a little hard to judge from them. The following is based on my assumed normal O time of cd14.

0-8 dpo: cm egg-white/clear wet for several days then productive white-lotiony, crampy, vivid dreams, achy wrists and ankles, occasional sharp pains in thighs; all somewhat normal for me, but extra body pain.
6-8 dpo: all previous symptoms; nasal, throat and muscle symptoms of a cold; mild nausea, light-headedness and nearly constant threat of oncoming headache; heartburn (not typical for me); lower back pain/pressure; low-medium and open cervix; sore chest (typical pms for me); bfn (wondfo).
9 dpo: same symptoms but with high, soft, closed cervix; feeling feverish; no test.
10 dpo: feeling normal/not-pregnant; a little less cm; sore chest (typical pms for me); medium, hard, somewhat-open cervix; serious blood from brushing teeth; bfn (wondfo).
11 dpo: high, hard, closed cervix; sore chest (typical for me); bloody toothpaste; no test.
12 dpo: burning cramps like af will start in a few days; less cm; sore chest (typical for me); mild headache--busy and behind on sleep; heartburn (not normal); high, hard, somewhat open cervix; slightly bloody toothpaste; very faint false positive (I already know its from a bad batch of wondfo).
13 dpo: lower back pain/pressure returning; serious GERD (somewhat normal) and heartburn (not normal); bfn (wondfo).
14 dpo: swollen, tender chest (normal); no cramping or weird body pains; high, hard, somewhat closed cervix; bfn (first response).
15 dpo: same symptoms but with mild burning cramps; no test.
16 dpo: same symptoms as yesterday; bfn (first response).
17 dpo: same symptoms as yesterday; bfn (first response).
18 dpo: nipples hurt so bad had to take off bra; unexpectedly burped up a bunch of stomach acid; cervix too high to tell if open/closed, somewhat hard; tiny bit of blood on tissue, probably start of af; no test.
19 dpo: cervix low, hard and open. af has arrived.

AF was expected the night of 14dpo, but it may be delayed as I was taking a strong B vitamin complex for several days before ovulation. Maybe it's the winter solstice, lol. I usually get some warning blood in my cm in the hours before af.

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