for you and gage. i cant BELIEVE someone would do that, how disgusting!! I hope they catch him quick and gage takes the councelling or whatever he needs to get through it and try to forget about something so terrible!
pk sounds like a good job opportunity. oh's job keeps dragging him in for weekends and we can never seem to just say no to the offer with the way they pay on saturdays. its tough but i think its worth it, especially with baby, or in your case ttc if you need something insurance wont cover. and DISNEY! oh lovelyy
ttc is so stressful, when i think about it it just reminds me of crying a lot! i hope you get your bfp and get ttc out of the way soon. glad to hear you get to stay in your new job location for a while, hopefully you never have to go back to those awful people again
coral and tink have fun at baby show, im so jealous!
mc sorry for the spotting, glad you are not so stressed over it now though. wish placenta would hurry up and move, ugh! hows ms and all?
as for me, oh's grandpa passed yesterday
i know i didnt really know him that well but its sad to see his family hurting. he pushed through and stayed here longer than the doctors ever thought, and by the end he just looked so uncomfortable and so miserable, i'm sure its for the best that he be away from all of that. husband told him the news about baby about two weeks ago, so im glad its not something left for him to regret.
Other than that, got SO SICK last night! Was in bed and couldn't even make it to the bathroom
husband was not amused. he always tries to say "try to hold it in, try to hold it in!" because dr. got him all worried im not getting enough food staying in me with all that ketone crap she said. but i know its fine, i havent been sick so often lately so its not a big deal.
On a more positive note, today is me and oh's one year wedding anniversary, so we are going out to dinner somewhere. Otherwise probably not doing anything too special. Very happy though