Team No-Test!

Hi girls :flower:

Hope you're all ok and enjoying this gorgeous weather (it's like summer in the UK! will probably only last a couple of days, tho...just like our real summers, ha ha!)

Was just wondering, what do you girls do (esp you fellow late O'ers - Bumbs?) in terms of BD-plans during the OTWW? DH and I have been following SMEP loosely as much as possible. Bit silly really, seeing as I have at least another 10 days before O even begins to emerge on the horizon - but figured it can't hurt as, like you said Beets, it's supposed to raise your chances to 40%! I'm on CD12 and we are trying to BD more or less every other day, since CD10. started using OPKs on CD10 too. also upped my B6 intake to 20mg to see if that makes any difference at all in bringing my O date forward. I am definitely finding that BD-ing in the mornings (DH is off work for a few weeks) helps matters enormously - was even ready to BD twice in one day until I remembered we'd already done it that morning - quite something when you've been together 10 years already, ha ha! :haha:

Oh - and am not restricting my wine intake this month, that's for sure!!:winkwink: Not until the real TWW at least! trying to be much more mellow than usual to see if it makes a difference.

Beets - sorry to hear that you've been feeling a bit stressed looking after your mum (really hope she's feeling ok) and because OH has flooded flats etc to deal with - that sucks, am sorry. :hugs: BUT on the flip side, like polaris says, it does seem as tho you may have O'd when you hoped - so massive FX'd it works and this is your month!!!

Bumbs - how's the NTNP thing going hun? are you feeling less stressed/obsessed? hope so :hugs:

Farmers - I am SOOOOOO pleased for you hun, that is amazing news :happydance: you can relax now and really feel excited and confident...this is the best news ever. I bet seeing it on screen was so emotional!

Polaris - how's it going hun, do you think you will O on CD20 this month? what CD are you on?

Carine - thank you for reading all of our little thread, bless you - must've taken ages! :flower: which CD are you on now?

Love to all of you girls - and welcome leylak xxx:kiss:
Hiya Mort, am loving this weather! Makes everything seem sooo much better. Thanks for your kind words. Actually having got over the annoyance of FF saying I O'd earlier than I thought, both you and Polaris and me in my heart of hearts believe that I O'd later so am staying positive! What will be will be.

In answer to your question about what we do before the 2 week wait, for me, its hard because I don't live with my OH and so we BD when we see each other but that generally means we aren't able to follow completely the SMEP plan. however because I don't see him that often he always asks when O day is which is put into his diary and he arranges to be with me day before, day and day after at the very least! He's also taking Fertility plus for men, omega 3plus, zinc (but generally only when I nag him!) - so aside from BDing more and at the right time, there isn't much more we can do! I'm taking Agnus Castus (to help lengthen my luteal phase), Fertility plus for women, zinc, and Omega so I rattle alot!

I definitely think you'll find that the B6 will help sort out your cycles and bring forward your O date. Although I've heard that its better to take the B+ complex as taking B6 alone can sometimes deplete nutrients elsewhere. There is a link about it in TTC Discussions .. I'll see if I can find it for you! Makes interesting reading!

How are you feeling today Farmers?!!! Hope you are now settled in and enjoying your pregnancy! You deserve it!

Bumble I hope you are enjoying your NTNP status. Must be such a relief! Am actually v. jealous but at age 41 with my timeclock going ticktock I can't afford to not do things by the book ... grrrrrrowwwwl!

Looking forward to hearing what CD's Carine and Polaris are on and good luck Leylak!

Hugs to you all! Looking forward to Easter! Yay! Although i'm being good and not going to indulge in wine! Think I'll test on Mayday bank holiday monday! What do you think? xx
Oh Mort the discussion about B6 is under 'Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone' Thought it had some interesting insight into regulating cycles. xx
Mort and beetle, thank you for the welcome :)
I am also on B6 vits to improve my luteal phase. It is only 10 days even on b6, but I used to spot for 2 days before AF and B6 cleared it. Also, my second month on it I got my BFP. So I am for B6!
Hi Leyla, its good to hear that B6 is working for you. Just had a look at your chart and this month at the moment your Lphase is 12 days!! Keeping everything crossed for your BFP - I had a MC in December so am with you all the way! xx
I had a major temperature drop this morning. AF has not arrived yet but I am spotting. Maybe this is not my month but as Beetle said, my luteal phase improved by two days. It is great. I will keep taking b6 this month and see what happens. This month I saved some HPTs by the way :)
Hey Leyla glad to see you've got a positive attitude. Looks like AF could be on her way for you but seriously great news that LP is longer! And another positive you've saved some money and extra anxiety but holding off on testing! Seriously well done! Hoorah! I'm happy today as FF have finally decided to agree with me and changed my O date to CD 16 which now means that we BD'd the day of and the day after OV and they now reckon we have a good chance of pregnancy! Fingers crossed. Only 4DPO but the sun is shining, and we have 2 long weekends coming up! Yippeee! :)
yes beetle, CD16 looks like your o day. Good luck ;)
Wow - really great news Beets about the FF date! SO hope for you that it worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! will be holding my breath for you testing on May Day bank holiday (I might not even have O'd by then...doh! :dohh:)

Leylak - sorry that AF might be on her way, but brilliant news about the increased LP. As someone who spots for up to five days before AF, sometimes as early as 6dpo, this is what I want to achieve! Can you let me know how much B6 you've been taking? at the mo I'm taking a Pregnacare pre-conception vitamin which contains folic acid (400mg) some other bits like Salenium and 10mg of B6. but thought that might not be enough to have a positive affect on spotting, so am also taking a separate B6 10mg vitamin on top. Though I will be watching carefully to make sure I'm not depleted of other nutrients, thanks for the advice Beets! am going to check out that link you recommended now!

oh - and I've been having a couple of days in a row of EWCM a temp dip of 35.9C today...not going to hold my breath that it could be a much earlier O date than usual (only on CD13!), but am BD-ing frantically, just in case!

Have a BRILLIANT long bank holiday and speak soon girlies! love ya! xxx
The recommended dose for b6 is 50-100 mg (up to 200) but my b6 pills were 250 mg and I could not split it so I used 250 (it also has 250 mg b1 and 1 mg b12). Also, too much b6 is said to cause deficiency in other B vits so complex is recommended. I used it until ovulation and still had benefits.
Hi everyone! Just checking in after a few days in hiding (studying furiously for ever-encroaching exams...Monday is the first of four!) and so happy to see all the updates!

Farmerswife--HURRAY! So glad all is well. I could just feel the relief and joy coming through your post, and I hope you do get a chance to post the scan of your tiny baby! Here's to happy and healthy weeks ahead for the two of you!

Beetle--Way to go, perfect timing! I hope you have lots of fun planned for your long weekends. Are you doing anything else to help you pass the TWW test-free?

Polaris--Hope you're doing well! Hopefully your ovulation picks up where it left off at much longer do you have to wait? Do you use OPKs?

Leylak--Welcome! Congrats on the improved LP :) Too often TTC feels like a big game of chance, and it's encouraging to see real results from one's efforts. So thanks for the inspiration, and good luck as you begin a new cycle.

Morticia--sounds like you've been very productive lately! ;) And I heartily approve of your decision not to forego wine. I've had a similar approach to this OTWW, so here's hoping it's fruitful for both of us!

I suppose I'm SMEPing, though I'm starting OPKs Saturday (CD 16, a little later than called for in the plan) per doctor's orders. I had a scan on Tuesday and she said I probably had 5 days to go until ovulation, judging from the size of my follicles. I've never tested for O before, and I'm actually afraid it won't show up. I guess I really did myself in with all my POAS/BFNs a few months ago...I just don't believe that any kind of strip test could tell me something positive.

Good news is I've managed to stay on BD schedule despite spending the majority of the last week in the library (and there's another worry--that I've doomed this cycle already from the stress :( ) I found that early BDs work better for us, too--I am just so tired at night and the afternoons seem more spontaneous and fun, which we could certainly use more of. We've not been together very long, only 6 years, but we aren't college kids anymore!

Anyway, enough of my blather. I hope you all have a lovely holiday weekend!!

after quite a long time off here i am back to check on all of you! :)

wow, i am so excited to find out the next bfp.

ntnp is going well, i had a check up with my dr and as mentioned before, i am going back on the pill (if nothing is happening this cycle) for about 2-3 months to regulate my cycles and ive been told that most women with irregular cycles will have more success in the first month after the bcp than some other months. so my fingers are crossed.
no obsessing, no waiting, no counting!
at the moment i am just veeery relaxed, enjoy the heat and invest money (again) in some lovely vino! how good that feels, i cant even tell you! :dance:

mort, i hope you are having fun bding and i wish you all the best with getting your bfp!! :flower:

beetle, the same for you, and hun, forget your age, i know it will happen for you as much as everyone else on here! :hugs:

farmerswifey - soooooo happy for you that everything is okay! :yipie: i will check back to see your progress!

to all the new ladies - welcome and good luck with everything! ladies in here are so lovely and the best support anyone could possibly receive on the www!!!!

you all deserve a :bfp: and i send you all my PMA.

:hug: xx
Hello all you lovely ladies

I hope you dont mind me checking in with you (even though I had to move up a group now!)
I just want to keep in touch and I cant wait till you all join me in the first tri!

Thank you for all your lovely messages!! Im over the moon - although I do feel quite sick at the moment. Eurgh!

Ive been looking at all your charts and there are some very positive looking opportunities here! I think the weather is helping - Spring fever (being a farmers wife I know all about that ;) )

Keep in touch - lots of love to you all!

hello ladies! Wow isn't this English weather absolutely stunning?! Happy Easter to one and all! All good with me. temps doing what they do (go up and down and up again) and to be honest no symptoms whatsoever at the moment but Im not bothered this month. Was getting crazily obsessive last month and I don't think that's good for you.

Carine, ooh what exams are you taking? Sounds like you have alot of them (ugh!) good luck for tomorrow anyway and also good luck for OV - hope you aren't too shattered by the exams for BD!

Farmerswifey .. its so lovely that you come back and check up on us. Its great to hear how you are doing, although sorry to hear that you are feeling sick. But I guess that's little baba nesting in, growing and doing all the things that he/she is supposed to be doing! Do you want to find out the sex of the baby? My OH and I have a long running debate about this ... he wants to find out and I don't! He's such a control freak I think that he wouldn't be able to cope with not knowing! hmm.

Bumble, lovely to hear from you! Its been ages! And glad to hear all is well. you never know, but your NTNP may well work and you may not need to go on the pill. Fingers crossed for you!

Mort,Polaris and LeylaK .. .hope you are enjoying your BDing. Wish I had someone in this link at my stage - missing you guys! 7DPO today - half way through and not a symptom in sight!!

Anyway will check in soon! xx
hello ladies! Wow isn't this English weather absolutely stunning?! Happy Easter to one and all! All good with me. temps doing what they do (go up and down and up again) and to be honest no symptoms whatsoever at the moment but Im not bothered this month. Was getting crazily obsessive last month and I don't think that's good for you.

Carine, ooh what exams are you taking? Sounds like you have alot of them (ugh!) good luck for tomorrow anyway and also good luck for OV - hope you aren't too shattered by the exams for BD!

Farmerswifey .. its so lovely that you come back and check up on us. Its great to hear how you are doing, although sorry to hear that you are feeling sick. But I guess that's little baba nesting in, growing and doing all the things that he/she is supposed to be doing! Do you want to find out the sex of the baby? My OH and I have a long running debate about this ... he wants to find out and I don't! He's such a control freak I think that he wouldn't be able to cope with not knowing! hmm.

Bumble, lovely to hear from you! Its been ages! And glad to hear all is well. you never know, but your NTNP may well work and you may not need to go on the pill. Fingers crossed for you!

Mort,Polaris and LeylaK .. .hope you are enjoying your BDing. Wish I had someone in this link at my stage - missing you guys! 7DPO today - half way through and not a symptom in sight!!

Anyway will check in soon! xx
hello ladies! Wow isn't this English weather absolutely stunning?! Happy Easter to one and all! All good with me. temps doing what they do (go up and down and up again) and to be honest no symptoms whatsoever at the moment but Im not bothered this month. Was getting crazily obsessive last month and I don't think that's good for you.

Carine, ooh what exams are you taking? Sounds like you have alot of them (ugh!) good luck for tomorrow anyway and also good luck for OV - hope you aren't too shattered by the exams for BD!

Farmerswifey .. its so lovely that you come back and check up on us. Its great to hear how you are doing, although sorry to hear that you are feeling sick. But I guess that's little baba nesting in, growing and doing all the things that he/she is supposed to be doing! Do you want to find out the sex of the baby? My OH and I have a long running debate about this ... he wants to find out and I don't! He's such a control freak I think that he wouldn't be able to cope with not knowing! hmm.

Bumble, lovely to hear from you! Its been ages! And glad to hear all is well. you never know, but your NTNP may well work and you may not need to go on the pill. Fingers crossed for you!

Mort,Polaris and LeylaK .. .hope you are enjoying your BDing. Wish I had someone in this link at my stage - missing you guys! 7DPO today - half way through and not a symptom in sight!!

Anyway will check in soon! xx
erm I think my computer had a funny 5 minutes. No idea how to delete the extra posts! Sorry! x
Bumble, thanks for checking in and letting us know how NTNP is going. Less stress sounds great, as does the vino!

Beetle, I am in my second year of law school and taking final exams. Constitutional law finished today, Evidence tomorrow morning, and then two more on Friday, plus I have a big paper due on Saturday! Thanks for wishing me luck, I feel like I need it! Definitely check back in as your TWW progresses :) Fx for you!

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday! Sounds like the weather has been fantastic, so I hope you've been able to enjoy it! (I think I'm one of the few that doesn't automatically think of bad weather when I think of the UK. I spent May and June in London last year and it was just beautiful!)

I'm currently worrying about O instead of studying, ha. I started testing for it this weekend and was getting lines that were very close to the control, and any other time I've randomly tested I've never seen a line at all, so I can't help but think something is happening even though I know I can't count them as positive. Had lots of watery CM Fri-Sun, and currently seems dry.

Then, I wasn't going to temp, but since I'll be getting up consistently this week I figured I might as well, as that would confirm in case I don't pick up the surge on the OPTs. And today's temp is up over my previous coverline, up .5 from yesterday! I didn't sleep that soundly last night and also took it an hour earlier than yesterday's, so who knows if it's reliable, though.

All I can do is wait and see what happens over the next couple of days but I am feeling impatient to know whether or not I'm in the TWW! I thought maybe typing it all out to you girls would help me move on and focus on studying :)

Oh, and BD on Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday, so based on the above I am not sure if we should again today or go back to every other day and wait until tomorrow.

I'm sorry to be all obsessive and data-dumping on you! Thanks so much for being here.

Hi girlies! :flower:

Sorry for being away for so long!!! got swept up with the bank holiday fever! SO lovely to hear from you all and all your updates. I'm going to be a bit rubbish because I'm swamped at work after having a few days off (can't complain compared to you carine - GOOD LUCK with your exams!!!!) but just wanted to say hi and love ya and Beets - I wish I was where you are too, as I still don't think I've O'd...CD18 today, been BD-ing every 2 or 3 days, with any luck should be O-ing 1st May or thereabouts and it's DH's birthday the day before (the big 30) so going to make sure I give him a special birthday surprise! :winkwink:

keep in touch girls - Farmers it's great to hear from you, and Bumbs - FX'd this cycle is the one and you don't need to worry about the pill anyway!

Miss you! xxx
Hi guys, just a quick hi as i couldn't stay away and wanted to see who had dropped in. Wow Carine, a lawyer-in-waiting. Seriously good luck with the exams, I hope they are going OK and you aren't stressing too much about them? When do you get to hear the results? I would have thought that would have been the perfect distraction from O but I guess it worked in reverse for you! In terms of my signals for O, I generally get EW approx 2 days before I O, and then I get O pains and then finally I O, taking about 4 days or so from the first lot of EW. So get BDing if you haven't done so already! With O testing strips, I got a line but never as strong as the coverline so don't rely on that too much!
Mort, I feel for you with the long wait! Still May day bank holiday and your hubby's Bday has got to be the best time for it! You taking vit B complex this time (or Agnus Castus?). Hope work not too mental! Must be hell having to write to a deadline! I could not train my brain to work like that!

Anyway all OK with me. CD10. temps recently down but I'm not getting too stressed about that yet. the last 2 months my temps were identical down to the days of getting drop etc, but this month, its all completely different so you never know. Now getting the odd tummy cramps but that is about it and that just could be AF on her way! Looking forward to the royal wedding and another lovely long weekend! xx

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