Team No-Test!

Hi beets and everyone! :flower:

We do have some serious brains in our midst don't we - a university student, a lawyer, a farmer's wife, a masseuse, a journo - we could run the world, girls! whoop! :happydance:

Thanks for talking us through your pre-O symptoms Beets, it really helps as I've been having patches of EWCM over the past week or so, but have been discounting it because temps are still so low and not had a positive OPK yet either (also: apols for usual TMI...but isn't it just SO hard to work out if it's EWCM or leftover seminal fluid, especially if you're BD-ing every other day?! can hardly tell the difference...oops!:blush:). Last month I also had patches in the run up to O, over about a week, but when I actually O'd (on CD27) I had two full days of EWCM beforehand AND my first ever 2 days of positive lines on the OPK (annoyingly, they were when I was REALLY sick with food poisoning, the day and day after the awards I went to - remember? so no BD-ing at all because I felt so blurgh. now I know I missed my most fertile time!! :dohh:). At the moment OPK's are showing a line but very faint so I know it isn't happening yet! I'm alternating between internet cheapies and the Clear Blue O text kit thing - the one that comes with 7 test sticks. but it's SO expensive, don't want to use it every day if it's too early!

so I've defo been more relaxed in terms of wine/sushi/BD-ing this month because I am trying to listen to my body, rather than obsess over calendars and predictions and will only 'get on it' (in all different ways, tee hee) once I start seeing more EWCM again. I'm quite dry today so am thinking I might start seeing some tomorrow or day after...FX'd!

Did I tell you also that I got a referral letter from my GP to see a gynae? I'm going to wait until after next AF is due (May 12th) just in case, but if she comes and I spot as usual and seeing as O is pretty late in the day again, think I will go and see a gynae to put my mind at rest. it's 9 months since coming off bcp this month too, so seems like enough time to warrant a check up, in my opinion. here's to taking charge of our own fertility! :thumbup:

Beets - just looked at your chart by the way, think you're doing the best thing possible in terms of trying not to obsess over drops and peaks etc...but it does look positive in terms of your dip at 5dpo, doesn't it? could that be implantation? don't want to get your hopes up, obviously, but really holding out for you! keep us posted ok!! :hugs:

Oh yes - and in answer to your B6 question, I have been taking it, but don't think it's nearly enough to make a difference - only 20mg a day, 10mg as part of Pregnacare pre-conception complex and 10mg B6 on its own. Leylak says you need 250mg (I think, thanks Ley!) to make a difference so if spotting is still on the cards this month I may go to a herbalist and up my dosage! steering clear of AC for the moment, as I'm a bit nervous about it. but might read up next cycle if necessary!

oh and yes - deadlines a plenty this week...anyone would think there's a wedding on the cards or something!!! :winkwink::haha:

Enjoy the sunshine girls, it seems to be back...ahead of a wet weekend, boo! xxx
Hello everyone,
I heard my name being mentioned and decided to chime in. :) There is a hefty thread on Vitamin B6 "Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone" Basically, people use 50 to 100 mg and see benefits. I used 250 but I do not recommend it as they say 200 mg is the upper limit.
Last cycle I thought my luteal phase increased but my ovulation day is not clear. Maybe, it was still 10 days idk :shrug:.
Hey there girlies.
I've been MIA for the last week because I was on holidays in the UK to visit my family. Had a really relaxing time and the weather simply couldn't have been better! Like the height of summer! No sign of ovulation yet here, I'm on CD17 and haven't had any EWCM and temps still definitely pre-O range. I think it could be a long wait so I actually haven't really been giving too much thought to TTC. My LO is back breastfeeding twice a day for the last couple of weeks (had been down to just a bedtime feed) so I wouldn't say that is going to help much with getting my normal cycle back. I'm feeling more relaxed about it all though and it will happen when it happens.
I did read through to catch up with everyone else's news but my brain is mush and I can't remember anything! Will have to look back over the thread properly later on!
Hello! Mort, glad your GP is agreeing with you and has referred you to a gynae. I'm sure its just a question of trying to get your O date forward and lengthen your Lphase! Maybe now the wheels are in motion you will O and get PG without having to go to any extra hassle!
So today is 11DPO! slight rise in temp after a dip yesterday. Yesterday afternoon had a few more odd tummy cramps but sharper/pinching and more around the right Ovary rather than generic AF cramps. But I'm discounting everything because you know what its like you obsess over everything and then AF comes along!
Only odd thing and TMI here .... is my urine over the last 2 days has gone v. v. pale! I'm not drinking any more than I normally do but its completely changed colour! V. strange! Obviously when I have my Vits it goes to the normal yellow colour but aside from that ... v. pale almost no colour at all! Hmmm!
Anyway good luck everyone with their Oing and BDing ;) I'm all alone here and only you guys to support me (staying away from TWW this month!)
Farmers? How you feeling? Hope you aren't feeling too sick?
Byeee for now. Will check back tomorrow and update you (as long as AF not here! ... but you'll be able to see from my temp sig what's going on with me anyway!). xx
PS forgot to say that I'll be testing on Saturday! and if BFN but no AF will test again on Monday! Luckily I've got alot of distractions this weekend as I'm sailing Saturday and Sunday! Fingers crossed the weather will be OK!
Hey Beetle. I had a look at your chart, it is all looking very good, and your symptoms sound very promising too. I think if it was me then I would just wait until Monday to test, avoid the pain of wondering if it was too early if the test result is BFN. But that is just me, I actually do have a POAS phobia, LOL. I hate testing and then bloody AF shows up the next day.
Hey Polaris, you are right. Monday may be a better day to test, but my OH isn't around then which is why we wanted to do tomorrow. hmmm. Last time I was PG it actually wasn't until I was a week late that I got a positive test! Anyway feeling good. Urine is now back to normal (weird two days of being v. pale for no reason). Other symptoms - evil headache yesterday so bad that I had to have a sleep to get rid of it (definitely hormone headache which I haven't had years! Used to get them on day one of AF when I was on the pill) and just very very bloated, worse in p.m.been like that since 10dpo.
Also v. emotional - think i'm going to be in floods of tears watching the royal wedding! oh oh! Was very hot in the night last night and woke up at 2.15am to go visit the bathroom and was drenched in sweat! (sorry TMI). So basically all hormone activity which could easily result in AF! Fingers crossed though!
How are you getting on? xx
Definitely sounds like loads of symptoms going on, really hope it's a BFP on its way rather than AF!

I am in a rotten mood today but can't even put it down to hormones since there is still no sign of O. First day back in work after my holidays and then arrived home early at 4.30 to find that OH and Thomas were both asleep and the lunch stuff hadn't even been cleaned up, never mind any sign of dinner. Grrr. It really bugs me that on the days that I look after Thomas I kill myself doing housework and cooking while he has his afternoon nap but on the days that OH looks after him more often than not he just has a snooze himself. Sorry for the totally OT rant.
Hey Polaris, I completely understand the rant. I would have gone through the roof too! I hope your OH makes it up to you today! What do you do for work? Sorry to hear O hasn't arrived yet, but I bet its something to do with breastfeeding upsetting things. not that I'm an expert.
Well I did test today BFN. Not surprisingly really. Feel fine about it actually as even if I was PG I think I'm just one of these girls that take a while to produce enough HCG. Was in bed again yesterday with another migraine and its still here slightly today so have canned sailing as just can't face it. Temp drop again! but still above CL. Temps looking like a yo yo! I really don't know now. Could be either ... these pesky hormones! Enjoy the weekend - do you get a bank holiday in Ireland? x
Hey Polaris, I completely understand the rant. I would have gone through the roof too! I hope your OH makes it up to you today! What do you do for work? Sorry to hear O hasn't arrived yet, but I bet its something to do with breastfeeding upsetting things. not that I'm an expert.
Well I did test today BFN. Not surprisingly really. Feel fine about it actually as even if I was PG I think I'm just one of these girls that take a while to produce enough HCG. Was in bed again yesterday with another migraine and its still here slightly today so have canned sailing as just can't face it. Temp drop again! but still above CL. Temps looking like a yo yo! I really don't know now. Could be either ... these pesky hormones! Enjoy the weekend - do you get a bank holiday in Ireland? x

I always had long cycles even before having Thomas but I'm pretty sure that breastfeeding is upsetting things as well. I think I might have got a tiny bit of EWCM today so hopefully things will start to happen soon.

I have a demanding job, I work as a clinical psychologist in an adult mental health service, so I can really do without more stress when I get home in the evenings! I love the job but it is very hard work at times and has a big emotional impact. I am only doing four days since I went back after maternity leave and I am finding it a much better work-life balance. Anyway OH was on his best behaviour this morning, he got up reasonably early for once and we had a lovely morning out with Thomas before OH had to go to work this afternoon. He works shift work as a care worker and won't be home until 5 p.m. tomorrow evening. So the weekend can seem very long when he's working weekends. But at least we have the bank holiday Monday this weekend, yay!

Sorry to hear about the BFN Beetle, but as you say it's hard to know what it means at this stage, especially since tests take a while to show positive with you. I hope that the migraine is totally gone very soon. I can't imagine what it must be like to suffer with migraine as I am a total wimp and can't even deal with a normal headache (which I know is nothing at all in comparison). :hugs:
Alas, wasnt meant to be for me this month. Although some crazy evil hormone migraines which I haven't had in years which is slightly concerning. Never mind. Had a great long weekend and my OH has been a complete saint putting up with my gargantuan PMT symptoms!
Wow Polaris talk about a stressful job. That must be sooo hard and I bet you get emotionally involved even though you try to stay detached. I hope that you get lots of massages, and have some me time or treats to relax you after a long day? But I guess with Thomas there isn't much time for that! Good on you girl!
Anyway back to square one again for me. I'm looking at the positives again ... wine, food etc and its now over to all you girls who are just about ovulating and now entering the 2WW ... Bonne chance everyone! Do let me know what is happening/dates etc - Think my O day is around 16/17th which seems ages away! xx
HI GIRLIES!!! :flower:
Just felt like I needed to shout a huge 'hello' because I've been so off the radar. missed you all...Beets and Polaris, you've been doing us proud by keeping up to date, well done you - Polaris, your rant about OH not doing any cleaning/clearing up rings SUCH bells with me. If I'm ever off and DH isn't, I'll spend ages cleaning and making a lovely dinner...whereas he'll play Xbox! ha ha - annoying!!! :growlmad:

That aside, Pol - your job does sound amazing and very demanding, wow, kudos to you. I did a psychology degree and was very tempted to go down that route but always leaned more towards writing. It must be so hard to detach yourself enough to ensure you don't take your work home with you (emotionally). What a brave lady. :thumbup:

Beets - so sorry, hun, to hear that the dreaded witch has come to you. :cry: what a shame...and it sounds like you had horrible PMS to deal with too. :hugs: Such bad luck, I really feel for you. Am just so glad you're managing to stay so positive and are going to indulge in wine and sushi...I had a major hangover after hubby's birthday this weekend, so can empathise! (and had salmon sushi for lunch today too!). Because yes, you guessed seems like you'll be catching me up again before you know it because I'm on CD25, have been BD-ing really well and faithfully for the O cause, yet STILL haven't O'd!

No positive on the Clearblue Digital OPK, which cost me a fortune for 7 sticks and have now run out without a single smiley face (anyone know how reliable they are?) and low temps (this morning was 35.8C for sixth day in a row). Have been getting EWCM, on and off, more yesterday than today, so I know O is approaching but I wish it would just hurry up!!

I got my first ever positive OPK last month on CD26 and O'd on CD27, so hopefully this month will follow suit. but it does make me less confident because of the neg OPK this lunchtime (bought Superdrug own brand one to use today as I'd run out). Am going to rely more on temps, than anything - but it is frustrating because I don't know whether to completely tire DH out and keep on BD-ing, in case the OPK's are wrong and I do O tomorrow, or have a night off and risk not having done it at my most fertile time - only to see my temps go up and realise that I was O'ing after all. Does anyone know whether you are most likely to O on the exact same cycle day each month? If so, do you reckon I should give DH a night off tonight and see what the OPKs say tomorrow? we've BD-d the last three days in a
Beetle, sorry that the evil witch has made an appearance. Good to hear that you are looking on the positive side and hope you really enjoy the next couple of relatively stress free weeks.

Morticia - tricky one with regard to the ovulation date and whether to stick with the daily BD. How annoying to use up all of the digi opks without getting a positive, I would be so annoyed! If you and DH are able for it, it would probably be better to BD again tonight but if you are both worn out then I'm sure it would be no harm to give it a rest for a day. After all the sperm can live for a few days so a day off can't hurt really. I wouldn't possibly be able to manage daily BD for long so if it was me I would take the day off!

Yes, the job is stressful at times, but very rewarding and interesting too. The main problem that I have is not enough hours in the week coupled with long waiting lists. Some clients do have very very difficult life histories and situations and it does have an emotional impact but I am quite boundaried most of the time and pay a lot of attention to self care.
Hi everyone!

Beetle, I'm sorry AF showed up! I'm going to echo Morticia and wish you lots of wine and sushi! Are you still getting migraines? Hopefully the crazy hormones are easing up and releasing you from their evil clutches soon.

Morticia, so frustrating re: the digital OPK! I agree with Polaris that a night off wouldn't hurt, so whether you BD'd or not tonight, I'm sure you're fine. I don't think that O always occurs on the same cycle day, but wouldn't that be nice?? I know I could use a little more transparency in this process! Hope you see a temp shift soon!

Polaris, it's interesting to hear about your job. My younger sister really wants to become a clinical psychologist, though she's only still in high school so who knows what she'll end up doing. It's always inspiring to hear from women who enjoy their careers and raise children at the same time...nice to be reminded it is possible!

Well I finished all my term requirements late Saturday so have been dreadfully lazy ever since! I think I'm 9 dpo, though FF tried to readjust me this morning from that to 7 dpo, which was frustrating. Don't you dare try to add two more days to my wait! At 9, my test date is this Sunday, which is Mother's Day and really sort of neat, don't you think? Even with the readjustment in my O date, Sunday would be 12dpo so I am considering still testing then.

Another argument both for and against testing Sunday is that I'll be visiting my mom and sister over the weekend--it's for in that my mother would be really, truly over the moon to find out in person and she could really use the lift, against because Adam (DH) will be away visiting his mother also so we wouldn't be together to find out...another strike against it is that waiting longer to test is always better (hence my membership in this group!) But I could find out I'll be a mother on Mother's Day! I am really torn. Help? Thoughts?

Symptom-wise there isn't much to report, which I think is a good thing. I'm not driving myself crazy symptom spotting for once, so I hope a BFN won't be too disappointing. I have had a ridiculous amount of creamy white CM, and while I don't have that written down for previous TWW, I can't say for sure whether it's unusual for me. We will see!

I'm headed back to my library books and my amazing imitation of a sloth...hope you are all doing well!
Hey all... just v. briefly as busy day - chemo for mum, gift fair for me selling my natural products then hospital with mum. Mort, hmm interesting dilemma. Re O - dont forget that temps only go up AFTER you have ovulated so if you are waiting until they go up it will be too late! I've O'd on the same day the last 2 months so it can be accurate but its never set in stone and can change according to all sorts of things - stress etc. Bearing in mind that spermies live for at least 3 days 1 night off isn't going to hurt if you are both shattered!
Carine, hang in there with the 9 DPO, personally if FF are saying its 2 days earlier that is also a reason to hang off testing, and I would want to share news with my OH but thats just me! I think you'll know when the time comes what feels right to you!
Polaris ... you are such a trooper juggling your job and home life! An inspiration!
Anyway gotta dash. xxx
getting a BFP on mother's day would be the best gift ever, but in case you get a BFN, it could mean you are pregnant but it does not show on the test yet. It depends on how you would handle a BFN on that day.
Hi girlies! :flower:

How are you all? sorry for my absence! been a manic week!

Also an 'O' week - I have had positive OPKs for the last three days in a row...and today's was the darkest line of all! Was a bit confused at first :shrug: because I thought you'd only have two days at most of pos OPK lines, and I even read that usually, the first positive is followed the very next day by O. But going by the internet cheapie sticks, I think that the lines managed to pick up the beginning of my surge on Weds (didn't go positive until 6pm), then were darker the next day (Thurs) and darkest of all today (even at 8am) I'll probably O tonight or tomorrow. Hope that's right! DH has been learning, and knows we have to BD for three days after the first positive, followed by a night off and then once more for luck, so even though we were both SO tired last night, we did it Weds/Thurs/going to try tonight then have a day off tomorrrow until a last round on Sunday! I am on CD28 I am just praying my LP is long enough. AF is supposedly due May 15th, so it is cutting it fine, eek! FX'd crossed!

Anyway, enough about me...hope you're all doing ok! where is Bumblebee? I miss her! she may be in the NTNP forum now though, as she was going to try the pill to sort out her cycles, wasn't she. hope she's ok - and 'hi' Bumbs, if you're reading this :hugs:

Beets - hope your mum has been doing alright with the chemo and it's not too distressing for her or for you :hugs: Bet you did well at your gift fair! also hope you're not feeling too despondent about the poor love. It's always so horrible waiting for O - even worse than the real TWW at times! and my OTWW is three weeks or more feels even longer! :dohh: keep wining and dining and concentrate on moving in with your OH I say!

Polaris - you ARE an inspiration. wow. glad you manage not to take too much of your work home with you. many thanks for the O advice too!

Carine - ooh, how exciting about testing on mother's day...I'm with leylak (hi!:hi:) in that you should probably just weigh up how much you want to test with OH, compared to testing on mother's day - and perhaps more importantly how you'd feel if you didn't get the BFP (yet) on that day. would you be disappointed? if so, then I say leave it another day or two if you possibly can, just to make the results that much more satisfying! (though secretly I know that if it was me I would probably test anyway as it would be great if it worked out - and if it was a negative I would try not to worry too much and test again in a few days anyway, tee hee! :blush:) so whatever you do I'm sure you'll do it sensibly and hope you're very happy with the decision :flower:

I'm very excited about possibly entering the TWW tomorrow - just praying I see those temps rise to confirm it!!! eek! xxx
Quick check in here! On my way out to dinner with my little sister!

Beetle, hope the gift fair was a success! I haven't adequate words for what you and your mother are going through with the chemo process, but I wish you both strength and health and good days ahead. Hope your OTWW just flies by!

Morticia, sounds like you're in great shape and giving yourself the best chance possible this cycle! It's wonderful that you and DH are both invested in TTC and working together ;) Congrats on powering through the fatigue so you can catch that egg, and fx for your temp rise!!

Thanks Beetle, Leylak, and Morticia for weighing in on my testing dilemma! I am going to test tomorrow because I already mentioned it to my mom, and she wouldn't hear of me backing out. She will probably set an alarm tomorrow morning and drag me to the toilet herself.

I think I will be okay with a BFN, because I just can't believe that I would actually be pregnant. I am really not expecting a positive, and it will only be 12dpo so I'll just test again on Tuesday ;)

Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend, relaxing and resting up for the week ahead! Here's to another day closer to having a baby!

Guh! Even my quick posts are long-winded. Sorry ladies!

BFN, and feel okay. Would have been a nice surprise but now I get to test with DH! :) FF is telling me to test on Wednesday so I'm going to wait until then.

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