Team No-Test!

Hi Bumble,

So, so excited to hear your result on Sunday...amazing that you're lasting this long!! VERY impressed, girl! :happydance:

I think I *might* have to hold off from my B&B addiction a little over the next month girls :cry: I'm worried it's making me obsess more than I am already...I seem to be on here constantly...reading through all the threads and self-diagnosing symptoms....I feel really blue about AF arriving this week and even though you girls are totally amazing, surrounding myself with so much info just might not be the best thing for me. I think I have a tendency to get really immersed/obsessed with things and I know that can put on more pressure and thus make it less likely to get a BFP anyway!

I'm not talking about doing anything drastic...and hope you understand. :hugs: But I might just try and limit my B&B time to a set time, once a day - a quick log in to see how everyone's doing, at, say 2pm or something.

If you see me on here more often than that then tell me off as it obviously won't be working! :haha:

Loads of love and good luck to you Bumbs xxx:kiss:
Morticia - I totally know where you are coming from on the B&B addiction. This is what I do instead of POAS LOL. But you are right it can get a bit obsessive and I sometimes ban myself from reading random threads and just check in with my couple of favourite threads.

Bumblebee - I really think you must be pregnant! So exciting, I can't wait for you to test on Sunday. Do you know how long is your LP usually? Raised temperatures at 18 dpo are a very good sign and your other symptoms sound promising too. :happydance::happydance:

When I had my son, I didn't have any symptoms at all until about 14 or 15 dpo. I was so sure that I didn't have a chance that month because we didn't BD at the right time at all (4 days before ovulation). So maybe that was why I had no symptoms, because I was so convinced I couldn't be pregnant. At about 14 or 15 dpo I did start feeling just a little bit strange, not queasy but kind of lightheaded at times and a bit of an unreal feeling. My boobs were tender too but I always get that after ovulation anyway. I was charting and my temperature took a big drop at 13 dpo and I was so sure that AF was on her way but it went up again the next day. I held off on testing until 16 dpo and got a really strong line on a FRER. I was so surprised because I was so sure it wasn't our month due to timing. Then I was convinced all the way through the pregnancy that Thomas must be a girl because they say that female sperm live longer while waiting for the egg. When he was born and OH said he was a boy I was like "are you sure?" LOL.
mort, i understand you and i will try my best to tell you off when i feel you should be working instead! :p

polaris, thanks for the info and your positive and lovely words :flower: ! i very much hope i am pregnant too! i was sure from the very beginning of my cycle that i dont have a great chance as OH went on a trip for 8 days in my fertile week. we bd´d on the friday before ovulation (back then i was convinced i wont ovulate until tuesday or wednesday (CD17/18).
i didnt feel any different all month except that i got sore bbs much later than usually and now they are MASSIVE and hurt and i never got the usual pre af cramping. every now and then i get a little twinge but not as painful and often. to be honest i had more symptoms last month! haha...

I will post my chart and you can have a look at it. My cycles have been consistent for over 6 months now, i came off bcp june2010 and it didnt take long to get back to normal. once before, i had a 40 day cycle but we werent trying and i didnt temp.
i know that my lp is always 14/15 days. which makes me at least 17 dpo today.

its only our 2nd month of trying so i am not too upset if it turns out to be af being a bit weird. but id like to know what could be causing this delay?!!

so you let it be a surprise til you gave birth? thats a wonderful idea. i dont know if OH would want that. he said he would like to find out with the first two and then have a surprise baby.

will you be finding out the gender this time?

lots of :dust: and :hug: xx

My Ovulation Chart
Hiya Mort, wow you feel EXACTLY how I felt when I got AF this month - I was soooo disappointed and I did think that B&B does make you very aware of EXACTLY what is going on with your body at any one moment in time! I think if you limit to your one thread and not obsess over every thread that comes in, that will take the focus off it a bit. I have to admit this month I was checking it way more than I should have done but you guys are all so supportive on this thread and its nice to share thoughts/concerns with people who understand!!!

Bumble ... I like everyone else think that you must be preggers. Even FF say that if your temps stay high for 18 consecutive days then there's a very good chance you are pregnant!!! Can't wait to find out! you'll have a v. strong line hopefully and then not too long in your first trimester before scans and things! Ooh getting ahead of myself here but I am soooo excited for you!

Polaris! Welcome to the lovely gang! I will keep everything crossed for your BFP and good luck in holding off testing!

Mort .. enjoy the wine and sushi! I'm out to lunch and dinner tomorrow to celebrate my birthday! Yippee and then away for the weekend so I may not be able to check B&B but i'll be thinking of you Bumble!!!

Lots of love to you all! xxx
Oh Bumble Im so excited for you!! So sure your signs are positive!!

Beets - have a great birthday wont you!!? Lots of love to you!! x

Hey Polaris - I know Ive had my BFP but I stay in this thread cus I love the girls here! You will LOVE it!! And I hope you all join me in the first trimester forum soon!!

Mort - I understand where youre coming from buddy!! Hope you feel ok - enjoy your treats!!

Well I thought I was out of the 2ww BUT I still have waiting to do. I visited my dr to book in etc and because of my previous ectopic they are sending me for an early scan to make sure everything is in the right place (dont want to lose my remaining tube!!)
Its SO nerve wrecking!! Going next wednesday so please keep the positivity going for me?!

Ive been all excited and premature in setting up my tickers in the signature box etc!! But Im a grown up and have to understand that this might not work out for me!! However, I AM known as Miss Positivity!! So I will continue to be pregnant and celebrate!!

Lots and loads and bajillions of love to you all!! xxxxxxxxxx
Hey girls! Thanks for the warm welcome everyone, you girls are great!

Bumblebee, your chart looks fab! That definitely looks like a pregnancy chart to me. I am very excited for you! The Friday before ovulation would definitely still be fine, it only takes one sperm to make it after all.

Farmerswifey - good luck with the scan on Wednesday, I'm sure everything will be fine and it's just a necessary precaution. At least you don't have very long to wait and it will be nice to see that everything is progressing as it should be. I will keep everything crossed for you but I'm sure you don't need it because everything is fine!

Beetle - happy birthday tomorrow and enjoy your weekend away! At least you can have a couple of drinks and not have to worry about staying away from risky foods. Next month will hopefully be the month for your BFP.

Well I have started spotting so I'm pretty sure AF is on her way. I got a bit carried away with myself earlier today and was looking up due date calculators and planning how I would tell work, family, etc. So I am a bit disappointed. But really I'm just glad that I ovulated and it probably is better to have a proper period before getting pregnant again. Also I have an important work project this December/January so the timing wouldn't really have been ideal. So I am looking on the bright side.

Hope everyone else is well.
Hi girlies! :flower:

Wow - I feel more positive and relaxed and calm than ever, I have to say - since deciding that I'm going to NOT obsess this next cycle and just enjoy BD-ing, thus making it more fun for DH, rather than this controlling harpie who keeps banging on about OPKs and forcing him to perform when he's knackered, ha ha! :haha: I might - and this is big, as I've been doing it so rigorously...even stop charting my temps. Though that would be a BIG step because they're just a good clue into where I am in my cycle! I might try it anyway though - and rely on my CM as an indicator of O instead. We'll see...have heard a few people say that the month they stop actively trying is the month they get their BFP, so you never know! :thumbup:

Anyway - enough about me, me, me - HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEETS!!!! woohoo, hope you celebrate in style and just think about the year you've got ahead...your mum hopefully feeling *much* better, moving in with OH and pretty soon, I'm sure, that long-sought-after BFP!!! yay! and thanks for being so understanding about how I feel about getting AF this month, too. mwah.

Polaris - same to you hun, it's so nice having you here with us and am really sorry AF got you too. :cry: As you know, I was feeling exactly the same and getting a bit carried away and daydreaming about 'telling' people and working out my due date and everything...which only makes it more disappointing. hugs. Let's defo support each other through the next stage and beyond!!!

Farmers...MASSIVE hugs and good luck for Wednesday, like the others say, sure it's absolutely fine and you will just feel massively more relieved once you have it confirmed that you are expecting a gorgeous little baby. Keep us posted though and just concentrate on the positives, like always!

Bumble - I totally know this is your month. and I am SO happy that one of us has done it! we've been together for a couple of cycles now, hopefully it will only be a couple more before we're all continuing to hang out in the first trimester together too! wow - to think you thought you would be completely out this month because your OH was going away. You've proved that it DOES work a few days in advance...yeehaa! (N.B don't mean to get too ahead of ourselves..but things are looking VERY positive. I literally cannot WAIT til you test on Sunday!!)

love you girls! xxx:kiss:
Hi girls,
Well I don't know what to think. The spotting kept up on and off for most of the day yesterday but now it has pretty much stopped. It never went beyond moderate spotting although there was bright red blood. And my temperature is still quite high this morning. People elsewhere on B&B are strongly encouraging me to test, what do you girls think? I'm not feeling pregnant and I'm sort of tempted to wait another few days and see what my temperature does or if AF properly arrives. Or should I just bite the bullet and test tomorrow?

I'm also thinking that I might have ovulated later than FF suggests. If I take out CM data, FF moves my ovulation date to Tuesday 29th in which case I would be only 11 dpo now and we wouldn't have even BD anywhere near that date. So maybe I should just wait until maybe next Wednesday and see what happens?
hello ladies, very quick update as i am about to go outside again to enjoy this most wonderful weather! :)

temp dropped today in the morning, will see if it goes up again tomorrow. cm is still creamy and yellowish, no cramping at all! would really like to know what is going on with me, testing tomorrow morning if af doesnt get me.

have a lovely day girlies!! happy bday beetle, hope you enjoyed it yesterday and have a fab weekend!

:hug: xx
Bumblebee I hope AF stays away and you get your BFP tomorrow. I wouldn't go too much on one temperature although I know it is disappointing when you see the temperature go down. FX it goes back up tomorrow.

I know what you mean about wishing you knew what was going on. I am still spotting but still no sign of proper AF.
I just found out a couple of hours ago... I'm pregnant! I took 4 HPTs and all were positive! I swore I wouldn't test but AF is due tomorrow and I felt crampy so I just decided to test to go ahead and get the BFN out of the way, but instead, I got a BFP! I took 2 digis just to be on the safe side.I can't believe it's for real! This is a great thread! Thank you everyone for supporting one another!
Congratulations Anabella! :happydance::happydance:

I tested :bfn:.
Wish I knew what my body is doing, maybe it's just a really strange AF because it's my first one since having Thomas. But I was expecting it to be heavier than usual if anything and it hasn't gone beyond spotting really. Nothing at all since last night and my temperature is still high.
Hello everyone! Thanks so much for all my lovely birthday messages! I had a wonderful day ... got spoilt rotten and eaten more than I ever thought possible! ooops! But it was so lovely to enjoy myself and not worry about temps/food/alcohol! (oops!).

Anyway wow this weekend seems to be a bit up and down for a few of us. Congratulations Anabella - that's really fab news and wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months.
Bumble, am keeping everything crossed that AF hasn't and won't come and that you'll get your BFP! I was so hopeful that I would already be reading about your BFP today. If for whatever reason its bad news, just remember that your lovely friends here in this threat will be hear to give you virtual hugs and support. And obviously if its good news we'll be giving you BIG congrats!
Polaris! Poor you! I don't know what to think. It could be a confused AF or something else but hope you find out soon to put you out of your 'not knowing'.
Farmers ... good luck on Wednesday, I'm sure everything will be fine!
Mort! I hope you had a wonderful weekend relaxing and not thinking about anything to do with babies like me!

Looking forward to catching up with you all soon! xx
congratulations anabella!!! :hugs: wish u a happy and healthy 9 months!

:witch: got me full flow saturday midnight... glad i at least didnt waste any tests, but kind of confused WHY i was sooo late!?

anyways, i might just turn to NTNP if next month wont work. just to stop myself obsessing and just enjoy my life without testing and waiting etc. must be much nicer if i suddenly get a bfp! :)

all the best to you ladies, i will come back here as soon as i am ovulating again (which very unfairly wont be for quite a long time as this last cycle was so messy!)

thanks for the great support!!

:hug: xx
Hi Bumble ... aw I'm so sorry to hear that she got you! GROWL!!! Why do our bodies put us through such anxiety? Its so frustrating! Anyway big hugs and just focus on enjoying the next 2 weeks or so without having to worry about anything! Believe me, its made such a difference to me already - I'm definitely taking a more relaxed approach this time round!!!! I'm only reading this one thread and not obsessing so much. Now I understand my cycle and exactly when I'm ovulating I can relax a whole lot more! Anyway take care and we'll see you when we see you! xxx
Hi girlies! :flower:

Anabella - congrats!!! another lovely lady getting their BFP on our little thread. In a couple of months there'll be none of us left! (hopefully - in the nicest way possible!)

Glad you had a wonderful birthday, Beets, in this AMAZING weather. I was out in the garden all day on Saturday, sunning myself!

Polaris - how confusing for you :shrug: I know how you feel because I always feel in total limbo each month when I get my dreaded spotting. I spend half the time convincing myself it *could* be IB...then even when AF arrives for her usual two days of full flow I *still* read up on loads of threads from women who say they bled quite heavily and still got their BFP. :blush: That's the hardest part...convincing yourself, and then being disappointed...though in this case, seeing as you could have O'd later than you first thought, I wouldn't give up hope. Give yourself a realistic goal - ie. perhaps testing on Friday, or at the weekend, if you still don't have AF by then? Good luck hun and hope the wait isn't too agonising. :thumbup:

Now Bumble....oh hun I am SO sorry. :cry: I really was holding out for you SO much...and can only imagine how disappointed you are. You have been amazingly positive and I know it's only your second month of trying, plus you have a great idea re. the SMEP - but it is still really horrible to see AF arriving finally when you've had such a good feeling about something (and - to make it worse - she's late! what the hell?!!) Anyway, am really sorry and lots of :hugs: to you and let's hang out in here in about two or three weeks time when we're certain to get a whole host of other BFPs. For now, just do loads to take your mind off it - have a nice big glass (or three!) of red wine, eat loads of sushi and chocolate and other things you love but usually try and avoid, watch films and have nice long hot baths. Then, in about a week, we can all start seducing our DHs again - at least they get a bit of a rest from us sex-mad women!!!

Love you girls xxx
Hi girlies.

AF got me too this morning - and she's here with a vengeance! First AF in over two years which is mad! So I'm guessing that I can expect a heavy one. I'm actually not disappointed about not being pregnant, just relieved that AF has finally shown up - and also hoping that I don't have too long of a wait until ovulation (I have NO idea when that might be).

Bumblebee - I think I'm more disappointed for you than I am for me, I was SO sure that this was your month. I hope you will still stay with this thread if you do decide to go NTNP. I am supposed to be NTNP actually but I'm just not able to do it, I love temperature charting because at least I feel like I know a bit more about what my body is doing. I found that I obsessed possibly MORE when I wasn't charting because I had no idea where I was in my cycle and just kept thinking I was pregnant all the time. So basically I love the idea of NTNP but just haven't quite been able to manage it.

Beetle - so glad that you had such a lovely birthday. And as you say nice to be able to eat and drink what you wanted without worries. What age are you if you don't mind me asking?

Morticia - thanks for your kind words. What you say about the spotting is so true, it is a bit of a nightmare. I also made the mistake of googling spotting before period and even though most of the sites said that it was normal and nothing to worry about, I still managed to scare myself - damn google!
hey ladies, thank you all soooo much for the supporting words! :hugs:

i am not as disappointed as i thought i would be and did exactly what you said mort, i had chocolate and some wine and dh was super nice, took me out for dinner on sunday and gave me a lovely massage! :)

this cycle will be as casual as it can possibly be... i will temp but that is the only thing i will be doing! fingers crossed!

enjoy the weather girlies, will be checking back in here in 2 days.

:hug: xx
Just an update for you lovely ladies.

Im not out of the woods yet :(

Had an early scan today but they cannot rule out another ectopic yet! The sac is visible but very small and they are not sure if its just too early or whether this pregnancy is failing. Im trying to figure out my dates in a different way and I suppose I could have not ovulated until the 19th which would make it a little early to scan.

Having blood tests done today and friday to check hormone levels.

Will let you all know then. Please send me some positive vibes and healing energy!!

Lots of love to you all xxxx
Just an update for you lovely ladies.

Im not out of the woods yet :(

Had an early scan today but they cannot rule out another ectopic yet! The sac is visible but very small and they are not sure if its just too early or whether this pregnancy is failing. Im trying to figure out my dates in a different way and I suppose I could have not ovulated until the 19th which would make it a little early to scan.

Having blood tests done today and friday to check hormone levels.

Will let you all know then. Please send me some positive vibes and healing energy!!

Lots of love to you all xxxx

Hi farmers :flower:
Just literally logged in and nobody had posted today and then you popped poor thing...I know you're anxious and understandably so BUT you have to try and stay positive. You are still very early on and yes that could be one reason why the scan isn't showing up anything very clearly, you could be less far along than you think if you did O later thing to do if at all possible (though know it feels impossible) is to TRY not to panic or put your body under any stress at all. Don't panic until you *have* to, if you see what I mean...and have everything crossed that you won't have to! The only panicking I want you doing is that, 'Oh crap I'm about to give birth!' panic when you're 9 months gone!! :happydance:

Philosophically, you can't do anything about it until you get your blood results for now, keep doing everything a pregnant lady should - resting, eating well, getting lots of sleep and cuddles. If it's any relief at all, the weekend isn't far away and you will know exactly where you stand by then. and with OH by your side you can face anything. :hugs:

Keep calm and stay the lovely positive person we know you are. Lots of love and thinking of you. :hugs: xxx

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