Team No-Test!

AF just was kind of funny because this morning my temp dropped again, and FF moved my O date again, putting me at 17dpo. Then, a half hour ago I was so frustrated, looking at my calendar wondering what on earth is happening, when I said aloud, "I HAVE to be starting today!" and stomped to the bathroom to check CM. Sure enough, AF had begun! I guess I scolded her into showing her face, ha.

When I put it into FF, my O date was readjusted to the same as it was before this morning and I finished with my normal LP of 14 days and a 33 day cycle! When my cycles were consistent they were 32 or 33 days, so I'm pretty happy with that! I called my FS and left a message with the news, so I assume I'll get the second round of Clomid called in to the pharmacy in the next couple of days.

Good luck to everyone, whether you're waiting for O or waiting to test! I will of course be checking in to hear all the latest :)
Sorry to hear that AF got you Carine. She's on her way here too.

Morticia - I read up on B6 on your suggestion and I'm definitely going to try B Complex vitamins this month. Fingers crossed it will sort out the spotting for both of us and lead to a BFP!
Hello girlies, firstly carine, so sorry that AF showed! She is wicked. But at least your cycle is much improved with the Clomid - that's VERY exciting.

Mort and Polaris, B6 (and Agnus Castus) greatly helped me with my cycle problems (PCOS) so hopefully it will work for you. I tended to do either B6 or Agnus Castus not both together but I'm sure there's no harm. Maybe check with a naturopath.

Well I'm damned frustrated. I can't get my OH to see me during my most fertile time. Its the squash season championships and he's playing squash pretty much every night and wants to stay in London rather than be here in Hampshire DOH - I've even offered to come up to London but he's reticent. Squash means alot to him so I have to be understanding even if I don't feel it inside! If OV is normal then I'm due to OV CD 16 which is Tuesday. at the moment I'm going to be lucky if we BD on Sat eve/Sun a.m. but not looking hopeful for Monday or Tuesday at the moment! Even if I did see him, he would be knackered! My OH is so stressed with the squash as well as sorting out flood damage etc, the last thing on his mind is babies just now even though he says he wants them. Its so hard. I guess I should just write this month off but that's hard too. Hmmm.

Mort thanks for your kind words about him moving in. Well, he isn't going to do that until the flat is sold - and at the moment the damage needs to be sorted first (surveyors in next week) and then decorated before on the market, so who knows when it will all be over - maybe autumn? Trying not to get impatient but my damned clock is ticking really rather noisily!

Farmers - thanks for the update on the farm ... I was brought up on a farm and used to hand rear lambs that had been rejected. So sweet! was a v. tiny farm in Kent! Do you still do aromatherapy? Do be careful about oils you are using now. Have a look at my pregnancy range Getting alot of fab feedback on it too. Also written a couple of Blog articles - Mort - do have a look - being a journo I'm sure you'll find holes all over it but interesting article on infertililty and another one on pregnancy and aromatherapy! My first Blogs! Oooh I'm wittering on now! Next time I promise to be positive! XX
Hey again!

Mort - you cant take part in lambing when you are pregnant as certain infections can be passed from sheep to people. When a ewe miscarries or passes a dead lamb - if you handle the lamb or the afterbirth you can catch various infections and get quite ill. You even have to be careful handling clothing or boots that have been around lambing (hence DH has been doing his own washing!! lol)
When you are lambing a few hundred sheep you get a small percentage of still born lambs and although its sad it nature. You dont know until they are born usually so its best just not to join in. I cant say that Im sorry because its a 24 hour thing for a few weeks!

So - Lambing is actually over for us now but Im sticking to the cows for the time being. Interesting fact for you here - cows have a 9 month gestation just like us! (sorry for being boring!! but I used the cow birth chart to figure out my due date!! LOL!!)

Love you ladies!!

Wow - I seriously find that all fascinating Farmerswifey! thanks for telling me about it! also - I'm intrigued - can you tell when a sheep or a cow is pregnant? do they exhibit early signs and symptoms - like an animal's TWW?! amazing! really really glad you're doing so well and still visiting us! fingers crossed we'll be joining you soon :happydance:

Carine - so sorry hun about the horrid witch :cry: really feel for you, though agree with the others that your cycles sound fab and much, much shorter than usual. :hugs: treat yourself with loads of chocolate and red wine to banish the horrid AF feelings!

Mummyemmy - holding out for you! Good luck this weekend!

Pol - sorry that AF seems to be on her way, booooo. Hope things get clearer for you very soon. and definitely look into B6, or a B complex - I've heard really good things. after this cycle hopefully I'll be reporting some positive differences too! I'm 6dpo and usually spotting starts on 7dpo, so will be a miracle if it stays away all weekend!

Beets - wow, your website looks FAB! I haven't had time to look properly but I will definitely check it out. how lovely to see you after all this time! :flower:
as for your OH dilemma...oh how annoying, totally sympathise. that SUCKS. could you perhaps talk to him to let him know how important it is to you, and that you're really very willing to make the effort to travel to get time together? sounds like alas he might not be in the most receptive of moods, given that he has a lot of stresses, but worth a shot. :thumbup: like we've said before though, men don't really truly understand, do they, and he may still not be thinking clearly about how important every month and each cycle is to you. might be time for another deep and meaningful? xxx:kiss:
Hi girls!!

Mort - in answer to your question - Cows show signs that they are fertile (we call this 'bulling'). They start jumping all over each other and being generally a pain in the ass! So thats when you put them in the pen with the bull for a half hour. They pretty much get preggo with the one shot - but some of them we use artificial insemination (from better bulls than ours! lol) to get a bigger or better calf. They are pregnant for nine months then they go back to milking. Some of our lovely ladies have a calf every year - others are given longer but they have to keep having calves to keep producing milk! Just like us! When they are preg we give them a short break and they are kept from milking and just put in a field to rest. It sounds a little brutal but they really are happy and healthy!

Sheep are a different story. We have fields full of them. The ewes are put in a field and we put a Tup (male) in with them at the right time. They have dye on their stomachs that leaves a mark on the back end of the sheep when it has been 'served'. That way we know which has been seen to and which havent. Its AMAZING how a Tup can serve tens of sheep in one day!!!!!
They pretty much fall preggo too as they find it easy. We scan them over the winter so that we know how many lambs they are expecting and put them in different sheds depending on how many (1,2 or 3).

We scan the cows too and get a good result usually. Around 80% will hold and some dont take or lose the calf.

There are so many similarites that I have seen - scans and such. I even got to watch the vet do a c-section on one of my fave cows when the calf got stuck. Ive delivered my fair share of calves and lambs but this year - no heavy work so Im out!

(just read that back to myself - sorry its long and boring! Lol!)

BEETS!!! Im on my way to check out your products right now! Cant beleive you used to farm too! We have alot in common! lol. I really have to put my oil box away right now cus I LOVE Rose oil and I know its dangerous in pregnancy. Doh!

Sorry to those who have AF. Boo!! Af sucks. I want you all to join me very soon!!

Love you all xxxxx
Hi girls!!

Mort - in answer to your question - Cows show signs that they are fertile (we call this 'bulling'). They start jumping all over each other and being generally a pain in the ass! So thats when you put them in the pen with the bull for a half hour. They pretty much get preggo with the one shot - but some of them we use artificial insemination (from better bulls than ours! lol) to get a bigger or better calf. They are pregnant for nine months then they go back to milking. Some of our lovely ladies have a calf every year - others are given longer but they have to keep having calves to keep producing milk! Just like us! When they are preg we give them a short break and they are kept from milking and just put in a field to rest. It sounds a little brutal but they really are happy and healthy!

Sheep are a different story. We have fields full of them. The ewes are put in a field and we put a Tup (male) in with them at the right time. They have dye on their stomachs that leaves a mark on the back end of the sheep when it has been 'served'. That way we know which has been seen to and which havent. Its AMAZING how a Tup can serve tens of sheep in one day!!!!!
They pretty much fall preggo too as they find it easy. We scan them over the winter so that we know how many lambs they are expecting and put them in different sheds depending on how many (1,2 or 3).

We scan the cows too and get a good result usually. Around 80% will hold and some dont take or lose the calf.

There are so many similarites that I have seen - scans and such. I even got to watch the vet do a c-section on one of my fave cows when the calf got stuck. Ive delivered my fair share of calves and lambs but this year - no heavy work so Im out!

(just read that back to myself - sorry its long and boring! Lol!)

BEETS!!! Im on my way to check out your products right now! Cant beleive you used to farm too! We have alot in common! lol. I really have to put my oil box away right now cus I LOVE Rose oil and I know its dangerous in pregnancy. Doh!

Sorry to those who have AF. Boo!! Af sucks. I want you all to join me very soon!!

Love you all xxxxx

Wow!!! that's not boring at all - it's fascinating!! and I honestly never knew that the reason lots of sheep have red dye on their backs is to signify that they've been having a night (or moment!) of passion with a 'tup'! it's amazing how similar it sounds to us, isn't it? one more question (sorry!) - a sad sheep and cows react when they have a stillbirth or miscarriage? do the mothers mourn? xxx
Hey Mort

Cows do react to a still birth and its pretty sad to see them do so. They seem to get over it quickly though. Even after a healthy birth we tend to take the calves away after a day or two as the cows get back to normal and we have a sort of 'nursery' where all the littluns are reared together. They still get to drink their mothers milk but it has to be from a bucket then. The cow will call to their young for a few days (horrible sound). To be honest I hate that part but its how things are done!

Sheep are a little different. If a ewe has a still born, we take a lamb from a ewe that has had 3 lambs and give it to the ewe that has nothing. If you do this quickly enough it will take and believe that its their own offspring. This also helps the sheep that had 3 to look after! lol! Less work. They pretty much share and share alike but we seperate them into pens (mothers and lambs) until they are ready to put into a field. You may have noticed they all have numbers sprayed on so we know who belongs to who.

We have even brought a couple of 'spare' lambs from another farm to give to a ewe that had still borns. So although it sad - the ewes on our farm never know its happened because we always give them a lamb to rear! Good eh?
Miscarriages are common in sheep but they dont seem to react at all - just wait for the next cycle really.

Cows support each other and have friends! Sheep are stupid and dont know anything! Love em all though.

I like cows better!

i am sooo sorry that i havent been online for soo long! it also took me a day to read all the posts from the past 3 weeks! cant believe its been that long.

i am writing to inform you of the horrible witch, ntnp isnt as easy as id wished but i am relaxed, picked up yoga again to get myself ready for baby and OH and i have fingers crossed for a very soon bfp!!!

we also booked a relaxing 5star holiday in egypt in a months time, we cannot wait! :)

as always my lovely ones, i wish you all the best and lots of luck to get a bfp!!

unbelievable farmerswifey you are 10 weeks pregnant! amaaaziiing!!! :hugs:

miss you, thinking of you, sending lots of positive vibes!

:hug: xx
Spotting has stopped totally since yesterday evening. I keep running to the loo to check, LOL. Haven't a clue what's going on now. But I think this might have happened last month too because that's why I ended up doing a pregnancy test. Don't even know when I ovulated, grrrr, I hate all this uncertainty. I wish AF would hurry up and arrive if she's coming!! But I think I might be only about 9 or 10 dpo so I could have a while to wait still.

Yesterday I got confirmation of an important work commitment for the week of 20-24th February 2012 so ideally I would prefer to be able to meet that commitment, which means that I should probably try to avoid getting pregnant next month and go back to TTC the following month. It's very hard to do that though when you feel that time is not on your side!
Hi Bumble! Egypt sounds AMAZING! How exciting for you!

Polaris, I'm sorry your cycle has you in the dark. Uncertainty is just the worst! Hopefully AF stays away! If she does, when do you think you'd test? Maybe in a week?

As for your Feb work commitment, it is tough trying to plan TTC around future obligations when it feels like every month is crucial. Maybe you're pregnant now and the whole thing is moot! :) Alternatively, if you really don't want to take a month off, perhaps you could NTNP that cycle and employ the "if it's meant to be" line of thinking.

That said, I understand that sometimes you really do have to put baby-making on hold when it comes to your career and other major responsibilities. We will probably be stopping TTC indefinitely after June (when I turn 29) because I can't have a baby during final exams, graduation, studying for and taking the licensing exam, or in at least the first year at my job out of law school. I say "probably" but there's really no choice, I just don't want to!

Once again, the TTC-er's lament: one wishes it could just be easy!

Happy Weekend, ladies! Fx for you all. Oh, and Mort, I would love to hear about the awards show! Give us a dose of fabulous!

Hi everyone!

Well I caved and took a test when dh got home tonight and I can't believe it, I got a bfp! Which makes me 4 weeks today! I genuinely thought I'd be ttc for a while yet so I'm a bit shocked!

Good luck to you all, baby dust!

Emma x
Thanks Carine for your kind words. You are so right about everything. I'm so sorry to hear that things will be going on hold for you after June, it is so hard to do even though logically you know the reasons for making the decision. You will just have to get your BFP this month then! When would you be able to TTC again if you do have to wait to get through finals etc? I guess it would have the advantage that you would have all your studying finished before starting a family. But I really do know what you mean, I was all set to TTC in 2006 and then I got offered a place on a doctoral training programme and felt that I had to accept it and so TTC was put on hold for three years. It was very hard and I worried so much about my age and whether I would be able to get pregnant and whether I would regret my decision for ever if it turned out I couldn't get pregnant later. I was 34 when I had Thomas but thankfully I had no problems getting pregnant and had a very easy pregnancy. So in the end it was the right decision for me to wait. But it does mean that I feel the pressure of age now because I am 36 now. (And I would love to have three! but would feel blessed with two!)

Bumble - sorry to hear that the nasty witch got you but I am just a tiny bit jealous of your 5 star holiday!

Farmerswifey - so interesting to hear about the calfing and the lambing, it is an area I do not know anything about and it really is fascinating to hear you talk about it. Hope all is progressing well with you.

Beetle - so frustrating that OH is being uncooperative. I truly do not think that men have any idea what TTC is like for us women!

Mort - how were the awards? And how is the TTW going? I can't remember when you said you would be testing?

I have no clue when to test because I don't really know where I am in my silly cycle. I would probably have said next weekend but we have visitors so I don't really want to test with them there. So I don't know. From CM and ovulation pains I thought I ovulated last Thursday but that doesn't match with my temperatures and would mean I started spotting at 4 dpo. :shrug: Of course I've been off googling spotting at 4 dpo and found loads of sites saying it could be IB but I think unfortunately it's more likely to be a hormonal imbalance due to breastfeeding.
AF got me this morning. I am actually fine about it, sort of relieved that the uncertainty is over and on to a new cycle. I've decided we will probably take a break this month due to the work commitment next year and I will just take Vitex and B6 to try to sort out my cycle a bit. I'll still be popping in to see how you girls are doing though, and I'll be back with you properly next month!
Hi girlies! :flower:

Mummyemmy - congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woohoo, well done you! what day were you on in your cycle when you got your BFP? :happydance: amazing!! another BFP for our little group!

Bumbs - welcome back sweetie, missed you!:hugs: your holiday sounds great, and sounds like you're doing really well despite the frustration of NTNP. keep relaxing and having a great time with your OH and I'm sure it will happen for you!!

Carine - sorry that you're on a bit of a time limit (until June)...all I can say is that I totally understand and in a way if you decided not to go for it again until after your final exams are out of the way and everything then at least you will be in the best position possible - nothing to distract you from studying and getting an amazing result and setting your career up for life. you're very brave and sensible and are bound to be successful! :thumbup: (and hey, you never know, you may suddenly find out you're preggy before June anyway!):kiss:

Pol - sorry about your erratic cycle, and AF, poor you. :hugs: I don't blame you for having a month off next cycle, if you've got something really important at work to deal with. but again, you never know what's going to a way it seems as though for all us working women, it's never going to be an 'ideal' time to get pregnant, is it? there'll always be *something* that gets disrupted or perhaps isn't the best situation. but what's meant to be is meant to be, and I'm sure we'll all be so happy and thrilled whenever it does happen that it'll take our minds off work anyway!!! but yes, so sympathise, and you too seem to be taking the very brave and sensible approach to everything - just like carine.

Farmers - thanks sooo much for all the fascinating lessons in farming!! I love it! and massive hugs to you and bubs!!!:hugs:

Beets - hope you're ok hun and read your blogs on your website...they were fab!!! you're a writer too, you should've told me!!!:thumbup:

AFM...the awards were great, thank you, not so many A-listers this time but did get to speak to JLS (boyband), Lewis Hamilton and Nicole Scherzinger, the Inbetweeners, Mat Horne (Gavin and Stacey), Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, Katie Waissel (X Factor last year) and Ed Westwick from Gossip Girl - which I don't watch - but he was HOT!!!:blush: ha ha. Gwyneth Paltrow turned up as well but wouldn't stop for interviews on the red carpet, booooo! was fun though, thanks for asking ladies! I have the UK TV BAFTAs next weekend so will be sure to report back after that one too!!!

in terms of my cycle...I really, really don't want to get too ahead of myself here but I am feeling a little hopeful right now. I'm on 9dpo and usually I spot from 6 or 7dpo. this month...NO spotting!!! not even a tiny bit! (though that could be from the B6 also which I've been taking this month). I've also been getting lots of CM, I feel VERY tired (not so much physically as wanting to go to sleep at 9pm every evening) and wake up every morning with a very stuffy nose and thick throat (but that could be hayfever...). The thing I'm most excited about is the lack of spotting, so even if AF comes along, as long as I've managed to minimise that aspect of my cycle I'll consider it a victory! :thumbup:

I do only have an LP of 10 or 11 days so theoretically AF should be due tomorrow or Tuesday...will be watching carefully and hope she doesn't turn up! (even if she doesn't I won't be testing til next Saturday though). wish me luck, girls! xxx:kiss:
Hi morticia, thank you!! I got my bfp on 14dpo when af was due! I was on tenterhooks all day waiting and when she didn't appear I thought I'd take a test and low and behold it said pregnant! I still can't believe it!

Good luck to you, that's great news about the spotting, hopefully it's a sign! I kept waking up with a stuffed nose too and ive been really tired. Fingers crossed for your bfp!

Emma x
Mummyemmy - totally missed your post yesterday, think we posted at the same time! Congratulations, so pleased for you!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Morticia, your symptoms sound great. That is fantastic news about the lack of spotting, gives me hope that the B6 might help with spotting for me. Hopefully it will lead to a BFP as well, but as you say even to get the spotting sorted out is definitely massive progress! The awards sound fab, so exciting to be meeting all those celebrities (even if I wouldn't actually recognize the majority of them, LOL).
Thank you Polaris, sorry to hear af got you. Good luck for the next cycle, hope it brings you a sticky bfp!

Emma x
Congrats mummyemmy!! What fantastic news :) Wishing you happy and healthy weeks ahead!

Polaris, sounds like you're making the best of your month with B6 and Vitex. Hopefully not trying will also be relatively relaxing, and then you'll be in tip top shape for a successful TTC cycle when you start again!

Morticia!! Very promising symptoms you've got there! I'm keeping everything crossed that AF doesn't show up and you get to test on Saturday for a BFP! Also, hurray for a cycle sans spotting! That's definitely an exciting development. Congrats :) Can't wait to hear more about how you're feeling!

Thanks for the support re: our deadline. It's hard not to feel pressured and desperate looking at only two more chances, but I'm really trying to stay sane! We will be okay no matter what happens (or doesn't), and who knows what the future may bring, etc., etc., you know the drill. ;) As for current stats, I'm on CD 5 and second day of Clomid. My FS was very happy with my cycle so I've remained on the initial dose of 50mg and expect to O in about two weeks!

I hope you all have a wonderful week!

Hello everyone! Wow ... seems ages since I've checked in! Firstly CONGRATULATIONS Mummyemmy! That is so exciting, so here's wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy!:happydance:

Mort, Thanks for your kind words about my writing ability! You are too kind! I enjoyed writing the blogs, but I know I'm no writer, but I try and hope that people enjoy reading them! I wrote all the copy on my website! That was my project from last year! And how exciting for you that you haven't been spotting. I'm keeping everything crossed for a positive result for you!!!

Bumble! Long time no speak!!! I'm so not surprised you are finding NTNP difficult! Its trying to con yourself into thinking your not bothered either way when obviously that's not the case! I seriously hope you have a wonderfully relaxing holiday! sooo jealous!

Carine, I so understand your dilemma. I know all about trying to do everything, and sometimes its just too stressful!

Polaris, sorry to hear the witch came but I'm sure that you'll see a difference with the B6 and the Vitex.

Farmers ... lovely to hear from you honey! It brought back lots of memories when you were chatting about your cows! It was only a small farm that I was brought up on, and my dad isn't a farmer we just lived on the farm, so Im no farm girl but am potty about animals and the countryside in general and that is where I got my passion for plants and essential oils!!!

Quick update on me. My cycle this month has been completely up the spout! I was all expecting to ovulate on C16 (ie Tuesday) but, looking at the temps it looks like I must have ovulated on CD10 (which is very early and completely unheard of for me!). I did get EWCM around that time, but nothing showed up on CBFM no peaks - I got my first high on CD11 and I'm still getting high's so I don't know what to think! No sign of any EWCM now so I'm pretty sure we missed our chance this month! GRRRRRROOOoWWWWWLLL! Either that or I haven't ovulated and wont ovulate this cycle but I think an anovulatory cycle doesn't have distinct temperature low and then highs. If I did ovulate on CD 10 if my LP is 11 days then I'll get AF much earlier than expected! All very odd. I was pretty disappointed but until my OH actually moves in with me there isn't an awful lot we can do! So I'm going to try and chill out until he moves in. I'll still temp so I still know what's going on with my cycle as its obviously not consistent! I'm just going to try and ignore the damned big CLOCK that's ticking away. herrumph!
Mum gets the result of her CT scan on Wednesday so we are keeping fingers and toes crossed that the chemo is working. I can't bear to think of the consequences if its not!
Anyway that's my mega news over! Take care y'all! and :happydance: all round! Mwah! xx

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