Team No-Test!

Hi girlies!:flower:

Congrats mummyemmy on finding out you're having a you have one of each, how exciting! :happydance:

and BEETS - wow! after seeing what the other girls had written I too looked at your chart and it looks amazing!!! 15dpo and a level temp that's way above coverline..this is very promising indeed. I SO hope for you that it's the news you (and your mum) want, need and deserve. speaking of which, massive, huge hugs. can't even begin to imagine how hard it must be for you as a family, going through what you're going through. hope your meeting at the hospice went ok (as ok as it could be, given the circumstances). stay strong and take every day as it comes. :hugs:

Ley - good news that you're getting checked out, it would be a real shame if you had had two chemicals in a row, but on the flip side, would be a good sign that everything is working as it should and you are conceiving, it just hasn't been THE ONE yet. fingers crossed you feel fine and everything goes well from hereon in. :thumbup:

hope everyone else is ok...I've been doing great, bump getting bigger all the time - am feeling a bit worried right this minute though. :nope: I went to the toilet when I got to work this morning (about an hour ago) and saw a tiny bit of brown blood on my pantyliner, just like I had at 9 weeks pregnant. nothing else has come since, I have no other symptoms at all and I know that brown blood = old blood, but can't help worrying. I haven't told anyone and think the best option is to see how it goes for the rest of the day and if it gets worse, goes red or I have any cramping, then will leave work and go to the docs or the hosp immediately. I'm 18 weeks today, which worries me more, but on the flipside I guess perhaps that I'm just a 'spotter'...I used to be before being pregnant, so maybe that's just going to be something I'm prone to? When I went for a routine appt last week they said there was a slight trace of protein in my urine and sent it off to check if I might have an infection, so could be connected to that - I've also been quite constipated, so perhaps it's that. I've also been doing a bit of exercise (walking, swimming etc) so perhaps I need to rest more, I don't know. just needed to share with you girls as was feeling panicky.

love ya xx:kiss:
BEEETS! Come on! I can't wait. Actually.. I can wait, as long as you come back with good news! :dust:
I went to the dr yesterday. It was private and very well worth it. He considered everything I told him, short LP, temps showing clear ovulation etc..
This month, he will monitor the eggs and probably give me a trigger shot and then progesterone for my short LP. Yesterday was CD8 and one of my follicles was already big. I knew that o. was soon because of the increased EWCM and knew that it was on the left thanks to the ovulation pains. If we don't succeed this cycle, next month I will get HSG. He would do it this month but ov seems near so we decided to postpone. I hope we won't need it at all. Without the HSG results, nothing seems wrong yet. BTW, yesterday I forgot to mention about the suspected chemical thing :dohh: I was reluctant as he could have just ignored it but his general attitude was nice so maybe he could have taken it seriously. Anyways, there is no way we can know it so he wouldn't do anything about it.
YAY! :happydance:
I checked Beetle's chart first thing in the morning.
I hope this is a healthy sticky tiny bean!
Beetle - congratulations!!!! I'm sooo pleased for you. You really deserve this bit of good news. I really hope that it has come in time for your mum. :hugs:
Hi everyone, sorry for the radio silence! Yes its a BFP! Naturally too! (well done Farmers for her prediction!). Actually I tested early at 12 DPO because I was seeing mum that same day and I knew she was going downhill. I had my first inkling at 9dpo when we were actually sitting in the family conference at the hospice and I felt pinching pain on first one side and then the other side around my ovaries and thought hmm, I hope this is it! So with a positive FRER on 12dpo I went to tell my mum and dad the good news. They were shellshocked but delighted and I can still remember the smile on mum's face! Sadly she has significantly deteriorated since then and we are talking as few as hours or at the most days for her to live. So its all dreadfully sad. I just hope that this is a very sticky little bean which can and will ride out the emotional rollercoaster of the next few days. I've been feeling fine ... the only thing to note is trips to the bathroom in the early hours and my BBS growing through the day - they still arent painful yet! Anyway thanks for all your support and encouragement. Keeping fingers and toes crossed that all works out well.
Leyla and Polaris ... your turn next ... this thread will eventually get us all BFP's. xxx
YAAAAY beetle, I am sooo happy for you! :happydance:

have a happy and healthy 9 months!!!

as for me, had my 12 weeks scan yesterday and the little ones look perfect, both about 6cm (crown to rump) and hearts are healthily beating away! so happy!

will try to somehow upload a pic, scanner broke a few weeks ago, so quite annoyed with it but dont wanna spend any money NOW as every penny needs to be saved for the twins.

gotta go back to the hospital today for a (free as it is twins) NT screening and some bloodtest as well as a meeting with a consultant.

wish me luck, i hate needles!

congrats again beetle and mort i am happy that you are well, surely your little one is healthy and the spotting is just some random thing, maybe call your midwife or gp to ask them?!

come one leyla and polaris, you will get that BFP soon! all the best!

lots of love to everyone! xx
hope you can see them clearly as i took a picture of it with my cam.



  • TWINS 12 weeks (2).jpg
    TWINS 12 weeks (2).jpg
    31.1 KB · Views: 7
Wow, so lovely :) They are fraternal twins, right? If so, I am guessing the one on the right is a boy, the other is a girl :)
Based on the nub theory ;)
thanks leylak!

yeah they are fraternal and i am guessing same! :) that would be just amazing, one of each!

all the best to you and lots of babydust! xx
Beets!! I KNEW IT!!! That car prediction was just toooooo weird not to actually bring good news! I am soooooo happy for you. I am sending you positive vibes and wishes now for your situation as it cannot be easy in the slightest. So glad you got to give your mum the news you were hoping to give her. Remember her smile - she must be very proud of you! xxx

Bumbs - your scan pics are sooo gorgeous! What a pair of lovelys!! It would be so great to have one of each wouldnt it? Are you planning on finding out the sex at any stage?

Mort - did you check out the spotting or is everything ok now? Its hard to know when to worry and when not to isnt it! I panic at every little twinge now but in my first pregnancy nothing bothered me cus I had no comparison. If that makes sense?

Love to all of you lovely ladies and come on the rest of our groups BFPS!!!!

I had another appt. yesterday. Bloods did not come back so good. It seems that I have a thyroid antibody problem (Hashimoto's disease). Rest is mostly from my post to another thread:

Well, I saw the dr again yesterday. He seemed concerned about the high anti thyroid antibodies too. He said this could be the reason for my short LP, spotting and that we cannot conceive. Even the MC could be because of this My thyroid levels are fine, that is why nobody seemed to need to check the anti thyroids.
I did some research about Hashimoto's. All of them explain about hypothyroidism caused by that but I don't have hypothyroidism yet. Just antibodies attacking the gland. But it seems that hypothyroidism will develop if left untreated. My dr said that this is an immune problem and that those antibodies may also be attacking other things like embryos trying to implant :( or this could decrease the egg quality and hence short LP, spotting, infertility...
He prescribed cortisone. I hope this cures the problem.
Although we found something bad, I am quite relieved at the moment. I feel like we are making a fresh new start and I have the energy to cope. I am really amazed by my new doctor, I asked him lots of questions and he explained everything with patience. I trust him and I feel that he trusts me too. When I mentioned about my LP problem, previous doctors did not seem to be interested but this one really took it seriously. I had one (maybe two) suspected chemicals and I hadn't told him but he mentioned that I could be having chemicals every month because of this problem. He also asked me to get betas at 14 DPO so that we could have some quantitative proof about chemicals. I am really glad that I found him :)
oh leylak i am so sorry to hear that, my mom has the same thyroid desease (hashimoto thyrreatitis)! its not very common but i know that you can handle it.

my mom did have a baby after she was diagnosed and my sister now is a wonderful happy and healthy 9 year old! :) i wish you all the best and lots of love, i know you will get there!

as for me, i had my NT scan today and besides the little ones being very cooperative (sonographers words) :) and jumping around like crazy, i was a bit concerned as probably everyone would be i guess...

now a question for the ladies who had this scan already, is a CRL of 60mm and a nuchal fold of 1.8mm a normal outcome? they wont call me til tuesday as it is a bank holiday and they need the results from my bloodtest to work out a risk factor.

any help will be highly appreciated!!

:hug: xx
Hi girlies :flower:

First of all, sorry to worry anyone about my pesky must've just been an anomaly because I have had nothing since and am absolutely fine...phew, panic over!!! thanks for all being so sweet and concerned. :hugs:

Now...Beets - OMG!!!! :happydance: I know this is a really, really, REALLY tough time for you and you are focusing entirely on your mum...but I am just so over the moon for you. You'll have something really positive to think about, even at the darkest of times, and you'll know that you made your mum SO happy. If/when it happens, just try and think about how much she'd want you to be happy and how much joy this little baby will bring back into your life. It's SO sad and I'm so sad for you, but I'm so pleased that she got to hear your news. Massive big huge hugs and come back to us and let us know how you're doing in a few days or weeks when you're feeling up to it. xxx:hugs:xxx

Bumbs - your twins are AMAZING, so, so adorable! :thumbup: well done you, afraid I don't know much about nuchal folds etc as I probably didn't pay enough attention but it does sound familiar to the number we got, and when we had our bloods back we were told we had just a 1 in 29,000 chance of a baby with I'm sure yours are fine. are you starting to show, yet? bet you will, early on, with twinnies! SO exciting! :happydance:

Ley - so sorry to hear of your diagnosis, but your doctor does sound amazing and very informative and helpful. is it something cortisone can improve swiftly, or will it have to build up to take effect? frustrating as it is, just think that you are doing all you can to give your body the best chance of having a baby. you're doing everything right. :hugs:

Farmers, lovely to see you in here - and can't believe your car reg plate vision came true! ha ha! hope you're doing really, really well and feeling great.
Pol - love and hugs to you and Thomas.

AFM, annoyingly, I'm 19 weeks but rang the hospital this morning as we still haven't had the date for our 20 week anomaly scan...and they said there's such a big backlog that they might not be able to do it for another four or five weeks! Grrr! so frustrating - I was really looking forward to the reassurance of having it done next week or the week after. Hey ho. everything else is fine and bump getting bigger all the time! I would love to join in with predictions as per the 'nub theory' but don't understand it, oops!! I am so sure it's a boy, though!

take care girls! xxx:kiss:
hello ladies, thank you all so much for your congratulations. Sadly mum passed away yesterday. Despite the fact that we were all expecting it, its still a complete shock. I'm seeing the doc tomorrow just to confirm pregnancy although all the tests say I am, and I guess I'll be given a date to see the midwife in due course. Its so hard to completely celebrate the pregnancy when Im so sad. And I'm also mindful of the fact that I miscarried before at 6.5 weeks. But obviously I'm delighted that mum knew before she died. Am now embroiled in painful funeral arrangements and its so hard.
My OH has been a complete brick and was with me at the end as mum slipped away plus all the days leading up to it. All I know is how lucky I am to have a man as wonderful as him and to be having his baby. He told mum that he promised to look after me and I know he will!
Sorry this post is all about me! I will touch base again once I've got myself a bit more sorted! Big hugs to you all! xxxx
hello ladies, thank you all so much for your congratulations. Sadly mum passed away yesterday. Despite the fact that we were all expecting it, its still a complete shock. I'm seeing the doc tomorrow just to confirm pregnancy although all the tests say I am, and I guess I'll be given a date to see the midwife in due course. Its so hard to completely celebrate the pregnancy when Im so sad. And I'm also mindful of the fact that I miscarried before at 6.5 weeks. But obviously I'm delighted that mum knew before she died. Am now embroiled in painful funeral arrangements and its so hard.
My OH has been a complete brick and was with me at the end as mum slipped away plus all the days leading up to it. All I know is how lucky I am to have a man as wonderful as him and to be having his baby. He told mum that he promised to look after me and I know he will!
Sorry this post is all about me! I will touch base again once I've got myself a bit more sorted! Big hugs to you all! xxxx

:hugs::hugs::hugs: My thoughts are with you Beetle, it must be heartbreaking for you at the moment. It is lovely that your mum knew about the pregnancy before she died. But I can totally understand that you are not really able to celebrate the pregnancy at the moment.
Oh beetle, I am so sorry about your mum passing away but at the same time I am very happy for you and OH, also that your mum found out before she went to a better place! I am sure that she is looking down to you and your little family forever and always watch over you! Be strong, my thoughts are with you!!! :hugs:

as for me, the results came back for both babies and the risk is 1:29489 for DS, so very relieved!

mort - i hope that you will soon get your date for the scan, I am bursting to find out what you are having! we will be having one private scan in 3 weeks to find out - i know its expensive blah blah, but we both are earning enough to treat ourselves and after that we will be having scans every 4 weeks anyways! :)

and no, i am not showing yet... i wish i would as i am feeling a bit weird looking round for maternity clothes and baby things and not even have a bump yet! soon though hopefully.

happy bding polaris, seeing that you are on cd 6!!

lots of :hug: and even more to you beets! xx
hello ladies, thank you all so much for your congratulations. Sadly mum passed away yesterday. Despite the fact that we were all expecting it, its still a complete shock. I'm seeing the doc tomorrow just to confirm pregnancy although all the tests say I am, and I guess I'll be given a date to see the midwife in due course. Its so hard to completely celebrate the pregnancy when Im so sad. And I'm also mindful of the fact that I miscarried before at 6.5 weeks. But obviously I'm delighted that mum knew before she died. Am now embroiled in painful funeral arrangements and its so hard.
My OH has been a complete brick and was with me at the end as mum slipped away plus all the days leading up to it. All I know is how lucky I am to have a man as wonderful as him and to be having his baby. He told mum that he promised to look after me and I know he will!
Sorry this post is all about me! I will touch base again once I've got myself a bit more sorted! Big hugs to you all! xxxx

Much love Beets, can't express in enough words how sad I am for you :cry: thinking of you and that little bean in your belly - rest up as much as you can and stay strong. xxx:kiss:xxx
Beets - so sorry to hear your news. Sending you lots of hugs. Im so glad you were able to give your mum good news beforehand. Stay strong and dont forget we are all behind you with support and love.


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