Team No-Test!

Polaris, how are you? I checked your chart and I'm sorry you didn't ov last cycle. I hope this month it will happen. Do you think it could be because of the breastfeeding? If I ever get to have a baby, I would love to BF for 2 years. It must be the most magical thing in the world. I heard from one of my friends that when the time is right, weaning made her toddler much more mature. Are you considering weaning Thomas? (I hope I am not being nosey, just wondering :flower:)

Mort and Bumbs, I am glad that your babies are all fine! So frustrating not to be able to get a scan at 20w though :growlmad:

Last but not least, Beetle, I hope you are doing well. :hugs:

Mort, regarding your question, I don't know how cortisone will effect. I couldn't find much info about use of cortisone with Hashimoto's but my dr told me that I will be taking it even if and as long as I am pg. Maybe I misunderstood, he was talking about synthyroid. But anyways, I will be taking it for some time. Luckily, I don't have any side effects yet but I am hoping I will not have to use it for long. My dr told me that he was prescribing it because we were in a hurry (to get me pg :))
Well, my first cycle on thyroid meds, HCG shot and 50mg progesterone pill went unsuccessful :( I started the meds in the middle of the month and I did not use clomid, so maybe that is why we are not successful. But period trying to come even earlier in spite of the progesterone is really annoying. I started spotting heavily yesterday and called my dr. He told me to keep taking it as long as it doesn't look like AF. But if AF comes, I will stop the pill and let it be. Still spotting, not like implamantation at all. Even my temp dropped this morning. I have a 11 day LP and do not spot this much and this early. :shrug:
Next month, I will be on clomid and will get the dreaded HSG :wacko: I am hoping to get good answers this time.
Hi Leylak, sorry to hear that you are spotting already even with the progesterone. That is a bit disappointing. I would have expected that the progesterone would lengthen LP and reduced spotting. Not fair! Unless it's implantation which would be just super!

In answer to your question, I do think probably the breastfeeding is still interfering with my cycle, even though he only has one feed per day at bedtime. I would be happy to wean at this stage really (mainly because of TTC) but I don't think Thomas would be happy with the idea yet. We are potty training at the moment so that is enough change for him I think. I think after he turns two I will try to encourage him to wean.
Hi girlies :flower:

Ley - really sorry that you've been having some odd cycles and spotting - perhaps your body is just taking a little bit of time to adjust to the new routine and treatment? I really hope for you that even if AF does come this month, next month with clomid or just stable use of cortisone brings you some improvements, I really do. Don't give up!!! Can I just ask...sorry if you've said before, but how old are you? Time is on your side in terms of getting PG, right? sure it is! massive good luck.

Pol - that's lovely that you are still BFeeding Thomas. I completely agree that if you are lucky enough to be able to BF for a longer time, then you should really wait until both baby and you are ready to wean. I find it really strange - a friend of mine is PG and giving birth 24 Dec, but she's getting married in July next year and has already set a date in April to STOP BF (even though baby isn't even born yet!). very odd I think - surely priority should be on baby? but I think she wants to stop asap so she can lose weight for the wedding...

Beets - thinking of you and hoping you and the tiny bean are ok. :hugs:

Bumbs - how are those gorgeous twinnies?! have you felt any movement yet? most people do early on with twins, don't they!

Farmers, how are you feeling...are you a lot bigger now you're 27 weeks? amazing!!! and hi to mummy emmy and everyone else too :kiss:

AFM, I'm 21 weeks and we had our 20 week scan on Friday and everything was fine, SO relieved (I had another spotting incident last week and so they moved the scan forward rather than making us wait for a month which was a relief!). We didn't find out the gender, so still Team Yellow, but the little bean was wriggling and kicking all over the place - doc said he or she is bound to be a footballer, ha ha! (still think it's a boy! :haha:). Our pics weren't great this time because of him wriggling so much, but will try and post an update anyway - you can see five little cute toes really clearly! xxx


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ah sooo cute mort!!! did you not want to find out the gender or did the little one not let you see between his/her legs?

i think i can feel some tickles every now and then, mainly when i am lying on my side.
and FINALLY i am starting to have a little bump there, can feel that my uterus must have risen up to where my belly button (which is being traumatised) is.

we are getting really excited, finding out the genders on the 22nd! not long now! yaaay!

lots of love and luck to all of you! beets, miss you, let us know you are ok!

:hug: xx
ah sooo cute mort!!! did you not want to find out the gender or did the little one not let you see between his/her legs?

i think i can feel some tickles every now and then, mainly when i am lying on my side.
and FINALLY i am starting to have a little bump there, can feel that my uterus must have risen up to where my belly button (which is being traumatised) is.

we are getting really excited, finding out the genders on the 22nd! not long now! yaaay!

lots of love and luck to all of you! beets, miss you, let us know you are ok!

:hug: xx

Oh wow so exciting - your growing bump AND the flutters that are starting! woohoo! also VERY excited to hear what the gender is/are...I think boys!!

DH and I decided right from the start not to find out the sex - I know lots of people do, but we just want that extra 'surprise'! :) I still think it's a boy, though. Yay! xxx:kiss:
Hello all you lovely ladies! Sorry its been awhile but as you can imagine its been a pretty 'traumatic' experience all around.

Ley - I'm so glad they've found out what the problem has been and now know how to treat it. With any new treatment I'm sure your cycle may take a little while to get used to it but keep positive and it will happen.

Pol - Good to hear that you are still staying positive. I am sure that your next little one will come along when the time is right!! It may be that breastfeeding could be causing the delay but I seriously think its because its not the right time ... keep on doing what feels right and it will happen.

Farmers ... 27 weeks ... how are you feeling?!!!! Do you have any energy?! When is your DDate? Are you still working on the farm ... what's the story? Im so excited for you!

Mort ... wow can't believe you are 21 weeks already! where does the time go?!!! So exciting to see you little bean. Good for you for holding out for the 'surprise' ... I always thought I would want it to be a surprise but my OH is such a control freak he wants to know and I don't think it would work with one of us knowing and the other not!

Bumbs! Ooh two little babies! They seem so gorgeous! How are you feeling? did you have really bad morning sickness? I've heard with twins it can be bad? Im glad you are now beginning to show ... it makes it all the more real and exciting! Keep us posted. Good luck for 22nd. How exciting! Wouldn't it be perfect if you had a boy and a girl?!

AFM -Firstly I'm OK. Mum's cremation went perfectly so I'm now busy organising the thanksgiving service for 28th. Its amazing, that despite the fact that I have 2 big brothers, its been down to me to organise the lions share of everything!! There must be an unwritten code with men that its a girls job! grrrrr! Anyway on a more positive note well apparently I have a little blueberry growing inside of me! I've been feeling absolutely fine, no morning sickness at all. The only way I know I'm pregnant is that my boobs have grown up 2 cup sizes (was a 34b and am now 36D!) and I am getting constant sharp twinges in my uterus ... moreso at night but especially in the last couple of days. Plus constant trips to the bathroom in the night (but not during the day!). Oh yes and serious bloating! Nice! To the extent that I have to undo my jeans top button by the end of the day. Anyway I hope that the lack of morning sickness isn't a bad sign. I'm booked in to see midwife next Tuesday 20th but pretty sure she wont do anything exciting like trying to find a heartbeat. Still fingers crossed that all is going as it should be. Am finding the whole thing really surreal ... Am a bit numb emotionally anyway and it seems to be including the little one as well. My OH however is very excited and stressing because, you guessed it, he still hasn't sold his flat and we can't move anywhere bigger until he does. I really wanted to be in a new home and at least gone to a few NCT classes in the new area so that I had a few new friends before the baby came! ... hmm lets see how it goes! XX
Hey ladies

Sorry for my really late reply to any questions and messages. I dont know where the time goes! My DD is back at nursery now so I finally get some time to myself three times a week! That will soon change when LO is here tho huh?! lol!

Leylak - Im sending you positive thoughts but Ive just got a feeling that things will work out for you very soon. You are a positive person anyway - I can see that!

Pol - How are you doing? I agree with the others that BF is probably delaying your plans. However, you cant change that till you are ready. Just as Beets says - it will happen when the timing is better for you and your Lo.

Bumbs - How goes the twins? When are you finding out the sex? I cannot wait to hear if you get one of each or not. I used to dream of having twin boys when I was younger. So did my partner - but thats cus he wanted to develop his own work force for the farm! lol! Do you show more with twins or do they squash inside in a different way? I have no idea but I can imagine that by nine months you may be enormous having 2 LOs in there! How beautiful!! Make sure you get a maternity photo done somewhere so you can remember just how huge you were!

In fact - EVERYONE of us should get a maternity photo done at around 8 months so we can look back at how our bodies were stretched to full capacity! Nude or not - but it would be nice to look back on. Lets be brave!! Whatdya think?

Mort - Are you showing much? Your scan photo is lovely! You really can see definition! Mine was nowhere near that clear!! Im jealous!

Beets - so glad you are well and moving forwards. I cant believe you are a blueberry already! Im not sure if they can hear the heartbeat until around 14 weeks with a doppler - BUT they can certainly see them on a scan. Are you having an early scan or waiting longer? Time will fly by so quickly and before you know it your LO will be here!

I am feeling well at the minute but my back has started to play up recently. Im not sure if its because of the way I prop myself with pillows at night. Its the only way I can sleep though (one under bump - lying on my side!) My boobs are not helping tho! They were 34dd to start with and now Im in a 36f size. Maternity bvra is a blessing but they still weigh a tonne!
Im not working the farm anymore - leaving that to DH and he is insistent that I stay out of it. Can be a tad dangerous moving cows as they can charge or shove you about. Im just having a much needed break and spending quality time with my DD. Im also trying to get ready for Christmas as early as possible so that I dont have a last minute panic. Im due on 12th Dec so Ive got to get things organised. Making lots of jam with the berries I picked last night and storing our christmas fayre that I so love to give to relatives over the festive season. Not sure what to make next! I must be nesting!!!

Sorry to waffle on - I went a bit off topic. Love you ladies loads.

To anyone Ive missed - I hope you are well and being positive.

Hi girlies :flower:

So lovely to hear from you all...Beets, great to have you back and really glad everything went as well as it could under the very sad circumstances with your homage to your mum. :hugs: It's such a pain that you have to be the one to shoulder the bulk of the burden..but often men are surprisingly useless at things like this, and women end up being the strong ones - you've done your mum proud. Now OH needs to make YOU and the bean proud and sort out his flat...fingers X'd he'll get it done very soon! also keep an eye, won't you, on how you're feeling - if you feel numb or listless then there's no shame at all in going to discuss it with your GP. You should be feeling really excited about the baby but grief can reach out in lots of horrible ways...just be careful and give yourself a tonne of TLC. :hugs:

Everyone else...Ley/Pol/Bumbs/Farmers, loads of love to you - Farmers, I think your '8 months snapshot' is a great idea...DH and I have been trying to remember to take a pic of my bump every week as I'm getting really big now, it feels, in fact - how's this for a crazy idea?! why don't we post a pic of our growing bumps, if we're brave enough - Bumbs/Beets/Farmers - I am 100% confident that Ley and Pol will be joining us in no time!!!! xxx:kiss:
Hello ladies ... I'm OK with pics of bumps except that my bloat bump is probably larger than most of your baby bumps with possibly the exception of Farmers! So I'll hold off until such time as its an obvious baby bump as opposed to 'she's eaten all the pies' look!
Mort thanks for your advice ... I'm OK really, its just that I know I should be celebrating more about being pregnant and I feel that I'm holding back a) possibly because I've miscarried before and b) possibly because I'm trying to stay strong and therefore I'm not letting my emotions come to the fore or else I'll completely lose it. Hopefully once the thanksgiving service has passed and we have the scan (Farmers I don't know yet when it will be, will probably find out on tuesday after seeing the midwife) we can then tell the rest of the family and then we can celebrate!
Farmers, am loving the sound of your jam! Talk about organised getting everyone's presents for christmas but I guess you are doing the right thing as you will have your hands full come xmas time!
Mort and Bumbs when are your due dates?
Anyway Ley and Pol hope you are also OK and looking forward to hearing from you soon! Im properly back now and enjoy having positive chats with you all! xxx
Oh ladies I forgot to tell you ... but we are going to be mentioning this in mum's thanksgiving service. That my mum was only given one christian name when she was born in 1938 because she was born 4 months prematurely and they really didn't expect her to survive. They dressed her in dolls clothes as they were the only things that fitted and she was fed mainly on guinness and port! But she survived! How amazing is that?! She was written up in one of the medical journals of the time for being an unexpected survivor! Thought I'd share as its a lovely story! xx
Hello ladies! oh beets the birth story of your mom touched me. :cry: I have a premie niece who turned 5 this summer. Premature babies make me gloomy. I can't watch news about them without crying...
Mort, I am 29 (and a half :)). My doctor is hurrying because I pay him :haha: Well, because he is a proactive dr rather than a wait-and-see one.
Today I got my HSG. It went smoothly and results are clear :happydance: I had only a few cramps. I am relieved both to see the results (I was being a little paranoid about my womb) and to know that I am doing my best for a baby. I want to relax and let it come to me :)
Oh you lovely ladies, I am sorry that I dont find as much time to share everything with you as before being pregnant.

its so nice to hear from you and that all is well! :)

mort - i never wanted to find out the gender but OH really wanted to and since we are having 2 i decided that no 3 will be the surprise baby i always wanted!

beets - you are such a strong person and as mort said, you did your mom proud!! i am so happy for you that Oh and you are so excited and hope he can sell his flat so that you can find a new house soon! my duedate is march 5th, but with twins i wont go anywhere near that. my midwife reckons they will be out by 37 weeks.

farmerswifey - its a definite YES to do a maternity shoot, i have been taking one picture at 8 weeks and then one at 14 weeks and 15 weeks as that was when i could see a tiny bump. by now i look really pregnant and can feel my uterus behind my (very traumatised) bellybutton.

yesterday i had the baby on the right (cant wait to name them) moving a lot, was sitting at work and had to smile constantly as it was such a precious feeling! :cloud9:

and yes, it would be amazing to have one of each, just perfect and i have a feeling that we we do, the right side of my stomach is covered in brownish hair! i look like a yeti! well, on half a side!

lots of love and :hug: xxx
Hi Ladies!!

Had my 28 week mw appt yesterday and things are going well so far. Heard my little miracle heartbeat and it was strong and healthy.
Fundal height measurement was 27 cms so just a tiny bit under the average - however, this was EXACTLY on the line when they plot it on your custom made chart (for your body weight, height etc) so I am really really pleased!
We have firmly decided on a name for our little man too - he is going to be called ....................................

Adam Joel

What do you all think?

Love to you all

ooooooh - that was a very me me me me ME post wasnt it!? I did of course mean to ask you all how things are going - but I got caught up in the excitement! lol!!!

Come on spill it - whats happening in your lives right now?

Haha Farmers I would have done exactly the same given your news. I love the names - perfect! Congratulations. I'm sooo excited for you!

AFM slightly worrying news... I'm just over 8 weeks but because of my previous miscarriage the doc asked me to get bloods done to test my HCG levels - so had test done on Tuesday and Thursday last week. The results were Tuesday: 17559 and Thursday 18492. They have gone up but only slightly - they are supposed to double every 48 hours but can take as long as 92 hours so its cause for concern. I'm having a scan tomorrow to see if they can see a heartbeat. If they can't see a heartbeat it is unlikely to be a viable pregnancy. No spotting/bleeding or cramping at the moment so trying to stay positive. Will keep you posted. xxx
Beetle :hugs: It must be extremely worrying. HCG levels do begin to level off though at 8 to 10 weeks so hopefully the scan will show that everything is absolutely fine. I had a look online though and found this:

The hCG levels will usually double approximately every 48 hours [ 2 days ] for the first four weeks of pregnancy.
As pregnancy progresses the doubling time increases. By 6 to 7 weeks gestation beta hCG levels may take as long as 84 hours [ 3½ days ] to double.
The beta hCG may take more than 48 - 72 hours [ 2 to 3 days ] to double in 15% of normal intrauterine pregnancies.
About 17% of ectopic pregnancies have normal doubling times.

HCG Level / Doubling Time

< 1200 / 48 - 72 hours
1200 to 6000 / 72 - 96 hours
> 6000 / > 96 hours

Ultrasound findings after five or six weeks of pregnancy are much more predictive of pregnancy outcome than are hCG levels. You won't expect to see a gestational sac or the fetus until the hCG level reaches at least 1,200 mIU/ml.

Let us know how the scan goes.
Beetle, I hope the scan goes well. No cramps/bleed is a good sign. Polaris, thank you for the information.
Oh Beets you must be so worried!
However, I will tell you that I had a similar concern. At 6 weeks my hCG levels really slowed down but because the amounts were high in the first place they said at the hospital that this can happen. Once they hit a certain level they slow down dramatically. Its a good sign that theres no spotting or cramping so stay positive and let us know what happens as soon as you can!

Loads of love to you - xxxxxx
Hi lovelies, thanks for all your posts but its not good news I'm afraid. I had my scan yesterday and they could see a gestational sac but no sign of baby, fetal pole or heartbeat so looks like despite the hormone levels which are good, the baby didn't or stopped developing. Apparently its measuring about 5.5 weeks which is completely out with my dates. They want me to go back in a weeks time for a scan just in case there is any sign of life, but if there isn't they are suggesting I have a D&C on Friday. - Will be the shittiest week of my life with mum's thanksgiving service on the wednesday. Why is life so harsh sometimes? Anyway I'm trying to get my head around things. Am better today than yesterday and I'm sure as each day goes by it will get easier. That's the problem when you get to my age - the miscarriage risks for over 40 are 1 in 2. I've had 2/2 so hopefully next time the odds will be in my favour! Love you all and thanks for your support! xx
Hi lovelies, thanks for all your posts but its not good news I'm afraid. I had my scan yesterday and they could see a gestational sac but no sign of baby, fetal pole or heartbeat so looks like despite the hormone levels which are good, the baby didn't or stopped developing. Apparently its measuring about 5.5 weeks which is completely out with my dates. They want me to go back in a weeks time for a scan just in case there is any sign of life, but if there isn't they are suggesting I have a D&C on Friday. - Will be the shittiest week of my life with mum's thanksgiving service on the wednesday. Why is life so harsh sometimes? Anyway I'm trying to get my head around things. Am better today than yesterday and I'm sure as each day goes by it will get easier. That's the problem when you get to my age - the miscarriage risks for over 40 are 1 in 2. I've had 2/2 so hopefully next time the odds will be in my favour! Love you all and thanks for your support! xx

:hugs::hugs::hugs: I don't know what to say Beetle. That is awful news. This shouldn't be happening to you. It's just so harsh and unfair as you say. I have no words.

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