Team No-Test!

I'm out! Got my AF today, but you know I'm not too dissapointed it's only our 1st
Month of trying this time round and in please my AF arrived today cos it means I'm back to my normal 28 day cycle since having my bambino. So it will make it easier to work out ovulation. I've also had good news today (I've passed my final midwifery exam) so it helps that I'm in a good mood :) mort, if I were you I'd count both as ovulation, it is possible to ovulate twice. But still take your test when you were going to, baby dust to you and everyone one else! For some of you I will see you in the 2WW again in a couple of weeks! :) xxx
Hi everyone! Sorry for the comms silence ... been a manic weekend - went to see M&D for mothers day and my parents were both awake for 2 hours before falling fast asleep to leave me twiddling my thumbs! Ah well! Decided to leave and go and see a friend of mine and got a lovely Indian Head massage! Bliss!

WOW WOW WOW! Congratulations Farmerswifey and Katyberry! I'm ridiculously over the moon for you! Farmers you were my testing buddy and I'm delighted that one of us got their BFP especially after everything you've been for! You are an inspiration! And you save a fortune on tests too! hahahaha!

Gutted for those that are out with me (Noni are you ok?) but at least we can be together for next month ... I'm due to Ov on 17th April so will be testing on 2nd May or there abouts! I'm seriously enjoying the non obsessing and have had a couple of glasses of wine and planning exciting things like my OH moving in with me! Always look on the bright side! I know it will happen when my body is good and ready! ;)

Bumble, I'm very excited for you... and keeping fingers and toes crossed that you get your BFP! ooooh! And Mort, I agree with everyone else, it could well be that you O'd earlier but I also think that maybe stick to the original date as planned as that way you won't get down if you don't get your BFP plus if it is a BFP you will be 5 weeks pregnant already! (Hope that makes sense! makes sense with my logic!!).

Big hugs to everyone and keep in touch! xx
Thanks guys! really appreciate you all having a look at my chart for me and telling me your thoughts! :hugs: I'm definitely not getting too ahead of myself...I have had uber-long cycles before (42 days between Dec-Jan!) so even though it's CD33 today and still no sign of AF, I know that she could come anytime in the next week. It's so nerve-wracking! I feel really 'dry' down there (though had some creamy CM yesterday) and am a bit bunged up (constipated - sorry, TMI as usual!:blush:) but no bbs tenderness at stomach is a bit bloated today and I have been irritable/tired which could all be PMS symptoms I know. So I really have no idea - my temp was still above coverline (36.2C) this morning but only just, so it could still plummet downhill from here. AF is due tomorrow, if my 'average' cycle length is to be believed, but I don't think I'll be truly hopeful until Saturday with still no sign.

(P.S Despite all my good intentions I was almost going to test this morning...but made sure I left it really late before I needed to go to work so I wouldn't have had time! I MUST NOT DO IT - not least because I want DH to be there when I I'd be ruining the whole idea of this thread, which I started! groan!)

Seriously, though - I have to confess (and I know you'll all understand because you've all been there too, that's the thing about the TWW!) it's soooo hard. I'm a maelstrom of emotions. I'm trying really hard to think rationally: 'It's probably not BFP, don't get your hopes up' and then the next minute, without even meaning to, I've daydreamed the way we'll tell our parents if it's true, doh :dohh: I really need to calm down and stop getting prematurely excited as I'll only end up SO disappointed. but hey - if AF does appear, nothing could make me feel better than having you Beets (OMG! congrats on moving in with OH! woohoo!!!), MrsCupcake, noni, LadyL and co to see in next month's TWW with! :kiss:

Can't wait to hear from Bumble today...I just KNOW she's going to get her BFP! xxx
Ah bless you Mort! I completely understand what you are going through. Its because you want it so much and is utterly normal. Why don't you take a leaf out of Farmers book and reward yourself for not testing with a little treat?! Its definitely better to test with your DH there. Seriously though I really hope that this is your month and your system has got back into a more normal routine resulting in your BFP! I'm glued to this threat for you and Bumble ..... (and obviously anyone else who I've forgotten!) xxxx
hey honeys! :)

you will hate me for this... i still havent tested - no sign of af, massive bbs, little twinches every now and then and so emotional (i have cried today in the morning for absolutely no reason!!). i hope i will find the time to test tomorrow morning or do you think i can just test NOW (afternoon) ?

Thanks for your wonderful support ladies, its incredible how much you grew on me in the past 1.5 months of ttc. fingers crossed we will all end up with a :bfp: soon!

:hug: xx

forgot to mention that the past 3 nights i dreamt about testing positive and i also have yellowish cm (very little tho). very anxious about getting a bfn... so rather wait a bit longer! temp back up to 36.8°C this morning!
caved and tested - bfn. i thought i am seeing a hint of a line but nope, definitely not! it was just an IC and people say they are crap so might just wait until 20 dpo if af doesnt arrive.

not really disappointed tho as i know i am not 100% out yet. otherwise - yaaay another cycle of sharing obsessions with you girls!

:hug: xx
Hi bumble how late are you now?! I'm so excited for you! When I got my BFP back in November I was nearly a week late so don't worry too much and the fact that your temp is high, you are emotional and your other signs are all very positive! I would try again using FMU either tomorrow or Friday! My thoughts are with you! Are you getting up in the night too? That was a big sign for me! X x x
Bumble! Wow - that was some good self-control darling! :flower: so sorry you got a BFN...but it definitely sounds like you might get your BFP very soon, especially if you wait until 20dpo...(wow!).

I am feeling a bit sad now :cry: AF was due today and had thought there was no sign of her, so was feeling really positive, especially as temps are still up(ish) at 36.3C (up for me!)...but just went to the loo and had the faintest of pink tinges when I wiped. same thing happened last night too. I spot most months pre-AF anyway, and it always starts like this. If things follow suit I'll have super-strong AF by Saturday (my 'test' date). Am so disappointed. xx
hey girls,

thanks for your positive words... i wasnt that disapponted yesterday, didnt test today as i think ive still got time. af is 2 days late now, maybe 3, i am 17 dpo.
temp still up at 36.7°C
and yes beets, i am having trouble sleeping at the moment and wake up to pee about an hour before my alarm cant go back to sleep after! annoying as my alarm goes off at 10 to 6!

bbs are ridiculously heavy (OH didnt wanna stop touching them haha!)and i spotted some blue veins above the nipple on each side.

last night i dreamt AGAIN that i tested positive, fingers crossed i will! :)

sorry to hear about the :witch: getting you mort, stay positive until shes here full force. some women do spot during the days they expect af. :hugs:

aaah beetle, sooo excited that OH is moving in with you! :dance:
i can remember how excited it was for me to move in together last september! wanna know everything about it! when will you be ovulating again?

:hug: xx
Hiya Mort, don't be too down on yourself, as Bumbs suggested some women spot at the time they are due AF and then nothing. But if she does arrive then I'll be here for you to share your journey next month! Just make sure to have lots of fun things lined up to do if she does come along, like I did and it really helps! I have the positive in that I can have a glass of bubbly on my birthday on Friday so its not all bad.

Bumbs .. we are talking about my OH moving in with me, however he is the SLOWEST man in the universe and although it will happen, he wont move in with me until he's sold his flat in London and its not even on the market yet, so I'm thinking late summer if all goes well! I was doing some wishful thinking that if I did get pregnant it would somehow speed things up but even if that was the case I'm not too sure. (He's clinging on to his batchelorhood for as long as possible!). Sounds like you've got your head screwed on ok with regards to testing. In my heart of hearts I knew I was pregnant but there is the scary thought of testing and it being a BFN so you decide to put it off and off until its inevitable!!!! I'm thinking of you!!!!

Lots of love to you both! xx
Hey girls - I was just checking in to see if anyone had got a BFP today.

I hope you dont mind me keep bobbing back but I feel a connection with some of you now - especially Beetle, Mort and Bumble. Im following your stories like its a soap opera on TV!!!
Waiting for you to joing me in the First trimester forum!! Come on girls!!

Defo use the treat a day method of not testing - it SO worked for me. Doesnt have to be expensive either. Just something you wouldnt normally let yourself have!!

Love ya all!!

Hi girlies :flower:

Feeling more positive now - it must be the GORGEOUS weather outside, wow - I didn't even need my coat this lunchtime!

Farmerswifey you are so sweet and our inspiration. Thank you for not dumping us now you're in the yummy mummy club! :winkwink:

I know that whatever happens, if this month or next month isn't my BFP, I am just so incredibly lucky to have an amazing DH and wonderful family and friends INCLUDING you B&B girls who have been so massively supportive (and fun!) throughout the whole 'soap opera' - perfect description! :haha:

Beets, that's lovely that your OH is coming round to the idea of moving in together, it's only a matter of WHEN, now. Men can be soooo slow - bless them. Proof he loves you madly, even if he does just need to do it in his own time!

Bumbs - holding out for you girl. You are going to be our next BFP...I can feel it! xxx:kiss:
you all make me smile, its lovely to have you all! and thanks farmerswifey for still being with us! :hugs: haha... soap opera! nice description indeed! cannot wait to join you, hopefully all 3 of us get a :bfp: VERY soon! (yes next cycle pleeeease!)

as you say mort, if its not our month, we can be so happy to have such a loving OH and the b&b group who are supporting us with so much hope and understanding! glad i have found it, absolutely loving this site thanks to you all!

still no af here, twinges every now and then tho... prepared for a month of SMEP, what you all think about it btw? :)

lovelovelove to all of you! xx :hug:
Hey Farmerswifey ... lovely to hear from you! Whats it like in the land of the first trimester?! I hope you are getting support there too?!
Mort, I completely agree with you .. with this weather you simply can't be glum for too long and I've just heard that the steroids and increased painkillers that the docs have given mum have had a DRAMATIC effect and she's been in the garden today as well! Yay!
Bumble ... I love your attitude! IF you aren't PG I think the SMEP is very beneficial. BDing every other day gives your partner a tiny break and a chance to build up the supply of olympic swimmers but also gives you optimum chance of catching that eggie. We will be attempting SMEP plan this month but only if I can drag my OH away from the squash court and into my bed for long enough ;) xxx
sooo good to hear beetle! every now and then i was thinking of you and just hoped the best for your mum (and also dad).

yeah i need to try get OH off the footy pitch as well, he ain´t got a choice tho haha... people say SMEP gives us double chance. so we have 40% chance of getting pregnant!

to revise that - SMEP:
bd every other day, starting CD8
start opks on cd 10 until getting a positive, which means bd every day until getting a negative opk.

this is getting a bit controlling now but will try to do it as "secretly" as possible to make sure OH isnt getting funny about it!

:hug: xxx
hi ladies, still lurking around...

so what's this SMEP thing you're talking about... inquiring minds want to know.
Hi girls, I just read the whole thread because the title just really appealed to me. I LOVE the idea of team no test!! I hate pregnancy tests because I have a phobia of getting my hopes up and then seeing BFN. I have a 17 month old and this is the first month that I have ovulated since having him so I'm really excited about that. I think I'm either 12 dpo or maybe 9 dpo at the moment and trying to hold off on testing for as long as possible. I've no idea when to expect AF because I haven't had one in over two years, LOL. The plan is definitely not test until Sunday and I will hold off longer if I can. I hope you don't mind me joining you all, this seems like a lovely supportive thread and very lucky too with all of the BFPs so far - congratulations to all who already got their BFPs!!
Welcome Polaris!!! :flower: Lovely to have you on our happy friendly thread!
We've been really lucky to get some solid BFPs this month, and the game's not over yet. Sadly it is for me, girls...spotting got worse, and it looks like AF arrived this morning. Boo!

But am going to stay positive and am going to treat myself...sushi for lunch and a couple of glasses of wine tonight and at the weekend! She was really a long time coming this month - I'm on CD35 - but have learned a lot this month, like not to push it too early and tire out DH BD-ing as I'm obviously a late cycle/ovulator.

Still waiting to hear from Bumble and co anxiously though, so keep us posted girls! GO TEAM! xxx:kiss:
welcome polaris!! :flower: this is a wonderful thread for support, listening and understanding, you will enjoy it here!

i am 18 dpo, temps back up at 36.8°C, no real cramping besides little twinches every now and then, massive bbs - they feel like someone used them as a punchbag :( and tender feeling when i touch my lower abdomen.

i also cant sleep properly but that can be due to :witch: coming.

havent tested since monday (or was it tuesday?) so here is hoping for a late bfp on sunday. i know i said i might test tomorrow but i just (like polaris said) dont want to be disappointed too early.

mort, i can just say that however long it will take us, i hope we stay together!!

so polaris - what was it like when you had your son? how was the TWW? can you remember any symptoms? :)

lovelovelove :hug: xx
hi ladies, still lurking around...

so what's this SMEP thing you're talking about... inquiring minds want to know.

Short Version:

"Try" every other night starting Day 8

Buy 10 ovulation predictor kit sticks

Begin ovulation testing on Day 10

When test is positive, "try" that night, plus two additional nights in a row

Skip one night, then do one last "try"

Take a home pregnancy test 15 days after your ovulation test was positive, if your period has not begun

If your ovulation test never goes positive, continue "trying" every other night until Day 35, then do a pregnancy test if your period has not begun.

Statistics show that about 40% of women will get pregnant on the first try if they are faithful to the plan, about double the number of the normal population who are not on the plan.

definitely worth a try! :hug: xx

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