sooo.... Friday the 13th and AF shows her ugly face
No BFP for me this month.
I am going to make a new July tester thread. Will still be following you ladies though. Good luck, hoping for BFPs for you all!
I'm hoping it's a great sign, I keep waking up the next day thinking, "oh they won't be sore anymore..." but it's the fourth day now and they're still hurting. According to my app it says I ovulated on the sixth, but I hadn't been really keeping track of my period on it, just the last one so I think I might have earlier, because I had a strong positive on a cheapy OPK on the 3rd and 4th. Soooo when should I test guys haha
I will be testing at the end of the month too! Currently on CD20. Yesterday and today I have had nausea, frequent peeing, minor headache, bloating and small tiny cramps.
I'm probably going to test in a couple days and if negative, give it another week and try again.