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The Gassy Girls!.....43 BFP's and counting!

good luck on the testing! Im testing in 24 hours! I hope you start feeling better Celtic.. Im hoping AF will show for me soon so that I can just jump on the track and start trying again :/
I'm so jealous, I'd love a bar of Galaxy right now!! :( xx
Good luck with the testing ladies!! :dust: xx
Can you not get them over in Norway then?

I know when my oldest sister lived in Canada she came back dying for decent chocolate and Ribena!
That's exactly how I feel dinidani, I just wish I was at 10dpo so I could test and get an answer, I feel a bit better after getting my nails done (girly time always cheers me up lol) and now I have a bar of galaxy to nibble on (who am I kidding...It won't be nibbled, it'll be munched :haha:)

I'm half convinced that the positive symptoms I've been noticing are just because I want to be pregnant, what's the word for it? Psychosomatic?
I did feel a bit dizzy and sick in the nail salon but then again, it's 26 degrees here today (supposed to be the start of a heatwave) and the nail salon is always full of fumes from the stuff they use, so once again, I'm not going to put that down as a symptom!

When do you plan to test?

i plan to test soon thats if i dont get disapointed before but i realy thought ttc was easy as it was so easy for all my sister they didnt even try and theres me thinking where am i going wrong i realy could do with the OH being at home with me at the t=moment as im getting more and more depressed think i should try choclote heheh xx when you planning to test xx
Sadly not, but I brought a load of yummy things back with me when I was over! They're all gone now though... :haha:

What are you all up to tonight? Weather here is rubbish .. :( xx
I live in the states so its 1130am here :) and rather nice actually..
Can you not get them over in Norway then?

I know when my oldest sister lived in Canada she came back dying for decent chocolate and Ribena!

Celtic-I used to live in the UK, now back in the US. Would kill for a cuppa and a Jammie dodger!!!

"Symptoms" have pretty much disappeared. A little bit of lower abdomen cramping and MAYBE some increased fatigue, but other than that absolutely nothing. I just hate the unknown!! Patience is a virtue and this gal doesn't have it when it comes to this stuff!!

Hows everyone else doing?
hiya and im glad i live in england cant live without my jammie dodgers weather is realy hot down here it got to i think 26 but i got a mild heat wave this weekish hopefully it gives me luck xx
Im in Belfast .. its 5:30 pm... its a lovely day .. enjoying our Indian summer :) .... Im doing a Bridal show over the weekend so Im getting stuff ready for that .. Ive been up since after 5 this morning so Im starting to to loose the will !! lol
i plan to test soon thats if i dont get disapointed before but i realy thought ttc was easy as it was so easy for all my sister they didnt even try and theres me thinking where am i going wrong i realy could do with the OH being at home with me at the t=moment as im getting more and more depressed think i should try choclote heheh xx when you planning to test xx

Yeah, I admit to thinking the same way, I thought it would be a simple case of getting my implant taken out and then bang...I'd be pregnant....Bit naive of me really!
I can email you some of my chocolate if you want? I'm quite proud of the fact I have some left :haha:
I'm thinking of testing on Sunday, then I'll be 10dpo and should be able to get an answer either way! You want to join me? We can synchronise and test using FMU at say 9am? :winkwink:

Sadly not, but I brought a load of yummy things back with me when I was over! They're all gone now though... :haha:

What are you all up to tonight? Weather here is rubbish .. :( xx

Oh no! I'll have to see about sending you a food parcel of yummy goodness (badness really but shhh!)

I'm just waiting for OH to get in from work and then we'll make dinner and chill out tonight, he deserves an early night so I reckon dinner, movie and then bed!

FingersX'd, hmmm wonder if I can do you a food parcel of jammie dodgers and some proper teabags as well? Reckon we could get them through customs? :haha:

dinidani, whereabouts in the UK are you? It's been just like summer here today in Milton Keynes, I'm not sure I'm enjoying it to be honest and I normally love the sun!
Its really nice here too, we are having a fall warm spell!

I have a confession - my spouse works at Mars Canada (as in Mars Bars or Twix) and I have a major aversion to anything chocolate! I won't even eat a chocolate chip cookie! He brings home chocolate all the time and I give it away. My son loves it though, so its not hereditary, lol. I hate the smell of it!
You may all now think less of me, seeing as most women adore it.
I do however have a slight addiction to spicy doritos!
oh my word I LOVE twix!! so good.. doritos are a nice replacement though :haha:, I LOVE the midnight taco flavored haha before they changed it anyway :/
Cheesy doritos every day of the week!

Hmmm....I want some now...Might send OH out to get some, he can consider it practise :haha:
Awww you are too sweet! :haha:

Mmmmmmmm ... Doritos... *Homer gargle*

I think this thread is going to be bad for my hips!! :rofl: xx
I'm trying to be good and not buy them, cause if I got them around - I will eat them all! And like I said I'm having one of those " I feel fat today"days.

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