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The Gassy Girls!.....43 BFP's and counting!

The Fallen series by Lauren Kate is great too, an epic love story about a fallen angel and his love throughout many lives.
Mas, I didnt really care for the fallen series.. to me it was predictable and you didnt really get hardcore character development.. That was just my English minor degree thoughts on it though haha!
my mum thoroughly enjoyed them!
also, Ive never experienced this in the TWW nor in the first trimester but my breasts feel simply FULL not huge or sore at all.. just full.. any ideas ladies? Im taking my first test tomorrow!
Hey ladies. Hope I'm not too late to join. My dear af is due around the 6th also. This is the first month we've been ttc, but my o time was the 18 to 23. We bd'd the 19th to the 25th. I've been more lethargic than normal and have had a constant pulling, pinching feeling on my left side above my pelvic bone. It's been going on since around the 23rd. the bd was slightly painful the 23 through 25. ?? like dh grew or something! ha. what's the reason behind that? anyhow. i feel the pinch the most at night when i lay down. actually, feeling it right now! Also, a slight bloated feeling for about a week now. But no actual bloat. Anyone had bfp's with these symptoms? Or am I just anxious to believe they're symptoms?
Ohhhh me too Celtic! :)

That smiley is great haha! I don't feel bad for all this gas! My OH farts a lot, so a bit of revenge is needed! :haha:

Oh no Sweetiebug, I hope it's just spotting! :hugs:

Welcome Euphoria, I hope they are all good signs for you! I can't remember what my 2ww was like with my son, I didn't even know what a 2ww was either! :) Fingers crossed! xxx
Morning ladies, I think I need to go book shopping now :happydance:

Sweetie, I'm sorry, maybe this isn't AF and instead is a bit of IB? FX'd! :hugs:

Well, I'm really feeling like I'm out this cycle, no bleeding or anything but I've just got that feeling you know?

frisbeemama, let's hope this is your month girl!

Hey ladies. Hope I'm not too late to join. My dear af is due around the 6th also. This is the first month we've been ttc, but my o time was the 18 to 23. We bd'd the 19th to the 25th. I've been more lethargic than normal and have had a constant pulling, pinching feeling on my left side above my pelvic bone. It's been going on since around the 23rd. the bd was slightly painful the 23 through 25. ?? like dh grew or something! ha. what's the reason behind that? anyhow. i feel the pinch the most at night when i lay down. actually, feeling it right now! Also, a slight bloated feeling for about a week now. But no actual bloat. Anyone had bfp's with these symptoms? Or am I just anxious to believe they're symptoms?

Hello euphoria! It's never too late to join!
The pulling/pinching that you describe sounds a lot like the pain I get after I've O'd, it's more intense on Oday but then dulls off.
What BC were you using before this cycle?

As for the bd being slightly painful, I think that has to do with CP, when you're at your most fertile, your cervix is soft, open and high.
When you're not in your fertile days then the cervix is firm, closed and low, I'm guessing that the pain you've felt is actually your OH "meeting" your cervix as you're outside your fertile period.

I think we're all guilty of convincing ourselves we've got symptoms at some point, I said I wasn't going to symptom spot at the start of this cycle and then that's all I've done from 1dpo up until about 5dpo. It's natural because it's something we really want.

Baby dust to everyone!

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
hi every one!! hows every one feeling??

this last week or so has gone quick but now its starting to drag

i feel so un motivated, well i have done for last few days, i just feel like crap and i dont know why!! its so annoying i have no reason to feel like that! im so tired as well, hoping my body is working over drive down below :haha:

morning ladies thought id have a quick post before i go do the shopping.

Aw celticstar i woke up today and feel exactly the same, i just have a gut feeling that am out, ive had no bleeding either but its just my gut feeling. Iam rather irratated and struggling a bit but ive had the last 2 days putting up with two of my closest friends moaning. One is my next door neighbour and the other lives round the corner one is 37wks and the other is 34wks! I love them both but i cant help being angry when they are constantly moaning about the very thing i want sooooo much, its like they have forgotten i lost my baby only a couple of months ago or like its ok i must be over it now :growlmad:

Thats my rant for the day haha :dohh:

Big hugs and tuns of baby dust to everyone :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:
Morning charliekitty, I think I'm getting used to the idea of not being successful this cycle so am just getting ready for everything I'm going to do next cycle instead :)

heavyheart, I don't have any pregnant friends but I do get that feeling when I read the threads on here and people are moaning, I'd give anything to feel that way! (Yes you may remind me of this when I eventually get to post up moaning threads :haha: )
Another one is when you read about people getting their BFP's, I'm so happy for them but at the same time I feel - I don't know - sad? Upset? Definitely a little jealous :blush:

My mc was about five years ago now, different for me in that I didn't know I was pregnant and I definitely wasn't ttc, I know I wasn't ready for a baby then but even so, I still wonder what sort of character etc they would have had.
Massive :hugs: for you, I can sort of understand what you're going through but not totally x
Heavyheart, I am sorry to hear about your recent m\c. I agree it would take a long time to get over. Good luck and lots of babydust to you!

Frisbeemama, hope you get your BFP!!!!!!!!!!!

And I hope all you ladies who feel like AF is coming - don't get it!!!!!!!!

Me, I feel similar to yesterday, kinda quesy, my pants feel tight, but that could be from the gyro, lol. TMI, but my kooch feels very irritated, even my underwear is irritating, it is kinda sore and tender and it is really annoying me. How's that for a weird symptom. What do you think, any one else ever had an irritated Whoohaa?
Hey everyone!

So many messages. You guys were making me hungry yesterday. Ended up eating half a tub of chocolate chip Ben and Jerry's! Naughty.

I read fantasy too. Some of my favourites are Trudi Canavan, Robin Hobb and George R Martin. For some reason never read or watched Twilight or True Blood. True Blood is definitely on my to watch list though.

Welcome euphoria11 - Sounds like you got Ov time covered. Fingers crossed for you.

Stay positive CelticStar - It's too hard not to SS! But I don't think we can always tell. Yes there are some ladies who get loads of symptoms and a BFP but there also those who get none and still get their BFP. We're all different.

Sweetie - So sorry you think AF has got you. Fingers crossed it is just spotting and AF is going to stay away.

Hi charliekitty - I've got no motivation either. Meant to be tidying now but instead sat on the sofa writing to you guys. I just can't be bothered.

Mas1118 - How's the TWW going? When are you testing? Are you still getting that crampy feeling? I'm getting it too. Not painful like AF cramps more a gentle achy cramp just above my pubic bone.

Coleey - thanks for the picture of eric! O:)

pileggigirl - I hope your feeling is right. What symptoms are you having?

babygirl1 - How's the gas?:haha:

frisbeemama12 - Have you done a test? Fingers crossed. I know what you mean about full feeling. Hopefully it's a good sign.

Fingersxed4 - How you doing? I'm with you. Hate not knowing.

dinidani - Thanks for giving me a Jammy Dodger craving. Dunked in tea - Yum! Hope you're enjoying the heatwave. Presume you're in the UK? Where about?

littlepeps - Hope the bridal show goes well. At least it keeps you busy.

heavyheart - Sorry your friends are making you feel bad. And sorry about your MC. It probably hasn't crossed their minds that they are upsetting you, too wrapped up with themselves. Have you talked to them about what you are going through and how you are feeling? You'll get your BFP soon I'm sure.

Hi to anyone I've not mentioned. I'm doing alright. Wanting to eat lots but I blame you guys for that :winkwink: Galaxy, Monster Munch, jammy Dodgers, doritos.... Trying not to SS but it's soooo hard not to. Going to test Saturday morning but will only be 9dpo.

Baby dust to all.:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:
I chickened out for testing this morning, plus I got up late and was rushing! My cramps are pretty much gone, but I feel really full today and slightly nauseous. I'm gonna test with FMU either tomorrow or Sat morning!
so I took an "Answer" brand test (one that came with my opk) and it was weird.. there was a pink line running horizontally with the control running vertical.. but the papers say that the lines should be parallel :/ Im confused.. should I treat this tests as invalid?
I'm on CD 21 right now usually have 28-33 day cycles. So I will probably test around the 9th if AF doesn't show by then. I've been temping this month, not positive when I O'd but FF said anywhere btw CD13 & CD19 I think based on my temps. Fingers crossed. Hope we will all be blessed with lots of baby dust this & next month! Just hoping we bd'd at the right times as we haven't been doing it ever day, or even every other day. More like ever 3 days this month. Guess we shall see!
Frisbeemama, that is very odd indeed. I would call the company and ask the question, maybe it is made by same company as Answer+, and it is a mistake that ithe results show that way. Good luck, it may have been a BFP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just feel big today! Everything feels big, my thighs, my waistline, my boobs! I'm not really that big either. I feel full and all I had was a granola bar. I so hope these are good signs!
Duh, I just read your post again and I see it was an answer test - I say call them and ask! OMG I have shivers! It may have been a:bfp:!!:happydance:

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