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The Gassy Girls!.....43 BFP's and counting!

FX'd, this week is completely crawling! I'm going to try and make mine go faster by sorting out the final arrangements for my wedding, still got to have my final dress fitting :wacko:

I'm in the UK Olivias Mum, Milton Keynes to be exact, it's been 26 degrees for the past two days and feels like it's going to be a hot here again today, you're right, it's not normal for October, especially when they're forecasting snow by the end of the month :dohh:
Lets hope this is the one you get your BFP on :dust:

Mas, I really really hope you get your BFP, I know from reading the first trimester board that quite a lot of women get yeast infections so I've got everything crossed for you!! :dust:

Sweetie, I'm so sorry to hear AF got you :hugs: Next cycle! Me and you will get our BFP'S!

Frisbee, let's hope it's just that you're so early on that it's come up negative! :hugs:

My night was interesting (well, not really!) Every hour I was getting up to pee, the longest I went without was from 5am to 8:30am :dohh:
My gas is back, I personally don't mind but OH said something about moving out....
Backache! Oh my God! Like you wouldn't believe! I have to lay a certain way in bed otherwise I can't bear it, putting the backache and pee'ing together, I'm going to go back to the doctors and get tested for a UTI again, something just ain't right there!
Cramps, low down and usually dull, although it got sharp at one point last night, just above my pubic bone and below my belly button, bet that's AF poking her finger in me :growlmad:

Anyway, I'm looking at it as it's not my cycle and I'm now going to start preparing for next cycle, I'm going to start charting, drinking Raspberry Leaf tea, Green tea and maybe even an OPK round the time I think I'm going to O.

I'm looking at next cycle too Celtic....just got my clear blue fertility monitor in the mail last night so I'm pretty excited about that. Took another HPT this morning with FMU and got a BFN. Still might be a bit too early to test but since with the monitor came 10 pregnancy tests...so clearly i had to use one. No signs of AF yet, but I am just assuming we won't be lucky enough to hit the jackpot on the first cycle TTC. Anyway, hopefully this CBFM helps me to get a better idea of when I ovulate since I can't seem to catch it with OPKs.
CD22 today, still crampy, temp still up, super tired, cranky, not motivated to do anything, stuffy nose. Can't wait to know!! Waiting officially sucks.. I hate looking into every symptom and keep trying to not pay attention, thinking if it's going to happen it's just going to happen so not to worry & patiently wait it out.... easier said than done. When I can't stay away from reading threads on b&b and looking at my FF chart over and over, you know my mind is not off the topic lol

Oh I have a question since I never did temping before till this month, what does the temp typically start to do before AF comes? Stay up? Go back down?...
CD22 today, still crampy, temp still up, super tired, cranky, not motivated to do anything, stuffy nose. Can't wait to know!! Waiting officially sucks.. I hate looking into every symptom and keep trying to not pay attention, thinking if it's going to happen it's just going to happen so not to worry & patiently wait it out.... easier said than done. When I can't stay away from reading threads on b&b and looking at my FF chart over and over, you know my mind is not off the topic lol

Oh I have a question since I never did temping before till this month, what does the temp typically start to do before AF comes? Stay up? Go back down?...

Your temp sould start to go down close to af maybe a few days before or even the day of. If pregnant it should stay up ,I read if it says up for 18 days straight you are most likely pregnant but most women test and find out before them 18 days anyways
I'm in such a pessimistic mood.. Thank god I bought chocolate.. :cry: xx
hi lovely ladies just been reading through the last few pages to catch up on you all, i would do responses to everyone but iam soooo tired id be there all night trying to get it all right and typed out lol :dohh:

2day i have been feeling hungry all the time and eating everything :wacko: and also iam so very over the place with my mood, i started the day quite happy then that slowly turned to being irritated/grumpy :shrug: now my eyes r burning soooo bad i just want to sleep and its not even dinner time yet. If iam not pregnant then iam seriously messed up and on the bloated side!:haha:

I hope everyones wait is going quicker than mine, i feel time has stood still lol. Af is due a week 2moro and iam currently 6 or 7dpo.

Hello ladies! 7DPO and counting! I have a question about a possible symptom. I noticed many of you experience sore breasts. What exactly does this feel like? Example, tender to the touch and exactly how tender? I'm not sure if my mind is just playing games w/ me but I don't think I'm imagining this one.

Fingers crossed for everyone!!
Good afternoon ladies =)

I have been trying to get on all day...this morning at "first pee" i wiped and had some bright bright bright red blood, not a lot but there..and wiped again and had a little less. Then all day of course im checking the paper and NOTHING. Im so confused...anyway just wanted to share.

Hope everyone has a good day =)
The more I read about testing the more I think I should wait until at least Sunday morning and even then it is early! This waiting sucks! I don't even know if I'm getting any symptoms now. I symptom spot every month and it really hasn't gotten me anywhere, so I'm just gonna relax and see what happens. FXed for us all!
agreed Mas, Im not testing till Monday, thats when AF is due.. and I have to find the box with my tests in it :dohh: We moved and of course EVERYTHING is out of place right now! AAACCKKK!!
agreed Mas, Im not testing till Monday, thats when AF is due.. and I have to find the box with my tests in it :dohh: We moved and of course EVERYTHING is out of place right now! AAACCKKK!!

It's probably a good thing you can't find them right now hun! :haha: xx
Sweetiebug1 - sorry af got you fx for next month xx

im going mad here now got a sore throat and itchy nipples. My oh wants me to test now as he thinks we've done it but im trying to hold off to at least monday
OMG i feel sooooo out of it today :wacko::wacko::wacko:

Last night i woke up several times i was sooo hot and sticky i even got up at 4 and came down stair to cool off. When i woke up this morning i felt hungry/sick very strange feeling so i had toast and coffee, Iam currently lazing on the sofa feeling sick and really drained :shrug: i really wont mind if it means iam going to get my bfp but i still have that gut feeling its not going to happen. I guess only time will tell!!! fx
I feel terrible, I had a mad dizzy moment before, I remember before I was pregnant last time I kept getting dizzy and my mum was bugging me to go doctors and then I got my bfp lol.

Although this heat might be playing with my mind...

I feel so positive this month, we all Gota think posative!!


Im sorry sweetiebug :hugs:
My sniffles have turned into a full blown cold:growlmad:, so I feel miserable right now. I'm looking forward to testing soon! I had a dream we were pregnant with five last night though:wacko:
My gas was pretty bad last night again, OH and I spent the night watching a movie and farting at each other, stinky times!
Best of luck girls, hope all these colds/symptoms are signs of good things to come! :hugs:
Not much to report from my end, felt sick last night and this morning.. Lots of watery ewcm which is really really unusual for me (tmi.. Sorry!) and I know I've already ovulated! :wacko: xx
Hi coleey, maybe the ewcm is a good sign! Especially if you don't usually get it. I'm just drinking my morning cuppa, decaf though. It is windy and cold here today. I'm a little crampy and nauseous this morning.
Hope so, I guess we'll see in 5days.. :)
Cold and windy here too :( just got my little man down for a sleep. Now I don't know what to do with myself lol. Have you got much planned for the weekend chick?
Actually we are going to really nice restaurant tonight with a few other couples for a birthday dinner for my friend. My sister is looking after my son, though I had her two little guys (4&6) sleep over last night, so she owes me, lol. Im really looking forward to it, I love going for dinner and dressing up! You?
Actually we are going to really nice restaurant tonight with a few other couples for a birthday dinner for my friend. My sister is looking after my son, though I had her two little guys (4&6) sleep over last night, so she owes me, lol. Im really looking forward to it, I love going for dinner and dressing up! You?

Sounds like my day today, I'll have my nephew in tow with me and my daughter all day ( from 12pm) while i run around and do things...and then tonite my sister will take the 2 bratfaces (heehee) and have them sleep at her house.

My daughter is mega excited of course! I am going to a tricky tray tonite with some friends I dont even care if i win any prizes, just want to go out with the "girls"

Still nothing futher on my symptom spotting..just that one patch of "blood" yesterday and nothing since. I have been dealing with the cold symptoms like everyone else only its been 3 weeks for me. so im not going to read those into my symptoms.

One thing i did notice is that I have absolutely no appetite at all. I look at food and im like yeah i know thats supposed to be good but eh not what i want.

usually by now im ravenous and ready to eat the food plate and table it comes with (week before af)...could be being sick..could be a sign....either way im looking forward to snacks and some good laughs tonite with the girls and just relaxing.

I am hoping everyone here is feeling good today....and definitely fx and babydust babydust all over =)

I do have 1 ? what is cuppa? is it a cup of coffee? tea? something else?
Hello Ladies! My AF is due oct 5th and I'm trying to concieve #3. I just wanted to tell you about me ttc in september and maybe you can tell me if it sounds promising! Well me and the DH did "the deed" 2 days before O, on O, and both days after. 4 days after O I started cramping like I was gonna O again. So we did "the deed" again for another 2 nights. Now some of my symptoms since 4dpo are nausea,cramping with some twinging, dizzy spells when standing, lotion like cm, some hot flashes, a few tummy paind and now I'm noticing the blue veins near and on my nipples. Also the tissue behind my nipples feel sore and I can feel some milk glands swelling up. I really hope we all get our BFP in the next few days!!

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