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The Gassy Girls!.....43 BFP's and counting!

I just looked at it again, its been 2 hours since I took it. Its a straight up BFN. Im only 7 to 8 dpo though so Im going to test again monday when AF is due. :dust: to us girls!
I just looked at it again, its been 2 hours since I took it. Its a straight up BFN. Im only 7 to 8 dpo though so Im going to test again monday when AF is due. :dust: to us girls!

It's still very early sweetie! :hugs: xx
Frisbee--baby dust! Hopefully the test will give you better results in a few days.

Celtic--I haven't been on BC for years. We've done the pull out method, and it's always worked. So hopefully, we won't have much holding us back, besides God's timing. :)
For our first child, I think it took maybe one or two cycles before we got our positive. I've lost 30 lbs since then and I'm much healthier (was 165, now 135 at 5'4"). I'm hoping that since I'm healthier and NORMALLY have more energy, it will happen just as quickly. If it's God's plan. :)

Good luck and baby dust to all of you ladies!

Also, is creamy cm normal at about this part of my cycle? AF due the 6th.
Chin up frisbee I tested 10dpo with my lo and bfn, I was sure I was out till af never showed lol :hugs:
good afternoon girlies!

Nothing new going on here..finally getting some relief from my asthma-cold- whatever i have lol.

how's everyone today?

i dont have any symptoms of anything hmm

imhoping thats a good sign =) because i always have symptoms every other month!
been feeling sick lately, constipated, crampy, bloated and crabby!! i have loads of signs... signs of af!

how bout yourselves?

Eurgh! Much as I love the sun and hot weather, I've just felt really hot, sticky and irritable all day, add in there some cramps for good measure, some constipation (tmi? Tough :haha:) so many trips to the toilet that my OH now calls me a wee machine and you get a not very happy Celtic!

The only thing in amongst that lot that isn't normal for me is the constipation, normally I get softer "movements" around this time - HAH! Just realised, I've been accused of talking shit many times and here I am...Actually doing it :haha:

I think I'll be taking a trip up to Sainsbury's (No, I'm not posh, it's just closer than Tesco's or Asda ;) ) and getting some prune juice tomorrow, actually, I might get some prunes while I'm there....I really really want some now I've mentioned them - typical!

Anyway, how's the gassy girlies tonight?

Frisbee, you're not out until AF shows up remember! 7-8dpo is incredibly early to test and even if you are pregnant, you have a higher chance of getting a BFN than a BFP right now!
Baby dust to you especially!

But also to everyone else!

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
eugh i cant stand prunes!! lol

i love sainsburys,im not posh tho, i do all my shopping at asda and nip to sainsburys for some bits and bobs, for future refernce sainsburys baby clothes are the best EVER!!

i cant wait till next week some of us have to get bfps, well hopefullu all of us!!

i have been so tired this last few days, it coluld just be the heat, my OH said im tired like i was in early pregnancy last time!

Hey ladies!! Anyone else's week completely crawling? UGH!

Confession...totally POAS last night. I didn't have any tests in the house, which I thought would be my savior, but the pharmacy that I pass on my way home from work was just calling my name! Since I don't know when I O'ed, yesterday could have been anywhere from 7-11 DPO. SO now I'm just telling myself I took it way too early.

Symptoms have pretty much disappeared except for some CM and fatigue. Just want to press fast forward and either get a BFP or start the old AF!
Not feeling too good today. Ive spotted. Once yesterday and once today, with brown cm. Cramps gone, but feel big and so tired! I just cant watch tv for too long without nodding off. I really hope im pregnant, coz my body is seriously malfunctioning lol.

Mind you!!! Anyone from UK!!! Ive been sweating alll day! How hot was it?! Cannot believe its weather like that in October (nearly! (Wishing the days away til i can test ;) ))

Not feeling too good today. Ive spotted. Once yesterday and once today, with brown cm. Cramps gone, but feel big and so tired! I just cant watch tv for too long without nodding off. I really hope im pregnant, coz my body is seriously malfunctioning lol.

Mind you!!! Anyone from UK!!! Ive been sweating alll day! How hot was it?! Cannot believe its weather like that in October (nearly! (Wishing the days away til i can test ;) ))


That sounds super promising!!! How many DPO are you?
:cry:I think I may have a yeast infection. I have only ever had one and that was a few years ago from antibiotics. I do currently take acidophilous every day, so not sure why. Do you think it could be a sign? I am afraid to use anything and my normal dr is on vaca. The nurse at the fertility clinic said to. Use the normal stuff but I'm afraid!
:cry:I think I may have a yeast infection. I have only ever had one and that was a few years ago from antibiotics. I do currently take acidophilous every day, so not sure why. Do you think it could be a sign? I am afraid to use anything and my normal dr is on vaca. The nurse at the fertility clinic said to. Use the normal stuff but I'm afraid!

Hey Mas, I am a chronic yeast infection getter, so I can completely commiserate :( on the positive side, I have read that yeast infections are common in early pregnancy (just not sure how early) so this might be a great sign!
:cry:I think I may have a yeast infection. I have only ever had one and that was a few years ago from antibiotics. I do currently take acidophilous every day, so not sure why. Do you think it could be a sign? I am afraid to use anything and my normal dr is on vaca. The nurse at the fertility clinic said to. Use the normal stuff but I'm afraid!

A yeast infection is a great sign I know thats the first clue for some women that they are pregnant but I think you should treat it if not might get worse,im not sure though. I really hope this is your month
And thanks ladies but no more spotting The :witch: was here this morning Since it wasnt my month im glad she came early so I can get on with trying again think im just going to not think about it this month and see what happens

Hope you all get you BFP this month
And thanks ladies but no more spotting The :witch: was here this morning Since it wasnt my month im glad she came early so I can get on with trying again think im just going to not think about it this month and see what happens

Hope you all get you BFP this month

I was just thinking today that ....i feel like somethings not right in there lol

i was on strong antibiotics for 10 days so im guessing yeast infection...i've only ever had 2 in my life!

Gonna call the dr tomorrow
I upped my acidophilous yesterday and today, and I bought cream but haven't used it yet. I'm thinking acidophilous is working because it doesn't feel as bad. Plus I put on a pair of panties from my drawer that I haven't wore in along time as I recently have been using a new detergent and am wondering if I'm allergic. so I threw all my recently washed undies back in the wash with my usual detergent just in case.

Sweetiebug, so sorry about AF, maybe next month. Thanks for your positive thoughts!
I agree with you ladies, if Im not pregnant then my body is simply going haywire! I feel large in my lower abdomen just above my pubic bone and my breasts still feel Full.. not sore really.. and had creamy/stringy CM today.. I really dont know how to describe it.. it was weird haha
FX'd, this week is completely crawling! I'm going to try and make mine go faster by sorting out the final arrangements for my wedding, still got to have my final dress fitting :wacko:

I'm in the UK Olivias Mum, Milton Keynes to be exact, it's been 26 degrees for the past two days and feels like it's going to be a hot here again today, you're right, it's not normal for October, especially when they're forecasting snow by the end of the month :dohh:
Lets hope this is the one you get your BFP on :dust:

Mas, I really really hope you get your BFP, I know from reading the first trimester board that quite a lot of women get yeast infections so I've got everything crossed for you!! :dust:

Sweetie, I'm so sorry to hear AF got you :hugs: Next cycle! Me and you will get our BFP'S!

Frisbee, let's hope it's just that you're so early on that it's come up negative! :hugs:

My night was interesting (well, not really!) Every hour I was getting up to pee, the longest I went without was from 5am to 8:30am :dohh:
My gas is back, I personally don't mind but OH said something about moving out....
Backache! Oh my God! Like you wouldn't believe! I have to lay a certain way in bed otherwise I can't bear it, putting the backache and pee'ing together, I'm going to go back to the doctors and get tested for a UTI again, something just ain't right there!
Cramps, low down and usually dull, although it got sharp at one point last night, just above my pubic bone and below my belly button, bet that's AF poking her finger in me :growlmad:

Anyway, I'm looking at it as it's not my cycle and I'm now going to start preparing for next cycle, I'm going to start charting, drinking Raspberry Leaf tea, Green tea and maybe even an OPK round the time I think I'm going to O.

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