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The Gassy Girls!.....43 BFP's and counting!

Cuppa is tea or coffee in my case, but this morning was tea, my nanny is very English and that's where I get it from. Have a great girls night, sounds like fun!
Hello Ladies! My AF is due oct 5th and I'm trying to concieve #3. I just wanted to tell you about me ttc in september and maybe you can tell me if it sounds promising! Well me and the DH did "the deed" 2 days before O, on O, and both days after. 4 days after O I started cramping like I was gonna O again. So we did "the deed" again for another 2 nights. Now some of my symptoms since 4dpo are nausea,cramping with some twinging, dizzy spells when standing, lotion like cm, some hot flashes, a few tummy paind and now I'm noticing the blue veins near and on my nipples. Also the tissue behind my nipples feel sore and I can feel some milk glands swelling up. I really hope we all get our BFP in the next few days!!

Sounds very promising! FXed for you.
Sounds fab! Hope you have a great evening Mas & Babygirl! :D
Quiet one for me.. Well, as quiet as it can be with a little boy who is teething! :rofl:

Sounds promising TTC, hope this is your month too :) xx
haha true Coleey! Yet I found them this morning but Im still waiting till monday to test! Im slightly crampy today.. not bad.. achy though and I dont want to do anything :/
Awww bless you! :hugs:
Maybe a night in with chocolate & a movie? :) xx
hiya ladies

havent posted on here in a long time just notice some milk spots show up the last cupple of day and im just wondering weather this has something to do with hormones x
hi i am also new to this, im 10 days late and crapping myself about this got loads of symptoms of being preg but too scared to do a test as its always been negative. im really scared. got the doctors on 13th oct. so fingers crossed. Krissy
Hey girls, feeling a bit down in the dumps today, got dull cramps, pee'ing a lot (still!!) constipation, don't want to eat and I'm SO tired, been asleep most of the day and that's not like me, I might nap for an hour over lunch time when my M.E. is playing up but daytime sleep isn't good for me so I avoid it. I've not had much choice today though, every time I sit and relax, I wake up an hour or so later :dohh:

There's been a fair bit of stress for me this cycle (lots of personal stuff going on) so as stress is a trigger for my M.E. I'm putting it down to a small relapse rather than anything else....I got some new green tea (with pomegranate) in my shopping delivery today so I'm going to be partaking of a cup or three of that :winkwink:

Anyone else got any good herbal type teas they'd recommend?
hi i am also new to this, im 10 days late and crapping myself about this got loads of symptoms of being preg but too scared to do a test as its always been negative. im really scared. got the doctors on 13th oct. so fingers crossed. Krissy

Hiya Krissy :flower:

Here's hoping it's good news for you chick! :dust:
hi i am also new to this, im 10 days late and crapping myself about this got loads of symptoms of being preg but too scared to do a test as its always been negative. im really scared. got the doctors on 13th oct. so fingers crossed. Krissy

I think you should test! 10 days is a long time to be late.
fXed for you!
Sorry your feeling so crappy Celtic. I hope you feel better soon, maybe it's a good sign though!
wow, i never knew there were so many people desperate for a baby like me, im 10 days late and scared tbh, not sure whether its my brain, or i am pregnant xx
Im sorry you feel yucky Celtic, try a hot Chamomile tea with a little bit of honey, that hit the spot for me. It relaxes muscles in your innards :)
And YES Coleey, Im actually having my two best friends and two really funny movies, and just having a chill movie/girls night :)
Good luck Krissy! 10 days late you should know something by now :) :dust:! Im testing on monday.. The DH doesnt come home until Thursday though so if I get a BFP I have to try very hard to keep it to myself until Hes home!!
hey ladies, i havent posted in a while because i've been busy with my children who are both under the weather. Well, i am 8dpo and started spotting, which is kinda wierd cause af isnt due till the 6th and i usually only spot 2 days b4 af... any wayys..... oh ya I couldnt help the urge and POAS yesterday and got a BFN!! im just taking that as maybe i tested way to early! FX!!! and baby dust to everyone!!
hey there:]
im 6dpo and af is suppose to show up on oct 9th[testing day]
our cycles are alittle off from eachothers but hopefully my bfp is right behind yours:3
i need buddies too, so i'd love to be your tww buddy or ttc buddy or even preg buddies when we get our bfps:D
and you are being realistic, every women's body is different so we would not know how eachothers symptoms are or how extreme they are.
we only know from our own body.
but keep your hopes up because i've been having almost the same symptoms but alittle more.
hopefully we can be buddies:D
goodluck to you and your dp
lots of baby dust C:
Hi Girls, can I join in?? I am 9dpo and due to test Oct 6th. I have taken clomid for the first time this month. We have been TTC#1 for around 17 months. DH had a SA and got a big thumbs up :) I've had lap+dye n clear tubes so doc's think clomid should be the answer. I have had a mental few days since O. I usually ovulation 9 days before AF which isn't early enough but this month I ovulated on CD17 which would give me a better luteal phase. The past few days I have had loads of cramping, been exhausted, lots of nausea which subsides if I eat, tender breasts and lots more!! Trying not to get my hopes up because I know it can take a couple of months on clomid for things to come together. Just 4 more days to testing (if I can make it that long). Good luck to everyone on here these next few days x

Thanks girls, Mas, I'd love it to be a good sign but I think I'm pretty much prepared for AF to show up in 5 days time :(
Frisbee, that's a brilliant idea, I'll get OH to make me one now :haha:

Abii I'd be happy to be TTC buddies with you :flower: You can be my first official buddy :D

One new thing for today, I did have hot flashes before but they calmed down, now back with a vengeance! I'm sat here on the sofa, living room windows wide open, fan going full pelt next to me, barely any clothes on and yet I'm still sweating buckets...I can actually feel it on my back etc...Eurgh....SO attractive :haha:
Welcome in WannaB! FX'd it's your month, all your symptoms sound VERY promising! :hugs:
Abii I'd be happy to be TTC buddies with you :flower: You can be my first official buddy :D

One new thing for today, I did have hot flashes before but they calmed down, now back with a vengeance! I'm sat here on the sofa, living room windows wide open, fan going full pelt next to me, barely any clothes on and yet I'm still sweating buckets...I can actually feel it on my back etc...Eurgh....SO attractive :haha:

awh:] yay i finally have a buddy hehe C:
oh my gosh! i know how you feel! this morning around 8am i had my AC on and it was blowing right at me[i also sleep in a speghetti strap and my underwear sorry if tmi? lol] and i woke up went to the bathroom and in the bathroom i realized i was all sweaty and couldnt figure out why since the AC was pointed at me the whole night lol.
It's official, you made it onto my signature :haha:

Absolutely nothing is TMI on this thread (or even forum...Think about it, where else can we discuss CM or CP?? :haha: ) I sleep in nothing but my pants, fan on me constantly in bed, sheet thrown off me and yet I still wake up drenched, I can't wait to get my morning shower and get rid of the "icky" feeling!

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