Ooooo lots of new ladies (I use the term loosely
Welcome to the smelly corner and lots of baby dust to everyone - I'm going to be throwing it around like it's going out of fashion so be warned
Well, my crampy left side isn't as bad today although I'm still attached to my hot water bottle! I did notice a very tiny amount of spotting when I wiped earlier, I'm trying not to think about IB but it keeps creeping up on me!
heavyheart, I'm so sorry to hear about your mc, here's hoping this is your lucky month FX'd!
Oooo sweetie, I'm glad you don't live near me....After having the farts for three days I bet you walk around in a green cloud don't you?
Coleey...Too funny!
Mas, tell your DP I'm sorry for causing you to wake him up but it serves him right for ratting you out to your son
Sweetestsuga, my OH did indeed make it through the night, although he did seem to be struggling for breath for some reason....
Interesting about blaming farts on your DD, it's one of the reasons I got my dog, it's awesome if you have guests but aren't able to keep a fart in, you let it go silently and you don't have to say anything, your guests automatically blame the dog
dinidani, we can be B&B twins! 3dpo, 2nd cycle, are you windy too?
I'm trying really hard this cycle to not symptom spot, I found last month that things I usually suffered with suddenly became symptoms because I was deliberately looking for them, this cycle I'm trying to keep my symptoms to things that are obvious such as the bad cramps yesterday...I will not build my hopes up again this cycle only to be disappointed when AF shows up!
I'm feeling good so far this cycle, I'm managing to remain positive, not that it'll work this time but that even if it doesn't, I can try new things next cycle, I like the idea of green tea (I have loads in the cupboard already) I like the raspberry leaf tea and I've already decided that we'll only be BD'ing every other night instead of every night (much to OH's disappointment
) and then for three days over my ovulation.
I'm still wee'ing like it's going out of fashion though, it's every half hour to an hour but even though it feels urgent, when I go, it's the most pathetic amount ever, and it doesn't gush like the urgency would suggest, it takes it's own sweet time trickling out.....*sigh* I might just invest in some Tena lady pads so that I'm not constantly going to visit the bathroom