The Gassy Girls!.....43 BFP's and counting!

Good morning lovely GG's :hugs:

Sounds like a buzz of activity on here the past week or two!

Sorry you're out Chels, but sound like you are gearing up for this month - at the last minute (the day I got my smiley OPK) the month I got my BFP I made DH stop at a drug store and picked up some musinex, popped the reccommended dosage just to increase my CM. Woah, not sure if that is what did it, but took it in the AM and by the PM I had more CM than I had ever had in my life (kinda gross!!!) The Robitussin should do the same - good luck this cycle! :happydance:

You're not out til that fat ugly witch starts belting songs, Lily and drsquid, keep your heads up! :af:

WannaB and Mas...ohhh all good symptoms! I just started filling out a pregnancy calendar with all the stuff I symptom spotted before my BFP, and you both just listed everything off. I wrote "twinges - but so small I could be making them up", "bloody nose and gums at 6dpo gone the next"... so waiting like a kid on Christmas for you both to test! EEK! :test:

Love, did FF put you back into waiting for O, but you think you did already!? FF was never the best for me because I think it was weighted more toward using CM/CP to calculate O-day, and my body was never consistent on either of those...temps + OPK's were the only way I felt I really O'ed - that and the fact I was a complete b*tch the few days around when I would! Ha, my coworkers just said yesterday they much rather have me pregnant than trying as I guess I was a real pain in the ass when about to start the TWW so they knew I was gunna O before I did! :haha: Good luck hun!

Wow Celtic - can't believe you are half way... I'm 16 weeks today which feels weird even typing that! I go in today to the doc to get my ultrasound appointment for my 20 week anomoly scan. I can't wait for them to check out all has developed okay in there - I just feel fat still since I haven't had the first movements yet! I talk to Boomboom everynight and ask him or her to just gimme a little flutter or bubbles to let me know he/she is in there and it's not just donuts I am caring around! :blush: Have you been able to feel your little girl?!

Frisbee and Babygirl - how are you both feeling these days... past the worst of it yet? Baby, I have heard that some can find out the sex at their 12 weeks scan by the "angle of the dangle" as boys and girls both have extremities down there to start with, and after that point the girls reverts inward. My SIL found out at 15 weeks from a private scan, but most docs wait until your 20 week scan to be certain because the point in which "her outer parts" may turn inward varies on each babies individual development. Our ultrasound tech at our 12 week said she could tell, but we are choosing to wait til the 20 week scan to be sure. :coffee:

AFM, I am just chugging along - No more m/s, and headaches have tapered off, but insomnia is now the new symptom this week. I have to say it's my favorite pregnancy side effect to have since I get up at 3 am to organize or clean something, so at least I feel productive. I will take tiredness over everything else as it isn't as debilitating for me. I hope at my appointment today my doc will check the heartbeat again as I am just nervous that he/she isn't in there cause I haven't felt anything but stretching and I am just getting fat from eating so much as my hunger has not subsided. :munch:

Sorry if I missed any GG's - just trying to catch up! Baby dust to all!
Hello Cera! Im doing ok, I still have headaches and we have finally discovered that too much protein is whats making me feel very sick. Ive stopped eating my normal egg sandwich in the mornings and stopped eating much chicken and it has helped FAMOUSLY. Just stinks trying to cook dinner because chicken was my main source of meat :haha:
Unfortunately my headaches are still bothering me every now and then but they arent as frequent and they arent as painful :thumbup:
I also think Im finally starting to get a bump! I might just be bloating though because Im still definitely a GG! :haha:
Im still worried though because they still cant find a heartbeat with a doppler (but its on the ultrasounds) :shurg: oh well, I guess I just have to wait until Im farther along so be able to hear it :(
Good morning lovely GG's :hugs:

Sounds like a buzz of activity on here the past week or two!

Sorry you're out Chels, but sound like you are gearing up for this month - at the last minute (the day I got my smiley OPK) the month I got my BFP I made DH stop at a drug store and picked up some musinex, popped the reccommended dosage just to increase my CM. Woah, not sure if that is what did it, but took it in the AM and by the PM I had more CM than I had ever had in my life (kinda gross!!!) The Robitussin should do the same - good luck this cycle! :happydance:

You're not out til that fat ugly witch starts belting songs, Lily and drsquid, keep your heads up! :af:

WannaB and Mas...ohhh all good symptoms! I just started filling out a pregnancy calendar with all the stuff I symptom spotted before my BFP, and you both just listed everything off. I wrote "twinges - but so small I could be making them up", "bloody nose and gums at 6dpo gone the next"... so waiting like a kid on Christmas for you both to test! EEK! :test:

Love, did FF put you back into waiting for O, but you think you did already!? FF was never the best for me because I think it was weighted more toward using CM/CP to calculate O-day, and my body was never consistent on either of those...temps + OPK's were the only way I felt I really O'ed - that and the fact I was a complete b*tch the few days around when I would! Ha, my coworkers just said yesterday they much rather have me pregnant than trying as I guess I was a real pain in the ass when about to start the TWW so they knew I was gunna O before I did! :haha: Good luck hun!

Wow Celtic - can't believe you are half way... I'm 16 weeks today which feels weird even typing that! I go in today to the doc to get my ultrasound appointment for my 20 week anomoly scan. I can't wait for them to check out all has developed okay in there - I just feel fat still since I haven't had the first movements yet! I talk to Boomboom everynight and ask him or her to just gimme a little flutter or bubbles to let me know he/she is in there and it's not just donuts I am caring around! :blush: Have you been able to feel your little girl?!

Frisbee and Babygirl - how are you both feeling these days... past the worst of it yet? Baby, I have heard that some can find out the sex at their 12 weeks scan by the "angle of the dangle" as boys and girls both have extremities down there to start with, and after that point the girls reverts inward. My SIL found out at 15 weeks from a private scan, but most docs wait until your 20 week scan to be certain because the point in which "her outer parts" may turn inward varies on each babies individual development. Our ultrasound tech at our 12 week said she could tell, but we are choosing to wait til the 20 week scan to be sure. :coffee:

AFM, I am just chugging along - No more m/s, and headaches have tapered off, but insomnia is now the new symptom this week. I have to say it's my favorite pregnancy side effect to have since I get up at 3 am to organize or clean something, so at least I feel productive. I will take tiredness over everything else as it isn't as debilitating for me. I hope at my appointment today my doc will check the heartbeat again as I am just nervous that he/she isn't in there cause I haven't felt anything but stretching and I am just getting fat from eating so much as my hunger has not subsided. :munch:

Sorry if I missed any GG's - just trying to catch up! Baby dust to all!

Yeah, all signs point to O about 18 days ago, except my temps. I have no idea what to think, it's all crazy, but right now cp is medium, closed and firm, and cm is creamy and this has been the case for days on end. I had a positive OPK 18 days ago along with dips in temp and HSO cp. I have no clue what is going on. Peed on a HPT monday just to make sure, and it was whiter than white, that would have been 17dpo if I actually ovulated. FF said my coverline was 97.2 though, and my last four temps have been 97.4 for three days and 97.6 today. Two more temps around that range and ff gives me my cross hairs back on the day I THOUGHT I o'd. I have no idea what to think right now, just going to continue to chart all my signs and pee on OPKs just so I don't miss O day if it hasn't came already.
Hey Cera - good to hear that you are keeping well, how did things go at the doctors today?

This TWW is soooo long, can't believe I am only 9dpo, it feels like I should be much further through! Resisting the temptation to test because I know that it'll def be BFN this early, but its so hard!! I'm all over the place this month, one minute I think I might be pregnant and the next I am 100% sure that I am not :dohh:

Really hope you are right about the symptoms that Mas and I have both been spotting :wacko:

Take care

Hello Cera! Im doing ok, I still have headaches and we have finally discovered that too much protein is whats making me feel very sick. Ive stopped eating my normal egg sandwich in the mornings and stopped eating much chicken and it has helped FAMOUSLY. Just stinks trying to cook dinner because chicken was my main source of meat :haha:
Unfortunately my headaches are still bothering me every now and then but they arent as frequent and they arent as painful :thumbup:
I also think Im finally starting to get a bump! I might just be bloating though because Im still definitely a GG! :haha:
Im still worried though because they still cant find a heartbeat with a doppler (but its on the ultrasounds) :shurg: oh well, I guess I just have to wait until Im farther along so be able to hear it :(
Glad your headaches are easing a bit and you found what was causing your sickness Frisbee, that must be a relief! Yeah, not much to cook if it's your main protein (mine too) as I am not the best chef and lately it has turned my tummy too. Back to more mashed potatoes I guess!

Yeah for your bump :screaming "show your bump!" ready to throw beads: !!!!
You should put up a pic for us!

I'm sorry you haven't heard little ones heartbeat yet, but at least you have seen it on the ultrasounds which is comforting. Just think, when you do get to hear it, how that day will be much more special than any day before it!

Yeah, all signs point to O about 18 days ago, except my temps. I have no idea what to think, it's all crazy, but right now cp is medium, closed and firm, and cm is creamy and this has been the case for days on end. I had a positive OPK 18 days ago along with dips in temp and HSO cp. I have no clue what is going on. Peed on a HPT monday just to make sure, and it was whiter than white, that would have been 17dpo if I actually ovulated. FF said my coverline was 97.2 though, and my last four temps have been 97.4 for three days and 97.6 today. Two more temps around that range and ff gives me my cross hairs back on the day I THOUGHT I o'd. I have no idea what to think right now, just going to continue to chart all my signs and pee on OPKs just so I don't miss O day if it hasn't came already.

Love, I looked at your chart, and have a question. What kind of OPK's are u using? Could they be hard to read and giving you false postives cause you had two different sets of days with positives!? Only reason I ask is I see that you had a second temp dip about 8-9 days ago, and you BDed a few days before (which would have been perfect if you did O then) but didn't test the day before your temp dipped. Is it possible you could have O'ed then and tested the day your temp dipped, missing your postive OPK as the surge is just before you dip!??! :shrug: Just a thought. Keeping my fingers crossed for you girl!

Hey Cera - good to hear that you are keeping well, how did things go at the doctors today?
This TWW is soooo long, can't believe I am only 9dpo, it feels like I should be much further through! Resisting the temptation to test because I know that it'll def be BFN this early, but its so hard!! I'm all over the place this month, one minute I think I might be pregnant and the next I am 100% sure that I am not :dohh:
Really hope you are right about the symptoms that Mas and I have both been spotting :wacko:
Take care

You are such a smart girl waiting Wanna. I am the bad tempting one on your left shoulder saying :test: cause I am impatient! he he! I am hoping your symptoms are right on too!

Regarding my doctors visit this afternoon, we got a bit of a surprise. Guess when we had our NT scan done the beginning of this month, the ultrasound tech also took fetal anatomy measurements and according to Boomboom's femur length, crown to rump length, and head diameter, he/she was measuring a week ahead at that appointment!!! :dohh: It shouldn't be a shock as DH is 6'5", but still it is! So our doc moved my due date up a week to July 8th!!!! I skipped week 16 all together, just got to thinking of my LO as an avocado and now, POOF, onion! Which is fitting since my DH is an onion salesman!!!! :haha: NT results put us at 1 in 723 for Downs and 1 in >10,000 for Trisomy's 13 and 18, both of which are low risk, so all looks good! Just waiting on the office to call back and give me my 20 week scan appointment :coffee: I'm so impatient, I hate waiting!!!
I never thought about that... I guess anything is possible. I don't know what to think right now, but that would have been good timing now that you mention it. It is hard to tell, but I guess I will find out one of these days.
Hello Cera! Im doing ok, I still have headaches and we have finally discovered that too much protein is whats making me feel very sick. Ive stopped eating my normal egg sandwich in the mornings and stopped eating much chicken and it has helped FAMOUSLY. Just stinks trying to cook dinner because chicken was my main source of meat :haha:
Unfortunately my headaches are still bothering me every now and then but they arent as frequent and they arent as painful :thumbup:
I also think Im finally starting to get a bump! I might just be bloating though because Im still definitely a GG! :haha:
Im still worried though because they still cant find a heartbeat with a doppler (but its on the ultrasounds) :shurg: oh well, I guess I just have to wait until Im farther along so be able to hear it :(

hey hun,
how many weeks are you? I got to hear the heartbeat from ultrasound at 9 13 weeks cant hear it on doppler but im fat =0)~ LOL.

dr said 12 weeks is early for anyone that isnt about 120lbs or less to hear it via doppler..unless baby happens to float to the top, but she did say that she could hear "good placental flow" what ever the heck that means lol
im guessing i have a nice ripe rich placenta for the baby -=)

I go for my Nuchal tomorrow...cant wait to see baby again =)
Good morning lovely GG's :hugs:

Sounds like a buzz of activity on here the past week or two!

Sorry you're out Chels, but sound like you are gearing up for this month - at the last minute (the day I got my smiley OPK) the month I got my BFP I made DH stop at a drug store and picked up some musinex, popped the reccommended dosage just to increase my CM. Woah, not sure if that is what did it, but took it in the AM and by the PM I had more CM than I had ever had in my life (kinda gross!!!) The Robitussin should do the same - good luck this cycle! :happydance:

You're not out til that fat ugly witch starts belting songs, Lily and drsquid, keep your heads up! :af:

WannaB and Mas...ohhh all good symptoms! I just started filling out a pregnancy calendar with all the stuff I symptom spotted before my BFP, and you both just listed everything off. I wrote "twinges - but so small I could be making them up", "bloody nose and gums at 6dpo gone the next"... so waiting like a kid on Christmas for you both to test! EEK! :test:

Love, did FF put you back into waiting for O, but you think you did already!? FF was never the best for me because I think it was weighted more toward using CM/CP to calculate O-day, and my body was never consistent on either of those...temps + OPK's were the only way I felt I really O'ed - that and the fact I was a complete b*tch the few days around when I would! Ha, my coworkers just said yesterday they much rather have me pregnant than trying as I guess I was a real pain in the ass when about to start the TWW so they knew I was gunna O before I did! :haha: Good luck hun!

Wow Celtic - can't believe you are half way... I'm 16 weeks today which feels weird even typing that! I go in today to the doc to get my ultrasound appointment for my 20 week anomoly scan. I can't wait for them to check out all has developed okay in there - I just feel fat still since I haven't had the first movements yet! I talk to Boomboom everynight and ask him or her to just gimme a little flutter or bubbles to let me know he/she is in there and it's not just donuts I am caring around! :blush: Have you been able to feel your little girl?!

Frisbee and Babygirl - how are you both feeling these days... past the worst of it yet? Baby, I have heard that some can find out the sex at their 12 weeks scan by the "angle of the dangle" as boys and girls both have extremities down there to start with, and after that point the girls reverts inward. My SIL found out at 15 weeks from a private scan, but most docs wait until your 20 week scan to be certain because the point in which "her outer parts" may turn inward varies on each babies individual development. Our ultrasound tech at our 12 week said she could tell, but we are choosing to wait til the 20 week scan to be sure. :coffee:

AFM, I am just chugging along - No more m/s, and headaches have tapered off, but insomnia is now the new symptom this week. I have to say it's my favorite pregnancy side effect to have since I get up at 3 am to organize or clean something, so at least I feel productive. I will take tiredness over everything else as it isn't as debilitating for me. I hope at my appointment today my doc will check the heartbeat again as I am just nervous that he/she isn't in there cause I haven't felt anything but stretching and I am just getting fat from eating so much as my hunger has not subsided. :munch:

Sorry if I missed any GG's - just trying to catch up! Baby dust to all!

sounds like you are doing amazing!
the all the time nausea has lifted..i still get sick and throw up..but not like i was whew

the dr is moving my due date from aug 6 to aug 9 (waahhhhh) a whole 3 days...she said though that she thinks it will move again once more measurements are done lol .

my nuchal is tomorrow...praying for those low numbers =)

i have been craving pineapple like crazy!

and lots of fresh fruit..which most of it seems to be out of season.

this weekend i am going to the fruit market to stock up

my belly is starting to change shape lol and i have lost 8lbs since december's dr appt

which is no big surprise to me since i lost about 50 with my daughter!
Hey ladies, I am very very confused. FF said I O'd cd 26, then at 15dpo took away my crosshairs due to my temps. FF had my coverline at 97.2, and the past 7 days or so my temps have been above that. Well today I got this really dark opk, not yet postive, but pretty dark. Not sure what to think because my CP seems to be meduim, firm and closed today. I have no clue what to think right now... Thoughts?


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Good morning lovely GG's :hugs:

Wow Celtic - can't believe you are half way... I'm 16 weeks today which feels weird even typing that! I go in today to the doc to get my ultrasound appointment for my 20 week anomoly scan. I can't wait for them to check out all has developed okay in there - I just feel fat still since I haven't had the first movements yet! I talk to Boomboom everynight and ask him or her to just gimme a little flutter or bubbles to let me know he/she is in there and it's not just donuts I am caring around! :blush: Have you been able to feel your little girl?!

Tell me about it! I didn't realise you were at 16 weeks already!

I've got my anomaly scan this Friday, I can't believe I'll be 21 weeks when I go!

I felt first movements at 18 weeks and DH felt her kicking for himself at 20+3, his face was a picture the first time his hand got kicked :cloud9:
I'm unmistakeably pregnant now, I've got this huge bump that I can't even see my feet over :blush:

Lovetoteach, I wish I could help but I never got round to starting on OPK's, one of the girls will have the answer for you though :hugs:
cera- ive been out for a while.. af showed up on the 24th. i have my cd 12 us on saturday. been taking femara which better work given how depressed it has made me. crazy thing is last month i was SURE i was pregnant. this month i feel like it will never happen. there has to be a happy medium. last month i kinda half asked what the count was on my donor sperm and was told "the bank does it" this month.. i wanna know how they defrost cause i want a refund if he doesnt do winter (though thatd make him work for me, cause i dont either)
hey hun,
how many weeks are you? I got to hear the heartbeat from ultrasound at 9 13 weeks cant hear it on doppler but im fat =0)~ LOL.

dr said 12 weeks is early for anyone that isnt about 120lbs or less to hear it via doppler..unless baby happens to float to the top, but she did say that she could hear "good placental flow" what ever the heck that means lol
im guessing i have a nice ripe rich placenta for the baby -=)

I go for my Nuchal tomorrow...cant wait to see baby again =)

Im 15 weeks today actually! They said it could be because I might have an anterior placenta or my uterus is still tilted back towards my back. and HAH i am DEFINITELY not 120lbs anymore!!! I was before I got pregnant with my DD 4 years ago.. havent seen it since! Im not obese or even "overweight" thought for my height... Im kinda short.. :haha: and Im craving Watermelon like its my only sustenance!!

Hey ladies, I am very very confused. FF said I O'd cd 26, then at 15dpo took away my crosshairs due to my temps. FF had my coverline at 97.2, and the past 7 days or so my temps have been above that. Well today I got this really dark opk, not yet postive, but pretty dark. Not sure what to think because my CP seems to be meduim, firm and closed today. I have no clue what to think right now... Thoughts?
is it possible that you O more than once in a cycle? because a friend of mine has that, she Os about 4 times a cycle..
hey hun,
how many weeks are you? I got to hear the heartbeat from ultrasound at 9 13 weeks cant hear it on doppler but im fat =0)~ LOL.

dr said 12 weeks is early for anyone that isnt about 120lbs or less to hear it via doppler..unless baby happens to float to the top, but she did say that she could hear "good placental flow" what ever the heck that means lol
im guessing i have a nice ripe rich placenta for the baby -=)

I go for my Nuchal tomorrow...cant wait to see baby again =)

Im 15 weeks today actually! They said it could be because I might have an anterior placenta or my uterus is still tilted back towards my back. and HAH i am DEFINITELY not 120lbs anymore!!! I was before I got pregnant with my DD 4 years ago.. havent seen it since! Im not obese or even "overweight" thought for my height... Im kinda short.. :haha: and Im craving Watermelon like its my only sustenance!!

Hey ladies, I am very very confused. FF said I O'd cd 26, then at 15dpo took away my crosshairs due to my temps. FF had my coverline at 97.2, and the past 7 days or so my temps have been above that. Well today I got this really dark opk, not yet postive, but pretty dark. Not sure what to think because my CP seems to be meduim, firm and closed today. I have no clue what to think right now... Thoughts?
is it possible that you O more than once in a cycle? because a friend of mine has that, she Os about 4 times a cycle..

Who knows, that would be crazy if I did. How does your body know when to produce progesterone then if the next ovulation keeps making the temp dip. It's so weird that the temps will stay up a little for days and then have a dip. Can't wait until af so I can have more charts to reference.
hey hun,
how many weeks are you? I got to hear the heartbeat from ultrasound at 9 13 weeks cant hear it on doppler but im fat =0)~ LOL.

dr said 12 weeks is early for anyone that isnt about 120lbs or less to hear it via doppler..unless baby happens to float to the top, but she did say that she could hear "good placental flow" what ever the heck that means lol
im guessing i have a nice ripe rich placenta for the baby -=)

I go for my Nuchal tomorrow...cant wait to see baby again =)

Im 15 weeks today actually! They said it could be because I might have an anterior placenta or my uterus is still tilted back towards my back. and HAH i am DEFINITELY not 120lbs anymore!!! I was before I got pregnant with my DD 4 years ago.. havent seen it since! Im not obese or even "overweight" thought for my height... Im kinda short.. :haha: and Im craving Watermelon like its my only sustenance!!

Hey ladies, I am very very confused. FF said I O'd cd 26, then at 15dpo took away my crosshairs due to my temps. FF had my coverline at 97.2, and the past 7 days or so my temps have been above that. Well today I got this really dark opk, not yet postive, but pretty dark. Not sure what to think because my CP seems to be meduim, firm and closed today. I have no clue what to think right now... Thoughts?
is it possible that you O more than once in a cycle? because a friend of mine has that, she Os about 4 times a cycle..

I am 2 weeks behind goodness this thread is going to explode this summer with babies babies babies lol...hopefully it will be like the baby plague...where everyone on our thread gets a touch and has a baby =)

::cough cough sneeeze :: passing on my baby germs to everyone =)~

the dr said that usually hearing the heartbeat is difficult depending on baby's position too.

She could hear my placenta so that means baby was under it err or behind it per say lol..hiding out in the kinda kid =)
Well I had my Nuchal today and the tech got baby on the first shot. How precious this lil one is! I got 5 pictures =)
2 in 3d!!!

I get to see a lil face and back of the head back and butt woohoo my baby has a butt! a cute one at that!

baby was in a sleeping position and totally sleeps like daddy...figure 4 shape with the legs lol

Now the tech never tells us anything we know of course..but when she sent me to the little lab for the tube of blood..she wrote down 1.2 in the "nuchal result" space haha
so i know from being in the med field that for my gestation of about 13 weeks...thats im relieved...a bit i know i have to wait for the blood work too.

i will def be posting the pics later just havent had the energy at all tonite
Yeah, get those pics posted up babygirl!

I was thinking girls, how about I ask admin to move this thread to TTC Buddies? Do you think that makes more sense than for it to be in the TWW now?

Let me know, if you girls want it to stay here then I'll leave it be but if you agree on moving it then I'll pm someone :flower:
I think yall could move it to the ttc buddies, just don't leave those of us who don't have a little one in the belly! We need advice from you lovely ladies :)
Hey girls :) how's everyone keeping :) exciting week for so many having scans and getting good results, I'm honestly shocked at how far along you all are, the weeks are flying by!

AFM - I had a temp drop this morning, caved and poas, bfn! I am 11dpo so its possible that its still too early but I don't think so, really feeling out! Sore boobs, n a few cramps last night so I'm fully expecting to start spotting in the next couple of days n then :af: will arrive! :(

Hoping the other ladies waiting to test are feeling more positive than I am x
I think yall could move it to the ttc buddies, just don't leave those of us who don't have a little one in the belly! We need advice from you lovely ladies :)

That's why I said TTC and not Pregnancy groups :winkwink:

I'd love to see all of us on that first page get a flashing bfp next to our names!

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