The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

Lu-is the ovulation hormone peaks in the afternoon/early evening so you should test then rather than in the morning. They don't work the same way PG tests do...
fx'd singers xx
Just finshed work only one day left and im so glad. Tommorow will be my 6th day and I want a rest lol. No sign of af so just waiting. I had 2 lines on my opk 2 weeks after coming off pill so going to watch it arounf the same time next month.
Hope everyones ok xx
Just got home from Warrior Dash - SUCH a blast!

FX for you singers! Eeeee. How can you handle waiting for so long?! I'd go insaneeee. ;D

<3 Hope you're all having wonderful weekends!
Well yesterday's OPK result looks like the closest I'll get to a positive. :shrug:
This afternoon I took another test and it's so super, duper negative.

the picture is the test I took yesterday at about 1ish I think. We DTD Thursday, and today, so hopefully we're covered? :thumbup: and probably once more tomorrow just for fun.

Don't you just love weekends? (sorry for anyone who has to work on the weekend, they are probably less enjoyable then).


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It's a cold and foggy morning here in Melbourne. Had a nice sleep in and am about to get organised to head into the city for the game. Looking forward to seeing my brother and my nieces. It would seem that I'm going to get to see my entire family before we head overseas. This week I'm heading home for work and will get to see my other brother and probably my sister who is going to come up for the weekend also. It seems all very lovely that I get to see everyone just before we start TTC, like this is a little blessing or something?? I dunno, I think about things like that how stuff is "meant to be". I hope it is!! :)

Singers - am so excited for you.... just get another test already!! :p:test: <~ have been wanting to use that smilie too!!

Swan - how are you feeling?? Sorry if you covered that somewhere already, having any sickness?? Have you told anyone??

wanaBmummy - LOL at your OH being "adventurous" :haha:
I looked on some of the FF galleries for tests and they all showed these really faint lines building up over a few days, then one or two super bold lines, then tailing away again. I have 2 super faints, then one very bold, then gone again. My temp only rose by about 0.5C (and stayed there) though 2 days after the + opk, so not sure if I OVd or not.
Hello everyone!!! As usual, it's all very busy/exciting on here!! It's sooooo difficult yo keep up with you all! Congrats to Singers......very exciting, let us know when u def get that BFP!

Well, my AF has just about finished, so i'm looking forward to these next couple of weeks....our first cycle of TTC - woo hoo!!! Am not taking my temp or using OPK - just gonna see how i go for a few cycles first i think and make sure we BD plenty!!!

Hope you've all had a good weekend, and enjoy what's left of ur Sunday xx
Hi ladies

I am new to this site, signed up a long time ago when i was preggers with my DD, but pretty much just stalked all the forums lol...We are now TTC#2 and have only been trying for 2 months.. I have a feeling that this will be a lucky month for all, i got preggers with DD in june 07...I experienced a large ovarian cycst a few months ago and was told it could be harder to concieve but dr's wont do anything until after a yr of trying, I am hoping that cycst was a one time thing...I am currently on cd12 and believe that i just entered my fertile window. I am not temping or using OPK's just letting nature take her course (for now) hoping to find a buddy in the same boat and on the same cycle......Good Luck ladies!!!
hi everyone. can i join you?
Dh and I were going to wait till november, but decided today that we don't want to wait to were going to start ttc as soon as i get my implant out.

Its going to be hard at first as I don#t know my cycle as I haven't had a period since january, because of the implant.

I can't wait.

I was going to read back so I could get to know where everyone is at, but its over 100 pages!!! could someone give me a quick introduction to whose on here?
Hi mmafro and jellybean!

So, we have a couple of BFPs so far - welshmum and swanxxsong. The rest of us are either waiting to start in a few weeks (couple of girls getting married in the next couple of months!), or have started fairly recently. Jess is having a little break from the thread as things aren't quite right for TTC at the moment for her. Apart from welshmum, I think the rest of us are all trying for baby number 1.

Dodgegirl isn't going down the traditional route, but is going to co-parent with a gay male friend and they're going to do home-insemination. I think she's on her second cycle.

I've just started my second cycle, but taking it easier this time round, so no charting or OPKs for me this month. I found it all a bit stressful last time!
Welcome mmafro and jellybean! Can't wait to get to know you both!

I have a confession to make: I have spent this entire afternoon looking at baby blogs and baby websites picking baby stuff out and just basically dreaming! AND we haven't even started trying yet. I am way too excited!! I am such a dork. :wacko:
I was the same way, as soon as we decided we were gonna start ttc i started searching everything, and stalking blogs lol
Welcome Mmafro and Jellybean! more people yay!!

I looked on some of the FF galleries for tests and they all showed these really faint lines building up over a few days, then one or two super bold lines, then tailing away again. I have 2 super faints, then one very bold, then gone again. My temp only rose by about 0.5C (and stayed there) though 2 days after the + opk, so not sure if I OVd or not.

That's kinda how I felt Dinah. I had super weak lines, an almost positive line, and then more faint lines. I don't know if I ovulated or not. :shrug:

Hi ladies

I am new to this site, signed up a long time ago when i was preggers with my DD, but pretty much just stalked all the forums lol...We are now TTC#2 and have only been trying for 2 months.. I have a feeling that this will be a lucky month for all, i got preggers with DD in june 07...I experienced a large ovarian cycst a few months ago and was told it could be harder to concieve but dr's wont do anything until after a yr of trying, I am hoping that cycst was a one time thing...I am currently on cd12 and believe that i just entered my fertile window. I am not temping or using OPK's just letting nature take her course (for now) hoping to find a buddy in the same boat and on the same cycle......Good Luck ladies!!!

Hi mmafro - I'm TTC after laparoscopic surgery on one of my ovaries to remove a cyst. If it helps any my Dr., the surgeon, and radiologist said it shouldn't affect my ability to conceive. I think I'm just finishing my fertile window right away.. Two week wait time. :) I don't temp either, I don't have the discipline to take it every day.
Hi ladies

I am new to this site, signed up a long time ago when i was preggers with my DD, but pretty much just stalked all the forums lol...We are now TTC#2 and have only been trying for 2 months.. I have a feeling that this will be a lucky month for all, i got preggers with DD in june 07...I experienced a large ovarian cycst a few months ago and was told it could be harder to concieve but dr's wont do anything until after a yr of trying, I am hoping that cycst was a one time thing...I am currently on cd12 and believe that i just entered my fertile window. I am not temping or using OPK's just letting nature take her course (for now) hoping to find a buddy in the same boat and on the same cycle......Good Luck ladies!!!

Hi mmafro - I'm TTC after laparoscopic surgery on one of my ovaries to remove a cyst. If it helps any my Dr., the surgeon, and radiologist said it shouldn't affect my ability to conceive. I think I'm just finishing my fertile window right away.. Two week wait time. :) I don't temp either, I don't have the discipline to take it every day.[/QUOTE]

That is very encouraging info, that it shouldnt affect your ability to concieve, gives me hope that i wont have any issues. The dr just told me that the possibility of it being diff to conceive was defiantly there but they also said i may never have a cyst im gonna think on the positive side of things lol
Hi ladies!
Welcome mmafro & jelly bean!

I took my last pill yesterday! I'm way excited, though it'll still be a couple months before it's time to get serious. I'll start tracking cycles in 2-3 months, but for now it's all natural!

So, I downloaded some video off the internet of women giving birth. I never realized that I'd never seen one before. I shouldn't have looked! :shock: Holy moly is there a lot of blood and... stuff. I must have just ignored that whole part of the pregnancy! Weird I know since the delivery is kind of the finale!
Oh course I know all about the process but I've never imagined it before. I need to wrap my head around this. :huh:

Everyone seems to be in full baby making mode! Especially our 2 (maybe 3?) BPFs! Good luck to everyone! I hope we all have good news soon!

Welcome to our two newest! Best wishes TTC! :hugs:

AFM, to answer what was asked - my GB has not given me issues, so I'm waiting for my doc to call and tell me what the scans saw. Hopefully tomorrow! I was a bit lax with my eating this weekend because of our company, and haven't had any crazy GB flares. So that's good! Hopefully getting an idea of what I can handle and what I cannot. We'll see. Maybe it was a fluke thing, who knows?

No morning sickness, nothing like that. I have unbelievably sore boobs and am tired non-stop and cramps come and go but otherwise, nothing much. I was told morning sickness, though it can vary, usually begins rearing its ugly head around 6 weeks or so? But we'll see what happens. I just keep watching days pass and am praying hard that things continue fluidly. I'm very eager for the 28, our first scan, because I just want the reassurance that everything looks good so far.

Sunday's almost over, I don't want Monday to be here yet! D:
OH and although we don't want to tell anyone until post-scans and things, we have told both sets of parents, my sister and her husband know, and a few friends - the ones who were here this weekend, because we knew they'd suspect something, and my two closest girlfriends. And my boss, because I knew she'd be supportive and keep it quiet; I wanted her to know immediately to explain any odd behaviors like me being a total space-cadet lately, or the doctor's appointments for the GB and sonograms and things. :)
Keep us posted on your next test singers, I think we will be at 3 BFPs.

Kimberley, have you tried an OPK?

Meadows I like your plan, less stress is best.

Mmafro welcome to the group!

Snowflakes, I was doing that even before I got married. LOL

Nanner, Congrats on your last pill!

Jellybean 87, Welcome to the group! I&#8217;m on CD#9 of my first cycle, since I&#8217;ve stopped taking BCP. I&#8217;m not temping, but I&#8217;m taking note of CM and CP. I know it&#8217;s helpful, but I don&#8217;t have the initiative to temp every day. If I don&#8217;t get a BFP this cycle I might start charting. This will be our first child.
Welcome mmafro and jellybean87 ! :flower: It's great to have some more Junebugs onboard.

I think I'm the only Aussie on here, and I'm just about to start my TTC journey in 11 sleeps when we head to the USA for a working holiday. I'm currently waiting for AF to arrive, hopefully she'll appear today cuz I am so very bloaty - ugh!

I have a confession to make: I have spent this entire afternoon looking at baby blogs and baby websites picking baby stuff out and just basically dreaming! AND we haven't even started trying yet. I am way too excited!! I am such a dork. :wacko:
I do this all the time. I've got ideas for things I want already and can't wait to finally get preggers and make hubby look at these things too.

I took my last pill yesterday! I'm way excited, though it'll still be a couple months before it's time to get serious. I'll start tracking cycles in 2-3 months, but for now it's all natural!

So, I downloaded some video off the internet of women giving birth. I never realized that I'd never seen one before. I shouldn't have looked! :shock: Holy moly is there a lot of blood and... stuff. I must have just ignored that whole part of the pregnancy! Weird I know since the delivery is kind of the finale!
Oh course I know all about the process but I've never imagined it before. I need to wrap my head around this. :huh:
Great news about your very last pill!! Bring on the BD!
LOL at looking at birth videos. I had been looking at some recently and while it does scare the crap out of me, I find myself crying at the end when the mother has the baby in her arms. I know it's going to hurt like hell, but that bit when you first hold your new baby...... just brings me to tears of joy. I can't wait for that moment.

It's a public holiday here today and I had a really long sleep in. It is great to have a long weekend and not have to do anything important or go anywhere. Although it was great to head to the football game yesterday, my team had a massive win which was awesome. It was also great to see my nieces and my brother.

Started packing last night for our USA trip. It's so hard to pack for the opposite season. I hope that what we're taking is going to be ok. I've packed some t-shirts and just other summer tops, 3 pairs of shorts and I'll be wearing comfortable jeans on the plane. I'll also take a cardigan just incase it's a bit chilly at night or whatever. Can anyone recommend anything else to take for Philladelphia and NYC in the summer?? :shrug:
I feel like I have totally abandoned you guys....I am so sorry I haven't been on here. Just been obsessing about house stuff, and it's kept my mind off of TTC for a while.

So forgive me that I'm not keeping up on everyone's posts, it's not that I don't care it's just I haven't made time to be on here very much !! please forgive me!!!!!!

Poppie, are you sure you don't want to pop on over here to Washington during your visit to the states and help me move !!??? HAHA. Hope you have a great time on your holiday !!! So exciting!!

To update you on my status: I am in week 1 of my 2WW of my 2nd month of TTC. I hate waiting SOOOO much. waiting to test. waiting to close on my house. waiting to move. UGGGGHHHHH!!!! I should close on my house on July 1st, and move that weekend!!! waiting for the right guy to come along...haha yeah i kinda gave up on that one !

This weekend was full of graduation parties of the family. I think I'm on overload of spending time with family! yikes. mainly my parents, they are driving me nuts !!! Then I have another graduation party next weekend, but that's not family. Whew this is one BUSY BUSY month !!!

So there you have it, update on me. I will try very hard to keep up on here more this week to see how everyone is doing. I noticed we have 2 new additions ! Awesome, welcome :flower:

Just love this one!! :crib:

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