The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

your welcome :)
and i have a list of signs but its still early to test but its weird things keep happening and im not ss either but they are so obvious.

like a metal weird taste in my mouth all day like the roof of my mout in some places feel like a battery lol
sickness coming and going, also had bile raise a few times
once heartburn
and now both my nipples have leaked some fluid.. sorry tmi and the nipples feel like tingling like ice cube tingling. its made as i was waiting to ov. i had a neg hpt test but a postive opk but i have no ov cm or anything its just creamy!
I have some of those Kimberley, metal taste, waves of nausea, fatigue, gassy (which I NEVER am so it strikes me as wierd), and heartburn a few days ago which again I've never ever had,..... but as I say - trying not to SS (yeah right!) OH got up this morning all excited asking if I'd tested - makes me wish I had! I also had stabby pains yesterday and today kind of stretchy ones across my abdomen. I do keep thinking that I ccould just be getting used to life without hormonal contraception coursing through me.

Creamy/lotiony CM usually isn't fertile, if it's clear and stretches between your fingers (lovely!) then it is - although it can be hard to distinguish it if you BD-d the night before! Eggwhite or just plain wet is what you're looking for - I get mine about 5 days before OV and 2 days after. HTH.
wonder if you are going to get that :bfp: i really hope you do, im feeling really different, i just feel something is not right well is right :p we can only wait and see, ahhh
also my face has broken out in so many spots as in like loads its unreal!

I now have an excuse for my forgetfullness!!

Kimberley - no it hasnt really sunk in. I keep expecting to feel something, but I dont, and its strange, Im feeling a bit nauseous and Have sore Boobs, but apart from that Im alright. I Think it will be better when I have told my mum which Im doing next weekend, I wanted to tell her face to face. Then It might be more real! Also when I get a scan, and have proof that there is actually something in there!

Im tired all the time at the moment, which is getting me down slightly as there is so much to pack, and really all I want to do it curl up on the sofa!
Its a bit of a pain as well, as I am a do -it yourself kinda gal, I dont tend to wait for my Oh if I want to move the table, I just move it. So my OH has banned me from lifting anything, or moving anything, so packing is becoming a pain, packing boxes then shouting to OH please can you move this box here-

Well thats it for this weekend just more and more packing, hope you are all well!!!

Sorry for the all about me response I cant remember anyting I have just read!!! I have already left my handbag 3 times so far!!!
Hey girls - I feel much better today. I did skip the DHA cap yesterday. I am going to try it again everyday and see what happens - hubby seems to think it was just something I prolly ate.

It would be a miracle if I was PG. We used condoms during my fertile time but hey ya never know.

10 DPO today and my temp rose. AF should be right around the corner for me start my TTC journey. We are both very excited.

We are having a nice quiet weekend. No plans what so ever and I love it! We are always soooo busy!!

Hope y''all are having a great weekend too!
I am so happy af turned up :) Hope we all start getting more bfps xx
Evening everybody,

lu-is- do you think you have ovulated late? and thanks for hoping something happens for me, if only i knew! :( im just going to keep dtd till af arrives
as this ccle has been messed up due to going away and getting confused with everything!

Since its my first cycle off of BC I don't know when I normally would have ov'd. :shrug: I had an almost positive OPK on Jun 10 then nothing, but then on June 14th (CD17) I had a very positive OPK and was very wet so I guess I ovulated that day. My nipples have been hurting since Tues and I've had cramping every day since O'ing. grrr... If these are still ovulation symptoms I want them to go away! lol I think it's too early for any signs or symptoms.
Has anybody ever had incredibly thick, and sticky CM after ovulation?

Kimberley & Dinah - I'm going to keep my fingers crossed for both of you, can't wait until testing time! YAY! I'm super excited for anyone to get a BFP.

I'm off to my nephew's 4th birthday party! yay! I love being around little kids. As everyone at work tell's me I'm so good with babies and children, I can't wait to have some of my own.
thank you i really hope i do get this :bfp: as things are really clicking together.. lol around my nipples (tmi) i have blue/purple veins other half said they look like lighting lol! which i didnt have before and with all the rest of the signs it seems hopefull. well we will see hehe.
i have like a creamy milky cm, thick but not really thick. ahh no idea i dont even no what im doing lol have fun at the parttty x
I'm actually anti-SSing now - I don't have sore boobs or nipples - so I'm convinced it's not in there! Also I was really bad and did an IC mid morning (so at 8DPO, not with FMU) and it was negative, and now I'm really blue.
:( dinah dont be sad, as 8days is very early i have been reading on here people who dont get that faint line till about 18days past. and if it has not happened they is more time to save and prepare our selfs. thats how i keep looking at it. i did feel bad earlier though as y oh was rubbing my belly and sayng he is in there somewhere and was talking to my belly going wat you doing in there, whats that you want to play on a psp lol and i said to him we might not be and said please dont get upset if we are not. it made me feel guilty for some reason as i had told him i think we have a strong chance. the waiting is the worst.
Ive just worked out i should ov a day before my birthday so hopefully we will dd. oh is off to so no excuse he's got work on the night lol xx
:( dinah dont be sad, as 8days is very early i have been reading on here people who dont get that faint line till about 18days past. and if it has not happened they is more time to save and prepare our selfs. thats how i keep looking at it. i did feel bad earlier though as y oh was rubbing my belly and sayng he is in there somewhere and was talking to my belly going wat you doing in there, whats that you want to play on a psp lol and i said to him we might not be and said please dont get upset if we are not. it made me feel guilty for some reason as i had told him i think we have a strong chance. the waiting is the worst.

There must be something in the air today, DH did that to me today too, just subconciously rubbed my tummy when we were talking about babies. I freaked out and said not until there is something to rub!

I think I'm just impatient.

DH has had to go out to do the 10 mile drive to my parents for a bedsheet - I stripped the bed this morning, and gave our washing to my mum as our washer keeps making things mouldy so she's doing it for us, but I went to remake the bed and the other sheet isn't in the airing cupboard, and turns out that ones at hers too. I really need to get more organised and get another sheet. Or a washing machine.

Booked flights today for 12 days time to go see DH's dad and grandparents back in Ireland. Will be a nice break, especially as he hasn't seen his grandparents in a year and his dad since our wedding in September, but it's also when I'm likely to be fertile assuming we didn't miss the window, and if his brother is also home we'll be on a sofabed in the lounge :dohh:

DH is also very excited as he sold his first ever thing on ebay tonight - which apparently is all pennies in the baby kitty. He just needs to keep the kitty away from me as I've gone all nesty and I really want a lounge floor (literally, we have a few boards missing and the room is sealed off) or to get a new fence as ours is held up with rope, or just some plants for the front garden as all our neighbours are really smart and ours looks like the somme! We bought our house as a doer upper we could grow into, but we seem to have got most of it 80% there then retreated into about 4 rooms.
I'm actually anti-SSing now - I don't have sore boobs or nipples - so I'm convinced it's not in there! Also I was really bad and did an IC mid morning (so at 8DPO, not with FMU) and it was negative, and now I'm really blue.

Don't feel bad, I think 8DPO is too early to get a positive result, very few PG women do. Especially as it wasn't FMU. so there is definitely still a chance.

Kimberely- That is cute about your OH rubbing your belly and talking to the "baby", it's great that he's totally into it. :)

At the party today I got to hold a "little" 1 week old baby (10lbs); she was just so precious. :) Thankfully I was only asked once when are we going to start having babies. That's not an easy question to answer, especially when no one knows we're trying.
:hug: dinah - I found the stark white negative-ness and lack of line on the test far worse than AF coming by miles. It felt like my heart had dropped in my chest. Really weird feeling.

Everything is a bit weird 'down there' for me at the moment. TMI but I've had pink-tinged CM for a couple of days, WTF is that all about - AF finished four/five days before that started. Then this morning I've wiped and seen what appears to be EWCM, which is way too early. I'm not temping, and not even really counting the days this month, but I can't be more than CD9 or 10, so it can't be ov this early surely :shrug:

I might try and pin DH down later on just in case, but I just feel a bit BLAAAHHHHHHHH about it all this cycle. There's some stuff happening next month that I won't be able to do if I fell pregnant this month - a beer/comedy festival we have tickets for, and my friend's hen do, which is a spa day and other pregnancy-unfriendly activities. Sod's law would dictate that it would happen this month if there's stuff I'd not be able to do :dohh:

Melancholy seems to have taken hold of me this past week. I think I'm quite tired and have been stressed for weeks about DH, so I've booked the first week in July off work so I can have a bit of a break. I'm not planning to do anything that week - just have a rest and perhaps do a bit of decorating in the house. Our cat has been scratching her claws on the wallpaper on our landing and hall, and it's a right mess. We were never going to keep it (we only bought this house in January, and it still needs quite a lot of renovating) but she's still a very bad cat for attacking the walls like that. I told her so, but she obviously doesn't understand because she's just a cat, and she purred a bit louder :dohh:
Just popping in quickly to say hi.

Only 5 sleeps to go!

Have had a great weekend here with my brother and his family. Off to the coast tomorrow for work, then we'll have to come back here for the night as the next town I was supposed to go to the road is cut due to flooding so we'll have to go around a different way. Then it's back on the plane Wednesday morning back to Melbourne before repacking to head off on Friday!!

I hope everyone has had a great weekend. I will catch up with you all again soon.

Just a Quick message,

Dianah I tested three times Once at 9DPO once at 12DPO and they were both NEgative, then I got a positive at 17DPO so dont worry it could still be to early!

Glad everyone is having a good weekend!
Dinah, I think a lot of the really early testing that happens on this site can be a bit mad - when people are inverting the colours of images, pulling apart pregnancy tests and such like searching for a line... Just seems all bit weird. I hesitate to use the word 'desperate' but I expect a lot of the women who are in TTC for the long-haul are 'desperate' to see a BFP. The embryo could well not implant until 10 or 11 DPO and it would then still be another week or so before it produced enough of the hormone to be picked up on a test :hugs:
Hey ladies i'm back from my hen weekend!! It was FAB!!! :thumbup:

Got way to drunk and only got in at 3 this morning to wake up at 6 :wacko: not on purpose and not that i needed to but for some reason woke up at 6 :wacko:

We biked 10 miles yeasterday along the coast and stopped to have lunch and champers and the night out was the best with all our outfits. I couldn't take pictures as my camera wouldn't work :nope: so i'm waiting to get them from the rest of the group.

Hope you've had a lovely weekend. I'm all alone now until Wednesday evening as my OH has a course he has to go on so left about 10 min ago. I think i'm going to be a bit lost lol

Creamy/lotiony CM usually isn't fertile, if it's clear and stretches between your fingers (lovely!) then it is - although it can be hard to distinguish it if you BD-d the night before! Eggwhite or just plain wet is what you're looking for - I get mine about 5 days before OV and 2 days after. HTH.

Yeah i definatly ovulated because it has been clear and stretchy today and yeasterday. The day before it was a bit creamy because yes we had :sex: the night before :blush: :haha:

Dinah, I think a lot of the really early testing that happens on this site can be a bit mad - when people are inverting the colours of images, pulling apart pregnancy tests and such like searching for a line... Just seems all bit weird. I hesitate to use the word 'desperate' but I expect a lot of the women who are in TTC for the long-haul are 'desperate' to see a BFP. The embryo could well not implant until 10 or 11 DPO and it would then still be another week or so before it produced enough of the hormone to be picked up on a test :hugs:

Just a Quick message,

Dianah I tested three times Once at 9DPO once at 12DPO and they were both NEgative, then I got a positive at 17DPO so dont worry it could still be to early!

Glad everyone is having a good weekend!

Thanks Singers that makes me feel more positive. Still only 9DPO here so early days. I think I'm going mad tbh, on the one hand I'm feeling quite nauseous and tired, but on the other I've had a few pains like I gete before AF (which shouldn't be due for a week)... I think I'm just going to have to try not to prejudge until a test turns pink or I get AF.

I'm glad you said it Beccad! Hubby and I spent about 30 mins last night looking at the 'positive' tests on there... and struggled to see a line on about 90% of them. My attitude is that if it can't be seen with the naked eye its a negative, and if I go down the route of scanning tests in and digitally altering them then that way madness lies. I can completely understand there wanting to be a line, but sometimes you need to call a spade a spade no matter how much it hurts.

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