The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

Well AF def came. Boo. Kinda bittersweet. Good that I get to start TTC 2 days sooner but bad that my LP is now even shorter. Oh well. Hopefully my cycle figures itself out this month....
I am offically TTC!!!!! HOORAY!! I made it!!
Off to go and change my tickers!! :)

Swan, sorry you're feeling sick but YEY for morning sickness eh!
Hi all :D

Sorry i haven't been keeping up with everybody!

I've managed to get a hold of a few piccys :D

In most of them i'm not even paying attention and the one i look like i'm squatting in :haha: but i'm mid dance :D

Oh and the one of me in the hotel room is when i just walked in at 3 am :haha: i don't look half bad tbh for the end of the night lol


more to come.....


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i'm the one in the purple dress btw lol and in the one photo i have a paper hat on my head because one or the girls was doing napkin folding for her talent! :thumbup:



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Wanabmummy, your pictures are great. Thanks for showing. LOL at the “napking folding talent”.
Yay! Looks fun WannaBmummy! Thanks for sharing the pictures with us! :)

Congratulations on TTC this cycle Snowflakes! Hooray!
lu-is, i know i just dont no whats going on, i felt just like a real mess. the thing is i hate waiting which is silly
as i have to wait but i cant change it, this is what i have always liked. yesterday just really wasnt my day i felt so sad and upset, to
make matters worse i thought i paid for zumba and didnt so i had to rush around looking for money for it
then when i got there i felt so tierd and it really felt a chore. THEN i fell over in the middle of everyone and hurt my ankle
i just sat on the bench and laughed and cried.. i just felt like a big prat. thank you for caring tho. x

Snow- congrats on the tring welome to the world of stress! and hopefully your cycles will work themselves out, ou body really likes to mess us around!

Mazzy- woah i belive ou can do it if not just leave the zip open hehe.

Swan- hello, thanks again for caring and sorry to youall for moaning. my lmp was 28may, this is the thing i have no signs of ovulation,
so its confusing me did i ovulate megga early due to coming off the pill 2months ago, as we have dtd everday since 1st june. when i was on the pill
i would have my 21 pills, then the pill free break and every month it took 5days to start, my first real period which was last mnth, was 36days.
i have got the kit for my temps but got with confused with what i was doing so i will start it next month, do i start it on my first day of period?
i was at the doctors yesterday about my iron, and i told her all the signs and she said if we go by a 28day month which will be this friday if i have
not started go back on this monday coming up to check for pregancy. she did say a sign of pregancy so im still none the wiser.
thank you again for helping me.
also she took more blood from me as my iron keeps dropping and ferrtin dispite taking pretnats and changing my diet n exercise
so thats on my mind too, they think my body can not store iron which is not a good thing. so im waiting on them results.
are ou being sick or just that feeling? im not sure which is worse! does food taste different to you?

meadows- thank you, i really hope i get answers, either way but hoping for the good way!. woo hope you do ovulate and enter that tww in a postive spirts.
thats whats annoyed me most, as i have not had any signs im ovulating so i dont feel like im in the run in but had all the signs of being preggers,
when i was wating to ovulate. ahh.

wannabmumy- you look really good looks like a fun night, and bet it was nice to let your hair down! and wear a paper hat hahah. you look pretty good for
turning in at 3am, i would of been asleep!

sorry again for the moan, and bloody ankle hurts this morning from falling over at zumba!!!!
thanks for being here girls x
sorry for all the spelling mistakes my laptop is sticking with keys!
Hi girls, sorry I'm not able to catch up with everyone. I'm all over the place at the moment - literally!

As you know I've been up around my home town for work, then over to the coast. I was meant to fly home from the coast tomorrow morning but due to the stupid ash cloud we knew my flight would be delayed or cancelled. So I didn't want to risk being stuck in Sydney for hours or days (by myself) and miss getting back to Melbourne for the big trip on Friday, so my wonderful parents are driving me most of the way back to Melbourne (10 hours!) tomorrow, where my husband will come and pick me up and we'll drive the rest of way home (3 hours). Then it'll be all preparations go for re-packing and getting to that flight to the USA. It looks as if the ash cloud is moving so we should be right to go then.

Anyway, so we've already driven the 3.5 hours tonight back home so I must go get some sleep before the big drive tomorrow.

I hope everyone is well.

Safe travels Poppie! So sweet of them to take you there. <3 Hope you have a wonderful and safe trip to the States as well! Your TTC is quickly approaching!

Great pics WanaB! Looks like you ladies had a blast!

Aw Kimberley. :hugs: Well hopefully they have answers for you soon. As for temping, you can begin however early or late you choose. You can even start now, just to get yourself into the habit of doing it. :) That way, when your next cycle begins (if it does, anyway! if you're pg then obv not lol), you'll be raring to go. And don't apologize, at all. BNB is meant for pouring out all emotions connected to WTT, TTC, pregnancy and parenting. It's what we're here for, love! :D

I'm not throwing up, yet. Just suffering intense nausea, pretty much nonstop. Today has been a little better than yesterday thus far, but that's not saying a lot. I also feel as though I may be getting sick, but difficult to gauge all the various symptoms and differentiate between whether they're pregnancy-related or not. So giving it a few days to see. In exactly a week, I'll be meeting the doctor and my baby for the first time! So I'm pretty excited. :) Just munching on lots of saltine crackers and hoping to get through another workday without too much hassle.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday! xo
thank you swan, means alot. im just going to have to wait, which is the hard point but i need to learn. aw bless you, is it like the hangover sickness?
wow thats gone quick i cant wait to see your scan pic it will make it ever so real :)
:hug: Kimberley. Sorry you're feeling so down about everything.
thank you becca, i hope i get the answer i want if its a 28day cycle af will be due friday. if its a 36day again it will be 02july just before my birthday, 03july the third not sure which is worst.. lol
I hope it comes friday kimberly.
2nd july is my birthday woohoo xx
Oooh there are birthday's coming up! :)

:hugs: for Kimberley. and a group :hugs: for everyone!

I'm finally feeling better today, think I took care of my issue.. stomache's not hurting now. I've decided I don't feel pregnant, which is fine I'm only like 7dpo (maybe only 6dpo - thinking back I might've counted the afternoon I got a pos OPK as 0dpo which may or may not be accurate).
pink i dont want af at all lol.
one day between us good o cancers eh :)
thank you lu-is back to you. but my day gets worse lol put three and half pounds on at weight watches tonight.
glad our tummy doesnt hurt. and i hope you are preggers :) why dont you feel it?
dont you ever feel ike you didnt read anything as if we didnt no we wouldnt spot or no if that makes sense. we wouldnt worry about all the other possible things that could happen. iggnorance is bliss. wish we had it x
yay for upcoming birthdays!!!! <3

and yeah, it's similar to a hangover, really. just non-stop nausea. though I lie, because mine has tapered off at points today then returns. I've heard the key is keeping your stomach a little full, but not completely, basically all-day. so I keep chomping on minor things almost all day. a cracker here, lunch, then a few crackers there. that kind of thing. lol. today's been better than yesterday but I still just feel generally weird.

but MS is a sign of healthy pregnancy, they say, so I'll gladly take it, if that's the truth!

and I feel that way a lot, kimberley. there were days I wish I didn't know PG symptoms while the TWW was ongoing. there are days I wish I didn't know m/c, ectopic, etc symptoms because I am always "waiting" for something 'suspicious' to appear. ignorance truly can be bliss sometimes. though in other ways, I'm glad we're better aware of things now - to better know what's a bad sign to hopefully get medical attention faster.

it's bittersweet, really. lol.
oh ps, I'm glad you're feeling better lu-is! what a relief!
i know as its horrible to keep worrying all the time. but hey ho like you said we can then sort something out. i keep thinking i am as the signs really are not going anywhere. but then i dont want to belive i am just beause if im not i will be really sad. but if i am it will be a a gift from somewhere as i have no idea how it happened lol. well obv the basics but not when it happend.

i bet your so excited :D have ou put on any weight from the bloating? x

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