The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

I am on the run so I'll do a complete and thorough check-in with everyone tomorrow, but no worries to the ladies who got :bfn:s today!

I tested with FMU at 9 DPO and got a :bfn: and then FMU at 11 DPO turned into my :bfp:s! So you're definitely not out yet. I had sworn not to test until my period was late, for fear of the sadness of seeing a -, but we were going out with friends so I wanted to make sure nothing was brewing in case I had a drink.

So you're def still in the game! Good luck!


I'll re-read tomorrow and catch up with ya'll! Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Hey ladies.

I'm starting to make a plan for our 1st month of trying! How many days before OV are you girls starting to BD? I think I am going to BD everyday for 5 days before + the day of OV. So like 6 days in a row. Hubby is going to be super happy about that and I am going so exhausted! Is that too much? Should we only do like 4 days + day of OV?

I have never been so excited for AF to come. She better be here Wednesday as planned!!
Kimberley and Dinah, FX’d!

I don’t think I’ve ovulated either. The OPK’s are lighter than darker than lighter and my CM is creamy. I blame it all on the BCP. Hopefully next cycle will be better. I doubt I’ll see BFP this month.
I'm back from my rafting trip! We had so much fun! (I'm the one in the middle left with sunglasses.) I recommend it to anyone!



Well, the deal with the baby crib fell through. Too bad. It was a really pretty. Oh well. I'm sure another one will come along. It's not like I don't have time!

I see that lots of people are confused with trying to determine if/ when they're ovulating. Me too. I've started temping, but don't see any patterns yet. Since I just stopped BC, I'm sure it'll take a couple months for me to ovulate. Though it would be such a nice surprise if I did start right away! If I learn anything you ladies haven't heard yet that will make things easier, I'll be sure to let you know!

Good luck to all the JuneBugs!
Snowflakes - We BD'd approx every second day, sometimes two days in a row starting right after my AF ended, but I think 5-6 days before suspected ovulation would be good. and maybe a couple days after in case you ovulate later than you think.

Wannabemommy - glad you had fun with the hen party! it's a shame your camera didn't work.

Becca & Dinah - I agree, if you can't see a line, perhaps it just isn't there. Tweaking and all that just seems like too much hassle. Try again in a day or two and see what the test has to say.

CeeDee - Sorry to hear about your ovulation problems. Have you guys been BDing all cycle just in case? If it helps, I didn't get a positive OPK until CD17. suddenly I had ovulation symptoms and voila pos.

Nanners - Welcome back! rafting looks like it was fun!

As for me, I'm now driving myself crazy thinking of symptoms. I keep telling myself it's too early. Seriously though, my nipples still haven't stopped hurting (6 days of this is enough lol) and I've still got cramps. I think the cramps might be constipation (tmi, sorry) which is also making me frustrated.
Dinah, I totally understand where you're coming from with th symptoms driving you mad - I had appalling sore boobs last month, cramps, spotting etc. You don't want to get your hopes up but something isn't 'normal' as such, as it would be in a non ttc cycle, so you can't help but wonder about it all...

Snowflakes Yes you are going to be exhausted I reckon :haha: every other day is probably fine but if you want to do it every night, the swansongxx approach to TTC then go for it! I'd also carry on a couple of days after ovulation too, just to be on the safe side.

Wanabmummy glad you had a fab hen do - would be great to see some photos if you can get hold of some.

Nanner. Your rafting trip looks pretty hardcore! Looks like fun!

Ceedee I hope ovulation happens soon for you. I guess maybe it takes a while sometimes after the bcp :hugs:

Lu-is sorry the symptoms are driving you mad!
Hi girls!

Poppie, only a few days away now! Very exciting!

Dinah, good luck with the testing, I know it is hard not to test early, but really hoping you get a good result soon!

CeeDee & Nanner, I think ovulation is really confusing, especially after coming off the BCP, I'm just ovulating now after lots of dark and light OPK's, finally it is very positive now, but it has been a case of testing every day for the last 2 weeks or so!

Hope everyone else is ok. What a journey this is, seems to be a lot of waiting and expecting and all sorts of emotions, of course it will all be worth it in the end! But is certainly feels quite hard work!
We BD-d 4 of the 5 days leading up to O, the day of O and the day after... then collapsed in a heap for nearly a week! We're usually 4 or 5 times a week minimum, but I think we only missed 2 days in the 13 days between end of AF and just after O - and it was twice or 3 times a day on at least 3 occassions.

10DPO now - probably still a bit early? I'm wondering if I've projected this quesyness because I think I am pg, rather than actually being quesy!

DH not well today, first day off work in 2 years, lots of dizzyness, tingling in his arm, blurred vision. Going to the docs at lunchtime. Bit worried tbh.

OV sysmptoms are the EWCM and even +opk as these both signal an increase in hormones, however you can get this without OV (basically the build up but not quite enough to get over the final hurdle and release the egg), it's the temp rise that signals an egg was actually released, so this is the reassuring sign to be watching out for if you want to know for certain if you are OVing after coming off contraception.
:sad2: Hi Girls,! I have just had my first dress fitting and i have to lose 6 inches from boobs waist and bum in 5 weeks! Its doable but im GUTTED :cry:

No news on baby making front as had my parents staying for a week and our walls are very thin :blush:

Hope you are all ok x
Lu-is we’ve been BD every 2 days. I was thinking about not testing anymore this cycle, but after reading what MrsMel said I might continue to test.

Are you going to test in 5 days?

Nanner, rafting looks scary to me. Yikes!

MrsMel, that gives me hope. I might test again today and buy some more opks and keep testing this month.

Mazzy, sorry about your dress fitting. You can do it!
Thanks for the insight girls! Us June Bugs are the best. I knew I count on y'all to give me some answers.

A bit nervous. My BBT dropped A TON this AM! I think AF is coming early and I am pretty upset bc that would mean my LP changed again! I have had a perfect 13 day LP for months then last month it dropped to 12 days and if AF comes today it will have dropped to 11 this month. Not good. Not happy about that. The only thing I can think is that I was a mouth breather or colder than usual in the house lastnight. IDK..... ugh!! AF please hold out at least another day to have a good consistant LP!!

Nanner - welcome back! Sweet pics!

Mazzy - Sorry! It is totally doable!! I know you can do it!

lu-is - all crossables crossed for you!!

cee-dee- keep opking! It might come later than you think!!
BCP can be such a :witch: sometimes, CeeDee. >.< Especially with messing around with ovulation and such. But I recall reading other women who did ovulate and their OPKs kind of went wonky. Hopefully just a fluke!

Snowflakes, every person&#8217;s pretty different on their approach. Some people BD every other day until 4-5 days before Ov, then every day until 1-2 days after Ov. Some people just BD every other day until Ov happens. We were bangin&#8217; like bunnies on the cruise and BDed almost every day leading up to Ov. :lol: Do what is comfortable for you! Sorry to hear your LP is being crappy, too! But hey, AF is not here yet. So maybe it&#8217;s just a fluke drop. I&#8217;ve had those before!

Sorry to hear about the crib Nanner! Your photos from rafting are awesome &#8211; glad you enjoyed yourself!

It&#8217;s so hard not to SS, Lu-is! I understand that completely. I&#8217;m sorry to hear you&#8217;re feeling a bit down right now though (physically, I mean). I hope everything feels better for you soon &#8211; constipation is NO fun!

Hope you&#8217;re feeling better soon Dinah! Queasiness is another not-fun symptom, no matter what the cause. /: Ick!

Aw Mazzy, so sorry to hear about the dress! That&#8217;s insane &#8211; are they incapable of altering it at all?

Poppie your trip is quickly approaching, so exciting for you!

How are you feeling Singers??

Glad you had a fun hen weekend WanaB! :D I would love to see pics once you can snag some from somebody! ;D

Kimberley are you feeling any better? Hope so!

Congrats on AF arriving for you Pink! Now the fun and games begin, eh? :D

I&#8217;m so sorry to hear about the TTC difficulties Jelly! :( You&#8217;re right, it&#8217;s sensible but that doesn&#8217;t mean it&#8217;s easy to accept. Thoughts and prayers with you at this time, love, I hope they figure it out for you soon!

Becca, Mrs Mel, Jess, WelshMum, Simno; so many others &#8211; I hope you&#8217;re all doing well! I&#8217;ve fallen so far behind and I don&#8217;t want to leave anyone out but knowing my forgetfulness, it&#8217;s inevitable. My apologies to anyone I've missed, it's completely and entirely unintentional!

And sheesh, I think I&#8217;m finally caught up. <3

AFM, I&#8217;m tired and have very little appetite. Not quite morning sickness, but I feel no desire to eat despite getting hungry, then I get nauseous from being hungry, then I feel nauseous from forcing myself to eat. Vicious cycle. A week from tomorrow, we get to see our first US. I&#8217;m pretty excited! Nervous too, but trying not to be as that&#8217;s foolish. At this point, what will happen and is meant to be, will happen. I just need to do my part. =)

I&#8217;d love a nap and it&#8217;s only 9am. Still have 8 more hours until I leave this place (work). I plan on dinner, hopefully a walk with the dog and then getting to bed super early tonight. I wake up during most of the nights now, so I need to work on sleeping earlier to compensate for the restlessness.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Monday and I look forward to hearing more testing news soon! =) xox
well i just sad here and cried. i feel rather sad, and im not 100% sre why well i do know a little bit but i dont know i just feel like im completely lost in this. i have no idea where in my cycle i am and what the hell is going on, i just want to no now and i wish it was good news. and im sitting here thinking if itsnot good news then im going to have to go through all of this again. and thats what im scared off. i just dont get it.

nipples are leaking
weird taste in my mouth at all times
not feeling as sick as i was last week but it is a little.
and creamy cm
spotty skin.
and so on... but then am i thinking am i making these all up making my body belive this is happening. im so confused and so i dont no.. but if its not being pregant why is my boobs eaking and all the other signs.. have i really gone made and made my body do all this just by the power off my mind. grr so sorry for moaning and mooping i just feel sad :( sorry
HI girls no real updates here tbh. I lost 1lbs today. 9lbs and i will be 11st wooohoo.
Nanner the pics look great. xx
Hope everyone is ok and we see our next bfp soon xx
congrats on the weight loss pink!

Kimberley - :hugs: I'm sorry you're feeling so blue today. :( Wecan hope that it's hormones making you all emotional. It is so hard to tell if something is a real PGsymptom, made up/in our head, or a symptom of something else. Any time I thought I might be PG it has always felt different from the previous,. I want to know, how will I feel when I actually am pregnant?

Swanx - Good catch up! Impressive! I am feeling a bit better today (yup constipation is way too frustrating).

Snowflakes- I hope that AF does not come right away and shorten your LP. I'll beat up that :witch: for you.

CeeDee - I think I might test in 5 days (Saturday) if it's neg I'll give AF a couple days to show up. Since it's my first cycle after BCP I'm only guessing when my period will start.

Mazzy - You can do! I'll be rooting for you. You will look amazing for your wedding, I can't wait to see pictures. Oh yes, and you could try to BD very very quietly. :) Think of it as an adventure.
6" that's insane Mazzy - is that in total or in each place?! I can't imagine loosing 6" off your boobs in 5 weeks.
Well AF def came. Boo. Kinda bittersweet. Good that I get to start TTC 2 days sooner but bad that my LP is now even shorter. Oh well. Hopefully my cycle figures itself out this month....
I am offically TTC!!!!! HOORAY!! I made it!!
Off to go and change my tickers!! :)
Dang Snowflakes, sorry to hear it! But that's okay, you may return to 13 days this coming cycle, you never know! Hopefully, you won't have any LP because it'll turn into a :bfp:!

Sorry you're having a rough day Kimberley. What's the date of your LMP? Do you have any idea how long your cycles have been in the past? I'd definitely suggest charting in the future - if this isn't a :bfp: anyway! - to help you have some sanity with knowing where in your cycle you're at currently. Especially since each woman ovulates at a different time within their cycle, it may help you have a better grasp on things, especially since it's so easy to be stressed during TTC.

If you've never had your nipples leak before though, I'd definitely give your OBG a call. I did some hunting and apparently it does happen to women, even if they're not pregnant, but since you appear you've never had that before, I'd give them a ring. If nothing else, they may be able to give you some reassurance!

xo thoughts are with you love!

I'm suffering awful morning sickness that hasn't gone away since about 9:30 am. It's now 3:30 pm. Woof. lol.
Hello ladies!

As always....lots going on....I really can't keep up!! Kimberley.....sorry to hear that you're feeling sad, I hope that changes and that you get you're BFP soon.....

Snowflakes we are on our first cycle of TTC and have decided to BD every other day since AF finished to AF turning up again....or not as the case may be?! I'm not charting or anything this month just to see how things go, but may well change my mind if nothing happens after a few months...who knows!!! What are your plans then? It's all very exciting!!!

Well i'm curently CD12, so should be ovulating in the next couple of days......fingers crossed!!

Good luck to to you all on this long journey of WAITING (regardless of what stage ur at!!)

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