The new Gender Specific Hopefuls thread (2014)

Don't give up u have as much chance as any other woman to have a girl
I think I might use them if I try again if its just about making my lady parts more acidic I'm sure I could do that lol I was actually quite gob smacked when I seen them but I'll give it a go if I ever get the chance of another!!!

We have finally got round to buying a 7seater yay we can go out as a family now haha

Mother I have took myself off Facebook cause everyone is having girls and its depressing me xx
i've got a couple of friends having boys after 3/4 girls and even thats bringing me down because they get the opposite they longed for. I thought I hadn't seen anything from you though. hugs.
yay for a 7 seater though. we've had one since ds3 was a few months old and our previous car failed its mot in an truely epic fashion. we knew we were going to have more so just went straight for a bigger car.
I've heard some crazy stories about "swaying" where they spin down the sperm and keep it warm then take off the top and insert the bottom because girls are suppose to be heavier and stay at the bottom, then they insert it and put in a tampon with lime juice on it because it's also suppose to favor girl!!
I've heard all sorts of stuff in extreme swaying like that. Bit much for me. I want to know that I gave it a shot, but don't want to become obsessed, because being obsessed in itself can raise testosterone and sway boy! Boy sways tend to be more successful than girl sways, whether thats because a higher percentage of boys are born each year than girls (a tiny difference, like 51/49 or similar) or if its because it would seem easier for those who naturally do things in a girl friendly pattern to switch to boy friendly.
I often think it would be my luck if I decided I most definitely did not want a girl after all and wanted to sway to make sure I got a 5th boy that I'd end up with a girl LOL
Lime juice would not be pleasant up ya chuff lmao I suppose its about how much you want to do to try for your dream gender!

My friend has 2 of each and when I was on about a girl she was like they aren't worth it lol she then said eeee that sounded terrible but ya know what I mean she says her boys were no bother (one is autistic) compared to the girls xx
I also know someone who's made a similar comment about girls (she has 2 girls and 1 boy) and wishes she had all boys because the 2 girls fight so badly.
I know someone who stood in the school playground and openly told me that if her 3rd had been another boy she'd have gone abroad to go HT. She got 2 boys and then 2 girls. Always said she'd have been happy with 4 girls. She recently admitted to one of the other Mums that she wants 2 more boys and her girls are so difficult she wishes they were all boys.
But I still don't believe that at that age (4 and 2) it can be a gender thing, its a personality thing. My boys are all so different and some are harder work than others.
I probably know just as many people who swear girls are easier than boys.
I also know someone who's made a similar comment about girls (she has 2 girls and 1 boy) and wishes she had all boys because the 2 girls fight so badly.

if she had all boys then her boys would all fight. heck i used to fight with my brothers anyway. but my boys will fight in every sense of the word, from bickering, to shouting and raving, to constantly poking and kicking as they pass each other, to having to physically drag them apart and clean up blood from noses and mouths.
I think boys fight just as much and maybe its worse having more than 1 girl but we just want 1 so should be fine lol x
Lol I've heard from a lot of people that girls are harder than boys, and would always tell me at least you don't have 3 girls! Which growing up I never wanted girls
I also know someone who's made a similar comment about girls (she has 2 girls and 1 boy) and wishes she had all boys because the 2 girls fight so badly.

if she had all boys then her boys would all fight. heck i used to fight with my brothers anyway. but my boys will fight in every sense of the word, from bickering, to shouting and raving, to constantly poking and kicking as they pass each other, to having to physically drag them apart and clean up blood from noses and mouths.

I think siblings just fight, period.

My mum had one of each and my brother and I used to knock 7 bells out of each other at times :haha:

My ex and the boys' dad is 1 of 4 boys and the stories he's told me about their arguments are just as bad so I think it's just one of those things.

It's silly though that people who comment about their girls being hard make me sad cause I'd love just one girl lol.

growing up I just look it for granted I'd have a girl for some reason :shrug:

I have my anatomy scan tomorrow and I'm so nervous.
I don't think anyone ever expects to only have 1 gender of children (unless they only want 1 child lol)
And I do think all siblings fight. And there obviously are differences between boys and girls, I just don't think one gender is harder than the other. I was far, far too good growing up lmao it especially annoys me when people one have 1 of each and either tell me "you got it right with all those boys, I'd rather have 3 more boys over her she's do much harder than he was" or "you poor thing how do you cope, you must be mad. It's got to be so hard with all those boys. My daughter has never been any trouble but I'm tearing my hair out with 1 boy!"
I sometimes think that behaviour is forced upon them with stereotypes you know. Like I know a few people who have only had sisters and then had a boy and when the boy does something naughty they say "well that's boys ain't it. Boys will be boys" or those who treat their girl like a "princess" and actually make her spoilt and them go "girls are such divas!"
Totally agree mother! Yes I do see "boys being boys" playin in the mud and making messes but not rowdy little devils. My niece is a total "diva" but like you said spoilt rotten! She has two older brothers and her parents wanted a girl sooo bad! And she's my mums 2nd grand daughter out of 14 grand kids
I know when they are having fun and running round chasing each other it will be noisy and chaotic and as I said earlier when they fight they really go for it. But I don't think gender can be an excuse. One of my 6 year olds friends was showing his privates off in the playground at lunch, the teacher told his mum and his mum laughed and said boys will be boys! And other things her son does that I'd be really annoyed or really embarrassed about she just writes off as him being a boy.
That's not "just being a boy" my boys know better than to do something like that! And yes when my two oldest fight which is not really often they do go after eachother, but they are both in wrestling but I'd prefer that over punching and hitting any day! Good luck tomorrow pink! I have everything crossed for you!!! Make sure you update, even if you don't find out gender
My eldest went through a phase of being rough with his little brother at one point, I obviously had words with him and when his grandad on his dad's side came to collect him (I'm not with their dad) I told him that he needs to be reprimanded if it happens there too. All he had to say was ah he's just being a boy...

Mate, I don't care if he's got a penis or a vagina the fact is he's being rough and hitting and it's not acceptable! Whenever DS1 misbehaves it's always just being a boy in their eyes it's so frustrating. They have 4 boys they should know because they are male it doesn't mean they're entitled to hit!
Good luck with your scan pink

Motherofboys I get the 5 BOYS you must be mad, don't know how you do it, bet that keeps you busy comments all the time!! I just say they ain't to bad actually

Someone once said ooo did ya not want a girl like which really pissed me off I thought why say that even if I didn't want one not like I could choose is it xx
You'd be busy with 5 kids regardless of the genders of them! even if you had 3 girls and 2 boys or 3 boys and 2 girls... Whatever the mix you'd be busy. People are dim.

I get the 'you're fond of a treat' and I'm only on #3 :dohh:
I'll update on my scan as soon as I can, I'm gonna try and keep a lookout for bits... Think a penis would be obvious surely?

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