The new Gender Specific Hopefuls thread (2014)

Thanks mother and thank you for all the support u have given :hugs:
Congrats, nickyb!

Pinkribbon, I just checked and I don't see a nub on your 12-week scan at all. The genitals aren't even very distinguishable at 12 weeks that there's no way you'd be able to tell a penis from a labia since they both look like outward protrusions. The nub angle is really the best clue, but I really don't see it. I'm horrible at skull predictions, though, but are others guessing at all based on that?
No nobody's guessed boy on skull, but I haven't asked for skull guesses on it. A couple of friends say it looks girly as it looks totally different from my other two, but it's a biologically different father so I think it's just a different face to the other two :shrug:

Nicky that's fantastic, I had a good feeling about you getting the result you wanted. You must be on cloud 9, enjoy shopping pink!
congrats nicky! so happy for you. Mother have you read into soy and how that affects your cycle i think it is also suppose to lengthen your lf, and it also sways girl i think??
i've heard of it acting like a natural clomid and helping with O, and also about swaying pink, but not sure on LP. I will look into it though.
sounds good mother, let me know what you find out!
Thanks for the congrats everyone I hope all of u get yours too xx
i had a quick look myself but was getting mixed answers so i asked on gender dreaming
Had a bit of a heart to heart with my OH last night about how I was feeling about all of the gender issues and he said he's really worried about going for a 4th if this is another boy (we would possibly go for a 4th even if it's a girl) because he's seeing how upset it's making me.

I feel like I'm not lucky enough to get a daughter and i'm in denial that it's a boy. :nope:
We had agreed to 5 while I was still pregnant with number 3. So regardless of gender we'd have been going for number 5 at some point, possibly even a 6th. But when we found out number 4 was another boy DH changed his mind about a 5th. He was disappointed as well and felt like what was the point when he obviously can't make girls. He has got past that now, and wants a 5th, but he also is convinced that we can only have boys and I'm fighting a losing battle even thinking about swaying.
I'm not sure I have faith in swaying. I've seen people do hardcore sways and still get the opposite of what they want. Think that's all it is, a sway.

All that being said and done I'd probably still sway so at least I know I've done something or feel like I'm trying as much as I can or whatever.

I got all tearful last night, feels like everyone is going to have desired gender other than me although I know that's not strictly true lol
I think of swaying as trying to achieve more balanced odds. Like without it I have a 20% chance of a girl but with it I have a 40% chance of a girl. Still not great but better than before. The problem is that things like stressing about a perfect sway, can actually sway boy because it raises your testosterone levels. I'm trying to be as relaxed as possible and do a middle ground kind of sway but its hard not to obsess. When I was TTC last time I was so obsessed with TTC, charting, temping, opking, checking cp and cm etc that I probably didn't help myself.
I just want to be able to say that I tried something different. I know that my whole life style was boy friendly with my others. I don't want to just completely write it off and then when I get another boy go "I wonder if I had done that"
I'm sure if I could afford to just keep having babies I would eventually get a girl, but I might have to have 10 boys first LOL But I don't have that option so I think its worth a go, whether it works or not. It lets me feel like I'm doing something to try to make a difference.
I can totally get that :thumbup:

This time according to shettles it would have swayed girl but I think both our diets were boy swaying, we both ate a ton of crap the month I conceived!

Think I'm slowly losing the plot! I was looking for a birthday card for a friends daughter and the new baby cards were right next to them. Couldn't have sworn I read 'congratulations, it's just a boy'

Had to do a double take and realise I didn't see just :rofl:
Totally out the loop just read what I've missed

I'm in Newcastle

Congrats nicky really pleased for you!!

Pink you will love baby regardless trust me!! Did you OH say its defo off the cards still to find out after your talk??

Mother ingnore your friend so what if you have 5 boy even 10 boys that's up to you nowt to do with her!!!! The cheek of some people xxx
The away thing I'm not sure about I think if I do have another ill do the test strip things and change the environment through foods to sway girl but that's it I think a sway can stress you which will sway towards boy I'm not convinced that any of it works after all its still a 50/50 chance if I fell pregnant again and lost it like the 4 before Harvey I don't think I would try again as I would know I clearly can't carry girls!!!

On a better note I've just booked a holiday for me my mam and the 2 youngest sun cocktails and a pool heaven lol I'm really looking forward to the break the OH and older boys are going camping (not my thing) lol xx
he still doesn't want to find out. I feel like I'm just depressive so much of the time, it's starting to really impact my family life. :cry:

Thing is, if I find out and confirm it as another boy, I don't know whether that will just make it worse. Honestly feel like such an evil person for just not wanting another boy. I would never admit this openly in real life.

Another day just feeling like I want to burst into tears and lie in bed all day.
I know that feeling Hun, and it really does get better.
I was thinking today, after a complete disaster of a day out yesterday with the car deciding to break while we were in Brighton and the sheer cost for a family our size (with out having to pay for the baby at all) whether I was being selfish to want another. If I had a girl already the decision would be easier, I still wanted a big family but I would be able to use a clearer head and make a choice based on sensibility rather than what my heart wants. It would be sad to say no more, but not quite as heart breaking as saying no girls ever.
I thought about the future in the 2 different scenarios. The idea of saying "ya know what, 4 is plenty." It was freeing. I have spent almost 10 years of my life thinking about wanting a baby, or ttc, or being pregnant, or planning the next one.
To not be thinking about my cycle, and when I'll get pregnant, no worrying about diet, or what I'd do with a 5th boy. I realised actually I could be happy. There are things I could do much sooner if I stopped having babies now, and although I would have moments when I saw the pretty dresses and girly stuff and thought "that would've been nice" there wouldn't be the constant "will I get GD again" fears. Sometimes not knowing if it will be is worse than knowing it won't be.
But then I thought about having another, even another boy. Our day out yesterday was not a disaster because of the boys. We had a fab time while actually there. And walking along the pier, ds4 in the pram the other 3 around me. I was really proud of them and wanted everyone to know they were mine. And I thought I just don't think I can call it a day yet. Even if I have a boy. It's funny I can not imagine a girl now. I always could imagine her, when I was pregnant with ds4 I could even see her, I felt he was a girl, THAT girl in my head. Now I can just see myself with 5 boys, people asking about the baby and me saying 'him' and using the name we have picked out. Of course I still hope and I still try to think of what it's be like to hear the words it's a girl, and how I'd announce that news. But I know it's just a dream now and most of the time that's ok. Although I do still get upset now and then when others hear girl.
That's great mother! So happy you're ok with boy 5 if it comes about. I would say I'm in the same boat. I've come to terms with this being our 4th boy and last baby. Not many people around here have all of one gender

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