The new Gender Specific Hopefuls thread (2014)

I agree rhio! I wish I could see everyone's signature! So sorry pink hoping they are wrong for you! It looks like I'm next for ultrasounds though……mines the 24th of sept. Still going back and forth on finding out or not
Definitely not me, I won’t be finding out until February since we’re declining all future ultrasounds. My husband has no chance to spill the beans now! For some reason, I’m thinking boy though… I had a dream it was a boy, and even though I’ve been 100% wrong when it comes to guessing the sexes of my babies / friends’ babies, I am still guessing boy. Only six months to go before we find out! :haha:
We are ttc ATM, DH really doesn't mind but after 2 boys I'd love a girl.
Welcome, I'll add you to the front page this evening when I can get on the laptop.
And I agree it's annoying at times not being able to see signatures in here.
Feronia is there a reason you've decided to decline future scans? I only ask as it sounds like you were planning to have another scan and have since changed your mind?
Welcome, I'll add you to the front page this evening when I can get on the laptop.
And I agree it's annoying at times not being able to see signatures in here.
Feronia is there a reason you've decided to decline future scans? I only ask as it sounds like you were planning to have another scan and have since changed your mind?

I was going to do the 20-week scan and my DH wanted to find out the sex, but since then I’ve decided that I want to limit exposure. I’ve already had 3 early scans due to a subchorionic hematoma and bleeding, but since I’m fine now (almost 15 weeks) and am low-risk for everything, don’t have a family history of congenital heart defects or other abnormalities, that I’m just going to skip it if I don’t have any indicators to do otherwise. They refused to shorten the scan like I requested with my daughter and it was almost 40 minutes long. :/ I’ll do it if my SIPS blood test comes back with a positive screen or if I have any abnormal symptoms that warrant monitoring, – but so far so good! :thumbup:
Ah I see, I was just curious. Makes sense if there are no concerns that need checking and you've already had extra scans.
Read some of you have done b6? I'm on it at the moment, funnily enough the only 2 people I know who concieved on it both had girls.
Just hoping my period doesn't arrive in 5 days :-(
I've read over the thread and you guys seem like a great group offering a lot of support GD.
My DH has 2 daughters so I was convinced he'd have a 3rd girl with me and thought the baby looked like a girl, got girl vibes. But they checked and he was a boy and I really struggled with it as I thought it'd be our last. (DH took on my son, when we met he was 6 months old and I was single)
I did B6, its supposed to sway blue but it makes such a tiny difference over all that it probably isn't something to worry too much about. I want to avoid it just because I took it before so want to do things differently.
Was your DH hopeful for a boy after having 2 girls? I know a friend of mine had a boy, her partner had a girl, so when she got pregnant she wanted a girl and he wanted a boy.
Interesting, I had no idea B6 swayed boy. I wasn't TTC when I got pregnant this time, but I was on it and vitex and B6 to normalize my cycles since I just got my postpartum cycles back and was breastfeeding. I'm now curious to look up the things that sway in order to see my odds, though I was on vitex (and I think B6, don't really remember) when I conceived my daughter.
vitex is supposed to sway pink, and i think it was believed b6 did, but then they decided it actually swayed blue after more research. I don't understand all of it lol It's something to do with boys being conceived when times are good and they have a better chance at survival and when times are good you are more fertile, girls you actually want to slightly lower your fertility and make your body think times are harder. But it does well to remember with ANY kind of swaying or predictions that people get boy/girl twins, and they can't be at both extremes at the same time.
Hmm, it sounds like I was inadvertently swaying for girl, but it's tough to know since I'm vegan and most of the swaying foods are animal derived. However, I'm generally low calorie, very low salt, was taking a calcium, magnesium, and vitamin C supplement, and my urine was very acidic (it was tested in early pregnancy -- it was the lowest it could be), so those things seem to help sway "girl." I was also taking low-dose aspirin, which apparently also sways girl? Though I was on B6 complex for a while for low progesterone (boy) and also had sex the day of ovulation (boy). Hmmmm...
It does sound that way, and probably the fact you wasn't trying to sway would also go in a girl favour. What a lot of girl swayers do is cut down/out meat too, especially red meat. But even the perfect sways fail so who knows. I checked back on the first page though and you are hoping for a second girl right?
Its too complicated ive had friends who have dtd on ovulation and of course they get the giRL

i was on clomid this time and some say that sways for having a girl but i really dont think so since ive already had a boy on clomid
yeah i've got both boy and girl timings. And was talking to someone with 4 girls ttc a boy and our pre-sway diets are very similar. I just want to be able to say I tried something different so I don't always wonder.
Yeah, I'd like a girl very much. I am the oldest and have a younger brother, and we did not get along at all growing up. The kids I know of the same sex got along much better, but of course I know this isn't a universal rule. I'm probably just letting my own experience of a younger brother affect my preferences for children, but overall I would prefer two of the same sex...
I have twin brother 13 months younger than me and we were so close, where as all my friend with sisters fought all the time and were always complaining "I'm not talking to her" so it doesn't have to be that way, but I know that our own experiences do impact on our desire. I did have a preference for boys because of my experiences, but now I've got the boys I wanted I feel a girl is missing from the equation. Funny how things can change.
Hehe, yeah, rationally I know that it's more personality than sex. It is funny how things can change! I do hope you get your girl!

I was just reading this post that explains that timing BD and the Shettles method doesn't work at all: What do you guys think? I know it wasn't true with my DD since we had sex the day before O, so maybe diet affects more than timing. Or maybe nothing affects anything and we're bound to find associations when your odds are a coin flip each time! :haha:
How come it doesn't show our pics?

Made homemade pizza tonight it was amazing for my 1st time don't think I'll ever order pizza again !
I wish there was a way admin could temporarily ban me from gender prediction! Ugh. Not even had my 12 week scan yet, and I'm anxious about nubs and all that. Determined to relax and let it be, but oh my god. If I'd never discovered gender prediction theories, I could relax :(
Aaaaand it's 6am, been awake for hours with HG, called in sick to work, and now, Sod's law, I feel like I could eat something and go on with my day.

But I'm wide awake, and nothing makes sense. Why do I want a girl so much? I had/have a terrible relationship with my own mum. I have the sweetest, most affectionate, friendliest little almost 4 year old boy ever, I'm so blessed. Surely I should be grateful whatever this baby is? I'd be very blessed to have another little boy like him, and I know it, but I can't stop wanting a daughter so so so badly :sad1:

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